Remember how Hulk Hogan called his daughter's lover a racial slur on camera? Because I'm not sure everyone does.
Remember how none of us had any right to even see or hear that piece of information? I'm not sure you do.
People say terrible shit sometimes, if he does it all the time he's a racist, if he did it once he's probably got some fucking pent up racism that he may not even realize, yet at the end of the day none of that matters: It isn't our right as the public to know what someone says behind their own closed doors and Gawker is getting rightly fucked for forgetting that.
And no, I don't care about anything else he might've said, cause I'm not interested in debating that point. I'm just saying almost everyone has said some shit in their lives, the only difference is nobody gives a shit about you or me and we can privately reflect and become better without it ruining our careers and lives.