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Gamespot - PSP Hands on Impressions


Comparing the PSP controller to the DualShock's, the PSP buttons are too stiff and 'plasticy' for my liking. Even the GBA's buttons have more loose and natural of a feel than the PSP's imo.



The handheld war is over.

Sexy motherfucker

$300 or not, im buying it now, cant resist its sexyness


Will start substantiating his hate
Some people seem surprised that the PSP is a nice piece of kit. Was there ever any doubt? I don't really see what has changed between E3 and now. The games still don't impress and we don't have a final price or info on battery life.


well hardware was never much of an issue. It was going to be stupidly expensive as a result however. Very DCish, 3doish.

Miburou said:
LOL. What is not true? People started calling certain cars sexy because they shared one thing with sexy women, curves.

Cars?, lol, next time you'll compare it to water or something. Why not look at other handhelds? What colour are most handhelds for example?


Deg said:
Cars?, lol, next time you'll compare it to water or something. Why not look at other handhelds? What colour are most handhelds for example?

You know what, why don't you put in a little bit of effort and tell me what exactly are you disagreeing with me on (instead of just "not true")? Is it that black is sexy? Is it that an inanimate object being curvy and sleek is called sexy?


Deg said:
well hardware was never much of an issue. It was going to be stupidly expensive as a result however. Very DCish, 3doish.

Cars?, lol, next time you'll compare it to water or something. Why not look at other handhelds? What colour are most handhelds for example?

are you puposely trying no make no damn sense at all?


Miburou said:
You know what, why don't you put in a little bit of effort and tell me what exactly are you disagreeing with me on (instead of just "not true")? Is it that black is sexy? Is it that an inanimate object being curvy and sleek is called sexy?

I disagreed with your opinion. Silver is by far the most popular colour right now. How many black dominated mobile phone model names do you know off the top of your head however? Black hardly means its sexy.


cybamerc said:
It's gonna look a little less sexy when it's covered by grease marks and scratches though.

get a case. You'd be silly not to. I recommend it for any handheld. Makes it look newer for longer.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
cybamerc said:
Some people seem surprised that the PSP is a nice piece of kit. Was there ever any doubt? I don't really see what has changed between E3 and now. The games still don't impress and we don't have a final price or info on battery life.

Well, to be fair, most early PS2 software was rather weak (surely you remember the Matrix DVD playing on all those PS2s at the E3 prior to its US launch) yet the machince has become arguably the best console this generation. So, the fact that the PSP and DS both have a rather poor initial lineups at this time means little in the grand scheme of things. Just give them time...


Will start substantiating his hate

> get a case. You'd be silly not to.

It's supposed to be worn in a strap around your neck as per Sony marketing. Cases are for geeks.


cybamerc said:
It's gonna look a little less sexy when it's covered by grease marks and scratches though.

Maybe that's how you care for your stuff...I usually keep my stuff lookiing new so it's not a problem here.


dark10x said:
Well, to be fair, most early PS2 software was rather weak (surely you remember the Matrix DVD playing on all those PS2s at the E3 prior to its US launch) yet the machince has become arguably the best console this generation. So, the fact that the PSP and DS both have a rather poor initial lineups at this time means little in the grand scheme of things. Just give them time...

DS and PSP = GC and Xbox at the very best. Too late to affect GBA but there's space for more consoles.

cybamerc said:
It's supposed to be worn in a strap around your neck as per Sony marketing. Cases are for geeks.

I think you got it the wrong way round :p Most wont use a case of course as well. The strap just looks silly however. The case lets you keep it safe in a bag.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
kpop100 said:
Maybe that's how you care for your stuff...I usually keep my stuff lookiing new so it's not a problem here.

Yeah, so I saw this guy carrying a GBA-SP around the other day...and I swear it looked like someone had taken a razor to the damn thing. For a second there, I actually thought it was cybamerc...


