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Gamespot: EA's New Empire = An Interview with Peter Moore

Interesting interview with Peter Moore.


This was the most interesting exchange Regarding EA Access. Interested to see what's behind the deal.

Do you still want to see EA Access on PlayStation 4?

Doesn't matter. It's on Xbox One, and those customers love it. We have analytics on everything these days, and subscriber satisfaction rates are through the roof. EA Access customers get to play more, because of the Vault, they get to play early, ahead of general release date, and they get to pay less because of the discounts it offers.

So, consumers love it. It's doing well. If you expand to another console, business will be even better, right?

But it's not. It's on Xbox One.

I'm curious about what you're saying. Is this part of a deal with Microsoft now?

It's on Xbox One-

[Interrupting] Do you want to talk about this?

Well Sony talked about it, ask them [laughs]. There's not much left for me to say.
"Doesn't matter."



As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Yeah but if eliminate the sample bias and include non-subscribers, the customer satisfaction statistic is much lower.


Yeah but if eliminate the sample bias and include non-subscribers, the customer satisfaction statistic is much lower.

Wait, you want to include the satisfaction statistics of people who haven't even tried it, in order to cast it in a negative light?



extra source of jiggaflops
I like how casual he talks about "building a studio around" Jade Raymond because she wrote him on Facebook.

No biggie.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Wait, you want to include the satisfaction statistics of people who haven't even tried it, in order to cast it in a negative light?


I forgot /sarcasm

Though I do always find it a weak argument to trot out internal survey results.


Well he is right.

Didn't Sony dismiss the idea of supporting such a system on PS4? In which case it doesn't matter if people want it or not. EA can't change that decision unless they find a way for Sony to approve it


Junior Member
While I get that Moore is pretty bullheaded, I can't blame him for taking the stance that their SaaS model on Xbone is working, they currently don't see the need to expand to any other console (PS4) or otherwise.

From a business perspective, I understand that and it seems like GS is taking the cliche of "well more customers = more profit right?" Yeah... not always.

As for seeing it on the PS4 or anything else, If Sony said no, I don't see them changing their mind.


While I get that Moore is pretty bullheaded, I can't blame him for taking the stance that their SaaS model on Xbone is working, they currently don't see the need to expand to any other console (PS4) or otherwise.

From a business perspective, I understand that and it seems like GS is taking the cliche of "well more customers = more profit right?" Yeah... not always.

As for seeing it on the PS4 or anything else, If Sony said no, I don't see them changing their mind.

It isn't that they don't want to be on another console, but likely that Sony won't allow it - http://www.gamespot.com/articles/sony-said-no-to-ps4-ea-access-program-because-its-/1100-6421390/


There's not much left for me to say

Indeed. Not much left to do either. They built the service, Sony doesn't want it, it's off his hands now. I don't know what he could say to convince them, except ask them "pretty please ?" every day.
Not much to do to make the service more attractive either, it's already a ridiculous bargain.
I'm more than happy with EA Access. I just downloaded DA:I the other day, gained access to the NHL 16 EASHL beta by getting NHL 15 from the vault, and fell in love with PvZ:GW. All thanks to EA Access. Easily worth the $30, if you play a lot of EA games like I do. Still find it crazy that Sony thinks EA Access doesn't provide enough value to its customers.


Well he is right.

Didn't Sony dismiss the idea of supporting such a system on PS4? In which case it doesn't matter if people want it or not. EA can't change that decision unless they find a way for Sony to approve it

Spot on.

It really doesn't matter if EA wants it or not. Sony said no, end of story.

Sadly, it's a huge loss for PS4 customers since EA Access is a fantastic service... But it is what it is.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
There's no point to even entertain the idea of it on another console. Sony said no, so that's the answer. EA Access is pretty dope, but there's no way you'll see it on a WiiU.


Gold Member
I still wonder why they don't put EA Access on Origin.
Same. The only thing I can think of is that there's some technical limitation in the client / ECommerce infrastructure. That's probably why they're rebranding origin and rebuilding the client thereafter.
Good interview other than the EA Vault and PS4 issues. Do we have any indication that Sony and EA are bettering their relationship?
To your second point, why? Just curious.

I'm afraid that if more publishers jump onto this, they will have to start offering more "exclusive" free stuff. Like if you're not signed up to WB Access, you won't be able to buy DLC for a certain amount of time and stuff like that, where publishers will start to treat normal customers worse to try get them to sign up? I mean I can't exactly word it correctly right now (end of a long day) but I think it could end up kinda anti consumer with a lot of publishers battling it out.
"Doesn't matter."


