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Ramirez said:
The Gnasher is fine, at least I know the guy had to aim it. I'm just tired of seeing groups of people bum rush hills and stuff, shoot their SOS then start wall bouncing around like an idiot while they reload. We played a match on Gridlock last night where we were all using the SOS after frustration from it, and it was the dumbest thing I've ever participated in. It's just a HUGE blemish on such an amazing game.

Its stuff like this that I hope doesnt spread like it did in the first 2. It takes a beautiful looking, tactical, well controlled, team-based multiplayer game and turns it into a retard rodeo.

If they listen to the feedback and create a playlist that simply doesnt make the SOS available, that'll be the only thing I play.


People are still complaining about the Sawed-Off Shotgun? I thought people realized it wasn't a big deal in the beta. The SOS is so god damn easy to avoid it's not even funny, I love watching a SOS noob run straight at me and all it takes is a quick fake out step forward and roll back and they blow their load early. I mean sure if they come at you from around a corner or sneak up behind you then obviously you're going to die, but guess what? If you're good with the Gnasher, you can easily do the same thing. I can understand the frustration especially when a whole team is using it and just rushing at you non-stop and you know, one of them is going to get lucky and get a shot off. In those cases though I just pull out the SOS myself and dominate them. A scrub with an SOS is still a scrub and if you start using the crutch they use against them then a good player will still always win.


TheApatheticOne said:
Its stuff like this that I hope doesnt spread like it did in the first 2. It takes a beautiful looking, tactical, well controlled, team-based multiplayer game and turns it into a retard rodeo.

If they listen to the feedback and create a playlist that simply doesnt make the SOS available, that'll be the only thing I play.

What about the games where a whole team uses nothing but Retros and Lancers? You going to rid of that as well? Either way. Each gun is a counter to another. Like I've mentioned before, Gears has always been about positioning, not what weapon you have.

TRios Zen

I agree with the SOS-less playlist.

Played a match yesterday that was two evenly matched teams going at it, ended up losing 2-1 (mercy; tdm) but when it was done, while I was pissed that we lost, I knew it was a great match.

Then I realized I didn't run across a single player using the SOS. So was the game great because the competition was evenly matched, or because there was no SOS...
JB1981 said:
Oh my god the **spoiler spoiler***
Griffin character is the worst thing to ever come out of Gears of War.

The story as a whole, the dialogue and the set pieces are all pretty sub par and would probably be laughed at if not for the Gears name, but that character . . . what the fuck! Someone had to write that, someone had to approve it and someone had to voice act it - such garbage.
KorrZ said:
People are still complaining about the Sawed-Off Shotgun? I thought people realized it wasn't a big deal in the beta. The SOS is so god damn easy to avoid it's not even funny, I love watching a SOS noob run straight at me and all it takes is a quick fake out step forward and roll back and they blow their load early. I mean sure if they come at you from around a corner or sneak up behind you then obviously you're going to die, but guess what? If you're good with the Gnasher, you can easily do the same thing. I can understand the frustration especially when a whole team is using it and just rushing at you non-stop and you know, one of them is going to get lucky and get a shot off. In those cases though I just pull out the SOS myself and dominate them. A scrub with an SOS is still a scrub and if you start using the crutch they use against them then a good player will still always win.

How does one get good at Gears? Or at least non-scrub? I know with Street Fighter there are a lot of resources you can read. In this case is it just a case of practice?


This is getting weirder all the time
The whole Gears universe is halfway decent but the problem with the story in every game is that it's filled with deus ex machina e.g. magical abandoned COG outpost near you after you escape the worm in 2, and
magical disk that Prescott has uncovered from Adam Fenix (although I'm only in Act 2 so I don't know if this gets explained later).
The problem with the trilogy story as a whole is that with every new game it feels like it 'resets'. At the end of the first game, you killed all the Locust. Oh wait, no you didn't. Rinse and repeat for second and third game. There's no feeling of closure or continuity.

TRios Zen

BenjaminBirdie said:
How does one get good at Gears? Or at least non-scrub? I know with Street Fighter there are a lot of resources you can read. In this case is it just a case of practice?

For me, it was a ton of getting owned and slowly learning, and I'm still not great, but can handle myself.

For a quicker route, there is this series on you tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY6VCHZxhO8 but I am not attesting to the quality, just letting you know it's out there.


