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Gaming Nexus bitch-slaps Halo 2



Don't try to play this off as Gamespot being "tougher". They purposely gave Halo 2 that score full well knowing the type of reaction it would get.
There was only one reason they did this, and it wasn't because of the quality of the game.
It was a "shock and awe" tactic to get more hits to their site.
I have completely lost all respect for Gamespot.
This guy had a fucking agenda.
They scored this game low so they could get more traffic to their site.


The gameplay in halo 2 is perfect. Halo never had much of a story, I wasnt expecting much in that reguard but it was still better than average. I think people have just been waiting to take shots at this series that they never got to take when the original was released. Comparing it to Metroid Prime is idiotic. That game is more similar to MYST than Halo.


Here's another gem from Cinescape Games (Never heard of them until now).

DRIVER 3. FABLE. HALO 2 these games are the entries in a list that dates back in previous years to include titles like STAR FOX ADVENTURES and DAIKATANA, these are the games that hype builds up only to have the game itself collapse under the weight of those expectations.

...the first game was mediocre at best. The one-player campaign was a travesty to games that have a story mode, saved only slightly by the co-operative area that managed to make it tolerable.

Gameplay: D



While Halo 2 is an enjoyable game, I don't think the single player is even as good as Farcry's. The multiplayer can't even hold a candle to UT2004. I imagine HL2 will be a much better all around game when it's all said and done.
It's a piss poor review. *shrugs*

Seems like someone who wanted to see the game sink on GameRankings wrote it. What's with the over the top BS about Daikatana? The game had fans?

What's with some reviewers hard on over Chronicles of Riddick? It's an FPS game without multiplayer. Not exactly something I'd rank over Halo 2.


Blinx over Halo 2, you heard it at gaming nexus first!

With that, gaming nexus just landed a big fat ZERO in credibility.

I don't even like FPS games, and I'm pretty addicted to Halo 2 on Live. Granted I'm not very good at it, but you just can't deny how fun the online experience in this game is. I haven't even played the offline co-op yet, but I'm sure it won't be as bad as some reviewers are making it out to be.

Gaming nexus gets a C- from me! :lol


Seems like someone who wanted to see the game sink on GameRankings wrote it.

Only fanboys cares about gamerankings. Like we on this forum. I don't even think some reviewers know gamerankigns excist. etc a review in a daily newspaper.


This one time I was doing assault in riddick. And my teammate had the bomb. They were garding the base and I used my assault rifle type thing to kill someone and then another guy was inside the base. He and I had a boxing match right there on the spot and then my teammate planted the bomb while I used my fists of fury and wonky combat system to distract the guy guarding the base.
It was really fun.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
SantaCruZer said:
Only fanboys cares about gamerankings. Like we on this forum. I don't even think some reviewers know gamerankigns excist. etc a review in a daily newspaper.

Wrong, wrong and wrong... I know reviewers know about Gamerankings all too well, as well as the PR people reviewers work with... However a reviewer wanting to see Halo 2 slip on Gamerankings is one of the dumbest things I have heard of...

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
MrAngryFace said:
Actually I was talking about your precious bald man game.

Riddick came out of nowhere and was quite the surprise hit.

halo2 has been hyped up for 3 years. expectations were pretty damn high..
50 dollars for gameplay that absolutely stops at roughly 6 hours vs 50 dollars for still awesome gameplay that stops at 12 hours but continues beyond that with an insane amount of multiplayer competition supported by a stable and expandable community.

If gamers are disappointed by Halo 2, fuck them.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
MrAngryFace said:
50 dollars for gameplay that absolutely stops at roughly 6 hours vs 50 dollars for still awesome gameplay that stops at 12 hours but continues beyond that with an insane amount of multiplayer competition supported by a stable and expandable community.

If gamers are disappointed by Halo 2, fuck them.

Riddick isnt 6 hours long.. length is about the same as halo2.

and i was just pointing out how expectations and disappointments correlate.
Hype is our fault. Its sorta like how people fall for my trolling.

