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I'm absolutely loving this game and the multiplayer is everything I was hoping Gears 2 was going to be (and a whole lot more). It's just amazing how much of a different game this is when match results are not determined by the host. I haven't even touched the SP Campaign yet...

The combo I seem to run with the most is: Gnasher / Hammerburst.
However, when we run into a group of all Sawed Off users, we usually fight fire with fire. I really hate to do it, but damn, when all 5 guys are using SO's I just feel completely paranoid to move.

Also, I have a Commando Dom code if anyone has anything they want to trade.
_dementia said:
What's the worst fictional Gears of War campaign level you can imagine in your mind?

I'm thinking Kryll + Razor hail + Lambent enemies. Starts with a vehicle section with that car that can't drive and use the flashlight at the same time, followed by a pistol's only four player box holding segment in which all four players must cooperate in moving the box through a building with damaged roofs during a razorhail storm. Power cuts in and out, attracting Kryll. No cover (must move box to objective without letting go). Lambent enemies attacking.
I got pissed off just reading it.


Got the game yesterday. First thing I do is jump into Horde mode with 4 randoms. We make it to wave 50, only failing twice along the way. Then we have a string of 20 defeats trying to clear wave 50. We got pretty close at times but to no avail. So much fun though. Can't wait go jump back in.


_dementia said:
What's the worst fictional Gears of War campaign level you can imagine in your mind?

I'm thinking Kryll + Razor hail + Lambent enemies. Starts with a vehicle section with that car that can't drive and use the flashlight at the same time, followed by a pistol's only four player box holding segment in which all four players must cooperate in moving the box through a building with damaged roofs during a razorhail storm. Power cuts in and out, attracting Kryll. No cover (must move box to objective without letting go). Lambent enemies attacking.

You forgot badly placed checkpoints before long sequences where Marcus talks on his com and walk very slowly.

Add exploding lambent wretches to your box sequence.

For the box sequence, have the whole team walk over floors that might drop away into a pit of lambent wretches if you pick the wrong path.

Add an overly difficult turret sequence to end it all.


tagged by Blackace
_dementia said:
What's the worst fictional Gears of War campaign level you can imagine in your mind?

I'm thinking Kryll + Razor hail + Lambent enemies. Starts with a vehicle section with that car that can't drive and use the flashlight at the same time, followed by a pistol's only four player box holding segment in which all four players must cooperate in moving the box through a building with damaged roofs during a razorhail storm. Power cuts in and out, attracting Kryll. No cover (must move box to objective without letting go). Lambent enemies attacking.
Needs more gunkers.

Also you need to navigate an open field with razorhail while answering a conference call through the Gears 1/2 earpiece.


Proelite said:
You forgot badly placed checkpoints before long sequences where Marcus talks on his com and walk very slowly.
oh yeah... QFT.
especially on insane in the first game. 20 second discussion followed by a 10 second attempt at the gameplay, rinse repeat.


enzo_gt said:
Needs more gunkers.

Also you need to navigate an open field with razorhail while answering a conference call through the Gears 1/2 earpiece.

Gunkers are awesome, they made fighting the lambent somewhat fun.

Have all firefights preluded by a conference call on a long bridge in a cavern filled with immulsion, with Cole acting like he has never seen that much immulsion before.


tagged by Blackace
Proelite said:
Gunkers are awesome, they made fighting the lambent somewhat fun.
But they're just massive bullet sponges. I like how they force you to change cover, but the amount of punishment they can endure is ridiculous, and close range tactics are suicide. Unless I'm missing some obvious way to kill them.
pr0cs said:
oh yeah... QFT.
especially on insane in the first game. 20 second discussion followed by a 10 second attempt at the gameplay, rinse repeat.

"Ok here's the plan, me and Dom are going in. Dom, Baird, you two flank right and give out support. Above all else, protect that resonator. Got it?"

"Got it"

"You got it!"