KorrZ said:
People are still complaining about the Sawed-Off Shotgun? I thought people realized it wasn't a big deal in the beta. The SOS is so god damn easy to avoid it's not even funny, I love watching a SOS noob run straight at me and all it takes is a quick fake out step forward and roll back and they blow their load early. I mean sure if they come at you from around a corner or sneak up behind you then obviously you're going to die, but guess what? If you're good with the Gnasher, you can easily do the same thing. I can understand the frustration especially when a whole team is using it and just rushing at you non-stop and you know, one of them is going to get lucky and get a shot off. In those cases though I just pull out the SOS myself and dominate them. A scrub with an SOS is still a scrub and if you start using the crutch they use against them then a good player will still always win.

Regardless if they own you, you own them, whatever, it drags the game down immensely in the fun department for me.

I'm just sick of developers adding stupid stuff that adds absolutely nothing to the game, stuff like Armor Lock in Reach and SOS in Gears 3 just bring the whole experience down for no good reason.
Ramirez said:
Regardless if they own you, you own them, whatever, it drags the game down immensely in the fun department for me.

Exactly. In regards to saying "What, get rid of the retros and lancers as well?". I understand what you're saying, but its not really fair since the game doesnt have a wide variety of weapons compared to say CoD.

As Ramirez says, I dont care if I own them as opposed to getting owned, it changes the game. Id rather play against a team using retros and lancers, working together, trying to flank, getting better angles, laying down suppression fire, etc., as opposed to a team that is consistantly bouncing and rolling around non-stop trying to get one shot SOS kills on you. And to add an additional reference to CoD, its similar to the noobtube in the sense that the SOS is dangerous in the hands of an average player, but RIDICULOUS in the hands of someone that knows how to use it.


BenjaminBirdie said:
How does one get good at Gears? Or at least non-scrub? I know with Street Fighter there are a lot of resources you can read. In this case is it just a case of practice?

I'd say so. You just have to put the time in to learn it. I'm not good at Call of Duty, Halo or Battlefield because I never play those games for more than a month or two post launch. I consider myself good at Gears because I played 1 & 2 for an ungodly amount of hours. You can't really read guides to know what to do in shooters, you know? You just have to know the maps and how to pick the appropriate weapon at any given second depending on the situation.

TheApatheticOne said:
Exactly. In regards to saying "What, get rid of the retros and lancers as well?". I understand what you're saying, but its not really fair since the game doesnt have a wide variety of weapons compared to say CoD.

As Ramirez says, I dont care if I own them as opposed to getting owned, it changes the game. Id rather play against a team using retros and lancers, working together, trying to flank, getting better angles, laying down suppression fire, etc., as opposed to a team that is consistantly bouncing and rolling around non-stop trying to get one shot SOS kills on you. And to add an additional reference to CoD, its similar to the noobtube in the sense that the SOS is dangerous in the hands of a noob, but RIDICULOUS in the hands of someone that knows how to use it.

It depends on what you want out of the game right? Gears of War 1 was probably my favourite multplayer game EVER. There was no lancer game in Gears 1 period. People used it but you could run right through an entire hallway with someone lancering you and still blast their face off with the shotgun. I loved it, the shotgun dancing and rolling is why I play Gears of War. When I see a whole team just sticking to cover using their lancer and keeping it a game of 2 sides sitting behind cover the whole time, I fucking hate it. It's the most boring thing ever to me. But if you like that kind of thing Gears 3 is the most balanced it's ever been. The assault rifles are super effective in this game while not completely ruining the shotgun. The SOS I just see as adding another layer to the game just like the Retro lancer.


the_prime_mover said:
The story as a whole, the dialogue and the set pieces are all pretty sub par and would probably be laughed at if not for the Gears name, but that character . . . what the fuck! Someone had to write that, someone had to approve it and someone had to voice act it - such garbage.
We should play some MP sometime
What's with matchmaking? I have a good connection and after 10 minutes of searching I havent gotten into a public team deathmatch game.
pretty annoying.
anyone else have this issue?
My NAT type is open.
Plasmid said:
Day 3


I didn't mind so much until players started killing me from a distance of about 3-5 body lengths. You should have to be right on top of the person, like 0-1 body lengths (which means they got the jump on you and you deserve to die) or nothing. The range still seems a bit far. It reminds me of dying from all those frags in Gears 2 when I was nowhere near them or after I had escaped to a safe distance prior to detonation but still blew up anyway.
Normally I'm not a fan of needless montages, but I think there was a good opportunity for one somewhere during the event where
Dom sacrifices himself to save Marcus.

