I'm disappointed that in the THIRD GAME in the series, Epic pretends that people shouldn't be able to see ping meters and lag bars like the other major blockbuster games have (e.g. Halo, Call of Duty).
I'm disappointed that in the THIRD GAME in the series, Epic pretends that people shouldn't be able to see ping meters and lag bars like the other major blockbuster games have (e.g. Halo, Call of Duty).
I'm disappointed that in the THIRD GAME in the series, Epic pretends that people shouldn't be able to see ping meters and lag bars like the other major blockbuster games have (e.g. Halo, Call of Duty).
Fair point, duder, but it honestly sounds as if your connection issues are ten-fold worse than the majority. This is one of the smoothest online experiences I've ever had, so I'm willing to ignore the few omissions made by Epic. I've only had one session wherein games were few and far between/severely impaired by lag.
On top of that, at 1 in the morning today, it showed around 60-70 people playing in my region (casual TDM) and I was able to connect to around 8 different games, all with seemingly perfect connections. I consider that to be pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good in my books.
Robot Pants said:
So when it says "No suitable match can be found" does that mean no dedicated server can be found? Or what?
It doesn't seem to be that way with me. I'll get that message 75% of the time, but it'll find games on the next search and I'm almost certain they're running on servers.
It's funny how every time I party up with people either on my friends list or on the GAF tag: 6/10 games will be against idiots, 3/10 will be evenly matched, and 1/10 will be a super squad that kicks our ass with gunfire from every direction.
Flip that to when I fly solo and 9/10 games will be against super squads who seem to be top level players while everyone on my team sucks :|
No other game flips from "OMG SO AWESHUM" to "I don't want to live on this planet anymore" so often.
Just finished the campaign. Overall I really enjoyed it. As I said before, the game started decently, but the first act thereafter was a little slow - going around as Cole collecting supplies was pretty dull and the environment just wasn't the best at showing off what UE3 can do. It kicked off at the bridge though and remained in gear for the rest of the game, sans another small dip in act 3 where it briefly slowed to accommodate some storytelling and suspense. I appreciated the variety of environments throughout the game - some were really stunning, especially anywhere in which they used their awesome dust, rain and sun shaft effects. The art was impeccable once again, I adore any creature or weapon that Epic design. I particularly loved act 5, a great throwback to the grit of the first Gears, with a let's say "colourful" twist in the middle.
As well as the low point of act 1, the only other thing I disliked was how simplistic a lot of the objective design is. It's always: "we found a vehicle, but it has no fuel and needs spare parts, go find them", "the lift is dead, we need to find the power box to fire it up", or "this door is locked by lasers, follow the wires and deactivate them". There is never a straightforward part of this game, it always requires you to take a detour, do some rudimentary fetch quest and fight a few expected enemies along the way. It becomes so utterly predictable that each time I reach a new place, I wonder "gee, what minor hurdle will Delta have to overcome this time?". The game really is at its best when it cuts the crap and just pits you against some viscous Locust with a clear, important objective in sight. Some people might feel like the game was dumbed down if it was all blasting, and you might not be able to stretch that out for 7 hours effectively, but bah to them - I liked Kane & Lynch 2 ffs, bring on the 4 hour dudebro shooters!
The Lambent were surprisingly decent enemies to fight. They spiced the game up and I never felt like I really wanted to fight the Locust again at any point (when I was about to, they usually showed up, so the balance between the two foes was solid). It was a breathe of fresh air after so many games have tried to introduce new enemies but failed spectacularly (aliens in the first Crysis, the flood and brutes in Halo 2, mutants in Far Cry etc). This was like a Crysis 2 or Halo 3 quality makeover, which is a compliment in case there was any doubt.
As far as story goes, it is definitely better than the first two games. It all made sense, which i'd say is quite the achievement for a series which attempted to introduce a third player in its universe half way through, and provide sound reasoning behind it. Nothing felt like it had just been made up on the spot or retconned in, which was a pleasant change for gaming. I was going to jump on the 'cheesy' or 'hammy' bandwagon, but let's just say that I was moved a bit more by some of the game's later revelations, and that overwrote my earlier feelings of nausea. It really did end as well as it could - I didn't feel shortchanged one bit. I, for one, enjoyed the last boss too. It was simplistic, but omg dat graphics, and i'm sure it's even better with 3 other players.