*Hostiles/cookies conversation here*

*fight for 2 minutes, get killed by random Theron Guard torque bow*

*restart checkpoint*

"Ok here's the plan blah blah blah"



LeonSKennedy90 said:
"Ok here's the plan, me and Dom are going in. Dom, Baird, you two flank right and give out support. Above all else, protect that resonator. Got it?"

"Got it"

"You got it!"

*Hostiles/cookies conversation here*

*fight for 2 minutes, get killed by random Theron Guard torque bow*

*restart checkpoint*

"Ok here's the plan blah blah blah"


You're forgetting something important.
Proelite said:
You're forgetting something important.


Also, the General RAAM section

"Let's do this"
"Marcus, you got to drop that data right now!"
*die, restart*
"Let's do this"
"Marcus, you got to drop that data right now!"
*die, restart*
"Let's do this" etc, etc
Proelite said:
You're forgetting something important.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm just at the start of Act 5 and I hope
the outdoors parts of the blackout level, in the rain and the dark,
are included in some future DLC

it would make a great mp map.
Just finished the campaign.

Wow the ending came out of nowhere.
I guess I was shocked because for once
the big locust/lambent killing thingie was just a block away from Daddy Marcus instead of 30 miles away in the middle of nowhere wasteland 20,00000,000 miles underground
Kimosabae said:
Seriously, this is my biggest complaint so far. Sleepwalking is quite adequate for progressing through the campaign on Normal. Game didn't get interesting at all until the
return of the Locust

I'm not done with it yet, though.

@junkster+ this post
after gears2, I was hoping gears3 was difficult... and this whole game on hardcore felt llke an easy/normal game. I was very disappointed with it.

JB1981 said:
I'm on Act 3 Chapter 1 ***spolier****
The Locust assault on Anvil Gate was one of the coolest last-stand sequences I've ever played in any videogame EVER. Absolutely fucking riveting.

I didn't expect to
lose the fight
so I thought I'd played it wrong. I think I might appreciate it more when I return to it.


Nork unification denier
Jrmint said:
Reading this and seeing how Act 3 ends is making me want to read a book or 2.

How many are there and which is the best to start with?

I'm only up to Act 3, but I'm really surprised at just how dependent the plot of the game is on having read the books, given that the vast majority of the audience for this game will not have read them. The game just doesn't have the necessary time to make you care about all the new characters you meet. I mean, I've read the novels, so I don't mind that the plot of the game is based heavily on them, but I would be pretty confused and annoyed if I was going directly from Gears 2 to Gears 3 without having read the books.
Made it up to Wave 35 in horde last night until we lost one round and somebody dropped. I quickly got a "host disconnect" message and was returned to the lobby. Uh, is that normal?
luxarific said:
I'm only up to Act 3, but I'm really surprised at just how dependent the plot of the game is on having read the books, given that the vast majority of the audience for this game will not have read them. The game just doesn't have the necessary time to make you care about all the new characters you meet. I mean, I've read the novels, so I don't mind that the plot of the game is based heavily on them, but I would be pretty confused and annoyed if I was going directly from Gears 2 to Gears 3 without having read the books.

I don't see this. Its no different from say playing Gears 1 and not knowing anything about the characters. Even in game 3, various people in the game who you've spent 3 games with; aren't fleshed out at all.


tagged by Blackace
The Wise Old Man said:
Made it up to Wave 35 in horde last night until we lost one round and somebody dropped. I quickly got a "host disconnect" message and was returned to the lobby. Uh, is that normal?
I got to 14 last night, one guy dropped, we started at Wave 4 :/

Seems like Horde/Beast are having tons of issues tha need to be ironed out. I can't connect 90% of the time.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
Just finished the campaign.

Wow the ending came out of nowhere.
I guess I was shocked because for once
the big locust/lambent killing thingie was just a block away from Daddy Marcus instead of 30 miles away in the middle of nowhere wasteland 20,00000,000 miles underground

I thought that was a bit odd myself. I personally didn't see the mechanism as being able to encompass the entire planet with the restoration waves. Plus the tower was on fire so it made me think; um, how long is that thing going to work til it burns down - will it wipe all the lambent out?


