2real4tv said:I'll try again maybe another setting wasn't correct.
you'll see it in bottom of the the vs menu it'll say 'press Y to log in guest'.
2real4tv said:I'll try again maybe another setting wasn't correct.
I don't think it does even exist any other -loadout- weapon in any other game capable of killing 3 players in one single shot (without even having to aim)...Meisadragon said:Made a slo-mo gif. Man, no one does Sniper and Shotgun gibs better than Epic.
@Xtortionist, yeah that fight was broken but the boss was pretty cool.
I can deal with SOS in TDM but not in KOH. So cheap.whitehawk said:I've started using the SOS/Lancer combo, and it's great. I'm getting 45 kills in a KOTH match, with like 10 captures. 10,000 points, fuck yeah!
MjFrancis said:Easter Egg spoiler
I am so going for the Cluckshot in Act IV. Epic is fucking awesome for that one, lol. I wonder how many more like this are hiding throughout the campaign!
Gamefront link to Easter Egg
rCIZZLE said:Well, just played for a few hours and have concluded that this game is a huge letdown. (haven't touched the campaign but I guess I'll have to if I don't want to make it a total waste)
SOS sucks
noscope change to sniper sucks
TDM sucks
warzone kills in a gametype already lacking teamwork really sucks
3 round execution sucks
20:1 ratio of TDM to execution sucks
Dedicated servers were really the only big positive I got coming from the previous games.
I really wouldn't be angry if this was a random released game that I bought - I would just force myself to get some value and resell it. The fact that it's the whole reason I got a new xbox and renewed xbl is what has me stewed up. No more faith buys from me without total investigation lol.
Yes! I hope Epic supports beast mode because I think it is brilliant and even more fun than horde.BattleMedic said:Capture the Leader with a team of friends has probably been the most fun I've had with the game so far, it's good for when you need a break from the more testing game types. Beast mode is what I play if I nobody else is online, smashing cogs as a Mauler is brilliant but it desperatly needs more rounds.
JB1981 said:I can deal with SOS in TDM but not in KOH. So cheap.
Danny 117 said:In response to the SOS, I've found that your best bet is to avoid blindly running around corners, and of course, the retro lancer owns the SOS rushers![]()
Boogdud said:*When dedicated servers are actually working...
@JB1981 YES. I support horde mode just because we need more Locust love in this game! Come on, everyone knows they're just way cooler.
Seth Balmore said:Game really needs a server status indicator, at least that way I know what to expect when I start matchmaking.
That or you and your teammates have to use retro-lancers to counter them, which is not fun at all.sajj316 said:I would say that I'm a pretty decent Gears player but nothing annoys me more than SOS. The highest percentage of my deaths are caused by SOS. Now you could say that if you let them get that close, you deserve to die. However, I can't lancer down two or sometimes three SOS equipped players charging at me on a suicide mission. This is ruining the game for me an a lot of other Gears players. When you have to resort to using the SOS to balance the douchebaggery of 4 other enemies using the SOS, something is wrong.
Before I get the deal with it gif, I'll be on tonight if you guys want an example of how much a douchebag I can be with the SOS.
Big LOL at this.KorrZ said:No I expect the lancer to not have a gigantic clip size, no recoil and be able to down you in ~6 seconds. Gears has always been more of a close quarters game, getting lancered from across the map isn't fun. Maybe it's fun to you, but it isn't to me. If I rush right at you head on I deserve to get lancered down, but catching a few stray bullets from miles away is all it takes in this game.
You should be play the campaign immediately before someone spoils it for you. It's pretty good and lengthy as well; you'll enjoy it.Aspiring said:Ok so I'm level 15 multiplayer. Yeah not much but the highest of any shooter I have ever played. I love it! All this and have yet to touch singleplayer. Such a great game.
This, I accidently stumbled on quite a spoiler waiting to play the game in 4 player coop.Meisadragon said:You should be play the campaign immediately before someone spoils it for you. It's pretty good and lengthy as well; you'll enjoy it.
sajj316 said:I would say that I'm a pretty decent Gears player but nothing annoys me more than SOS. The highest percentage of my deaths are caused by SOS. Now you could say that if you let them get that close, you deserve to die. However, I can't lancer down two or sometimes three SOS equipped players charging at me on a suicide mission. This is ruining the game for me an a lot of other Gears players. When you have to resort to using the SOS to balance the douchebaggery of 4 other enemies using the SOS, something is wrong.
