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Ramirez said:
Just made it to wave 38 with a bunch of randoms, and then one dropped. :( Pretty sure we could have done all 50, that sucks. What's with people who don't spend their money in Horde mode though? I've seen it in every game I've played...
How'd you make them understand how to kill berserkers? I just got to 20 with randoms and was telling them (I was the only one with a mic) to set them on fire, but they just kept shotgunning away. Very frustrating.
I haven't had much time to sink into this yet, but so far (played up to Act 2), this game just might get my vote for best looking console game yet. I think it tops Uncharted 2 for sure...but not sure about God of War 3. I'd have to replay God of War 3 to really be sure, but I think Gears 3 might look even better than that. The lighting is the best I have ever seen. Pretty impressive feat for 6 year old hardware.

I'm also impressed by the sheer amount of shit that is happening on the screen during an intense battle. It feels more like a real war (not that I would know what a real war feels like) than ever.


Adam Blade said:
Nice game, seesharp, kiryani, LosDaddies, and zyzy...

Too bad it's late and we couldn't get beyond 40. :(

I think I would have died of sleep deprivation if we had got to 50 :D

1 hour 55 sleep I'm gonna get , but oh well.

I sent you all friend requests too :]


DanielJr82 said:
I guess I don't. :p What are other arena shooters?
Mainly this aspect of seasoned and GOOD players able to play the game most effeciently with newbs not having much of a chance, and most of all, the inclusion of power weapons spawning ON-MAP are big Arena shooter features. Sounds to me like you're more of a class based/CoD kind of guy.

Other Arena shooters include Quake and Unreal. As far as "modern" examples, Halo.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
The Xtortionist said:
Sandbar is god awful for TDM. Just get all five of your guys up top middle (Digger) and you can't lose.

I'm thinking TDM in general is turning out to be shitty, I'll have to play more to really confirm that though. It just seems to bring out all the worst crap.


So why cant all campaign firefights be like some of the ones in the second half of the campaign where they mix in 4 or more different locust enemy types at once. That's intense.


Another nitpick..I don't think the sound mix is very good. I thought it was just my TV speakers so I turned on the surround sound and the guns have no balls to them, volume wise. I even pushed the effects level to it's max. Dialogue and music are fine..maybe I'm spoiled by those BC2 guns. Each one sounds like a cannon.
It's the opposite for me. The guns and explosions completely drown out dialogue and music.

Proelite said:
So why cant all campaign firefights be like some of the ones in the second half of the campaign where they mix in 4 or more different locust enemy types at once. That's intense.
It was actually easy on Hardcore. SOS one hit kill almost everything (including Boomers) and grenade stick on you know what. Should have thrown in some Lambent Zerkers. Haha.


Mungular said:
the ending confused the hell outta me! btw your avatar is sweet!
Thanks bud, :D

ArachosiA 78 said:
I haven't had much time to sink into this yet, but so far (played up to Act 2), this game just might get my vote for best looking console game yet. I think it tops Uncharted 2 for sure...but not sure about God of War 3. I'd have to replay God of War 3 to really be sure, but I think Gears 3 might look even better than that. The lighting is the best I have ever seen. Pretty impressive feat for 6 year old hardware.

I'm also impressed by the sheer amount of shit that is happening on the screen during an intense battle. It feels more like a real war (not that I would know what a real war feels like) than ever.

The visuals are crazy and they just get better. I loved how they revisit old Gears architecture stuff too. The whole 'destroyed beauty thing that GOW goes for really works.
ShaneB said:
I've just never been a huge fan of any of the maps that have a primary area with only one entrance, the best maps always have multiple pathways to everywhere.

If it was accessible from both ends rather than just the one, it'd be infinitely better.

Just beat the campaign, it was one hell of a thrill ride from start to finish. Easily the best of the trilogy, I'll probably go through again on hardcore sometime soon. Now that I'm done with the single player though I can finally jump into online!


