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The Xtortionist said:
Finally someone agrees with me. Doesn't appear to be any spawn-logic at work. Spawn three enemies literally right on top of me after the hill moves? Sweet dude!
It really doesn't. If COG control the hill at top sniper [boltok?], why would it spawn the locust at the sniper and the COG at the bottom boltok? Fucking. Stupid. Not only do you have the COG at the top of the hill defending, you have freshly spawned assholes at the bottom.
It's a cluster fuck.

[on oldtown, i think that's the map name]
Now this is how you play KotH! Goddamn pieces of shit rocking SOSs were no match for me. By the end of the match I could telegraph which way they're were rolling once they missed me with their noob tube(s). The team I was paired up with was my opposition in the last match on Gridlock and they lost horribly, so I'm sure they were happy to see that I was migrated to their team.


Oh and Griffin is so awesome. Love his little sayings during executions and when he's out of ammo.


OrangeOak said:
I love this game but SOS range is just ridiculous :(

I've been thinking the same thing about the Retro lancer and assault rifles in general... They ruin the momentum of the game. As a Gears 1 vet who loves the shotgun game, the rifles in this game are bullshit. So many teams just spam lancers all day too, it's so fucking dull and not in the slightest bit fun. I just quit now as soon as I see the other team sitting back behind cover lancering and no one using a shotty. Gnasher only playlist please.


KorrZ said:
I've been thinking the same thing about the Retro lancer and assault rifles in general... They ruin the momentum of the game. As a Gears 1 vet who loves the shotgun game, the rifles in this game are bullshit. So many teams just spam lancers all day too, it's so fucking dull and not in the slightest bit fun. I just quit now as soon as I see the other team sitting back behind cover lancering and no one using a shotty. Gnasher only playlist please.
Lovely how they struck the perfect balance between rifles, gnasher and players traits, they put new amazing weapons in and then they ruined everything with a single shitty weapon...
I see myself leaving the game pretty soon too unless they do something. Won't buy any dlc either. I'm tired of lame stuff like SOS, armor lock, noob-tubes etc etc in videogames
If you're not good you don't need to be helped with SOS or whatever, because you know it's life, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose and somewhere there's always someone better than you


JambiBum said:

Sorry. If I wanted to play with assault rifles all day I'd play COD or BF or Uncharted or any other game. I play Gears of War because the shotgun gameplay is so satisfying, not to sit behind cover all day trading lancer fire.


ConradCervantes said:
It sucks but is easily avoidable. I feel like I turned a corner this weekend with my approach to SOS users.

this is how I feel. now that I am really getting the feel for the game the more easily it is to avoid the SOS. still a bitch though
KorrZ said:
Sorry. If I wanted to play with assault rifles all day I'd play COD or BF or Uncharted or any other game. I play Gears of War because the shotgun gameplay is so satisfying, not to sit behind cover all day trading lancer fire.

Lancer and hammerburst are perfectly balanced
Actually I don't get the need for SOS since rifles are powerful enough to stop stupid gansher rushers :/
Retrolancer is not very elegant in the way they nerfed it, I think. That huge recoil is stupid. Maybe they should have increased the reticule bloom instead of the actual recoil. It's fixable though and I think it has a role in the game between lancer and hammerburst
SOS is stupid and redundant

Nori Chan

Yeah I like Griffin too.

Some buddies and me go to another forum and someone posted a youtube video of a 7 man clutch and the first thing that came out of Griffin's mouth was: "I'm out of ammo, can you belied this?"

And everytime we are in warzone and it's a 3v1 or higher we say that lol.

bro game for sure man

Just beat the campaign - solo hardcore. 1,024 kills, 23 deaths, and over two and half hours spent in cover. Hot damn.

Outside of a few small missteps and an ending battle tuned more for co-op than single player, Epic delivered one hell of a finale to a trilogy that has never ceased to amaze.

Solo was good, but this looks like it may just be the best damn co-op shooter ever devised. Can't wait to put that theory to the test.

I bow to you Epic. You kicked fucking ass yet again :)

Special thanks for
no driving segments, and extra special thanks for continued bot support.


KorrZ said:
Sorry. If I wanted to play with assault rifles all day I'd play COD or BF or Uncharted or any other game. I play Gears of War because the shotgun gameplay is so satisfying, not to sit behind cover all day trading lancer fire.
If you can't find a way to get gnasher kills then you aren't a gears vet. It's as simple as that. I have twice as many gnasher kills (600+) than I do total rifle kills. I love the fuck out of my lancer and use it every chance I get. The game now works both ways and it is so much better for it. To sit there and say that the shotgun battles don't exist anymore is just straight up bullshit.

I love how many different weapons people complain about now. Just goes to show you how well the game is balanced.


JambiBum said:
If you can't find a way to get gnasher kills then you aren't a gears vet. It's as simple as that. I have twice as many gnasher kills (600+) than I do total rifle kills. I love the fuck out of my lancer and use it every chance I get. The game now works both ways and it is so much better for it. To sit there and say that the shotgun battles don't exist anymore is just straight up bullshit.