Dont participate and their wont be a problem. Id assume youre all smart enough to regulate how much hype you take in. Jesus.


MrAngryFace said:
Hype is our fault.

IAWTP - It's hard to blame a game for the hype. Hype is done through means completely independant of the actual game and its quality (or lack thereof).


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Incidentally, there are two reviews for Halo 2 at Game Nexus. The other review gave it an 8.9, so the lynch mob should continue to sully their reputation ;)


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
Neat, let's post all the negative reviews of all big games from small, shitty review sites - should be FUN!!!


Wow, you people are sick. Do you guys actually play games or just bitch about reviews when something big comes out?


The Covenant campaign is a flop due to the weapons that you're given access to. There's a frame of reference when you're wielding an assault rifle or a rocket launcher; you know in your mind how many shots it'll take to bring down a foe which leads to a much more satisfying experience. When you're the Covenant you're forced to rely on those underwhelming alien weapons that simply aren't fun to use.

From the moment you boot up the game your ears might tell you that you’re in trouble. As the Bungie logo rolls through you’ll hear a remixed version of the theme song that’s done with a combination of electric guitars and an orchestra. It was cheesy in the 80s, it was cheesy in the 90s and it’s cheesy in the 2000s.



"GAF's biggest wanker"
GashPrex said:
Neat, let's post all the negative reviews of all big games from small, shitty review sites - should be FUN!!!
Gash, I have yet to see you on XBL with this game...either just signed in playing SP or playing online MP.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
really? I have been playing a lot in the clan, online and I just finished single player co-op last night with my roommate.

This was my best match. Was great, came from like 6 kills down to win.

I'll be on around 6pm est today for quite a bit, or at least that's the plan after I hit the gym.


Man, gaming journalism is turning into such self-important trash. With comments like that in a review, ya gotta wonder if these guys know what objectivity is.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
GashPrex said:
I'll be on around 6pm est today for quite a bit, or at least that's the plan after I hit the gym.
Well, that explains it...I usually don't get on until much later.
Quite honestly, it’s not the best first person shooter on the market; it’s not even the best first person shooter on its platform. That title belongs to Vivendi’s dark horse candidate Chronicles of Riddick. What you have with HALO 2 is a game that was a victim of its own hype. Everyone came into the game with unattainable expectations and we all know what happens when a game is overhyped to the core. I hate to use the word Daikatana to make an example but it’s a comparison that I simply need to make.

You know, even I think Halo 2 is a bit overhyped but for fuck's sake, shit like that makes the guy sound like a colossal idiot.
MrparisSM said:
:lol why don't u do it yourself? ;) I still feel like gamespot scores games lower to get attention. That's just my opinion though. But these other unknown sites like this are just ridiculous with how far they go. The haters will latch onto any ammunition they can get though!



From the moment you boot up the game your ears might tell you that you’re in trouble. As the Bungie logo rolls through you’ll hear a remixed version of the theme song that’s done with a combination of electric guitars and an orchestra. It was cheesy in the 80s, it was cheesy in the 90s and it’s cheesy in the 2000s.

From the moment I started reading that review, my eyes were telling me I was in trouble. :p

It seems safe to say that we can add 'has no taste in music' to that reviewer's 'qualifications'.


A selection of games Charlie scored better than Halo 2:

Blinx: The Time Sweeper
Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure
Dr. Muto
Nascar Thunder 2003
Red Faction 2
Shrek 2
Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild
Star Wars Clone Wars
The Thing
Treasure Planet
Tribes Aerial Assault
Unreal Championship
WWE Day of Reckoning
WWE Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain
WWE Smackdown! Shut Your Mouth

...now I haven't played several of the games listed above, but I have a hard time believing that most (if any) of them are better than Halo 2. The ones I have played certainly aren't.

As someone who isn't so in love with the series as probably 9/10 of its fans here, even I have to roll my eyes at comments like these:

It’s almost as if the fans knew that the sequel wouldn’t be able to compare to the original and decided to reduce their expectations for fear of being disappointed.