Proelite said:
So why cant all campaign firefights be like some of the ones in the second half of the campaign where they mix in 4 or more different locust enemy types at once. That's intense.
During some parts you're fighting the lambent and the locust. Why this mechanic wasn't used more frequently.... I don't know. Shit was intense when you were fighting off mutating Drudges while locust were firing on them too, and then firing on you.

Reminded me of the fights from Halo CE with Flood vs Covenant vs You.


shichishito said:
Are you not on servers for that match?

That could be possible. Last night I got the feeling that some of my matches weren't on servers and though the level of BS was noticeably less than gears2, there was still some stupid shit going on. Some matches were smooth and perfect like the night before, some were a bit janky and some stuff just didn't register.

I had this happen tonight. Just weird things like getting one shotted by the gnasher from a good 10-15 feet away. One match I was chasing a guy unawares and literally put 4 shots into his back from point blank, another teammate was doing the same (and obviously upset by his outburst on the mic lol) he ends up turning around and SOS'ing us with one shot and kept on trucking. Charged a guy with the retro in the back, went right through him and got SOS'd. I think I ended the night with a .7 k/d. /sadface

Aside from the weird lag, there's got to be some mathematical algorithm based on planetary alignment with how to use the shotguns. I basically got nut-mashed all night long by both the gnasher and the sos. I try wall bouncing, I'm barely decent at it, getting two sometimes 3 shots in and then I'm just insta-dead. Or I'm defending a node, see a guy coming around the corner while I'm taking cover on it and do the simultaneous stick+trigger and get the shot off but somehow get killed... while the guy is charging.

Just a pretty frustrating night. I got into GoW late and never really played the multi, avoided gow2 multi on friend's advice and just started this. But I'm not horrid, I can top the boards with the difficult bots. Which brings up another point.

If you "practice" with the bots you basically can level yourself out of "casual" which is meant for beginners I'm guessing? My first match it was greyed out and I had to just do the normal ranked matches. Which is like being thrown to wolves basically lol.

Also, it would be nice to have some kind of parity on the bots in a match. I understand filling a match with bots, but spread them out. I had two times tonight where it was a party of 5 vs 4 bots and me.. didn't go so well.

PS is there a way to lock people in a party out of the random games? Or does it make people in a party play ranked matches? If it doesn't, it should.

but alas, it's probably just me being old and yet again having a game come out only to see in the first few days that there's just no way I'll be able to invest the amount of time it takes to get all the nuance and technical skills to play it at an enjoyable level in multi.

Feels bad.

Edit note: Didn't want to look trollish on this. This is just concerning me being bad at the MP of the game. The single and co-op modes are great.


Just beat horde 1-50 in one go.
4 hour marathon. Boss waves are hard.

Whoever came up with 4 gunkers as a boss level is a fu
cking prick asshole i fucking hate you
oh my god.


Unlimited Capacity
DanielJr82 said:
I guess I don't. :p What are other arena shooters?

Halo is kind of like one. Stuff like Unreal Tournament and Quake are arena shooters. They typically have weapons spawn on map and the players have to seek out and fight over them.

edit: I don't know what the draw of TDM is. Warzone has always been what Gears is about to me.


dmg04 said:
Just beat horde 1-50 in one go.
4 hour marathon. Boss waves are hard.

Whoever came up with 4 gunkers as a boss level is a fu
cking prick asshole i fucking hate you
oh my god.
Quick question. I never could figure out the quickest way to kill a gunker. Lambent enemies in general are easy to kill with the sniper rifle, but the gunker always gave me trouble. Is there a quick, easy way to kill it?
dmg04 said:
Just beat horde 1-50 in one go.
4 hour marathon. Boss waves are hard.

Whoever came up with 4 gunkers as a boss level is a fu
cking prick asshole i fucking hate you
oh my god.

Sounds like fun, sorry I couldn't help you out with Horde, but ya'll made it through fine anyway it seems. The thing about Horde is you got set aside some serious hours if you wanna play it, and time just got away from me today.


jackdoe said:
Quick question. I never could figure out the quickest way to kill a gunker. Lambent enemies in general are easy to kill with the sniper rifle, but the gunker always gave me trouble. Is there a quick, easy way to kill it?

frag tag. One person distracts and takes the melee, the other tags. Or just get them from behind.
Been playing the MP for a few days now. I don't think I've ever been this inconsistent in any MP game ever. I get absolutely slaughtered most of the time. When I get a good game going of course it's fun, but most of the time the matches I'm in are so ridiculously lopsided that is sucks all the fun out of the match.