Will start substantiating his hate
kpop100 said:
Maybe that's how you care for your stuff...I usually keep my stuff lookiing new so it's not a problem here.
I take excellent care of my things but I don't carry my GBA around with me. In the event that I need to transport it from one location to another I put it in the original box. That's not how most ppl treat a handheld and most ppl don't invest in special protective gear either.


cybamerc said:
I take excellent care of my things but I don't carry my GBA around with me. In the event that I need to transport it from one location to another I put it in the original box. That's not how most ppl treat a handheld and most ppl don't invest in special protective gear either.

If you have a GBASP you can also use a digital camera case/cover which does the same job as the GBASP cases anyway.


cybamerc said:
I take excellent care of my things but I don't carry my GBA around with me. In the event that I need to transport it from one location to another I put it in the original box. That's not how most ppl treat a handheld and most ppl don't invest in special protective gear either.

bah I only worry about my stuff...I don't care if the average person uses their PSP for a load rag, as long as mine looks like the day I bought it :p

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Well, sure, but what doesn't look pretty good when it's mint out of a box and under a professional lighting rig and photographed with expensive cameras? It's not going to look like that in someone's living room. I also don't think it really matters how many people touch it. If someone buys the damned thing they'll be touching it just as much.
OK, I'll adrress the first thought first by pulling my T616 argument again. When I bought it, and nowadays too, it looks a lot more like one of those professionaly made photos than one of those greasy, scrached, washed out flash photos. You actually need a very speciffic lighting, and using magnifying glass or something like that to bring out the level of nastiness that you can see on the photos like that.

I can't disagree there. It does look expensive and overengineered. I don't see "sexy" as a synonym of any of those descriptors though. It just seems like people are really, really sensationalizing this things looks. "OMG!!!!11! It's shiny and has a big screen! Teh sex!" I dunno, guess it doesn't matter. I'm not buying this or the NDS.
OK, but as others said, that type of look makes it "sexy" in the world of gadgets. I'm a gadget fan after all, and have a huge appreciation for industrial design so I may be biased, but I don't see too many people who don't agree.

the Mizuguchi game, although simple, was amazing fun. The music is fantastic (awesome sound out of the PSP too).
Please tell more! How exactly do you change the music while you play?

One odd thing in the literature - it mentions support for the Duo pro memory stick, but then it mentions that the to-be-used with PSP add on the 32 mg card - it mentions no other size.
I just hope it's some kind of PSP branded Memory Stick, that will be sold in the EB and other gaming stores (right now you can't buy MS there) but that the unit will accept other, 'regular' memory sticks :|

Leave it to Sony to bring memory cards to the handheld scene.... $300 for PSP + $35 for memory card or no saves 4 U! :(
Yeah, but at least this time you will be able to use that memory card for something other than saving games. Well, if it does accept something bigger than 32MB that is.

Silver is by far the most popular colour right now.
True, but you don't make something eye catching by making it look the same way as everyting else.

aoi tsuki

cybamerc said:
I take excellent care of my things but I don't carry my GBA around with me. In the event that I need to transport it from one location to another I put it in the original box. That's not how most ppl treat a handheld and most ppl don't invest in special protective gear either.
We'll see. i wouldn't be surprised if Sony and third parties sold cases with belt clips. You don't spend a few hundred on a portable only to have it scratched up because you put it in your pocket with some change, at least i don't. i've already begun the search for a case for my DS. Granted, the clamshell design covers the screen, but doesn't protect the outside. Plus, i don't like having bulky pockets.


And even i am moderately surprised
"Please tell more! How exactly do you change the music while you play?"

Seems to be related to how you are doing.

the screen itself is almost like a modtrack sequencer in feel...
you have to construct 2x2 blocks of the same colour, a 2x2 block comprising of 4 tiles of one of two colours falls (tetris style) from the top of the screen (you get a second or so to decide where the block falls from). Tiles fall under the laws of Puyo Puyo - ie: if there is space below one half of a block , but the other half is stuck on existing blocks, then the tiles will fall to the bottom of their row. The idea is to arrange the blocks so that you create at least a 2x2 blocks of the same colour tile. These become tagged as being ready to be removed from the board. Any config of 2x2 will be removed - it you have a 3x2 then this is classed as two 2x2 blocks (with one section overlapping) etc etc.

