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Gamespot: EA's New Empire = An Interview with Peter Moore


If it's really successfull it will come. If not in this generation it will come with the next one. Each editor will have its own rental system and everyone will be happy.


Really? :) , I am really liking it so far. I just closed the first big portal and got the first achievement. Is it all downhill from there?

it was pretty downhill from starting for me. to describe the tedium of that game takes way more effort then the game deserves. but lets put it this way. it's more dragon age 2 then it is origins...says it all really. lol


If this was on PC (or if I were to buy a Xbox One) I'd take it in a heartbeat. It's an amazing deal for $30.


Gold Member
Pretty oddly worded. Deal with MS prevents him from even suggesting it might ever happen, I guess? EDIT: Or Sony doesn't want the competition. PS+ is doing pretty well for them I think.

That's my reaction as a PS4 user as well

Yeeep! I really don't care.


Really? :) , I am really liking it so far. I just closed the first big portal and got the first achievement. Is it all downhill from there?

I really liked it, it's no Witcher 3 by any means nor even Dragon Age Origins but still leagues ahead of DA2 and a great RPG on its own, it suffers from repetitive gameplay in the form of fetch quests but those are inconsequential to the storyline itself and just filler. Same way GAF managed to form a circle to discredit Bioshock Infinite as a good game they managed to do the same with DAI.
All those saying they don't want it... Wouldn't you like the choice to decide for yourself? I don't have EA Access for Xbox One either, but that's something I'd like to decide as a consumer and owner of the console. I know a couple people who play games like crazy who have it and love it.

But you have the choice. If EA Access is that important to you then buy a Xbox One and not a Playstation 4.

It was clearly stated by every one that EA Access wont happen on PS4.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
XB1 GwG has been getting better and better, plus BC with 360 GwG games, plus EA Access - I've just got access to so many great games for a pretty marginal fee :)


The Amiga Brotherhood
Why not give us the option?

I don't see why EA can't do a deal with Sony and sell these titles as part of PS+? Take advantage of the echosystem in place and keep it simple.

Could you imagine Apple allowing this in their echosystem or Google for mobile gaming?

Hip Hop

I don't see why EA can't do a deal with Sony and sell these titles as part of PS+? Take advantage of the echosystem in place and keep it simple.

Could you imagine Apple allowing this in their echosystem or Google for mobile gaming?
I really don't see how this being on PS Plus or not affects you in any way, but alright.

Xbox owners using Access must be having it bad right now, I guess.
What's more baffling than Sony's anti consumer decision, is the amount of people who are okay with it. Why would you refuse having a choice!


I think EA Access is a great value, and would have gladly subscribed if Sony gave me the option.
I'd rather get 6-9 month old AAA games included in my subscription, than subject myself to a monthly indie lottery.


I mean, I'm not opposed to it coming to PS4 but I certainly would never pay for it so it doesn't bother me at all.


What's more baffling than Sony's anti consumer decision, is the amount of people who are okay with it. Why would you refuse having a choice!

I've always wondered this myself, personally. It's one thing to not be bothered about it, but I remember when the news first dropped (and to a lesser extent even now) people were pretty much slapping Sony on the back for making this decision for them. Odd.


I don't really want another subscription based service. Maybe it would be different if it were day 1 new games all the time. Or their sports library day 1.


Game Informer has learned that Sony actively rejected EA Access for the PlayStation 4. "We evaluated the EA Access subscription offering and decided that it does not bring the kind of value PlayStation customers have come to expect," Sony said, adding that the success of PS Plus "shows that gamers are looking for memberships that offer a multitude of services, across various devices, for one low price."We don't think asking our fans to pay an additional $5 a month for this EA-specific program represents good value to the PlayStation gamer."

Thanks Sony for deciding what's best for me!
I don't know guys. I have XBL and EA access and it sure is complicated to go into the EA app a single time to download the games then launch them from he library like every single other game I own. And having TWO annual payments to manage a year? C'mon now, I'm a gamer, not a mathematician.


I don't understand how some people (and Sony) would rather it NOT be on PS4. It looks like an amazing value for people who want the games it includes. It's not like they're forcing you to buy the service.

More options are always better.

This is perfect sarcasm xD
I don't know guys. I have XBL and EA access and it sure is complicated to go into the EA app a single time to download the games then launch them from he library like every single other game I own. And having TWO annual payments to manage a year? C'mon now, I'm a gamer, not a mathematician.


I don't know guys. I have XBL and EA access and it sure is complicated to go into the EA app a single time to download the games then launch them from he library like every single other game I own.

If you browse the standard Xbox Store and you see either a game where a trial is available or it's in the Vault via EA Access, it'll give you the option to download it directly from the storefront. Like every single other game.

And having TWO annual payments to manage a year? C'mon now, I'm a gamer, not a mathematician.

Can't tell if serious or...

Hip Hop

If you browse the standard Xbox Store and you see either a game where a trial is available or it's in the Vault via EA Access, it'll give you the option to download it directly from the storefront. Like every single other game.

