nel e nel said:
Hey I agree with you on all the points about dedicated servers, host advantage all of that. I'd be willing to bet that the crazy wall bouncing gnashers who are complaining about the SOS are in the minority. Hell, on the epic forums they have a whopping 400+ people complaining about it on polls. 400+ in the face of 3 million isn't even a drop in the bucket. It's more like 1 molecule in the olympic sized swimming pool. I mean, for me and the folks I play with regularly, we'd complain about the wall bouncers just as much as folks are complaining about the SOS. My point is that it's really a situation of perception.
Is it annoying because it's overpowered, or because you just aren't used to getting killed as much? (and I mean the royal YOU, not you personally). I mean, fuck, no one is complaining about the longshot, and I HATE that fucker.
The Longshot is precision weapon, with a nasty reticle bloom if you move or get shot. The SOS can kill you from three character lengths and has a 120 (maybe more) degree spread. One takes a lot of skill to use, the other doesn't.
It's not fair to use the Epic forums as the sole source for grievances. Just look on GAF or any forum with a solid Gears following. Go on XBL and ask people what they think about the SOS.
It's easy to die from the SOS, but hard to counter, since users tend to run away, hide and effortlessly kill you if you're anywhere close to them. Grenades and power weapons are often occupied by those wielding the SOS. The SOS gives players more map control than you think. Most of the time, if I'm against several SOS users, I'm too afraid to approach them up close. This isn't fun, since the highlight of Gears for myself and many others, is the CQC. Now it has been undermined and almost ruined because of an overpowered weapon that kills you instantly. If I wanted to camp and use rifles, I'd play another game. I play Gears for it's fast paced, intimate combat. No other game offers such an experience.
Rifles are only useful is someone is out in the open. They can't and won't do anything against someone hiding behind cover all day. Mantle kicks, at least for me, are horrendously inconsistent, and even when they do work, are still risky.