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Gametrailers Thread: Good Night and Good Game


I don't remember them stating it was due to new IP's that came out. I thought Elyse just went with 5 years ago basically.


The first episode of Lady's in the Lobby is out, and err... I guess it exists. The format definitely isn't for me. Hopefully it'll be a success for them with the segment they're aiming for, but the vibes I'm getting is confession cam segments from reality shows.

I would much rather just have them sitting at that desk and just shooting the shit about this stuff for 20 minutes.

The fast cuts/reality feel doesn't fit the GT brand IMO.


I would much rather just have them sitting at that desk and just shooting the shit about this stuff for 20 minutes.

The fast cuts/reality feel doesn't fit the GT brand IMO.

That was what I was hoping for as well. I was expecting the fast cut stuff to be there just for the introduction of each of them in the teaser, and then, you know, actually place them in a "lobby" of some sort.

But I guess they're trying to broaden a bit, get some other kind of viewers in to raise the total number of people who watch GT content, which I'm totally fine with as long as this doesn't happen to every show around.


Oh wow, yeah, the fast cuts thing is awful. They need to totally scrap this. I was expecting something like GT time with the Desk or the old Couch and talking to each other.

This style is just plain bad and the title "Ladies in the Lobby" makes no sense with it.

Definitely does not fit with the rest of the GT brand for me. Probably won't keep watching it if they keep this design.


Hmm I can see why they have to use the fast cuts, it'd be hard to get them all in the same place for an open discussion like a Just Played. I thought Elyse was gonna sit down with one person each week and chat about stuff and interview them or something, but it's still decent.
I would much rather just have them sitting at that desk and just shooting the shit about this stuff for 20 minutes.

The fast cuts/reality feel doesn't fit the GT brand IMO.

That is what I was thinking at first, but by the end I was realizing that the Bonus Round format would have resulted in all the answers kind of merging by the end as people just kind of agree with each other. But here we got some pretty diverse answers and different personalities all having a little bit of time to shine. I kind of like it, but maybe frame the questions in a theme (Stealth games, role model characters in games, balancing life with gaming, or whatever) rather than the shotgun blast of different topics today. Will definitely check out again, but not really hitting Final Bosman or Man Up nights level of greatness.
Ladies in the Lobby really needs to have the GT Time/Bonus Round/MU Nights format. I love that we've got a female-focused show, but the talking heads/fast cuts format just isn't as interesting to watch.


The reason for the format of Ladies in the Lobby is because they are several women who have busy schedules in other places. Using this format, GT can interview and film these women at different times, ask them the same questions, chop up the questions into episodes and edit them together. I think it's fine.

My only hope is that they start asking them some more interesting questions, I'm sure this episode was just to sort of introduce what sort of gamers they are.

The J-Pop was weird though. Overall I liked it.


Well, they can have their reasons for their format, but it's still a bad format and I won't be watching any more of it.

Even if they couldn't have had the whole group together like GT time, it'd still have been better in the Just Played style with having Elyse interviewing them One on One for a while. The MTV, reality TV camera garbage is awful.
I love the GT crew and I'm particularly fond of elyse but I have to say that the first episode of Ladies in the Lobby was a huge letdown. I'm not in the demographic they are aiming for, so the show might just not be for me. Above all Elyse seemed very compressed in that format. The girl needs to breathe, fast and loose style...
The reason for the format of Ladies in the Lobby is because they are several women who have busy schedules in other places. Using this format, GT can interview and film these women at different times, ask them the same questions, chop up the questions into episodes and edit them together. I think it's fine.

Yeah, I don't think there's anything wrong with the format. I enjoyed the first episode. I look forward to seeing the rest.


GT Live was good. I was enjoying the Indie devs not trashing AAA games which is unusual, well until that guy with the perspex glasses came on.

Still excited for HPL, still can't believe it's not coming this year.




Tabletop Adventures.


That was so amazing. I TOTALLY lost it at the end. God damn it Kyle. God damn it.


Tabletop Adventures.


That was so amazing. I TOTALLY lost it at the end. God damn it Kyle. God damn it.