It hit me fairly hard, just because I had played through the first two games before playing Gears 3, so I had memories of everything the two had been through. I immediately thought of the first game, where Dom broke Marcus out of prison, the two of them fighting Ram, sneaking through Locust underground in the Gears 2 DLC... I bet a lot of people are a little fuzzy on how much the two have been through, and a quick reminder right before his death would have hit it home.
The Antitype said:
Normally I'm not a fan of needless montages, but I think there was a good opportunity for one somewhere during the event where
Dom sacrifices himself to save Marcus.

It hit me fairly hard, just because I had played through the first two games before playing Gears 3, so I had memories of everything the two had been through. I immediately thought of the first game, where Dom broke Marcus out of prison, the two of them fighting Ram, sneaking through Locust underground in the Gears 2 DLC... I bet a lot of people are a little fuzzy on how much the two have been through, and a quick reminder right before his death would have hit it home.

I'm glad you caught the error fast enough


Superimposer said:
The whole Gears universe is halfway decent but the problem with the story in every game is that it's filled with deus ex machina e.g. magical abandoned COG outpost near you after you escape the worm in 2, and
magical disk that Prescott has uncovered from Adam Fenix (although I'm only in Act 2 so I don't know if this gets explained later).
The problem with the trilogy story as a whole is that with every new game it feels like it 'resets'. At the end of the first game, you killed all the Locust. Oh wait, no you didn't. Rinse and repeat for second and third game. There's no feeling of closure or continuity.

Well they tied a lot of the 3rd game's story to the 4th book where the
disc is discussed in greater detail, though not how Prescott acquired it, I haven't gotten far enough in the game to see how the whole thing pans out
as to the end of the first game killing all the locusts, maybe you missed the part with the queen saying it wasnt' over?, the second game you maybe implied that because Jacinto was sunk all the locusts drown but again that is your assumption but not the game's, the next 2 books cover the COGs worry about the Locusts re-emerging since they have NO idea if sinking Jacinto even worked.
KorrZ said:
It depends on what you want out of the game right? Gears of War 1 was probably my favourite multplayer game EVER. There was no lancer game in Gears 1 period. People used it but you could run right through an entire hallway with someone lancering you and still blast their face off with the shotgun. I loved it, the shotgun dancing and rolling is why I play Gears of War. When I see a whole team just sticking to cover using their lancer and keeping it a game of 2 sides sitting behind cover the whole time, I fucking hate it. It's the most boring thing ever to me. But if you like that kind of thing Gears 3 is the most balanced it's ever been. The assault rifles are super effective in this game while not completely ruining the shotgun. The SOS I just see as adding another layer to the game just like the Retro lancer.

This is untrue. After the second Title Update, the Lancer's base damage and default damage were beefed up, and it turned into a remarkably effective support weapon.

Obviously you don't just want two teams just hiding on two sides of the map behind cover for the whole match, and that's where great map design comes in. Give lancer players cover to flank around for support fire, and shotgun players cover to weave through to get to them, and force them to move.

Of course, Epic kept fiddling with the damage on all the weapons for like 6 more title updates, and by the end of the game's run, it was useless again.

The lancer in Gears 3 needs a similar beef, because right now it's ONLY effective with an AR.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
The biggest issue with the SOS is that there's honestly a lack of risk to it, despite it being a one shot long reload.

The scenario is EXTREMELY common: You see a guy just chilling on a column. You know he has the sawn off, so you shoot him a little bit to bait him. What happens is typically he'll come out of cover, YOU ROLL BACK, they fire and immediately roll back as well. The person shooting the SOS has no reason to NOT roll back immediately after firing. If you're in range, you die and they roll back anyway. If they miss, they have a headstart on running away. So this immediately creates a gap since you both rolled away from eachother, and by the time you roadie run over he's already bouncing like a jackass and is likely behind cover again, restarting it. This is so annoying in a 1v1 because they will literally just run away and miss shots, but because of the gap you naturally create avoiding the cone of instant death they get another shot at running away until they reach an area of the map where they have no easy cover to find and you can just down them from back shots.

This is also why I'm alright with the SOS in koth. It's then required to be used offensively, so someone shooting the sawn off, rolling back and running away while I'm in the ring is just giving me more points. When you are defending a point with the sawn off, the reload becomes an actual risk as you really need to now land your shot and avoid other players while trying to get an active. It can become hectic and fun as hell when used like this.

So when you have an entire team doing this camping, run away strategy the main way to fight it is to play extremely dangerously and roll TOWARDS them and pray that you get to their side and they miss the shot.

I think for deathmatch it needs far less ammo. Literally talking one, two shots so you actually need to hit people with the shots.


The Antitype said:
The lancer in Gears 3 needs a similar beef, because right now it's ONLY effective with an AR.

