Caught up with some stuff.
Regarding Ladies in the Lobby, i get that it must be hard to get all those women together in one room for 40 minutes, like Elyse pointed out on MUn, however the problem I have with the current show, is basically the same thing i don't like about Bonus Round.
The format is so heavily produced, and edited, that it loses any trace of honesty and connection with the person on screen.
The questions weren't really relevant to the idea of women in gaming or games media, which is totally fine, if you're going to have either very peculiar questions, or allow the viewer to establish a deeper "connection" with these people, by having a much looser and spontaneous conversation.
The reason why i even care about whatever Huber, Kyle, Elyse, Ben, etc etc. have to say about stuff, it's not their opinions are so revelatory or mind blowing, it's more or less the stuff we all think or went through with games; it's because through time i got attached to these people in a way (however superficial) and so my interest in hearing what they have to say, grew on that basis alone, if they throw in a particularly interesting opinion i hadn't thought of, that's icing on the cake.
I really struggle to think of a reason why i should care about someone i've never seen or heard, tell me about their completely mundane stories about playing Street Fighter, in a format that removes much of the humanity from the conversation, making it sound more like an MTV reality show.
Which again, it's not meant as a slight against the guests, just that the format doesn't really allow for that more human aspect to come through.
As i said, it's why i really can't watch Bonus Round, and never really enjoyed it, even back in the day, every panel always feels very stiff and controlled, as opposed to something like GTLive, GT Time or Mandatory Update Nights.
Or to use an off site reference, the post-E3 shows Giant Bomb usually has, with guests shooting off and speaking their minds in a very relaxed and loose environment.