Does anyone have a link to GT watching the whole sony conference?
Does anyone have a link to GT watching the whole sony conference?
I wish I loved something as much as Huber loves Shenmue. I'm super happy for him, unreal thing to watch. I hope he doesn't blow all his money lol.
For those that missed it, it was awesome on the Last Guardian and FF7 remakes too. Can't find the TLG one, but I love this.
To think Shenmue was still to come.
Man, that Huber reaction makes me so happy.
Looking forward to watching these GT streams in their entirety once things have died down a bit. Only seen their Bethesda one so far. Yesterday's stream is 12 hours long. Sheesh!
Huber, it doesn't matter if some idiots call your reactions "cringeworthy" in the giantbomb thread.
I've watched that Huber reaction several times this morning since watching it live last night. The Huber reaction makes me emotional after all his pleading for months. He deserves it after he hypes the shit out of all the games he loves and he finally gets the one he wanted.
Hype incarnate.
Horrible how Giantbomb's toxic negativity spreads to their listeners too. I took a look at their conference stream and it was pathetic, none of them care about video games anymore, I'm pretty sure.
Will we be able to see archived versions of the conference talk anywhere?
How can you think this is cringe/bad? I've never seen such unadulterated joy in one room, even Elyse is just happy FOR Huber.
I love how Brad reaches out to Huber 'cause he knows he's about to explode but it's too late.
There's nothing left that could make us chair stand, Sony gave us everything
Huber leaving the stream last night