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Meisadragon said:
Made a slo-mo gif. Man, no one does Sniper and Shotgun gibs better than Epic.


@Xtortionist, yeah that fight was broken but the boss was pretty cool.
I don't think it does even exist any other -loadout- weapon in any other game capable of killing 3 players in one single shot (without even having to aim)...
It's like in Halo giving someone the chance to spawn with a rocket launcher instead of a battle rifle and then saying "oh well, it's balanced! You have only two shots while the battle rifle has plenty! Plus the reload time is much longer! If you miss you're screwed!"
Oh Epic what have you done...


whitehawk said:
I've started using the SOS/Lancer combo, and it's great. I'm getting 45 kills in a KOTH match, with like 10 captures. 10,000 points, fuck yeah!
I can deal with SOS in TDM but not in KOH. So cheap.
Capture the Leader with a team of friends has probably been the most fun I've had with the game so far, it's good for when you need a break from the more testing game types. Beast mode is what I play if I nobody else is online, smashing cogs as a Mauler is brilliant but it desperatly needs more rounds.

Danny 117

Loving the game and the MP so far, but I have one very major gripe: the spawn system. It seems that people will spawn behind me very often. The most notable occasion would be on overpass, I was on the top middle of the map, standing on the platform beside the bridge, when the other team started spawning between the bridge and my platform.
Wtf man.
In response to the SOS, I've found that your best bet is to avoid blindly running around corners, and of course, the retro lancer owns the SOS rushers :)


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
MjFrancis said:
Easter Egg spoiler

I am so going for the Cluckshot in Act IV. Epic is fucking awesome for that one, lol. I wonder how many more like this are hiding throughout the campaign!

Gamefront link to Easter Egg

That is hilarious! Me and three other friends just finished Act III on Insane 4-player co-op last night so I'm definitely gonna get that done this evening!

rCIZZLE said:
Well, just played for a few hours and have concluded that this game is a huge letdown. (haven't touched the campaign but I guess I'll have to if I don't want to make it a total waste)

SOS sucks
noscope change to sniper sucks
TDM sucks
warzone kills in a gametype already lacking teamwork really sucks
3 round execution sucks
20:1 ratio of TDM to execution sucks

Dedicated servers were really the only big positive I got coming from the previous games.

I really wouldn't be angry if this was a random released game that I bought - I would just force myself to get some value and resell it. The fact that it's the whole reason I got a new xbox and renewed xbl is what has me stewed up. No more faith buys from me without total investigation lol.

The simple solution to fixing all of that complaining is to simply play on a team, and that's why there's three full GamerTags in the OP. Join the latest one, simple as that. Plus Rod said that they "might" increase the rounds for Warzone/Execution, but they won't just do it a couple days after release like that, which makes sense.


BattleMedic said:
Capture the Leader with a team of friends has probably been the most fun I've had with the game so far, it's good for when you need a break from the more testing game types. Beast mode is what I play if I nobody else is online, smashing cogs as a Mauler is brilliant but it desperatly needs more rounds.
Yes! I hope Epic supports beast mode because I think it is brilliant and even more fun than horde.


JB1981 said:
I can deal with SOS in TDM but not in KOH. So cheap.

^This. Especially KOH on like checkout, etc. where every encounter is a max range of like 10 feet. Pretty much ruins KOH. In TDM you can at least hold back and still have a chance at success but good luck in KOH where you actually have to get to objectives.


Danny 117 said:
In response to the SOS, I've found that your best bet is to avoid blindly running around corners, and of course, the retro lancer owns the SOS rushers :)

*When dedicated servers are actually working...

@JB1981 YES. I support horde mode just because we need more Locust love in this game! Come on, everyone knows they're just way cooler.

Danny 117

Boogdud said:
*When dedicated servers are actually working...

@JB1981 YES. I support horde mode just because we need more Locust love in this game! Come on, everyone knows they're just way cooler.

*Implying you should play when dedis are offline*
I just hope they patch in something that tells you when the dedis are up.