Honestly, I think the review is based on a romanticized view of the original and clearly someone who bought into the hype. I haven't been disappointed yet, but the only hype I absorbed was pre-ordering and seeing a couple of early movies I really didn't expect would be representative of the game.
SickBoy said:
A selection of games Charlie scored better than Halo 2:

Blinx: The Time Sweeper
Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure
Dr. Muto
Nascar Thunder 2003
Red Faction 2
Shrek 2
Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild
Star Wars Clone Wars
The Thing
Treasure Planet
Tribes Aerial Assault
Unreal Championship
WWE Day of Reckoning
WWE Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain
WWE Smackdown! Shut Your Mouth

...now I haven't played several of the games listed above, but I have a hard time believing that most (if any) of them are better than Halo 2.

Please. That's logical fallacy #1. I personally hate this one when used with reviews.

Description of Poisoning the Well

This sort of "reasoning" involves trying to discredit what a person might later claim by presenting unfavorable information (be it true or false) about the person. This "argument" has the following form:

1. Unfavorable information (be it true or false) about person A is presented.
2. Therefore any claims person A makes will be false.

This sort of "reasoning" is obviously fallacious. The person making such an attack is hoping that the unfavorable information will bias listeners against the person in question and hence that they will reject any claims he might make. However, merely presenting unfavorable information about a person (even if it is true) hardly counts as evidence against the claims he/she might make. This is especially clear when Poisoning the Well is looked at as a form of ad Homimem in which the attack is made prior to the person even making the claim or claims.
Here's how I view it... and bare in mind here I'm kind of a casual in terms of Xbox and Xbox game knowledge:

I bought an Xbox just over a week ago with Chronicles of Riddick and Halo. What made me buy the machine was the insane Halo 2 hype. All I'd read here and elsewhere was people gushing over the original, salivating over I love bees, just itching to get their hands on the next game. I'd watched the awesome trailer where Master Chief releases himself from the air lock and plummets towards an Earth the likes of which we'll hopefully never see in real life. A glorious bombastic wartorn scene of exhilarating destruction. The 8 minute demo at E3 was THE talking point at the show, on these boards, on other boards around the world... not to mention classrooms, offices and around family dinner tables. The game just promised it would be 150% awesome. In fact, from what I'd gathered around here, the original was in the same area of awesomeness...

After a week, I already feel misled. Things that impress me about Halo: levels load nice and fast, and are at times very large and very pretty. The way the game loads and saves during progress is nigh on unnoticable. Being restricted to carrying two weapons at any one time and being able to expend ammunition is thrilling stuff... Cortana's dialogue on enemy/ally movements in the heat of battle is cool too. It is, at times, engrossing. The co-operative element is fab fun, but I don't always have someone else to play with, nor particularly want to sometimes. The warthog is a little weird to control, but once you grasp it, it's quite intuitive and fun. Here's what I don't like: I personally find the character design uninspired and a bit ugly. The blacks, purples and jagged looking armour and weaponry isn't something I'm that fond of in footage of Metroid Prime 2 echoes either... it's almost a bit Unreal-esque, or like something from other generic FPS like, y'know, the one beginning with "D". Which that reviewer probably threw in there for attention whoring emphasis of course.

BUT, it's not a gripe that makes or breaks a game for me. The cutscenes look a little dated, and I've been spoiled by Halo 2 footage in this regard I think, along with scenes in other games. I hate repeating actions - one example from one area in the game: drive warthog to survivors, kill everything that attacks, drive warthog to survivors, kill everything that attacks, repeat. I hate corridors that look the same, and horde after horde of faceless enemies. But other than that - I can see that this game has potential to impress me yet. A friend in work said I should enjoy the final level... something he said he can't say about the last level of Halo 2. In fact he sounds pretty bored, and it's really sad to hear coming from someone who along with his friends convinced me that this game would be worth buying my Xbox for.

