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Gaming Nexus bitch-slaps Halo 2


I'd agree that they could definitely be a component of trying to determine a person's position, but the original poster:

1) never read the previous reviews
2) never played the games reviewed
3) didn't address the review itself.
4) Is starting from an assumption that Halo 2 is great, and using that as a reason to discredit the previous reviews (another logical fallacy )

He clearly just did a search of the person's previous reviews, pulled the ones that would strengthen his position and used it as ammunition to discredit the reviewer. That's exactly what that logical fallacy is all about.

First off, you're dead wrong, as I read the review first and then looked at the "other reviews" link. And, as I noted in my followup post, I have played several of the other games (*but not all of them*). And I'm getting chided about logic.

I disagree that his other reviews are meaningless, as far as I'm concerned they're all part of his gaming benchmark, and I also think they may play into the suggestion that this is a "statement" score (i.e: Red Faction 2 is noted in the review as doing dual-weapon combat worse, yet it scored an 8.3 to Halo's 7.6). I'll also add that the site itself lists other reviews in comparison at the end of the text...

Anyhow, I'll take you up on your suggestion that I look at the review itself...

To restate: I think the review is based on a romanticized view of the original and clearly someone who bought into the hype.

HALO... it’s arguably the best console first person shooter ever made.

Everyone was expecting HALO 2 to push the graphical capabilities of the Xbox much in the same way that HALO 1 did but it never came to fruition.... designers were busy toiling with lame things like ride jacking

(Re: E3) What we saw was impressive, but I think that the attendees were more mesmerized by the allure of the product than they were by the actual game.

Again, is he reviewing the hype, or the game?

It’s almost as if the fans knew that the sequel wouldn’t be able to compare to the original and decided to reduce their expectations for fear of being disappointed.

Talking about logic... there's a straw man of sorts... Similar references to "HALO fanboys" are made elsewhere in the review... seems to me as insulation against criticism... that anyone who challenges might be a "HALO fanboy." And in fact, his first paragraph is essentially a broadside at irrational Xbox fans.

It's not that there are no valid gripes in places of the review. But I get the distinct impression that this guy came in looking for a world-beater and got a solid sequel (which is, IMO, what Halo 2 is). I don't think it's a world-beater, just a good game. But I didn't get on the hype train.


I really don't even see the point in posting this review other than trying to start a flame war.The game has been out for a week,everyone has formed their own opinion by now,we don't need this asshat's opinion.
SickBoy said:
Anyhow, I'll take you up on your suggestion that I look at the review itself...

Again, this was my ONLY point in reference to your previous post. I wasn't saying that the GAF is a "LOGIC ONLY" haven.


One thing is for sure, anyone who doesnt think Riddick has a better single player mode is a crackhead. It remains the best game of the year on the Xbox from that front. Halo 2's multi is an absolute treat though.


they call me "Man Gravy".
sonycowboy said:
Uhhhh, because he said he didn't?

He said he hadn't played "all" of them, but he does explicitly mention he's played some of them. Furthermore, he never said that he didn't read the review. In fact, he later on pointed out that he did.

Note, this isn't meant to be an attack on the review. I just find it funny that you called out someone for committing a "logical fallacy" that could only be considered as one if you made several generalizations of your own and committed your own "logical fallacies."


Wow, I've never seen a site so controlled by fanboy responses. Even Gamerankings is "waiting on additions" for many reviews.

Reanimated said:
Hey Sonycowboy how's Killzone? :lol :lol :lol

Get lost kid.

Hey, is this Daxter Too / Repeater (from the IGN boards)? I seem to remember this user ID from the not too distant past getting banned for posting the exact same posts under multiple ID's?

And, BTW, Killzone is pretty damn good. :D
Code_Link said:
Wow, I've never seen a site so controlled by fanboy responses. Even Gamerankings is "waiting on additions" for many reviews.


They don't write the reviews, they're waiting because those sites are going to provide seperate multiplayer scores and there are 160 articles, half of which are all reviews over 80%

What's pathetic about it?

Seth C

Take a deep breath and read that review, folks. He seems to claim (or think) that while playing as the Covenant you can only use the alien weapons. Is he an idiot, or has he not actually played the game?


What is with the Killzone hate... you guys just read reviews and don't even think for yourselves? Killzone is pretty fucking good.


not an idiot
that review is a complete joke made by an obvious fanboy who pseudo tries to hide his fanboyism and hatred for the xbox. he doesn't even realize he can use other weapons when playing the arbiter. not only that it looks like he waited around to do his "review" just to find some complaints on the internet from other people and then gathered them all up and listed them all as his complaints of halo 2.

as soon as he compared daikatana... let me say that again, he compared Daika-FUCKIN-Tana to Halo 2 any semblance of any real honesty at all went flying out the window.

it's funny to see all the gamecube fanboys in here trying to defend that tripe. pathetic and just sickening. honestly. no nonfanboy who reads this review will believe anything at all from it. its sad that some people will reduce themselves to that kind of behaviour over their stupid ass love/hate of the various companies.
Seth C said:
Look, as soon as he mentions Chronicles of Riddick you know the entire thing is crap. If you really think Chronicles of Riddick is better than Halo 2 or the original Halo, well, I worry about you.


not an idiot
I never understood why there was that much love for Riddick myself. I really hated the control in that game... and talk about repetitive environments. Sheesh, the whole game looked the same all the way through. Add to that no multiplayer, no online anything, no downloadable anything... buggy graphics that looked like shit on HDTV's... and what do you have left? That game was a classic case of young boys getting overexcited about graphics (if you didn't have HDTV that is), because the rest of the "game" was very blah.

If someone thought that game was better than Halo 2, I would no doubt never listen to or at least put any value in their opinion again. To say the least.
shpankey said:
it's funny to see all the gamecube fanboys in here trying to defend that tripe. pathetic and just sickening. honestly. no nonfanboy who reads this review will believe anything at all from it. its sad that some people will reduce themselves to that kind of behaviour over their stupid ass love/hate of the various companies.

I think we established the review is shit. When it doesn't agree with 90% of the reviews out there you know somethings wrong. But don't write off the possibility that people have legitimate complaints by dismissing them as being "defensive" of this particular review. Some of these pro-Halo posts are just as defensive as ones from outright haters. And where are you getting gamecube fanboys? And forgive me if I'm not familiar with post histories here -

Seriously, I see more fucking complaints about fanboys than actual fanboy postings on this board. I know there are one or two questionable posts now and then from the usual suspects.. but that's usually it, and all of a sudden we have about 400 people posting with "fucking fanboys" or some other such diatribe. Remember, Olimario bought an Xbox and "it's all over, sell your gamecube" is the new mantra. So what colour is the sky in your world? I think we must read this board at different times of the day. Today being the exception to that rule.
I rented Killzone from Gamefly because I like to think for myself rather than just listening to reviews.

Unfortunately the reviews were right - Killzone is shit.
"Unfortunately the reviews were right - Killzone is shit."


"Wrong, wrong and wrong... I know reviewers know about Gamerankings all too well, as well as the PR people reviewers work with... However a reviewer wanting to see Halo 2 slip on Gamerankings is one of the dumbest things I have heard of..."

I'd agree with you on the folks that get paid to review games. However, I do not agree with you at all on these smaller sites.
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