Ugh, host migration in Horde = no more CP or upgrades. Weak as hell.

Last night, I managed to use a shotgun while holding a meatshield. Going to try and figure out how I did that.


Unconfirmed Member
RS4- said:
Ugh, host migration in Horde = no more CP or upgrades. Weak as hell.

So, my question to this is if the host leaves does he keep all the points, ribbons and medals he's racked up to that point?


See You Next Wednesday said:
I would kill for a playlist exuding ALL shotguns.

The Gnasher is fine, at least I know the guy had to aim it. I'm just tired of seeing groups of people bum rush hills and stuff, shoot their SOS then start wall bouncing around like an idiot while they reload. We played a match on Gridlock last night where we were all using the SOS after frustration from it, and it was the dumbest thing I've ever participated in. It's just a HUGE blemish on such an amazing game.

It's a scrub weapon, and according to the devs is a weapon that was intended for people who can't kill with the Gnasher, so why not keep it to the casual playlist, or at the very least offer a playlist that doesn't include it?


How about the digger launcher replacing the SOS as a starting weapon, and the SOS would be upgraded to a stronger power weapon.


Ramirez said:
The Gnasher is fine, at least I know the guy had to aim it. I'm just tired of seeing groups of people bum rush hills and stuff, shoot their SOS then start wall bouncing around like an idiot while they reload. We played a match on Gridlock last night where we were all using the SOS after frustration from it, and it was the dumbest thing I've ever participated in. It's just a HUGE blemish on such an amazing game.

It's a scrub weapon, and according to the devs is a weapon that was intended for people who can't kill with the Gnasher, so why not keep it to the casual playlist, or at the very least offer a playlist that doesn't include it?
I don't see why they can't do what they did with the "casual" playlist and exclude it from selection once you've reached a certain level of proficiency in close quarters. Makes a lot of sense considering Epic's own explanation as to the weapons inclusion.


Proelite said:
How about the digger launcher replacing the SOS as a starting weapon, and the SOS would be upgraded to a stronger power weapon.
And this is when the terrible suggestions begin to role in.

Eric WK

Proelite said:
How about the digger launcher replacing the SOS as a starting weapon, and the SOS would be upgraded to a stronger power weapon.


But really guys, just use the Retro Lancer against SOSers.


Nork unification denier
Pachterballs said:
I don't see this. Its no different from say playing Gears 1 and not knowing anything about the characters. Even in game 3, various people in the game who you've spent 3 games with; aren't fleshed out at all.

A good point. I will say that, having read the books, the plot of the game is more understandable and the various locations and the new characters have much more significance in the light of the events and the substantial backstory provided in the novels. If you're actually interested in the plot and characters of Gears 3, I really recommend that people read them.


Vilix said:
So, my question to this is if the host leaves does he keep all the points, ribbons and medals he's racked up to that point?

I think host does. You do keep the money that you had on you when the migration happens (not the money you made up to that point though); so I can imagine how horrible it'd be if this were to happen late game with all your defenses gone and your team with very little cash.

adversesolutions said:
dat gears

still 3rd strikin??

Lol uhh, sort of. Kind of bored of it.


Arnie said:
I don't see why they can't do what they did with the "casual" playlist and exclude it from selection once you've reached a certain level of proficiency in close quarters. Makes a lot of sense considering Epic's own explanation as to the weapons inclusion.

I've felt from the beginning that it should have been a pickup weapon on maps, the thing is insane in the right hands, which is completely counter productive to why it was included...


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
The SOS isn't good enough to be a power weapon, and even if they did that it goes against the whole purpose of putting it in the game. Gnasher users would dance over the people that use the SOS and stop them from getting it. That'd also fuck with the map balance hardcore, because you don't get the same map control with it. + if a single person got a pickup they would be even more inclined to camp in a corner for a kill.

They really do just need an SOSless playlist.
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