I'm tired of 'no match found, no match found, no match found', then getting rubber-banding during the game.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
That's definitely one thing I miss being able to do. Play some quick matches where I choose my map and how many rounds I want per match. Sometimes I just feel like playing certain maps with my friends. And 3 Execution rounds? That's not nearly enough to get really really into a map. I remember playing first to 10 where we would go 15-20 rounds on one map. Goddamnit.


I would say that I'm a pretty decent Gears player but nothing annoys me more than SOS. The highest percentage of my deaths are caused by SOS. Now you could say that if you let them get that close, you deserve to die. However, I can't lancer down two or sometimes three SOS equipped players charging at me on a suicide mission. This is ruining the game for me an a lot of other Gears players. When you have to resort to using the SOS to balance the douchebaggery of 4 other enemies using the SOS, something is wrong.

Before I get the deal with it gif, I'll be on tonight if you guys want an example of how much a douchebag I can be with the SOS.


Seth Balmore said:
Game really needs a server status indicator, at least that way I know what to expect when I start matchmaking.

Should just grey out any competitive mode when they're down ffs.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Oh, and dealing with one SOS player is plenty fine (making it a pickup w/more ammo!)...but when you've got like 3 or more dudes bouncing around with SOS's...It becomes a headache. The worst part? THERE ARE NO SHOTGUN BATTLES WITH THE SOS. Seriously - does anyone else really not mind this? Gnasher battles are fucking incredible (especially so in Gears 3 where the Gnasher has returned to form) and if you're close they are one of the best parts of Gears MP. Why the hell would Epic take that away? When 4 or 5 dudes are using a SOS then there are no gnasher battles to be had.

It doesn't make any sense.
sajj316 said:
I would say that I'm a pretty decent Gears player but nothing annoys me more than SOS. The highest percentage of my deaths are caused by SOS. Now you could say that if you let them get that close, you deserve to die. However, I can't lancer down two or sometimes three SOS equipped players charging at me on a suicide mission. This is ruining the game for me an a lot of other Gears players. When you have to resort to using the SOS to balance the douchebaggery of 4 other enemies using the SOS, something is wrong.

Before I get the deal with it gif, I'll be on tonight if you guys want an example of how much a douchebag I can be with the SOS.
That or you and your teammates have to use retro-lancers to counter them, which is not fun at all.


Was just playing Insane beast with 4 guys, we got to the very last guy on the very last wave without failing... and failed. We couldn't believe it.

KorrZ said:
No I expect the lancer to not have a gigantic clip size, no recoil and be able to down you in ~6 seconds. Gears has always been more of a close quarters game, getting lancered from across the map isn't fun. Maybe it's fun to you, but it isn't to me. If I rush right at you head on I deserve to get lancered down, but catching a few stray bullets from miles away is all it takes in this game.
Big LOL at this.


Aspiring said:
Ok so I'm level 15 multiplayer. Yeah not much but the highest of any shooter I have ever played. I love it! All this and have yet to touch singleplayer. Such a great game.
You should be play the campaign immediately before someone spoils it for you. It's pretty good and lengthy as well; you'll enjoy it.
I played TDM earlier in the week and there were a lot of SOS Heroes, but this weekend my buddy and I stuck mostly to Wingman and Warzone. I think I only got killed by a SOS one or two times all day - people are less likely to run it because they don't want to get killed early and sit out the rest of the match - it's the TDM respawn system that encourages people to just dash around with the SOS, I think.
Meisadragon said:
You should be play the campaign immediately before someone spoils it for you. It's pretty good and lengthy as well; you'll enjoy it.
This, I accidently stumbled on quite a spoiler waiting to play the game in 4 player coop.
sajj316 said:
I would say that I'm a pretty decent Gears player but nothing annoys me more than SOS. The highest percentage of my deaths are caused by SOS. Now you could say that if you let them get that close, you deserve to die. However, I can't lancer down two or sometimes three SOS equipped players charging at me on a suicide mission. This is ruining the game for me an a lot of other Gears players. When you have to resort to using the SOS to balance the douchebaggery of 4 other enemies using the SOS, something is wrong.