Chronicles of Riddick, I have enjoyed so far (I'm upto the mines). It's not perfect either. Load times are laborious and really makes dying that much more annoying for example. However in other areas this game has come out of the wide blue yonder, straight out of leftfield, <insert cliché> and totally knocked my socks off. The graphics are fantastic, some of the best I've seen on Xbox.. there's a real sense of ultra-violence in the fighting system, it's not only fun to watch but it's totally fluid - good to play and take in. The interactivity reminds me of my other favourite FPS and stealth games. Games like Half Life, Metal Gear Solid and Splinter Cell. The world, story and the voicework is all enjoyable stuff. And aside from what I personally think has so far been a compelling first person mode, there's also online multiplayer which I can take advantage of in future.

Now, from what I gather: Halo 2's single player mode has suffered to the benefit of the multiplayer mode. While this is perhaps more true to Bungie's initial intentions for Halo, I can personally see why a lot of people feel screwed. Not everybody out there is a gaming elite, posting on messageboards... many don't pay videogame website subscriptions with money for Xbox Live left over. Only 5% or less of Xbox owners really can or currently are doing such things. And YET I recall that last week - the boldest analyst estimates were hoping for a Halo 2 take up numbering four or five times larger than the Xbox Live userbase. So why wouldn't the hardened focus on Xbox Live piss off some people? Some of those without credit cards for example... without broadband, without the desire for either, or what about those people who simply prefer offline gaming? They do exist shockingly enough. Obviously, I think it's wise that Microsoft used their biggest game to help push Xbox Live subscriptions -- but if it has come at a cost to the single player game, then I really think it stinks. It'll only stink up more if more compelling single player content turns up for download.

And most importantly: I think hype is damaging. Not damaging to sales of course -- no, we're seeing records broken there.... but damaging to our satisfactions. You see the biggest backlashes like these wherever there was hype. Without it you don't. Take Retro and Metroid Prime. A return of a Nintendo staple franchise that had been on sabbatical since the SNES, in some unknown American developers hands in a first person perspective? There was a collective "FUCK" across many in the Nintendo fanbase, and a severe drop in expectation, media involved. What emerged was one of the best games in that year. Halo too, without no precedent was receiving even greater glory with it's new fans. And Riddick, I feel, deserves praise too. But if you make games that people really, really love: like Halo or Metal Gear Solid... if you market them certain expectations, and from certain points of view - fail to deliver on them... well then you're contending with a higher fandom. People will lash out in anger at what's been done to their game. Look no further than bitter Nintendo fans angry at what they believe is Nintendo's inability to make games as good as their N64 predecessors (with whom I personally disagree). Look at the Ocarina of Time fans (some of whom probably won't want to even hear about another Zelda game without a horse and/or ocarina). Look at Star Wars fans. All very vociferous groups of people that form very high, clinical expectations in what they expect from given franchises. I think you can now place some Halo fans in this trend.

Then there's the people who bitch just for bitchings sake. To stand out.
The way I see it, all of the below things are probably coming into play -

* there are legitimate grievances with this game for some people,

* it's NOT the second coming to everyone,

* there is a hardcore Halo-fan element that's pissed off cos they didn't get exactly what they want,

* some people are moaning because quite simply they excel at moaning, especially about things that are or were once popular.


sonycowboy said:
Please. That's logical fallacy #1. I personally hate this one when used with reviews.

Seriously, what does logic have to do with a person's subjective take on something? I think a person's body of work speaks to -- at the very least -- whether I'm on the same page as them. I can tell you right now from the perspective of review score and content, I'm not on the same page as this guy, who apparently prefers Tribes Aerial Assault and NASCAR 2003.


"Well this guy's a Microsoft fanboy."



they call me "Man Gravy".
sonycowboy said:
Please. That's logical fallacy #1. I personally hate this one when used with reviews.

