sprocket said:- no real holy shit moments like the first game.
Not even the (act 3 spoiler)
sprocket said:- no real holy shit moments like the first game.
Exactly. I'm not attacking Gears 2 by any means. I think it's a great game and a beautiful one at that. I'm simply presenting my take on the presentation (which was an extremely important part of the Gears experience for me).h3ro said:Call off the attack dogs bro, Dark has an opinion on which "look" he prefers, nothing worth getting worked up over...
I'm sorry, man, but either your 360 was having issues or your memory is a bit off. Perhaps there is a difference in multiplayer (haven't tried Gears 2 multi), but in the original, texture pop-in generally only occured after dying or following some cutscenes. The same occurs in Gears 2 (but they fade in textures rather than pop them in). It's really not an issue in either title.I had the 360 version.
Darklord said:Not even the (act 3 spoiler)?riftworm
Relix said:Is this a revenge situation or something? GTFO of this thread and stop flaming. Bring this shit elsewhere.
JB1981 said:wow someone's having a sunday afternoon meltdown.
dark10x said:*shrug*
There was speculation that the PS3 version ran smoother at one point, but I have proven that to be quite false.
dark10x said:Well, yes, they actually DO look very much on par. Honestly, in some ways, I do think the PS3 version looks a bit better. The framerate is generally smoother on 360, however (I'm not sure how you could suggest otherwise).
They need to get some good ai going, one can still sit there with the sniper and pick them off without too much effort.sprocket said:- easier than the first game on normal.
Riding asprocket said:I saw that coming a mile away. if you noticed right before that you see the wall move a little and looks different than the rock. plus [ there was a collectable about talking to worms] before that as well.
It was no near meeting a berserker for the first time or using the hammer of dawn on a seeder for the first time.
sprocket said:my impressions.
+ love the new weapons and enemies.
+ I personally like the less serious story. Makes it more fun.
- slow down( specially the snow tank part )
- no real holy shit moments like the first game.
- locals are not as good as the first game.
- easier than the first game on normal.
sprocket said:my impressions.
+ love the new weapons and enemies.
+ I personally like the less serious story. Makes it more fun.
- slow down( specially the snow tank part )
- no real holy shit moments like the first game.
- locals are not as good as the first game.
- easier than the first game on normal.
Well, yes, they actually DO look very much on par. Honestly, in some ways, I do think the PS3 version looks a bit better. The framerate is generally smoother on 360, however (I'm not sure how you could suggest otherwise).You had claimed early on they looked about par and I certainly did not see that as anywhere close to factual. Regardless, doesn't matter.
It's way more balanced and paced than the first one and there was zero filler levels. It's got more variety, too. Also, loved the empowerment as the game progress if you know what I'm talking about. Giving 8.6 seems unfair and not objective. I'll give you that the hammer of dawn was awesome when I first got it in GOW1.sprocket said:I saw that coming a mile away. if you noticed right before that you see the wall move a little and looks different than the rock. plus [ there was a collectable about talking to worms] before that as well.
It was no near meeting a berserker for the first time or using the hammer of dawn on a seeder for the first time.
Which levels in the original would you classify as "filler"? I'm just curious.Sushen said:It's way more balanced and paced than the first one and there was zero filler levels. It's got more variety, too. Giving 8.6 seems unfair and not objective.
I didn't mean GOW1 was filled with fillers. I was referencing other games that tried to artificially bloat the contents, although I'm not going to mention the names since I don't want to start a flame war. I like the length of GOW1 & 2, short and sweet.dark10x said:Which levels in the original would you classify as "filler"? I'm just curious.
I don't really think either game has a lot of filler, however, the sequel often places you in a position where your forward momentum is limited by the scripting (often waiting for vehicles or some other event).
Y2Kev said:Just beat it! Absolutely awesome game. Super awesome. Act 5 was awesome. Final boss was a lil' lolz but the rest of the game was so great. Delivered in every way for me.
Shotgun seems the same to me, it just seems weaker to you because you no longer can run, roll, and shoot to win all your games The Shotgun is still one shot kill up close, Chainsaw is a little bit easier because they have to make you lower your chainsaw twice, and smoke grenades are actually useful now.spermatic cord said:Shotgun too weak. Chainsaw too strong. Smoke grenades are stupid. Pretty fun game though.
The game "climaxed" in act 4 I think. I loved Act 5 but it felt very much like a "we're gonna try new things, see if you like them" type bit. There was only really 2 chapters in Act 5 of "stop and pop." They were great, but Act 4 was really superb.WrikaWrek said:The final Boss worked more as a "visual climax" to the game, than exactly a "gameplay climax". If you know what i mean.
Last night it was me, Aladuf, Shins, ThirdEngine, and Vanguarde.Shoogoo said:What do you mean by 'us'? I'd like to play Horde with gaffers, but where do I get the names?
sprocket said:funniest part of the game
the snow tank level.. the lady tells you to cross the bridge and the Y look comes up. You press Y and the tank turns to look object( the bridge) which makes you drive right of the cliff.
all you can do is laugh.
Kibbles said:Shotgun seems the same to me, it just seems weaker to you because you no longer can run, roll, and shoot to win all your games The Shotgun is still one shot kill up close, Chainsaw is a little bit easier because they have to make you lower your chainsaw twice, and smoke grenades are actually useful now.
sprocket said:funniest part of the game
the snow tank level.. the lady tells you to cross the bridge and the Y look comes up. You press Y and the tank turns to look object( the bridge) which makes you drive right of the cliff.
all you can do is laugh.