The Lancer does not need a beef up, are you kidding me? The thing downs so fast with an AR, and who doesn't always have an AR? Shoot one bullet and reload, ta da! Not to mention the clip is ENDLESS!

The rifle balance is pretty much as good as it can get, IMO. Take the SOS out and you have an insanely good game here, with it, it turns into a retard circus 50% of the time.


The Antitype said:
This is untrue. After the second Title Update, the Lancer's base damage and default damage were beefed up, and it turned into a remarkably effective support weapon.

Of course, Epic kept fiddling with the damage on all the weapons for like 6 more title updates, and by the end of the game's run, it was useless again.

The lancer in Gears 3 needs a similar beef, because right now it's ONLY effective with an AR.

You could use suppressive fire all you wanted in Gears 1 with the lancer, not saying it was completely useless but assuming players of equal skill, the shotgun would always beat the lancer. Like I said, it was super easy to run all the way up the stairs on Clocktower getting lancered the whole time and still shotgun blast someone and win.

The assault rifles in Gears 3 are already powerful enough. The retro lancer absolutely dominates medium range to the point where you can't even get close to someone with the shotgun if they're looking at you with the Retro. The Lancer doesn't do as good in close range because it's not meant to. It's a long range weapon, you get up on the top of Overpass with a lancer or hammerburst and you go 15-0 easy.


KorrZ said:
You could use suppressive fire all you wanted in Gears 1 with the lancer, not saying it was completely useless but assuming players of equal skill, the shotgun would always beat the lancer. Like I said, it was super easy to run all the way up the stairs on Clocktower getting lancered the whole time and still shotgun blast someone and win.

The assault rifles in Gears 3 are already powerful enough. The retro lancer absolutely dominates medium range to the point where you can't even get close to someone with the shotgun if they're looking at you with the Retro. The Lancer doesn't do as good in close range because it's not meant to. It's a long range weapon, you get up on the top of Overpass with a lancer or hammerburst and you go 15-0 easy.

This x1000, we dismantled a team last night on OP, first time I had used the Lancer, and I was stunned at how fast people were going down from really far away.


I am in cover. Dude rushes me. I shoot him with Gnasher. He does not die. He shoots me with Gnasher. I gib. What the fuck. This happens all the time.


Ramirez said:
This x1000, we dismantled a team last night on OP, first time I had used the Lancer, and I was stunned at how fast people were going down from really far away.

It's almost a joke. I usually play with just my one buddy and everytime we get Overpass we just rush right to the top. It's so hard for the other team to get at you once you lock it down and you're just picking off people from the top all day.
Ramirez said:
The Lancer does not need a beef up, are you kidding me? The thing downs so fast with an AR, and who doesn't always have an AR? Shoot one bullet and reload, ta da! Not to mention the clip is ENDLESS!

The rifle balance is pretty much as good as it can get, IMO. Take the SOS out and you have an insanely good game here, with it, it turns into a retard circus 50% of the time.

You DO realize that the AR only offers a damage boost to the number of bullets reloaded right? Shoot one bullet, reload and you have ONE powered-up shot.

Or are you suggesting that I run around with my clip at one shot and reload the second I see an enemy? Cause that's pretty ridiculous.

KorrZ said:
It's almost a joke. I usually play with just my one buddy and everytime we get Overpass we just rush right to the top. It's so hard for the other team to get at you once you lock it down and you're just picking off people from the top all day.

It's an insanely bad competitive multiplayer map. Amazing Horde mode map though.
KorrZ said:
It's almost a joke. I usually play with just my one buddy and everytime we get Overpass we just rush right to the top. It's so hard for the other team to get at you once you lock it down and you're just picking off people from the top all day.

It IS a joke and a huge issue with that map and Sandbar. It's not AS bad on Overpass when you have the Mortar, but on rounds with the Hammer of Dawn, it's a pain in the ass to get up top when 2-3 people are overlooking the entire map with Lancers and Hammerbursts. Terrible, terrible map designs for competitive multiplayer.


Chapter 4 act 6 spoilers
holy shit at the underwater submarine section. What an amazing showcase for UE3 engine.
George Lucas eat your heart out lol


The Antitype said:
You DO realize that the AR only offers a damage boost to the number of bullets reloaded right? Shoot one bullet, reload and you have ONE powered-up shot.

Yea, guess I shoulda rephrased that, I waste my clip all the time for an AR if I know I'm going into a fight. :p
If anybody has a strategy for the last boss on insane difficulty, please tell me. Since about two days we are stuck at the same checkpoint, trying to defeat it without any progress at all.