Before I get the deal with it gif, I'll be on tonight if you guys want an example of how much a douchebag I can be with the SOS.

I agree word by word.


El'Kharn said:
I don't play that piece of shit game :)

I'm in Australia where you get ripped on game price's..cost 100$ here for the basic copy and as far as i am concerned the game (multiplayer) just isn't worth it. The campaign was possibly the best experience in a shooter I've ever had however.

Not trying to troll here, but if the campaign was the best shooter experience you ever had, how is that not worth hanging onto the game? Thats like saying "Hey this gourmet pumpkin pie I just ate was fantastic! I'd like my money back please."

Doesn't. Make. Sense!


Two ways you get killed by the SOS

- You hear someone running you behind you, you turn around and to shoot them, but get killed by another person from behind.

- You're minding your own business and get blasted by someone waiting for you from around a corner

If it's one or two people on a team using it, I'm fine. But an entire team is just awful. Forget about engaging in CQC. Since the SOS is guaranteed a kill at close range, you'll be lucky if you get updated. Most of the time you'll just die or down them. Shooting them from a distance is risky, since someone could easily kill you from behind while you're distracted. You're pretty much fucked.

And no, I'm not using it. I'm better than that. I don't want to use such a mindless, dumbass weapon to win. I want to earn my victory.


SOS users do their kamikaze shit because they know that if they get close, they are going to get the kill. It's not like the Gnasher, where close range shots fail to result in a kill, even after three consecutive attempts


I played MP at a bud's house for the first time last night and it was awesome! Gears plays so different than other MP games. All we did was stick somewhat close to our squad and protect them. The kills just came to us. We did a lot of killing at fair distance with the Lancer. Too many fools tried getting close enough for the SOS but they were almost always shut down. Back-roll seems to get you out of range and then you can just hose them down with hip-fire.

Making use of the left-shoulder corners also is a big help. We didn't even rush for super weapons, just kept it defensive and let the fools come to us. Will definately be getting back on this tonight!


MattyH said:
the SOS def needs a nerf and the retro lancer needs restoring to its former glory like it was in the beta

A couple of suggestions on what to do with SOS

1) reduce magazine from 4 to 2 rounds. I'm even ok with a slightly faster reload if this decreases all SOS kills in a TDM match by 50%.
2) reduce range and adjust balance the power. I understand that it's a close range power weapon but there should not be a scenario in which you take out 3 enemies at once (shakes head at gif). That gif tells me that power from the shot is evenly distributed from left to right. No power at the core. What I believe should happen is the SOS shot taking down the enemy in the center (line of blind sight) and damaging the others based on proximity to shot.
3) make the weapon as a pickup item on the map. Replace the weapon with something else.


Danny 117 said:
Loving the game and the MP so far, but I have one very major gripe: the spawn system. It seems that people will spawn behind me very often.

The game tells you when the spawn points flip. Listen for a voice saying something like "Enemy reinforcements spotted". There is a different phrase for COG than Locus, but you get the general point.
mbmonk said:
The game tells you when the spawn points flip. Listen for a voice saying something like "Enemy reinforcements spotted". There is a different phrase for COG than Locus, but you get the general point.

Locust: "Enemy forces!"
COG: "We've got enemy reinforcements!"


sajj316 said:
A couple of suggestions on what to do with SOS

1) reduce magazine from 4 to 2 rounds. I'm even ok with a slightly faster reload if this decreases all SOS kills in a TDM match by 50%.
2) reduce range or balance the power. I understand that it's a close range power weapon but there should not be a scenario in which you take out 3 enemies at once (shakes head at gif). That gif tells me that power from the shot is evenly distributed from left to right. No power at the core. What I believe should happen is the SOS shot taking down the enemy in the center (line of blind sight) and damaging the others based on proximity to shot.
3) make the weapon as a pickup item on the map. Replace the weapon with something else.

