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Gamespot reviews Fight Club




If you ignore the fact that Fight Club ties into the movie (and novel) that bears its namesake, and consider it purely on its merits as a game, what you're left with is an undercooked fighting game that's far worse than fighting games from more than 10 years ago, and not much better looking. And when you also consider the game's botched attempts at including some tie-ins with the movie, the results look even worse.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
It won't put up much of a fight on the way to the bargain bin.

nyuk nyuk nyuk. :lol


Kasavin said:
If you ignore the fact that Fight Club ties into the movie (and novel) that bears its namesake, and consider it purely on its merits as a game, what you're left with is an undercooked fighting game that's far worse than fighting games from more than 10 years ago, and not much better looking.
bit of an overstatement. but yes, the game sucks horribly.

i think what i "enjoy" most about it is how it totally and utterly fails to understand any of the themes from the film -- from the basic to the overriding and subtle.

the story mode is hee-lariously awful. it may be worth a rental if you like pain.


Exis said:
I love Chuck Palnuck, and Fight Club means a lot to me... this this is a travisty.
Too bad that Fight Club doesn't mean a lot to Chuck Palahiunuck....



Street Fighter IV World Champion
He looks like he's doing that Bruce Forsyth pose off some gameshow.

Those are truly *massive* jubblies.

I played this at E3. It was very ghey. And the developers showing it off kept spouting quotes from the film making me want to strike them with a pheonix eye to the temple and give them a brain haemorage - though it looks like I didn't have to...

Any of you play Tao Feng? It's like that but smoother (still moves like you're controlling men with legs made of cement).

Unless VF4 Evolution comes out, Xbox will never have a decent 3D fighter.


boutrosinit said:
Any of you play Tao Feng? It's like that but smoother (still moves like you're controlling men with legs made of cement).
it's better than tao feng. what isn't?

but only just.

and xbox has SCII. um. if you say that is not good, you are deeply wrong.
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