Net_Wrecker said:
It IS a joke and a huge issue with that map and Sandbar. It's not AS bad on Overpass when you have the Mortar, but on rounds with the Hammer of Dawn, it's a pain in the ass to get up top when 2-3 people are overlooking the entire map with Lancers and Hammerbursts. Terrible, terrible map designs for competitive multiplayer.

Yeah, if you have a team that knows that their doing it's pretty much impossible to take the top from them. The problem is the only ways to access the stairs for overpass are completely exposed, there's no way to even try to get up without being shot at. If you have a team that knows what they're doing too with a couple of guys at the top and a couple of guys waiting by the stairs to insta-gib the people who are already hurt from running through lancer fire then it's almost impossible.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
Just finished the campaign.

Wow the ending came out of nowhere.
I guess I was shocked because for once
the big locust/lambent killing thingie was just a block away from Daddy Marcus instead of 30 miles away in the middle of nowhere wasteland 20,00000,000 miles underground

Did u get your achievement?


FStop7 said:
I am in cover. Dude rushes me. I shoot him with Gnasher. He does not die. He shoots me with Gnasher. I gib. What the fuck. This happens all the time.

This will sound like a very sarcastic answer, but I really don't mean it to sound that way.... he shot you better. It's not rocket science. He might be red as all heck and close to death, but his shot was better than yours. Also, keep those active reloads going (unless I'm missing something, maybe damage boosts active reloads aren't in multiplayer, which is quite likely I suppose given the balance mess it is, this should be clarified I guess.)
vodka-bull said:
If anybody has a strategy for the last boss on insane difficulty, please tell me. Since about two days we are stuck at the same checkpoint, trying to defeat it without any progress at all.

Can't individual players in co-op choose their own difficulty? If you want to cheat it, have three guys play on casual, one guy play on insane. The guys on casual will destroy everything in like 3 shots. The guy on insane will get his achievement, load up the checkpoint again, and rotate who plays on insane.

ShaneB said:
This will sound like a very sarcastic answer, but I really don't mean it to sound that way.... he shot you better. It's not rocket science. He might be red as all heck and close to death, but his shot was better than yours.

Excuse me? If the reticule is red (indicating a hit), the two players are at the exact same distance from each other, then one shot is not 'better' than another. That's asinine.

If he missed, he missed. If not, it's bullshit inconsistency.


IIRC the Lambent first appeared in Gears 1, correct? Just Lambent Wretches, but they were referred to as such.

Also, the queen's voice is heard as a narrator during the RAAM/Kim sequence (without explanation of who was speaking) and at the end of the game (again without specifying, but it was obvious the voice belonged to someone from the Locust since it referred to them as "we")

So does that mean this whole story arc has been planned out since Gears 1?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Played Horde 2.0 for the first time last night with three other buddies and we ended up doing all 50 waves in around 5 hours (stayed up until 5:30am PST).

battle at Wave 50. Wow.

Horde 2.0 is fucking incredible. Such a huge leap from Gears 2.
KorrZ said:
Yeah, if you have a team that knows that their doing it's pretty much impossible to take the top from them. The problem is the only ways to access the stairs for overpass are completely exposed, there's no way to even try to get up without being shot at. If you have a team that knows what they're doing too with a couple of guys at the top and a couple of guys waiting by the stairs to insta-gib the people who are already hurt from running through lancer fire then it's almost impossible.

I couldn't believe there weren't 2-3 more access points to the upper level on Overpass, and Sandbar. After the lockdown teams faced on Thrashball, and Trenches during the beta, you'd think they would apply the lessons learned to every map after that. Having maps where a central point overlooks the entire area with limited routes AND without overhead protection for the guys on the ground are the first 2 "No no's" in Map Making 101. They are great for Horde, but will ALWAYS, without fail, make for garbage Versus maps.


The Antitype said:
Excuse me? If the reticule is red (indicating a hit), the two players are at the exact same distance from each other, then one shot is not 'better' than another. That's asinine.

If he missed, he missed. If not, it's bullshit inconsistency.

I thought you were done with complaining about Gears MP ;)

Anyways, his description was vague. He was in cover, perhaps he blind fired, perhaps he got up and hard aimed and fired, who the heck knows. The other guy was barreling down charging with his gnasher. Cover guy shoots and doesn't get a gib because it wasn't the perfect shot, the other guy does and gets the kill.

I don't see how it's an issue.

Everytime I die in a shooter I don't wonder 'well damn, I was shooting him too, what happened?!'


Hey guys, 2 spots open for a Horde run. I have LeonSKennedy and SuperMalo in a party with me.

Anyone else down?
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