Except it really doesn't matter. Sony's official stance is that they don't want EA's service on their platforms. I don't think anyone expects the COO of EA to respond along the lines of "Why won't Sony-senpai notice me?". People are better off barking up Sony's tree for a pro-consumer choice.

Lol this guy, why does he sound so salty.
I actually would like to see ea access make its way to ps4.

If he sounds "salty", it might be because Sony went public and called their service bad value. In reality, he's probably not "salty" and maybe just answering the same questions for the umpteenth time.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm afraid that if more publishers jump onto this, they will have to start offering more "exclusive" free stuff. Like if you're not signed up to WB Access, you won't be able to buy DLC for a certain amount of time and stuff like that, where publishers will start to treat normal customers worse to try get them to sign up? I mean I can't exactly word it correctly right now (end of a long day) but I think it could end up kinda anti consumer with a lot of publishers battling it out.

They're already there, though.
Good interview other than the EA Vault and PS4 issues. Do we have any indication that Sony and EA are bettering their relationship?

No, because for some silly reason Sony thinks it can speak for the customers on what they want or don't want. It's incredibly dumb. I'm not forced into EA Access on Xbox so what's the downside? The choice is there if I want it so it should be that way on PS4.
EA will HAPPILY sign marketing deals with Sony over games like Star Wars, so it's obviously not a huge deal that EA Access isn't on Sony platforms.
No, because for some silly reason Sony thinks it can speak for the customers on what they want or don't want. It's incredibly dumb. I'm not forced into EA Access on Xbox so what's the downside? The choice is there if I want it so it should be that way on PS4.

Sony isn't speaking for anyone but itself when it comes to EA Access. I'm sure they pass on games all the time that people are looking to them to publish. Is Sony speaking for you when they don't publish a game as well? I don't think so.


Probably my biggest irritation with Sony this gen was passing up EA access. Why not give your customers the choice? If they don't see the value then they don't have to subscribe.


How'd some of you reach the salty conclusion

dude is right. they said no to him. ball's not in his possession anymore. it's on the other party to pass the ball back and say we'll play


EA access is fantastic, it is a real shame that Sony won't allow it. I don't know why the interview was trying so hard to push it as an EA problem, it clear the blame lies entirely on Sony for not trusting its consumers to make their own choices on what is a good deal.
Sony isn't speaking for anyone but itself when it comes to EA Access. I'm sure they pass on games all the time that people are looking to them to publish. Is Sony speaking for you when they don't publish a game as well? I don't think so.

No, but these are games that are already published. Giving people choice through different ways of purchasing games is a good thing, but for some reason Sony doesn't want anything to do with it.
EA access seems amazing. I bought Fifa 15 a couple weeks back for $30. If I had access I would have that, plus many more titles for about the same price.

He's right to ignore the comment the way he did, why should he throw playstation a mention when they disregarded a service. As a PS4 owner I'm bitter about it.
I didn't realise battlefront doesn't have a single player campaign.

I bet alot of people who don't following gaming won't know either. They'll watch the movie, get hyped and grab this. Going to be alot of pissed off consumers.

Him saying people don't play sp in these types of games is bs. This is a star wars game not bf or cod . Lots of casual gamers are going to be interested and end up disappointed.


EA Access has been Godsend. Best thing is matter when you join you have access to all the vault games unlike with GwG and PS+ where if you haven't been a member you've missed out on all the monthly game give aways. Even though they all require you to remain a member to play the game. Best value in gaming imo.
EA will HAPPILY sign marketing deals with Sony over games like Star Wars, so it's obviously not a huge deal that EA Access isn't on Sony platforms.

Everyone keeps saying EA signed with Sony for the star war deals, but was it truly EA or Disney? Without insider knowledge, if EA had their way, it would signed the deal with Xbox. Almost all disney games has been with sony recently.

Sony wanted the game and knew relationship was bad with EA, went to disney and said lets market all your IPs
I think he is referring to Sony not wanting it on their consoles and he is not going to push them to do it.

I doubt it has much to do with push, Sony rather publicly made their stance on it very clear (which imo they shouldn't have done, give what they said) and he doesn't exactly seem delighted by it. So for now at least it stays only on Xbox One and people on there seem to like it and its doing well for them. I wouldn't be surprised if MS signed them up to a big long deal after Sony's statement, which will please some, but not others.

Im of the opinion they will move it over at some point to PS4 although given that exchange perhaps it will take longer than I thought.


He is still salty Sony killed his Dreamcast.

He's salty Sony turned them down and tried to dismiss the service when it's actually been solid for the price you pay and the games you get along with getting to play early. He's not going to beg someone who doesn't want them.
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