Longest ban ever.

Think it was just a day before release, and all I wanted to do was post in this thread. ; ;
I followed damn near every page though from release to here, and LOL @ so much of what has been being said and certain peoples epic trolling.
With that said, prepare for a bit of a long post on my thoughts on the current game, but first I'll link to the thoughts I wrote up during my downtime:
I'm not the best writer, but it's basically a good sum up of the thoughts of this game in my head as an entire package for 60 bucks.
Now for everyone's favorite part: bitching.
*Let's start off with what I think is THE biggest thing they need to fix, and no it isn't the SOS----it's having dedicated servers up 24/7. For me after the first 48 hours of this game I haven't had more than a handful of dedi server games. It has taken a giant dump, and I called this back in the previous threads that at launch they would not have enough to support how many people would buy the game. Hell I'm even skeptical they'll add anymore and are just waiting for the casual players to go to the next big hype game.
In short: Give me dedis's 24/7, AND/OR give me a fucking news blip on the main menu telling me if the servers are up or down. I do not want to play your guessing game.
* Next of course is the SOS. I saw all the videos, I've read the ideas for tweaks, and the only one that makes any lick of sense is to tone down it's range. Why in the fuck they increased it to begin with is idiotic. Personally I don't want the gone to become shit, but at the same time I'm tired of what the gun has done to the flow of this game. I CANNOT check EVERY fucking corner all the time in a round, and the fact a Gnasher user has nothing to combat a sawed off guy who wants to run right at him is idiotic.
So here's what I'm suggesting----give Gnasher stopping power. Sure if you have a lancer/burst/retro in hand you can stop them dead in their tracks from bull smashing you, but if you are holding a gnasher, given the SOS current distance, given bull shit with dedi's down, you will lose 9/10 times trying to just back up and pop him. If Gnasher had some stopping power than a sawed off user couldn't just run at you, roll, pull trigger into a herp derp.
* Blast radius of grenades still wasn't fixed from beta. Da fuck ? I'll try to roll away when I see them launched at me, can be on the other side of a piece of cover, and I'll still blow up. Come on now...
*Overall stopping power on rifles. As is I've run into too many games where the entire other team thinks it's cute to just sit behind cover at the top of X hill with lancers/bursts and lock you from ever reaching them. On Old town if you spawn and make it to boom shot first on boom shot round, and the other team is at the top of the hill you can't rush them even with team members. Is there a way to make it so stopping power on rifles doesn't actually click until they are 10 feet or closer? I am having a shit luck time moving cover to cover towards someone and too often am forced to just throw my hands up in the air and say fuck it and run away to find a different engagement. Something is obviously off if a team with a boom shot is afraid of just a pack of guys with starting rifles...
* Spawns. Seriously? Did EPIC fall asleep during their feedback from beta? Sure you changed a few maps around so you have more than 1 way out of spawn, but you didn't fix SPAWNS. There should be 4 on a map, and not 2. It's super freaking easy now to keep locking a group into their spawn areas since you have an audio cue when they swap. Maps like checkout I have had several instances of TDM where I pop, and so do 4 of the other team right next to me. This shit is unacceptable.
* Overpass should have another way up to the top area. Sandbar too. It's FAR too easy to get up to the top and lock it down for an easy win. I've done my best on Overpass to use the mortar/hammer to flush them out/kill them, but at the end of the day it's either camp at the top or be camped on from the top. Sandbar is a cool map, but has the same issue of just taking a sniper rifle and your whole team up top so you also hold the digger/boom. The one shot seems like a good idea on paper for that map, but by the time I crank it up my head will get popped. Maybe make it a torque bow/hammer spawn if you can't change the actual design of the map to allow for another way up top.
* I saw someone else mention it, but the Digger has some problems on detonating right as it goes inches by someone. I've personally launched it into a group of 3 people(1 team mate, 2 enemies) and watched it neither harm nor kill them. Is my team mate absorbing the blow or something? It's a bit of a rare thing to occur, but it might need to be looked into.
*Check out still has the same issue it always did. There is little to incentive to go to the Mulcher side. Sure I've had my few games where I can kick some butt with it as they are coming out of their spawn(yay bad spawns), but it would be better off if this weapon was a torque.
*Snub Pistol was improved from beta, I can tell since I've gotten downs/kills with it, but the Gorgon still feels like a waste of my time to pick up. It could use a boost in DPS.
*Matchmaking is pretty on the ball and speedy with a few moments of it taking long, but I'm still baffled beyond reason what it matches me up with. It's almost always either people waaaaaaaaaay too good or waaaaaaaaaaay too shitty. I've had 2 matches that were close that stick out in my head. I'm floating around 1.9K/D and generally play with randoms or a buddy with 2.4K/D, and the matches we get are people in 1.3 and below to .4k/d. It's barely any fun when you completely wipe people who I know just aren't acclimated to the game since they won't even rush to power weapons.
*Kill stealing. Are you listening yet guys at EPIC? NO ONE LIKES HAVING THEIR WORK TAKEN AWAY FROM THEM. It does NOT encourage team work or make me feel cheery to have worked my teeth into the ground to down the last guy on their team by myself while the rest of my team couldn't take a hint with me marking him over and over and asking for help on my headset, so that when I go walking up for my execution my "team mate" shoots him from the other side of the map. This pisses me off to no end. I'm tired of having my work, my input into a team, and carrying people to a win be taken away with k/ds that look like 9/12 when I have 15+ downs thanks to little shits who can't get their own. If you want this to work like ACTUAL assists and ACTUAL team work, then give the fuck who steals my downs the assist and reward me with my kill since I put him on all fours to begin with. Stop catering to the lowest common denominator of mouth breathers online... you've already gone up and above the call of duty to appease newcomers and casuals, so can you start helping the hardcore out too thanks?
That's probably all the stuff I can think of for right now that was burning into my head. I hope some people feel the same way, and again sorry for how long the post was, but a 10+ day ban builds up a lot of feedback.