For those who dont have access to images or don't feel like reading through the ad here are the most notable deals (the ad is below):
Save $50 on all new Xb1 bundles
Uncharted PS4 Bundle $299
Gears of War UE XB1 bundle or Uncharted PS4 bundle: $299
PS Vita Aqua blue $169.99
New 3DS XL (Red or black) $179.99
Smash Bros and Splatoon Wii U bundle for $279.99
Gold Zelda new 3DS xl $199.99 (gamestop exclusive)
PS3 80GB used $79.99
Playstation Wireless Gold Headset: $69.99
Gears of War Ultimate Edition $19.99
PS4 and XB1:
Save $30 on Select EA Games w/ Purchase of Star Wars Battlefront (Madden, Fifa, Dragon Age Inquisition, Need for Speed and NHL)
The Witcher 3 with Steel game case: $29.99
MGS V $39.99
Guitar Hero Live $69.99
Divinity Original Sin $39.99
Save $20 on the following PS4/XB1 Games (prices vary from $19.99-$39.99:
Destiny the Taken King $39.99
The Evil Within $19.99
Batman Arkham Knight $29.99
GOW3R $19.99
Dying Light $19.99
FF Typo $19.99
MK10 $29.99 (Limited edition available for $49.99, was $99.99)
Dragon Quest Heroes $39.99
Evolve $9.99
Freedom Wars $4.99
SMT Devil Survivor 2 and Persona Q $29.99 each
Ike Amiibo in stock
Fallout 4 Bobblehead $12.99. (ONLY AT GAMESTOP)
B2G1 on all pre owned products'
30th Anniversary Mario Snowglobe $8.99
Here is the scan of the ad, thanks RBH
Lock if old. Grabbed what looked like the best deals, there is a lot of junk in there. Would post pics but bfads doesn't like mobile.
For those who dont have access to images or don't feel like reading through the ad here are the most notable deals (the ad is below):
Save $50 on all new Xb1 bundles
Uncharted PS4 Bundle $299
Gears of War UE XB1 bundle or Uncharted PS4 bundle: $299
PS Vita Aqua blue $169.99
New 3DS XL (Red or black) $179.99
Smash Bros and Splatoon Wii U bundle for $279.99
Gold Zelda new 3DS xl $199.99 (gamestop exclusive)
PS3 80GB used $79.99
Playstation Wireless Gold Headset: $69.99
Gears of War Ultimate Edition $19.99
PS4 and XB1:
Save $30 on Select EA Games w/ Purchase of Star Wars Battlefront (Madden, Fifa, Dragon Age Inquisition, Need for Speed and NHL)
The Witcher 3 with Steel game case: $29.99
MGS V $39.99
Guitar Hero Live $69.99
Divinity Original Sin $39.99
Save $20 on the following PS4/XB1 Games (prices vary from $19.99-$39.99:
Destiny the Taken King $39.99
The Evil Within $19.99
Batman Arkham Knight $29.99
GOW3R $19.99
Dying Light $19.99
FF Typo $19.99
MK10 $29.99 (Limited edition available for $49.99, was $99.99)
Dragon Quest Heroes $39.99
Evolve $9.99
Freedom Wars $4.99
SMT Devil Survivor 2 and Persona Q $29.99 each
Ike Amiibo in stock
Fallout 4 Bobblehead $12.99. (ONLY AT GAMESTOP)
B2G1 on all pre owned products'
30th Anniversary Mario Snowglobe $8.99
Here is the scan of the ad, thanks RBH
And here's the actual images of the full ad:
Lock if old. Grabbed what looked like the best deals, there is a lot of junk in there. Would post pics but bfads doesn't like mobile.