+ love the new weapons and enemies.
+ I personally like the less serious story. Makes it more fun.
- slow down ( specially the snow tank part )
- no real holy shit moments like the first game.
- locals are not as good as the first game.
- easier than the first game on normal.
sionyboy said:I'm trying to think of times when I've died repeatedly so far, I'm at the start of Act 3 so all of these will refer to Acts 1 and 2;
-First time you encounter the Kantus at the temple/gates structure. Didn't realise that after a while the drones will piss off, I was trying to kill everything and getting shot to buggery whilst doing so.
Rei_Toei said:Just finished on hardcore. Insane here I come. Some general spoilers:
Story:I totally expected more about the research facility and the Sirens. You get dropped in, find out some vague hints, exit, and it isn't really discussed/relevant anymore. I expected them to have some talk about with Hoffmann or the Prez. I mean, they're experimenting with children. Somewhere it's said that the test subjects lose hair and have abnormal fast fingernail growth. Sound Locustesque to me.
What difficulty are you playing on?StoOgE said:Ugg, I suck at this game.
I was really good at Gears 1, but I cant get past the very beginning of the first stage (not the hosptial).
Kaako said:What difficulty are you playing on?
I played it on medium and I thought it was fun and pretty easy. That being said, I just beat Gears 1 couple of weeks ago so the controls and feel of the game were still fresh for me.
Kibbles said:What? Did you even play the game? I didn't notice any slowdowns in the tank part, and unlike the first game, this was jam packed with "holy shit!" moments. Locals are not as good? What? The variety in this game is great. As for the last part... have you ever heard of Hardcore?
Nah, I was playing with my partner just driving along and I almost went off the cliff too. I quickly hit reverse and saved myself but I almost took the dive too.Warm Machine said:Are you one of the guys who rushes through games? Only way you'd fall off is by pinning the accelerator through the sequence.
Assuming that I am thinking of the correct place you are at, that was difficult, but you have to learn to use the turret in Gears 2. This one overheats, so if you use it correctly, you can take down the reaver.StoOgE said:I just went through Gears 1 (finished yesterday 5th playthrough) on Hardcore and had no problem at all.
I am currently sucking shit trying to kill the Reaver. They went down really easy with the trike gone in Gears 1. They dont go down at all in Gears 2 with it
Ok, this is seriously starting to piss me off, I have unloaded countless rounds into it. Ive killed the pilot and the gunner and the piece of shit won't die. Someone tell me what the fuck I'm supposed to do.
Ahh, the Reavers...prepare to fight a shit ton of them in Gears 2. I really didn't have a specific strategy for them, just kept moving from cover to cover and unload on their asses every chance I get. I kept shooting them in the face/jaw mostly though. Also, at times you'll get the hammer of dawn which works wonders against Reavers and all kinds of other shit.StoOgE said:I just went through Gears 1 (finished yesterday 5th playthrough) on Hardcore and had no problem at all.
I am currently sucking shit trying to kill the Reaver. They went down really easy with the trike gone in Gears 1. They dont go down at all in Gears 2 with it
Y2Kev said:The game "climaxed" in act 4 I think. I loved Act 5 but it felt very much like a "we're gonna try new things, see if you like them" type bit. There was only really 2 chapters in Act 5 of "stop and pop." They were great, but Act 4 was really superb.
Totally agree, it was great. But I think Hardcore in this game is easier than Hardcore in Gears 1. Maybe I'm just good at the game now but I died as a result of non-glitches or 1-hit kills very, very infrequently.Brakara said:I thought the last chapter was great. Not particular great gameplay, butwas incredible satisfying.riding the Brumak
Also, why do people keep saying Normal is easier in Gears 2? There was no Normal in Gears 1. For someone new to the franchise, I would say Normal is a tad more difficult than Casual in Gears 1. And if you don't believe me, then go and play Gears 1 on Casual. It's a breeze.
Dax01 said:Assuming that I am thinking of the correct place you are at, that was difficult, but you have to learn to use the turret in Gears 2. This one overheats, so if you use it correctly, you can take down the reaver.
Do you need me to help you?
Zabka said:I am shocked at how stupid the online system is. One of the big reasons why Call of Duty 4 has the most popular multiplayer is because there is no bullshit to get through to play the damn game, and once you're in the game you just keep playing as players are dropped and added. Gears 2 just feels like it's wasting my time. Why Halo 3 is considered the standard I will never understand.
I'm also disappointed with the alternate control scheme. If they had put just dodge on Y it would be perfect.
The campaign was great though, except for Act I and the tank part.
go to your download history and it should be there. just keep trying to download and it'll do it eventualyly.Dax01 said:Tried to download the gold lancer that came with LE, I couldn't download it the first time I tried it, and now LIVE is telling me the code is invalid.
sprocket said:my impressions.
+ love the new weapons and enemies.
+ I personally like the less serious story. Makes it more fun.
- slow down( specially the snow tank part )
- no real holy shit moments like the first game.
- locals are not as good as the first game.
- easier than the first game on normal.
There we go. Thanks, Chinner!Chinner said:go to your download history and it should be there. just keep trying to download and it'll do it eventualyly.
BuRT! said:anyone want to play horde mode soon? name is 'el burto'