I love how many different weapons people complain about now. Just goes to show you how well the game is balanced.
The SOS is annoying but apply camping and people sneaking up on you, it's really not fun. I love my HB but it is a tad too strong.

leng jai

KorrZ said:
I've been thinking the same thing about the Retro lancer and assault rifles in general... They ruin the momentum of the game. As a Gears 1 vet who loves the shotgun game, the rifles in this game are bullshit. So many teams just spam lancers all day too, it's so fucking dull and not in the slightest bit fun. I just quit now as soon as I see the other team sitting back behind cover lancering and no one using a shotty. Gnasher only playlist please.

Seriously? What game are you playing? Pretty much every game turns into a shotgun fest.


JambiBum said:
If you can't find a way to get gnasher kills then you aren't a gears vet. It's as simple as that. I have twice as many gnasher kills (600+) than I do total rifle kills. I love the fuck out of my lancer and use it every chance I get. The game now works both ways and it is so much better for it. To sit there and say that the shotgun battles don't exist anymore is just straight up bullshit.

I love how many different weapons people complain about now. Just goes to show you how well the game is balanced.

Please quote the part where I said shotgun battles don't exist anymore. I'm tired of entire teams that only lancer the entire match. I also have way more shotgun kills than rifles (I can look up the stat for you if you like) but that doesn't make it anymore fun to get lancered down from across the map when you're shotgun battling, or getting spammed down by the retro in literally about 5 seconds.


Got to lv 50 in horde after about 10 tries get down to just a lambent beserker and it glitches into a wall.... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

def sim

Cover fire with a rifle counts as spamming now? I love shotgun battles in Gears, but come on. Rifles balance players from playing too much like a gung ho lunatic.
KorrZ said:
I've been thinking the same thing about the Retro lancer and assault rifles in general... They ruin the momentum of the game. As a Gears 1 vet who loves the shotgun game, the rifles in this game are bullshit. So many teams just spam lancers all day too, it's so fucking dull and not in the slightest bit fun. I just quit now as soon as I see the other team sitting back behind cover lancering and no one using a shotty. Gnasher only playlist please.

They wouldn't be holding back and using assault rifles exclusively if they weren't fucking terrified of douchebags with SOS lurking around every piece of cover, able to insta-gib them without even bothering to aim.

I've totally adjusted my strategy to a 100% support player. Let my teammates who enjoy the SOS or have the patience to luck-out with the gnasher, and I'll do my best to shred health off their opponents with the assault rifles from a distance.

i nerini del buio said:
Lovely how they struck the perfect balance between rifles, gnasher and players traits, they put new amazing weapons in and then they ruined everything with a single shitty weapon...
I see myself leaving the game pretty soon too unless they do something. Won't buy any dlc either. I'm tired of lame stuff like SOS, armor lock, noob-tubes etc etc in videogames
If you're not good you don't need to be helped with SOS or whatever, because you know it's life, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose and somewhere there's always someone better than you

Hard to compare armor lock with noob-tubes and the SOS, but I agree with your point.


rance said:
Cover fire with a rifle counts as spamming now? I love shotgun battles in Gears, but come on. Rifles balance players from playing too much like a gung ho lunatic.

Maybe I'm just getting really shitty games today, but it's not cover fire when it's all the team uses for an entire match. I'm not joking, I've been watching it like an obsession as my frustration grew today, seeing enemy teams not get even a single shotgun kill, gnasher or SOS the entire game. I mean it was mainly today that I was seeing it, but it was like every other match I played today. Even though I won a lot of those game it still was just plain not fun to have people camp all day.


KorrZ said:
Please quote the part where I said shotgun battles don't exist anymore. I'm tired of entire teams that only lancer the entire match. I also have way more shotgun kills than rifles (I can look up the stat for you if you like) but that doesn't make it anymore fun to get lancered down from across the map when you're shotgun battling, or getting spammed down by the retro in literally about 5 seconds.
If you are getting shot from across the map then that's your own fault. Do you just expect people to watch you shotgun battle someone else and do nothing about it? There would be no reason to have a team if that was the case. If that's the way you want to play then you can make private games against one other person and go to town.
That video a few pages back on shotguns was pretty good, but it's based on the Gnasher being a two-shot weapon (I fucking wish it was).

It's also predicated on us having dedis, which doesn't seem to be happening that much either.

Some clarity would be real nice. Let me know when the dedicated servers are down so I can go and play something else instead.


Passing metallic gas
-PXG- said:
The SOS is annoying but apply camping and people sneaking up on you, it's really not fun. I love my HB but it is a tad too strong.

I love my lancer but i think the clip size is a bit too big for a gun with such range, accuracy and low recoil. As long as epic goes into the balancing with a light touch the game will great imo. Power weapons are totally fine. Minor tweaks there and there to give people incentive to get better, not give them tools to compensate for the lack of commitment to get better.
To everyone complaining about the SOS, I found the perfect fail-proof counter strategy.

I was playing in the Thrashball Stadium map. I was in one of the side halls of the map. A enemy with the SOS starts rolling on in from one of the openings & roadie running towards me.

