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Gaming Nexus bitch-slaps Halo 2

Some less than stellar reviews are starting to trickle out. Halo 2 backlash has started. Let the hate commence

Gaming Nexus Halo 2 review.

Summary: Quite honestly, it’s not the best first person shooter on the market; it’s not even the best first person shooter on its platform. That title belongs to Vivendi’s dark horse candidate Chronicles of Riddick. What you have with HALO 2 is a game that was a victim of its own hype. Everyone came into the game with unattainable expectations and we all know what happens when a game is overhyped to the core. I hate to use the word Daikatana to make an example but it’s a comparison that I simply need to make.



Deku Tree

Not to mention NTSC uk (80%) or Cinescape Online (75%). Halo 2 down to 10th best game of all time at gamerankings.com.


I guess all those comments saying that Halo 2 would be the one to dethrone OoT can go to rest now.

Hell, even Metroid Prime is higher (as it should be).


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Even though XBOX loyalists won't admit it, this game is a victim of its own hype. I have enjoyed the game thus far (SP), but knew that it would never amount to the hype it built up over the years.
PhatSaqs said:
How did I know sc would post this review :lol

I'm sure they'll appreciate the hit count boost this'll bring.


Somebody would've done it. I didn't see people complaining when they were all 100% scores :D

Clearly, by even mentioning Daikatana in the same breath, he's shown he clearly just wanted to take a cheap shot at the game.


Tre said:
HL2 > Halo 2.

edit: as for the review, i agree with many of his points, but feel that the multiplayer easily makes up for the single player problems.
Dissapointment rears its ugly head again?

Or just a reviewer trying to be different and grab attention from message boards?

Seems to me no one would post a Gaming Nexus score if the game got a ten, now would they?


Seth C

Look, as soon as he mentions Chronicles of Riddick you know the entire thing is crap. If you really think Chronicles of Riddick is better than Halo 2 or the original Halo, well, I worry about you. That game was pretty and almost nothing else.

Not that everyone has to love Halo 2, they don't, but it IS a very good game, and any score lower than 8/10 probably only exists to grab attention.


worldrunover said:
Or just a reviewer trying to be different and grab attention from message boards?
Might think so, but he actually wrote a pretty reasonable multi-page review.


so games are rated according to how they live up to the hype now?
i thought they were rated according to how good they are.


Yeah, I think he backs up all his points with valid examples. I don't know if I agree with some of it, like his comments on the health, but there are some definite truths in the review.


Who cares, the game is already a huge sales hit. It matters little what other people think at this point. I love it, probably because I wasn't hyped up for it that much.


Although I have enjoyed Halo 2, it defenitely isn't the best game ever or even of this generation. Believe me, everyone who enjoys FPS's (or good games) should play Halo 2. It's a really good game that isn't without its faults (like some reviewers would have you believe), with tons of hype behind it.

The thing about some of the higher review scores that really irks me, is that they knowingly admit its faults, then quickly dismiss them. It's very unprofessional. It's like a double standard where only games with tons of hype behind them can get away with their faults.


thorns said:
so games are rated according to how they live up to the hype now?
i thought they were rated according to how good they are.

No, dumbass. Games are reviewed based on how the reviewer thinks people will like the game. What the hell are you talking about?
thorns said:
so games are rated according to how they live up to the hype now?
i thought they were rated according to how good they are.

Well Paper Mario2 sure got nailed at GI because of that.....And i do believe that Halo2 probably got better scores than it deserved, specially those EGM straight tens and 9.8 at ign....the European press sure isnt falling for the hype by seeing the latest scores.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
PhatSaqs said:
How did I know sc would post this review :lol
The same way we knew you wouldn't - because he goes out of his way to provide a more balanced perspective of industry events/trends. :)


Eh but they're not obviously putting all the games against the same objective scale. I mean, most of the complaints are extreme nitpicking. If you try hard enough, it is easy to find fault with all the games.
I mean I thought Halo 's single player wa too repetitive and it got huge scores, while Halo 2's SP campaign is much better quality and very engaging. I don't understand how it can get lower scores.
NTSC-UK complains that Halo 2 has "lazy level design", for example.


kaching said:
The same way we knew you wouldn't - because he goes out of his way to provide a more balanced perspective of industry events/trends. :)
Only people with tags like yours would consider this an "industry event/trend" :lol


The same way we knew you wouldn't - because he goes out of his way to provide a more balanced perspective of industry events/trends.


The game is awesome,some no name site trying to be cool and go against the crowd won't change it ladies.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I agree with the level design...I'ts pretty shitty if you ask me..the levels in MP are far more interesting and have more thought into them the halo levels so far. I just feel very controlled and confined in Halo 2. Which is weird case the levels are actually pretty big.


I love that R&C:UYA is the GOTY according to Gamerankings @ this point.

That will change @ 3AM, of course, but it is a slap in the face to 95% of fanboys. :lol


Ramirez said:

The game is awesome,some no name site trying to be cool and go against the crowd won't change it ladies.

LOL that's how I feel. Gamspot who many proclaim to be the "hardest" review site, gave it a 9.4. So there u go, anything else is total bullshit.


MrparisSM said:
LOL that's how I feel. Gamspot who many proclaim to be the "hardest" review site, gave it a 9.4. So there u go, anything else is total bullshit.

:lol Somebody please dig up the quotes where you claimed Gamespot was sabotaging Halo 2


I thought the game Nexus was bitch slapping. I would have liked to see that. In other news, another day another small site trying to gain traffic by posting a riddiculously low score for a big game. And once again it works.
I love how the same people who are saying "who cares" and "who the fuck are they" were probably the ones throwing stones at the guys who gave less than perfect 10 scores at anyone before the game came out.


FortNinety said:
I love how the same people who are saying "who cares" and "who the fuck are they" were probably the ones throwing stones at the guys who gave less than perfect 10 scores at anyone before the game came out.

Not me :p


not an idiot
Soul4ger said:
No, dumbass. Games are reviewed based on how the reviewer thinks people will like the game. What the hell are you talking about?

I know your post was for someone else, but honestly, you're the dumbass, if this reviewer reviewed it as you say, then it would have gotten a 10 easily. a game doesn't sell as much as halo 2 to have people think of it as a 7ish game... "dumbass"


If you were including me in that statement,no.I could care less what any site gives the game,I know how to form my own opinion.


Chili Con Carnage!
Or me.

You know its not exactly hard to check your facts round here to see if your 'funny comment' is true or not. Save you the trouble of looking like an idiot.


lockii said:
:lol Somebody please dig up the quotes where you claimed Gamespot was sabotaging Halo 2

:lol why don't u do it yourself? ;) I still feel like gamespot scores games lower to get attention. That's just my opinion though. But these other unknown sites like this are just ridiculous with how far they go. The haters will latch onto any ammunition they can get though!


lockii said:
:lol Somebody please dig up the quotes where you claimed Gamespot was sabotaging Halo 2

Exactly! :lol

I was playing some more Halo 2 last night (campaign and online) and while I'm enjoying it, I really don't see the hype behind it. It's a pretty decent single player game (multiplayer is pretty bland if youve played online FPS for PC) but it's not the second coming of god. MS really duped America with all it's hype... crazyness.
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