If players aren't in a party there always seems to be that one really good player that can just steam roll the randoms on my team. Execution seems to be a little better, but more often than not it turns into a SOS orgy. Also not too fond of the revive system. I know I get points for the down, but everyone is so eager to just run up and take credit for the kill....:D ....-_- The only other 3rd person shooter MP I've played is Uncharted 2. Guess this is just to different for my tastes.

And this game is supposed to be on dedicated servers? Most of the time it seems like my shots aren't doing much of anything. I could lose a fire fight to a guy standing completely still. I'm definitely hitting all my shots. Other times I can unload a good amount of ammo on someone and they just roll out of the way. When I try to do that it seems like I can't escape. Eh, maybe my connection or aim just sucks.
Anybody's online right now and needs another, I'm just going through campaign solo and would love to get in on some online action. Send an invite.

(Gamertag in Profile)


tagged by Blackace
AlphaTwo00 said:
Are people having problems connecting to Beast or Horde standard games?
I did. Still do. Open NAT and everything. It's a shot in the dark, sometimes I'll find people right away, other times, never.

leng jai

The underwater section is horrendous. The graphics are shit. The sound is shit. The gameplay is shit. Everything about it it just fucking shit. Shit.


The_Monk said:
How hard it was? I got no answer for my post above.

not hard at all. it's much easier than Hardcore in previous games. the main reason is that the enemies die more quickly and the AI teammates are much more helpful. they go down WAY less and they help you out most of the time if you go down.

there were still a few choke points but not frustrating at all. i had a blast.

looking forward to Insanity with 4 players.
LiK said:
not hard at all. it's much easier than Hardcore in previous games. the main reason is that the enemies die more quickly and the AI teammates are much more helpful. they go down WAY less and they help you out most of the time if you go down.

there were still a few choke points but not frustrating at all. i had a blast.

looking forward to Insanity with 4 players.
I'd be willing to play co-op campaign...I'm done with class tomorrow around noon and free the rest of the day.
leng jai said:
The underwater section is horrendous. The graphics are shit. The sound is shit. The gameplay is shit. Everything about it it just fucking shit. Shit.

The one big blemish on an otherwise fantastic and well-paced campaign. Completely terrible in damn near every sense a turret section CAN be terrible.


jackdoe said:
Quick question. I never could figure out the quickest way to kill a gunker. Lambent enemies in general are easy to kill with the sniper rifle, but the gunker always gave me trouble. Is there a quick, easy way to kill it?
We ended up killing one with lancer fire, another with a frag tag, and the last two with mortars.

We were playing on dry dock. My god that was fun, yet annoying.

Also, when you get to 40 and up, only 'smaller' enemies die with one SOS blast. Everything eats bullets like no tomorrow, lol.


leng jai said:
The underwater section is horrendous. The graphics are shit. The sound is shit. The gameplay is shit. Everything about it it just fucking shit. Shit.
omg, that's one of my fave levels. I thought it was beautiful and the audio was fantastic. I loved it. We have such an opposite reaction to it...lol :3


The Xtortionist said:
Like 4000 revives or some crazy shit like that.

Protip: Retro Lancers are cool for KotH. Just ask the Onyx Revive guy.

Hey i was using my retro in that game. So yeah it is cool :p

As for Onyx revive... boosting isnt hard with that stuff. get 2 people and some bots and laugh your ass off in some CTL or TDM if you want to make it last super long.
2th said:
Hey i was using my retro in that game. So yeah it is cool :p

That's what I meant, I think we all dominated with Retros.

I still don't understand the KotH spawn system though. Not sure if any logic is applied. On Gridlock, I was on a tower hill when it moved and three enemies spawned right on top of me. The hill location was a spawn point. WTF.

ggs anyway : /
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