CliffyB, Gears 3 multiplayer is better than Gears 1, and I played that a shitload. I can't put it into words, it just is. So that makes it my favourite game after Street Fighter.
It's not perfect though! Please, Mr.B, fix this shit:
Make a distinct point for exiting a match. Don't make me load the next map before quitting!
Let me set the volume for the, at least for me, annoying "coaches" at the end of a round. They are way louder than anything else in the game. Muting would be rad.
Please, could you reduce the length of the executions? If it's the last person and they go for the 10x face punch execution... that's reducing my playtime. And at 35 years old, every minute counts.
In future games, I'd add an achievement per 10x, or so, plays of a map. Gears 3 wasn't clicking for me for a while, until I got into the maps. It's clicked! But I needed to remind myself of the importance of learning maps.
I'd say ignore the SOS complaints. It's not hit it's targetI watched a new player completely miss today, yet in the hands of veterans it pretty much equals a guaranteed killbut, it's political now, so you can't remove it. And, in competitive play, it *is* balanced, simply because everyone can pick it before the round starts. It becomes a strategy.
That'll do it,