Brad Grenz
is this GT Live with Brandon's mom worth watching? lol
Yeah, it's pretty great!
is this GT Live with Brandon's mom worth watching? lol
Heheh ScrewAttack just (re)tweeted this:
BJ's Mom should have her own series, in the style of the First Fifteen, but for well known games she's never heard of.
First Fifteen meets Unaware Steve, if you will.
Shouldn't Elyse have been on this week's GT Time? I feel like Brad was on there more recently.
What's the thing happening on Tuesday that Blood alluded to, which Bosman says everyone already knows about?
Well it is May 12th. Supposedly that is when the Witcher 3 review embargo lifts.
Shouldn't Elyse have been on this week's GT Time? I feel like Brad was on there more recently.
What's the thing happening on Tuesday that Blood alluded to, which Bosman says everyone already knows about?
What's the thing happening on Tuesday that Blood alluded to, which Bosman says everyone already knows about?
Yay for Elyse and guests, should be a good watch!
Props to Iain or whoever edited all those Level episodes together. Not sure how I feel about a spam of 7 episodes in one day, though.
Edit: And Brad for that matter for collecting the footage.
Who? What? Where?
Actually, the only one of those that's new is Last of Us. Matt just didn't want it to be hanging out alone on YouTube, so he collected some older episodes to go with it.
Wtf kyle has never played super Mario 64? What kind of struggle life? Kyle please.
Actually, the only one of those that's new is Last of Us. Matt just didn't want it to be hanging out alone on YouTube, so he collected some older episodes to go with it.
That Man Ups Nights was great. Was there shots fired at the old GT by Ian there? Also, WTF at the ending with the archive film footage? There's like 12 minutes of it.
Huber is so fucking right about the garbage hub world in Galaxy 1. What a waste of time.
That was a great ManUps Nights ep. I can't split between the two Galaxy games.. it's too hard. I think 2 has the better finale but 1 has the Luigi Purple Coin Challenge...
Things started to heat up when they talked about MW2 winning GOTY, even I can remember the backlash from that. As much as I would have loved to see Ian go nuts on the old "leaders" I think Elyse did the smart thing and stopped it.
Maybe they were just going for the 5 years ago but I actually think 2011 was a better year for games anyway.
Dark Souls
Portal 2
Xenoblade Cronicles
Arkham City (although this is the weakest in the series for me)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Skyward Sword
Rayman Origins
Along with the likes of BF3, Uncharted 3, Infamous 2, Super Mario 3D Land, The Witcher 2.
Now that was some year.
That Man Ups Nights was great. Was there shots fired at the old GT by Ian there? Also, WTF at the ending with the archive film footage? There's like 12 minutes of it.
I heard on Friday's stream that Shane will be on GT Live in two weeks. I'm hopeful that Brandon will sic Ian on him. There's bound to be a bit of Bloodborne discussion, anyway.
Good year but lots of sequels. I think the point of 2010 were new IPs like RDR.
Read Dead Redemption is not a new IP.