Before I get the deal with it gif, I'll be on tonight if you guys want an example of how much a douchebag I can be with the SOS.
Seth Balmore said:Did I hear right:
Prescott after COG victory: "You can be proud of that victory, the Allfathers are stylin'."
El'Kharn said:I don't play that piece of shit game
I'm in Australia where you get ripped on game price's..cost 100$ here for the basic copy and as far as i am concerned the game (multiplayer) just isn't worth it. The campaign was possibly the best experience in a shooter I've ever had however.
MattyH said:the SOS def needs a nerf and the retro lancer needs restoring to its former glory like it was in the beta
Danny 117 said:Loving the game and the MP so far, but I have one very major gripe: the spawn system. It seems that people will spawn behind me very often.
mbmonk said:The game tells you when the spawn points flip. Listen for a voice saying something like "Enemy reinforcements spotted". There is a different phrase for COG than Locus, but you get the general point.
sajj316 said:A couple of suggestions on what to do with SOS
1) reduce magazine from 4 to 2 rounds. I'm even ok with a slightly faster reload if this decreases all SOS kills in a TDM match by 50%.
2) reduce range or balance the power. I understand that it's a close range power weapon but there should not be a scenario in which you take out 3 enemies at once (shakes head at gif). That gif tells me that power from the shot is evenly distributed from left to right. No power at the core. What I believe should happen is the SOS shot taking down the enemy in the center (line of blind sight) and damaging the others based on proximity to shot.
3) make the weapon as a pickup item on the map. Replace the weapon with something else.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=31278907&postcount=9044-PXG- said:Also, where is this alleged gif?
DMeisterJ said:omg are people still so butt-hurt over the SOS still? I feel like I've transported back in time to the beta... There is a perfectly good weapon given to you to completely eviscerate anyone ballsy enough to get into close range with their SOS (The Retro), and if you do get killed by someone using it, or a whole team of them using it, don't get close to them. Run away and stop trying to play their game. I haven't had an issue with them yet.
I should never ever ever have to choose a weapon only to counter someone abusing some other weapon. That's bad cod-like gamedesign.DMeisterJ said:omg are people still so butt-hurt over the SOS still? I feel like I've transported back in time to the beta... There is a perfectly good weapon given to you to completely eviscerate anyone ballsy enough to get into close range with their SOS (The Retro), and if you do get killed by someone using it, or a whole team of them using it, don't get close to them. Run away and stop trying to play their game. I haven't had an issue with them yet.
Seems to be a big secret. Epic never talks about it and never once addressed it during the betaHyunkel6 said:Is there a way to know when the servers are down? The official gears website maybe?
i nerini del buio said:I should never ever ever have to choose a weapon only to counter someone abusing some other weapon. That's bad cod-like gamedesign.
I should choose the retro if I feel it fits my playstyle. Period.
i nerini del buio said:I should never ever ever have to choose a weapon only to counter someone abusing some other weapon. That's bad cod-like gamedesign.
I should choose the retro if I feel it fits my playstyle. Period.
i nerini del buio said:I should never ever ever have to choose a weapon only to counter someone abusing some other weapon. That's bad cod-like gamedesign.
I should choose the retro if I feel it fits my playstyle. Period.
MarshMellow96 said:Where are you guys going to play teams full of SOS users, anyway?
Ugh. So in other words you're suggesting if there's a full team of SOS users, that Close Range combat should just be entirely nullified and not happen in a match.DMeisterJ said:omg are people still so butt-hurt over the SOS still? I feel like I've transported back in time to the beta... There is a perfectly good weapon given to you to completely eviscerate anyone ballsy enough to get into close range with their SOS (The Retro), and if you do get killed by someone using it, or a whole team of them using it, don't get close to them. Run away and stop trying to play their game. I haven't had an issue with them yet.