As much as I admire the attempt, this isn't really a logical fallacy as presented. It's a series of facts that the individual is using to support his case. In this example, the individual is saying that Halo 2 was rated below all those "other" games, and since those other games are clearly inferior, this person's opinion isn't valid.

An example of that logical fallacy would be later on, if this reviewer gives Metroid Prime 2 a bad review, pointing to the same list / Halo 2 example and then saying "because this person's review of Halo 2 was terrible, we can't trust anything they might say about Metroid Prime 2" - even then it is subjective if that really is "poisoning the well", because the whole argument would relate to their review scores, which are certainly relevant to the discussion at hand.
SickBoy said:
Seriously, what does logic have to do with a person's subjective take on something? I think a person's body of work speaks to -- at the very least -- whether I'm on the same page as them. I can tell you right now from the perspective of review score and content, I'm not on the same page as this guy, who apparently prefers Tribes Aerial Assault and NASCAR 2003.


"Well this guy's a Microsoft fanboy."


Then why not attack his review? Surely, there must be numerous points that are completely groundless. Going after his previous reviews, in no way, addresses the points he makes in his review.
Nerevar said:
As much as I admire the attempt, this isn't really a logical fallacy as presented. It's a series of facts that the individual is using to support his case. In this example, the individual is saying that Halo 2 was rated below all those "other" games, and since those other games are clearly inferior, this person's opinion isn't valid.

An example of that logical fallacy would be later on, if this reviewer gives Metroid Prime 2 a bad review, pointing to the same list / Halo 2 example and then saying "because this person's review of Halo 2 was terrible, we can't trust anything they might say about Metroid Prime 2" - even then it is subjective if that really is "poisoning the well", because the whole argument would relate to their review scores, which are certainly relevant to the discussion at hand.

[side-track discussion]

I'd agree that they could definitely be a component of trying to determine a person's position, but the original poster:

1) never read the previous reviews
2) never played the games reviewed
3) didn't address the review itself.
4) Is starting from an assumption that Halo 2 is great, and using that as a reason to discredit the previous reviews (another logical fallacy :D )

He clearly just did a search of the person's previous reviews, pulled the ones that would strengthen his position and used it as ammunition to discredit the reviewer. That's exactly what that logical fallacy is all about.

[/side-track discussion]


WTF is SonyCowboy defending it so much?Does it really mean that much to you that some no name site marked down the evil Halo 2 with a low score?
PhatSaqs said:
The amount of hits they received thanks to this thread bumped the score up to an 8.25 :lol

They're averaging the 8.9 and the 7.6 for the same game on the Gamefaq's site thanks to pressure from the Halobots. :lol

PhatSaqs said:
WTF is SonyCowboy defending it so much?Does it really mean that much to you that some no name site marked down the evil Halo 2 with a low score?

I haven't defended a damn thing. I'm taking the people to task who are attacking it merely because it's a low score. I said before that the reviewer seemed to be taking a cheap shot by mentioning Daikatana at the same time. This review crap bashing is really pathetic, with the whole fixation on the Gamerankings position. The same people that are bashing the review are the ones saying "NumBER 1 all time!!!"


they call me "Man Gravy".
sonycowboy said:
1) never read the previous reviews
2) never played the games reviewed
3) didn't address the review itself.
4) Is starting from an assumption that Halo 2 is great, and using that as a reason to discredit the previous reviews (another logical fallacy :D )

Well, sonycowboy, that's a number of generalizations you've made without any evidence to support yourself. How do you know if he played those games? How do you know that he didn't read the reviews? It sounds to me like you're guilty of a few logical fallacies yourself.
Nerevar said:
Well, sonycowboy, that's a number of generalizations you've made without any evidence to support yourself. How do you know if he played those games? How do you know that he didn't read the reviews? It sounds to me like you're guilty of a few logical fallacies yourself.

Uhhhh, because he said he didn't?

SickBoy said:
...now I haven't played several of the games listed above, but I have a hard time believing that most (if any) of them are better than Halo 2. The ones I have played certainly aren't.
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