Dude, when you finish the game then voice the concerns. If you are saying the caves have no variety you need your eyes checked. And yes, that scene you talk about in the paragraph is actually near the end of the game.
I shouldn't have to wait until the last act to experience beautiful scenery.

Yes, there is variety in the caves, but none of it is really all that appealing to me. It's good looking, but doesn't interesting or wow me in the same way as the environments presented in the first game.
Gears of War 2 >>> Pop-ups of War.
Texture pop-in was fairly rare in the original game just as it is here. However, I also own the PC version of the original which allows me to enjoy it without ANY pop-in as well as using 1080p at 60 fps. Of course, my opinion applies to both versions.
gregor7777 said:
Well, I'll say I haven't progressed very far. So my opinion may change.
Everything fits so much better together in Gears 2. Gears seemed to have sections that were clearly better looking than others, and so far with Gears 2 I can't see the 'seams', so to speak.
On top of that, with all of the action happening in the background, it amazing I don't feel this game chugging.
Well, the first area on the rigs was clearly a step up and looked awesome. However, after that, you find yourself in the caves...where you will remain for a long time. I just don't find that type of scenery all that impressive and the lighting is so much more bland. Act 2 of the original took place around a series of absolutely beautiful structures during the evening hours and continued until dark.
The area used in Act 3 looks really nice initially, but you end up going inside fairly limited corridors and ending up with some odd looking "hail". It certainly doesn't impress like the rainy area of Act 3 in the original (though the rain itself is an improvement).
Then, after a brief stint in "the caves" in the original game, you emerge to a wide open campus area full once again of great looking structures and a battle along the water side. Gears 2 throws you back into...the caves (only with a bit more temple thrown in).
The final act of the original was such an incredible looking segment and I can only hope Gears 2 turns around and brings us back outside for something equally satisfying.
There's not enough architecture and scenery like this...
UE3 best handles environments like this yet they just keep throwing more caverns at you. Half the game feels like a blur to me while I felt that the original kept changing things up nicely. There hasn't been anything so far that impresses me like those swarming "bat" creatures from the original, for instance.
Everyone keeps claiming that Gears 2 looks so good that they can't play the original, but that makes me feel like I'm playing a different game entirely.
The ranting probably sounds worse than it is, though. I just enjoy going on about these things sometimes.

I think Gears 2 is a great shooter and I'm having a blast. I simply don't believe it to be superior to the original.