I roll back & he MISSES the first shot (thank you Jesus)!
Now I upload with my lancer, but he starts roll strafing all over & I miss most of the shots.
I quickly switch to my Gnasher & I still miss enough to not get the kill while he reloaded the SOS. So what do I do, just die immediately?


I ran at the start of the enclave on one side of the map all the way across it, then out of it & ALL across the middle of the stadium diagonally to the other enclave at the other side of the map. Into it & then all the way across it to get back again to the stadium part all without getting out of the roadie run once & with the SOS player chasing me NON-STOP THROUGHOUT!

At the very end, another player eventually killed him from the side/back while he was chasing me in the middle of the map with every other player on both teams being there!

I tried this strategy again in a KoTH match & worked yet again.

Up against an elite SoS rusher? DON'T confront him, you'll just die. Just start rolling back & then roadie running away full blast. His instincts will be to start chase, but he will NOT get close to you for the kill while both of you are roadie running.
Eventually someone on your team will pick him off as he is blinding running after you.


JambiBum said:
If you are getting shot from across the map then that's your own fault. Do you just expect people to watch you shotgun battle someone else and do nothing about it? There would be no reason to have a team if that was the case. If that's the way you want to play then you can make private games against one other person and go to town.

No I expect the lancer to not have a gigantic clip size, no recoil and be able to down you in ~6 seconds. Gears has always been more of a close quarters game, getting lancered from across the map isn't fun. Maybe it's fun to you, but it isn't to me. If I rush right at you head on I deserve to get lancered down, but catching a few stray bullets from miles away is all it takes in this game.
Unknown Soldier said:
When the servers are down, try playing a co-op mode like Campaign, Horde, or Beast. I'm just saying.

Oh don't get me wrong, I do. My party managed to finish level 50 on horde and also beast mode today.

Gears is infinitely more fun when playing against other people. I'm still having fun with campaign etc, but there's a reason why people play it online: you get to play against smart, calculating (natch) players with none of the severe bullet sponging Insane gets. Put simply: the more those servers are down, the less I'm going to be playing Gears 3.

leng jai

KorrZ said:
No I expect the lancer to not have a gigantic clip size, no recoil and be able to down you in ~6 seconds. Gears has always been more of a close quarters game, getting lancered from across the map isn't fun. Maybe it's fun to you, but it isn't to me. If I rush right at you head on I deserve to get lancered down, but catching a few stray bullets from miles away is all it takes in this game.

How the hell do you get lancered from across the map? It takes ages to down someone from distance. One or two rolls away and you're behind cover.
KorrZ said:
No I expect the lancer to not have a gigantic clip size, no recoil and be able to down you in ~6 seconds. Gears has always been more of a close quarters game, getting lancered from across the map isn't fun. Maybe it's fun to you, but it isn't to me. If I rush right at you head on I deserve to get lancered down, but catching a few stray bullets from miles away is all it takes in this game.
If you're out of cover long enough to get downed by a lancer at long range you're doing it wrong


thezerofire said:
If you're out of cover long enough to get downed by a lancer at long range you're doing it wrong

I'm out of cover because I'm shooting someone with the Gnasher and am red from receiving some shells in return. Jeeze guys, I'm not talking about just standing out in the open across the map going hur durrr shoot me.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
KorrZ said:
No I expect the lancer to not have a gigantic clip size, no recoil and be able to down you in ~6 seconds. Gears has always been more of a close quarters game, getting lancered from across the map isn't fun. Maybe it's fun to you, but it isn't to me. If I rush right at you head on I deserve to get lancered down, but catching a few stray bullets from miles away is all it takes in this game.

If you're taking 6 seconds of fire from across the map in a game where you can roll, run, and take cover all over the map you're doing something horribly wrong.

KorrZ said:
I'm out of cover because I'm shooting someone with the Gnasher and am red from receiving some shells in return.

So the lancer person is supporting, like the gun is primarily for.


thezerofire said:
If you're out of cover long enough to get downed by a lancer at long range you're doing it wrong


SOS 100% of the time people forget that while rolling the entire match makes people miss on gnasher shots, across the street no cover its easy shooting with a hammer/lancer.

leng jai

KorrZ said:
I'm out of cover because I'm shooting someone with the Gnasher and am red from receiving some shells in return. Jeeze guys, I'm not talking about just standing out in the open across the map going hur durrr shoot me.

So whats your complaint? Dying from such a situation is normal for every shooter in existence. Of course you're in trouble when you outnumbered 2 to 1.


leng jai said:
So whats your complaint? Dying from such a situation is normal for every shooter in existence. Of course you're in trouble when you outnumbered 2 to 1.

I just want to have a good shotgun fight :(
We're jumping the shark now with Lancer complaints. C'mon son. The rifles are nowhere near the issue here.

Let's get the SOS Hate Train back on the rails please.


Net_Wrecker said:
We're jumping the shark now with Lancer complaints. C'mon son. The rifles are nowhere near the issue here.

Let's get the SOS Hate Train back on the rails please.

from last page:


Someone needs to make a better version!
I've said a lot of negative things about this game... but DAMN if Sandbar isn't the best looking multiplayer map I've ever seen. The light through the trees, onto the fort at the top of the hill... my god.
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