I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Not sure that is true. I think that assumes that the customers who would own it are customers who already own PS5s, but I think the Switch kind of proves that isn't likely to be the case.
Are the people buying Switch Lite all owners of a Switch? I doubt it.
I think a dual license fee of 10-20 bucks would be a fair compromise.
No, but the Switch lite is just a Switch that doesn't connect to the TV. If I buy a Switch and then buy a Switch lite, I'm not being charged extra to access the games on both devices.
If somebody buys just the PS portable then they'll just have access to the same games on the PS5 store.
A duel license fee of 10-20 bucks per game? That would kill the device off instantly. Let's say I had 100 games in my PS library. To play them on the go, I'd need to spend another 1000-2000 bucks?!?! And you think people will be up for that?