I finally decided to start catching up on TTA. Haven't had much time for it but I love the show. I'm 9 episodes behind so there is ways to go.


Membero Americo
New GT time.


I have to say, I like Brandon and Bloodworth, but I really don't agree with them in term of why Nintendo is doing a Digital Event this year again. Brandon more than Bloodworth, really. I mean, the Digital Event last year was great, saying they are going with that again this year isn't a sign of weakness or that they think their line-up isn't good enough.

Also, we have our first E3 bet between Hubert and Kyle: Hubert says Zelda WILL get a trailer during the Digital Event.


Man, I love Don so I'm glad he's running the tricaster now and again too. I like Ian too, but I see him on lots of things so having Don on things more often too will be awesome.




Tabletop Adventures.


That was so amazing. I TOTALLY lost it at the end. God damn it Kyle. God damn it.

This is not hyperbole. HOLY SHIT. I wish I had Hubers stupidly quick imagination, but that ending was brilliant as well.


Hell, i refuse to call Bloodborne a new IP. Its just another Souls game.

That's different though, that is actually another intellectual property. If Rockstar decided to do the exact same setting for GTA V but call it something else, it's new IP and refusing to call it that doesn't make it not so. It's a term with a very specific meaning and since it's been co-opted for use within gaming, it's been peverted slightly.

The camp that cries out for a Nintendo new IP doesn't really know what they're asking for half the time. They could literally re-skin Mario 3D World and call it Douchio the Great and it would be new IP. I'm sure the Douchio Amiibos would fly off shelves too.


Wow, that was some Tabletop. Amazing rolls, improv and action. Everyone did so well and Huber's main action moment was brilliant, especially following his and Pervince's interchange.

Bosman's ending was superb but I was really hoping we might see hogger's friend return in a later episode ala Baxter in Anchorman. We'll have to wait and see.


Junior Member
That Tabletop was amazing.

Elyse is doped out of her mind though, she didn't move a muscle for the first 10 minutes into the video.


That Tabletop was amazing.

Elyse is doped out of her mind though, she didn't move a muscle for the first 10 minutes into the video.

Yeah, I've just seen on her Twitter she was suffering. I thought she just looked annoyed about something and wasn't expecting the best, but when it flicked back to Pervince/Hoggar, it was all good.


Junior Member
Yeah, I've just seen on her Twitter she was suffering. I thought she just looked annoyed about something and wasn't expecting the best, but when it flicked back to Pervince/Hoggar, it was all good.

Yeah, i think she's having some severe backproblems
What's up with the GT website? They haven't uploaded a new video since Tuesday or something.

There are some technical issues with the feeds right now. We are uploading new stuff, but sometimes parts of the front page are loading old feeds. Huge pain in the butt. Currently it looks ok on my end, but I've been seeing it go back and forth. I can gather up a round of links if anyone's worried about missing something.


That was a great GTtime.
I'm trying to catch up with some stuff, since i've been to busy to check it out, in the last few days.
Gonna watch GTLive and Tabletop tomorrow, give that Lady in the Lobby a look, too.

I like this new Trailer Score format, btw, feels much more topical and makes more sense to put out an episode when there actually is a worth whie trailer, however i would like them to cover smaller trailers as well.
Though you could consider ARK's sort of that, i hope they won't focus on just Witcher, Batman, and other similarly hit games.


I always fear coming into this thread as I never get around to watching/listening to TableTop Adventures or GT Time till late Friday/early Saturday.

Just finished both and they were excellent but Tabletop was absolutely brilliant. Definitely one of the best episodes, had a good few genuine laugh out loud moments.


Mandatory Update Nights was good, but Tabletop was great.

That finale:

I'm glad i started following it, and the recap they had a couple of weeks back is what got me into it, really, so good idea, i hope they'll do another one in some time, so new people can join in.


Ya I've been playing it too and it is a load of fun.

I'm already sold on it but I just hope they have an online league format. Be cool to set up a team with your friends and compete with others.

Would also love some silly minigames but at it's core this game is amazing.
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