Can't tell if serious or...
Sarcasm lol


If you browse the standard Xbox Store and you see either a game where a trial is available or it's in the Vault via EA Access, it'll give you the option to download it directly from the storefront. Like every single other game.

Can't tell if serious or...
Its a joke:)


It's of zero interest to me because I buy zero sports games and precious little else from EA currently.

But it seems good value for those who do so its a bit of a shame the options not there.

Sony seem keen to keep it off PS4 though so I'm assuming the idea of a deal is a non starter.

I'm not sure MS are necessarily doing it purely because they want to give the option either. If they were comfortably ahead like Sony in install base I have to wonder if they'd nix it too in preference to pushing their store.

I figure it's on Xbox more because being behind has made MS more open to the idea, sort of like how Sony allowed for of Steam to ship with Portal 2 to get that game onto their ecosystem when they were behind.

I'm not a fan of the idea of lots of subscription services but I do kind of feel the market has to decide hence in principle is back Sony at least giving people the option.


Personally, I wouldn't want to subscribe to both PS+ and EA Access, and I'm not leaving PS+, so for me that's true I guess.

Awesome. Maybe publishers shouldn't consider bringing out specific games that you have no intention of buying on PS4, either?


I don't see why EA can't do a deal with Sony and sell these titles as part of PS+? Take advantage of the echosystem in place and keep it simple.

Could you imagine Apple allowing this in their echosystem or Google for mobile gaming?

You mean like how apple has all these diff music subs on the market.


Awesome. Maybe publishers shouldn't consider bringing out specific games that you have no intention of buying on PS4, either?

It's not quite as simple as allowing it vs. not allowing it. EA Access on the Xbox One is fully integrated with Microsoft's store. You don't need the EA Access App to get the discounts, trials or vault games. It show up on mobile devices and the web just as well. Basically Microsoft built their infrastructure to enable such services and Sony didn't.

Microsoft simply seems to be more open about such things as can also be seen in them adding support for Early Access or Mod Support for Fallout 4. We'll see how those play out but I think it's again a case of Microsoft building a more flexible infrastructure solution that allows for such things.

So in the end it's not purely down to allowing it vs. not allowing it. Sony would have to adapt their infrastructure as well. All in all I guess they see it as more trouble than it's worth. It likely would not attract additional players to their platform and they might miss out on regular sales of those titles (Sony).

From a player perspective it's still pretty bad that Sony doesn't support it. It's not for everyone of course but it still offers quite a bit of value - definitely more so than GwG or PS+ did so far on the PS4/XB1. It made me try out a few games I most likely would not have tried if I had to buy them and so far there hasn't really been games that stuck with me on PS+/GwG.
Seeing as I barely play any EA games on PS4 I'm not too fussed.

I even quit buying FIFA.

The next EA game I buy is Mass Effect and no one is waiting two years for that to show up in the vault in 2018.

If the service comes over that's great, if not it's whatever.
Puld be near for those that want it, and should be an option on PC too, but I can't say I'm bothered personally. Far happier with just PS+, and barely anything on EA access, and EA games in generally, honestly, appeals to me.


So pay a monthly fee for EA games that are already priced at being $20 or less new, or like $5 used?

No I don't want it, nor would I ever feel satisfied with the service. But Playstation should have it so it's users have the option to pay for the subscription if they want it.

I still don't see it as a good value though and I don't want to have anything to do with it.

edit: Just looked at the list of games EA access has.. The only game I would had liked to play (Dragon Age Inquisition) and I already own it and beaten it. So yeah definitely not the service for me, let alone all they have available seems to be sports games. Yeah no.


as for the point at hand his response is weird.

the way he responded is either due to a deal in place with MS or it's based on a conflict of interest with sony while they were trying to get it on PS4?

knowing EA are quite chummy with MS this gen says the former, but could be both i guess.

choice is good though, i wouldn't want it myself since it's an added service for a bunch of games i generally dislike. but it's absence for those who would use it is disappointing.


I do. I already stated that I do. I am talking about people who only own a PS4. There are people in this thread basically saying that choice is a bad thing. It's not a mandatory service, it is an optional subscription.

Talk to Sony, they're the ones that didn't allow EA Access.

as for the point at hand his response is weird.

the way he responded is either due to a deal in place with MS or it's based on a conflict of interest with sony while they were trying to get it on PS4?

knowing EA are quite chummy with MS this gen says the former, but could be both i guess.

choice is good though, i wouldn't want it myself since it's an added service for a bunch of games i generally dislike. but it's absence for those who would use it is disappointing.

It has nothing to do with deals with Microsoft and everything to do with Sony forcing their opinions on what is right for gamers on their whole community.
Let's ask something : every owner of Xbox One here who didn't suscribe to EA Access, can you come forward and explain why ?

For my case, I have to admit despite the value games/price, I feel like I'm nowhere near to suscribe to it. The reason may be simple : like a lot of people I've already a neverending backlog. Thanks to PlayStation +, Games With Gold or recurring sales on PS Store... you could tell me I could access to 30 EA Games for 1 dollar by month, I still would be interested since that would just only overwhelm me more : |

Choice is not a bad thing indeed, but too much choice is not always necessary.
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