Now the blocks aren't removed until the "modtracker beam" sweeps over the blocks, this sweeps from left to right in time with the music and removes the tagged blocks from the board, with all the tiles above falling down into the gaps. This introduces an element of timing in that you can combo up the blocks you remove, so if you can you want to hold of triggering 2x2 squares to be deleted until they are all in the same sweep....

... that's not really a good explaination, but hopefully it gives some idea.

But anyways, basically, from what i can tell, how well you are doing on the block removal front influences the music.

After a while, the music will mix out and the "theme" will change. The two coloured bricks change , the back ground changes, the effects change, the music mixes to something else. The opening track of the demo had a nice Underworld style to it (sort of half reminicent of "spoonman" (contained lyrics) , but after levelling up the games music chilled as i stopped scoring as many blocks... then the more blocks that get removed, the more complex the track becomes.

As mentioned by a friend, the game itself could easily be just another flash game, but the graphics and sound make it a very nice experience indeed.

I'm sure i missed a lot of the complexities of the game, but hell, i can figure out the details when the PSP launches and i had fun with what i thought was going on ;)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
DC, just two more questions:
- Is the music licensed, or made by some known bands/musicians (like they did in Rez), or is it made internally in Mizuguchi's team?
- Can you rotate the falling blocks, like you can in Tetris?


I just hope that the USB functionality remains there in order to allow homebrew developers the ability to write code for the platform :)


And even i am moderately surprised
"DC, just two more questions:
- Is the music licensed, or made by some known bands/musicians (like they did in Rez), or is it made internally in Mizuguchi's team?"

it didn't sound like anything i'd heard before - voice samples sounded like Japanese people speaking english, so i'd assume it's some Japanese artists (a la Rez) that aren't well known.

For Rez, as a massive underworld fan, i was disappointed Underworld pulled out. The other artists that were involved, i didn't see them fitting the feel of the game. I was happy with the music that was chosen, and i think i'll be happy again because the first track was STOMPIN!

"- Can you rotate the falling blocks, like you can in Tetris?"

no , you can't. And they are always in a 2x2 square shape, not in variations.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
it didn't sound like anything i'd heard before - voice samples sounded like Japanese people speaking english, so i'd assume it's some Japanese artists (a la Rez) that aren't well known.
OK, I hope it actually sounds good, like in Rez, though :p (especially the bit with Japanese people speaking english, I mean)

For Rez, as a massive underworld fan, i was disappointed Underworld pulled out.
Really? So they were supposed to be featured in the game? Real shame, then.
Since there isn't much variation with the blocks (can they be any combination of the two colors at least?), would you say that getting the timing right and getting more points is the main idea? How does it become challenging?


And even i am moderately surprised
"Since there isn't much variation with the blocks (can they be any combination of the two colors at least?), would you say that getting the timing right and getting more points is the main idea? How does it become challenging?"

think about what happens when you have to try to arrange 4 tiles of the same colour together, when the majority of them are in this formation :

B = Blue
R = Red (real not colours used to protect the innocent!)




DCharlie....Screen sounds great, but did you notice any interlacing? You know how with some LCD screens on clies etc you can notice that they are updating alternate lines, not the whole thing at once?

As for the memory card, my guess is its just a black 32MB card, to go with the styling of the PSP. Also so people understand you need one of these things and don't have to wander off to a digital camera store to buy one.


And even i am moderately surprised
"DCharlie....Screen sounds great, but did you notice any interlacing? You know how with some LCD screens on clies etc you can notice that they are updating alternate lines, not the whole thing at once?"

I didn't notice that at all - i guess if i do end up going again tomorrow (unlikely) i'll be on the look out for it, but i'd have thought i'd have noticed something link that.


bloody hell man, do you have these things subscribed, and your email turned up? Or are you just naturally awake at gone 3 in the morning?

Thanks by the way :)


And even i am moderately surprised
"bloody hell man, do you have these things subscribed, and your email turned up? Or are you just naturally awake at gone 3 in the morning?"


Yeah, i should get some sleep! ;)
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