Hahahahaha what
Do you ever make posts anymore that don't mention being a girl or a lesbian?
Please understand, legit strategy to get the ball.
PES also tries
It's too bad these are glitches and not intentional. Homoeroticism is exactly what I need to get back into sports games.
is GAY a curse word or something? jesus christ people im not making fun of anything other than a game with glitches
I really don't think it is. It's just an awesome side effect of their haywire physics system.This has to be at least semi-intentional right? I've never seen glitches like this in any other game.
What's with all the casualties in this thread?
I really don't think it is. It's just an awesome side effect of their haywire physics system.
I figure they had to have seen it during playtesting and said "You know, we could probably fix that, but let's leave it in." Kind of like how you can flying tackle people in NBA 2k14.
Please understand, legit strategy to get the ball.
Its 1:50am and I'm lying in bed and laughing. Woke up the wife.This really made me laugh.Guy in white shorts is amazing.They'r tough.
I get this reference lol
Please understand, legit strategy to get the ball.
PES also tries
Some classics from the PESxSilent Hill cross promotion by Capcom:
seen a few of these weird situations with the fifa games. it's almost to the point where there's too many of them to be written off as an accident.