So overall, online also considered, the best game in the series yet. I feel sad now as this has wrapped up the trilogy so well that we are guaranteed to not get a Gears 4, unless Microsoft decide to pull another 343. Oh well, looking forward to whatever Epic does next (Samaritan plz) and the DLC (which I bet is about
Annoyed I redeemed my Baird and Dom skin codes the moment I got the game. Would have traded one for Kantus if I had the foresight to think people would do that.
On the upside, I Imagine all the preorder skins will be available for purchase at some point.
Just finished the campaign. Overall I really enjoyed it. As I said before, the game started decently, but the first act thereafter was a little slow - going around as Cole collecting supplies was pretty dull and the environment just wasn't the best at showing off what UE3 can do. It kicked off at the bridge though and remained in gear for the rest of the game, sans another small dip in act 3 where it briefly slowed to accommodate some storytelling and suspense. I appreciated the variety of environments throughout the game - some were really stunning, especially anywhere in which they used their awesome dust, rain and sun shaft effects. The art was impeccable once again, I adore any creature or weapon that Epic design. I particularly loved act 5, a great throwback to the grit of the first Gears, with a let's say "colourful" twist in the middle.
As well as the low point of act 1, the only other thing I disliked was how simplistic a lot of the objective design is. It's always: "we found a vehicle, but it has no fuel and needs spare parts, go find them", "the lift is dead, we need to find the power box to fire it up", or "this door is locked by lasers, follow the wires and deactivate them". There is never a straightforward part of this game, it always requires you to take a detour, do some rudimentary fetch quest and fight a few expected enemies along the way. It becomes so utterly predictable that each time I reach a new place, I wonder "gee, what minor hurdle will Delta have to overcome this time?". The game really is at its best when it cuts the crap and just pits you against some viscous Locust with a clear, important objective in sight. Some people might feel like the game was dumbed down if it was all blasting, and you might not be able to stretch that out for 7 hours effectively, but bah to them - I liked Kane & Lynch 2 ffs, bring on the 4 hour dudebro shooters!
The Lambent were surprisingly decent enemies to fight. They spiced the game up and I never felt like I really wanted to fight the Locust again at any point (when I was about to, they usually showed up, so the balance between the two foes was solid). It was a breathe of fresh air after so many games have tried to introduce new enemies but failed spectacularly (aliens in the first Crysis, the flood and brutes in Halo 2, mutants in Far Cry etc). This was like a Crysis 2 or Halo 3 quality makeover, which is a compliment in case there was any doubt.
As far as story goes, it is definitely better than the first two games. It all made sense, which i'd say is quite the achievement for a series which attempted to introduce a third player in its universe half way through, and provide sound reasoning behind it. Nothing felt like it had just been made up on the spot or retconned in, which was a pleasant change for gaming. I was going to jump on the 'cheesy' or 'hammy' bandwagon, but let's just say that I was moved a bit more by some of the game's later revelations, and that overwrote my earlier feelings of nausea. It really did end as well as it could - I didn't feel shortchanged one bit. I, for one, enjoyed the last boss too. It was simplistic, but omg dat graphics, and i'm sure it's even better with 3 other players.
So overall, online also considered, the best game in the series yet. I feel sad now as this has wrapped up the trilogy so well that we are guaranteed to not get a Gears 4, unless Microsoft decide to pull another 343. Oh well, looking forward to whatever Epic does next (Samaritan plz) and the DLC (which I bet is about
I completely agree. The story in Gears 3 never really hit me anywhere and I feel like most critics have hyped it to the moon. It's a good game, just not that perfect killer 10 out of 10.
As a single player game I find Resistance 3 far more interesting. However, the multi in Gears is pretty fantastic.
With that said - Uncharted MP / SP >>>>>>>>>>> Gears 3 MP/SP.
Tonight, playing with my actual Gears 3 squad with one new guy, we tore up the most ass we've done in Gears 3 yet, with the highlight being a KOTH match where I set my highest record so far in kills in Gears 3 - went 77 and 6, with a Quinn Boomshot with a headshot in the mix. Undefeated all night of course.
I guess it was a good thing after all that the stupid Battlefield 3 beta didn't work past the menu screen all damn night, or else I wouldn't have had that match.
Gears 3 is just proving itself to be the only shooter I need.
