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Gay marriage ban passes in Missouri

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This is truly sickening.

Outright bigotry put into law. It is both sad and disappointing. I wish for all those fucking bigots to have their sons and daughters be gay so that they can rest in the bed they've made.


Lathentar said:
I have a question. When do you stop being tolerant?

In that newspaper article they mentioned:
Marriage to Children
Marriage to other Species

In my opinion all that is wrong, but other people would disagree.

Uh, shouldn't christians be in favor of polygamy?

More importantly, these are really separate issues, and saying that we have to allow for them if we allow gay people to marry is like saying that if we let people ride their segway on a sidewalk, then we'll have to let them drive their cars, land their airplanes, and pilot their ships on them too.

Yes, I know that this doesn't quite address what you're saying. As for where I draw the line...well, polygamy and marriage to children have already been tried many times, and always with bad consequences. Marriage to animals is meaningless, if only because the animal can't understand the institution to begin with.

This state disgusts me sometimes:

That was in my local paper last week. It's depressing how idiotic people can be sometimes.

Wow, it's every idiotic argument against gay marriage all in a nice little column. Let's see...

1) gov't has no place advocating religion - and besides, God actually hates straight people. Yup, he told me so Himself. He also said that if he wrote a book, it would be a lot cooler than the Bible.

2) Nobody's forcing you to get married, or to care whether or not other people are.

3) allowing gay marriage will not make more people magically be attracted to their own sex, gay "couples" are already raising children anyway, AIDS is not a gay-only disease.

4) Already discussed.

5) You're already paying for AIDS and STD costs, SS and tax benefits for gay marriages will not be significant, due to their small portion of the population.

6) Even if this were true, this isn't a reason to vote "yes" on the amendment - and one could say that allowing same-sex marriage expands the rights of *all* people, since straight people can get into same-sex marriages as well.

7) Already shown to be false in this thread.
What a moron. Look what he wrote:

New Study: Teens Have Access to Guns
The news readers are also wringing their hands over a new study that reports that 47% of high schoolers say they have access to guns.

This really IS bad news! That 47% figure means that 53% of high school age Americans DO NOT have access to guns. Just 30 or 40 years ago I'm sure those figures were reversed.

Back then fathers and sons would grab their shotguns and go afield together with the family bird dog or beagle and the dad would have time to imprint the boy with wholesome values. Or, instead, they might take a target rifle to the range and learn the discipline of precision shooting. They might even simply do a little plinking together and share a little "quality time".

Thirty or forty years ago 47% of the high school boys probably owned their own firearms! And back then, we didn't have school shootings or the host of social problems teens have today.
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
What a moron. Look what he wrote:

New Study: Teens Have Access to Guns
The news readers are also wringing their hands over a new study that reports that 47% of high schoolers say they have access to guns.

This really IS bad news! That 47% figure means that 53% of high school age Americans DO NOT have access to guns. Just 30 or 40 years ago I'm sure those figures were reversed.

Back then fathers and sons would grab their shotguns and go afield together with the family bird dog or beagle and the dad would have time to imprint the boy with wholesome values. Or, instead, they might take a target rifle to the range and learn the discipline of precision shooting. They might even simply do a little plinking together and share a little "quality time".

Thirty or forty years ago 47% of the high school boys probably owned their own firearms! And back then, we didn't have school shootings or the host of social problems teens have today.

How would having firearms prevent social problems anyways? Also, many of these school shooting kids were depressed or suicidal... there probably would be shootings either way.
eggplant said:
How would having firearms prevent social problems anyways? Also, many of these school shooting kids were depressed or suicidal... there probably would be shootings either way.

Well, then you would have to watch out for returning fire while on a suicidal killing spree, because back in the 50s, kids came to school packing heat. The flip side is the crazy kid would have better aim and be more apt to get a head shot.


Lathentar said:
I have a question. When do you stop being tolerant?

In that newspaper article they mentioned:

Provided that all participants are able to give their consent (which rules out children and animals fwiw) I have no problem with polygamy. I DO feel however, that anyone married to more than one person should have to give up their rights to any sort of public assistance. If someone has the means to support a polygamist lifestyle, let them.


Today is not a good day to be a homosexual. I would be irate. Doesn't the government have anything else to worry about :rolleyes
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
What a moron. Look what he wrote:

New Study: Teens Have Access to Guns
The news readers are also wringing their hands over a new study that reports that 47% of high schoolers say they have access to guns.

This really IS bad news! That 47% figure means that 53% of high school age Americans DO NOT have access to guns. Just 30 or 40 years ago I'm sure those figures were reversed.

Back then fathers and sons would grab their shotguns and go afield together with the family bird dog or beagle and the dad would have time to imprint the boy with wholesome values. Or, instead, they might take a target rifle to the range and learn the discipline of precision shooting. They might even simply do a little plinking together and share a little "quality time".

Thirty or forty years ago 47% of the high school boys probably owned their own firearms! And back then, we didn't have school shootings or the host of social problems teens have today.

Umm...you reverse the figures and it still about 50/50...no? wtf?


LOL! This is so fucking hilarious. I want to see the backlash when gay marriage is allowed. Be it next year, the year after that, ten years or whenever. Any ban passed today is only temporary and will serve no other purpose than to make the residents of that state look like bigoted jackasses that they are. People once largely supported segregation. Then they all tried to deny their past when segregation was outlawed. The same will stand now. Except I don't think anyone should be allowed to change their opinions later on. Dickheads like Falwell and O'Reilly and their ilk should have their noses rubbed in their own ignorance repeatedly until the shame overwhelms them. I can't look at anyone straight in the face who stands there and tells me there's a reason to ban gay marriage. All the morality bullshit is just that, bullshit. Sinners judging sinners. More like assholes doing what assholes do. Missouri...still catching up the rest of civilization. PEACE.


I'm not the biggest supporter of gay marriage, but that newspaper clipping on the first page has to be the most bigoted, ignorant, narrow minded piece of trash i've ever seen.
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