1) That will never happen.

2) I suggested this in the beta thread numerous times. The damage spread is even and is consistent no matter where you hit your target. I hate how I get killed by someone that isn't even looking at me. You're idea is spot om: The closer the target is to the center, the more damage it should do. As you move away from the center, the damage is decreased. That would make a lot more sense.

3) Not gonna happen. Ever.

Also, where is this alleged gif?


omg are people still so butt-hurt over the SOS still? I feel like I've transported back in time to the beta... There is a perfectly good weapon given to you to completely eviscerate anyone ballsy enough to get into close range with their SOS (The Retro), and if you do get killed by someone using it, or a whole team of them using it, don't get close to them. Run away and stop trying to play their game. I haven't had an issue with them yet.


DMeisterJ said:
omg are people still so butt-hurt over the SOS still? I feel like I've transported back in time to the beta... There is a perfectly good weapon given to you to completely eviscerate anyone ballsy enough to get into close range with their SOS (The Retro), and if you do get killed by someone using it, or a whole team of them using it, don't get close to them. Run away and stop trying to play their game. I haven't had an issue with them yet.

tag is sajj316, I'll be on at 10 PM EST
DMeisterJ said:
omg are people still so butt-hurt over the SOS still? I feel like I've transported back in time to the beta... There is a perfectly good weapon given to you to completely eviscerate anyone ballsy enough to get into close range with their SOS (The Retro), and if you do get killed by someone using it, or a whole team of them using it, don't get close to them. Run away and stop trying to play their game. I haven't had an issue with them yet.
I should never ever ever have to choose a weapon only to counter someone abusing some other weapon. That's bad cod-like gamedesign.
I should choose the retro if I feel it fits my playstyle. Period.

leng jai

The gap between my best and worse in this game is enormous. One game I'll have a KDR of 3+ and the next I'll feel like I can't even get a kill.


Hyunkel6 said:
Is there a way to know when the servers are down? The official gears website maybe?
Seems to be a big secret. Epic never talks about it and never once addressed it during the beta
i nerini del buio said:
I should never ever ever have to choose a weapon only to counter someone abusing some other weapon. That's bad cod-like gamedesign.
I should choose the retro if I feel it fits my playstyle. Period.

YES. Designing the game around weapons and counterweapons is BAD design. If you're godlike with a weapon you should kill everyone else whatever weapon they're using.


i nerini del buio said:
I should never ever ever have to choose a weapon only to counter someone abusing some other weapon. That's bad cod-like gamedesign.
I should choose the retro if I feel it fits my playstyle. Period.

You don't have to use the Retro, you could play a little further back and use the stopping power of the original lancer and they won't be able to be close enough to kill you as well.

And in any multiplayer game you have to choose weapons based off of what other people are doing in order to be more productive.


i nerini del buio said:
I should never ever ever have to choose a weapon only to counter someone abusing some other weapon. That's bad cod-like gamedesign.
I should choose the retro if I feel it fits my playstyle. Period.

Thats the name of the game...choosing the right tools for the situation. Not sticking to one weapon and hope it's the best for all situations. I mean sure, you can do that, but I wouldn't expect to get very far.

I wouldn't call it bad game design.


Beat Horde mode over the weekend with a full party. It was hours of fun and laughs. Loved it. Last three waves were insane.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
DMeisterJ said:
omg are people still so butt-hurt over the SOS still? I feel like I've transported back in time to the beta... There is a perfectly good weapon given to you to completely eviscerate anyone ballsy enough to get into close range with their SOS (The Retro), and if you do get killed by someone using it, or a whole team of them using it, don't get close to them. Run away and stop trying to play their game. I haven't had an issue with them yet.
Ugh. So in other words you're suggesting if there's a full team of SOS users, that Close Range combat should just be entirely nullified and not happen in a match.

Yeah. That sounds like real fun. Especially in Gears.
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