Oh man, this pops into my head every time I hear Myrrah's "Yes, YES!" quote when you win as locust. Also I hate to be one of those people but I think I'm going to be using the sawed off as my shotgun of choice. I know its cheap, but it almost doubled my K/D ratio after using it for only a few games.
Oh man, this pops into my head every time I hear Myrrah's "Yes, YES!" quote when you win as locust. Also I hate to be one of those people but I think I'm going to be using the sawed off as my shotgun of choice. I know its cheap, but it almost doubled my K/D ratio after using it for only a few games.
Oh man, this pops into my head every time I hear Myrrah's "Yes, YES!" quote when you win as locust. Also I hate to be one of those people but I think I'm going to be using the sawed off as my shotgun of choice. I know its cheap, but it almost doubled my K/D ratio after using it for only a few games.
Without execution there's no real reason to push, especially now with super powered lancers lol. All you have to do is grab the relevant power wep for the map, fall back and make sure you keep at least 1 shot so it doesn't respawn.
Lancer with a slight nerf would return this to a shotgun game, which it always was and should be.
I think after a week of playing and 25 levels, I now have the hang of this game (in competitive multiplayer, that I'd ). I never touched the multiplayer components of the previous two games (outside of coop campaign), so I had a lot of ground to make up but I've reached the point where I feel pretty comfortable in most situations online and can actually differentiate between good and bad players. Biggest hurdle was being able to consistently win shotgun battles and I think I have a good grasp of that now too. Now I just need to work on reversing the K ratio my experimentation has given me (hovers around 1.0).
The interesting thing was that I did not feel the sawed off did what people are saying it should have for myself as a new player. Out of the gate, I tried to use it given that it was pegged as being for new players and very strong due to the spread but I saw it being used far more effectively by experienced players than new ones, including myself. The long reload time and close range meant that taking out an enemy with it all came down to one shot and without solid skills in generally surviving, positioning and using the other weapons in multiplayer I was losing those toe to toes more often than not. Switching to the Gnasher gave me far more success, as I was able to take more shots per fight and generally just get better at the footwork required to win a shotgun battle. I find it interesting because now after over 50 matches, I feel capable of bringing the sawed off out again and getting kills in those situations because I can use walls, movement, distance and the enemies actions to far greater advantage by having that basic understanding of what's going on.
I think that as a new player learning the game, sticking to the sawed off doesn't teach you what you need to use the sawed off most effectively.
Warzone on Trenches.
They have 3 guys left.
I pick up the mortar, get shot at, so drop it and go into cover.
I pop back out, see that their team has retreated. Thinking they're going to flank me, I pick up and aim the mortar to my left and shoot as far as I can.
Shots rain down, then suddenly; "Locust Victory"
Without execution there's no real reason to push, especially now with super powered lancers lol. All you have to do is grab the relevant power wep for the map, fall back and make sure you keep at least 1 shot so it doesn't respawn.
Lancer with a slight nerf would return this to a shotgun game, which it always was and should be.
There may be no "reason" to push, but people still do. Regardless of the power of Lancers this game will continue to be Shotgun dominated, especially now with the SOS.
The power of the Lancer does not shift the prominence of the game, it just makes it so that you can compete if you choose to pay differently.
Oh man, this pops into my head every time I hear Myrrah's "Yes, YES!" quote when you win as locust. Also I hate to be one of those people but I think I'm going to be using the sawed off as my shotgun of choice. I know its cheap, but it almost doubled my K/D ratio after using it for only a few games.
Scum! I'm on a respectable 1.8 and I refuse to touch the thing. I will not become one of the 'roadie run like a girl > bang > roadie run away like a girl' masses.
I love love the retro and sawed off. I know they piss a lot of people off, but it's just so thrilling to try to get close enough to kaboom and then survive to do it again. I don't use the sawed off all the time, but I'm really glad there's an alternative to the gnasher.
I love love the retro and sawed off. I know they piss a lot of people off, but it's just so thrilling to try to get close enough to kaboom and then survive to do it again. I don't use the sawed off all the time, but I'm really glad there's an alternative to the gnasher.
Really, now? Hmm. I'm pretty sure that utilizing the game's mechanics in smart and effective ways to land the sweetest hip-fire on your opponent with the Gnasher is far more thrilling than hugging a corner and pulling RT, mang.
Don't knock it till you try it man. That PA-THUNK sound effect, seeing people just fucking EXPLODE instantly from your one blast. I laugh from the hilarity of it all sometimes.