Ballistik said:Just joined quick TDM match by myself and to my luck, NOBODY on the other team was using the SOS.
I went 18-2 in two rounds and then 17-3 in the following game.
A fully automatic SOS would be ideal.AndyMoogle said:If they turn all weapons into the SOS, then the game will be perfectly balanced.
I went out D: Hope y'all had fun, and hope I can still get a 1-50 in with GAFers in the near future.K' Dash said:Be sure to check if you're not going out!
C'mon 3 more!!!!!!
wut.-PXG- said:Someone, please, make Unreal stop eating. Holy shit.
You make the mistake once. You get bitched at. You never do it again. We shall see if the people Crream talks to say anything to him. It reminded me though i should have asked about that stuff tonight but The shit talking in my crowd is usually too funny for me to ask a lot of questions half the time.Alienshogun said:Yeah, I can't see violating that trust, just seems like a bad idea to me.
You always invite me at the worst times in the evening you know that right?-PXG- said:When someone leaves my room, I will send you an invite.
The Antitype said:I don't think you've played the game.
Certainly not online for more than 10 minutes.
As far as AL vs. SOS in terms of game-breaking severity, agree to disagree. I've never had any problem countering an Armor Lock player, and it has some strategic usefulness in vehicle-based gametypes. Hell, even in slayer, if somebody wants to light themselves up like an xmas tree and stick themselves in place, I've got no issue. Not hurting me.
Ballistik said:Just joined quick TDM match by myself and to my luck, NOBODY on the other team was using the SOS.
I went 18-2 in two rounds and then 17-3 in the following game.
Gnasher primarily of course! Lancer and longshot, probably around 4 kill with each.quickwhips said:what did you get most of your kills with?
Ballistik said:Gnasher primarily of course! Lancer and longshot, probably around 4 kill with each.
If you're trying to prove a point about using the shotgun too much or something, I have like 76% of my starting gun kills with the Gnasher according to the in-game stats. (To help you out)
27-0 record in ranked TDM, 2.6 K/D. Had to leave PXG, waking up early tomorrow.
computers putin' said:in my short time with the game, I say the SoS ruins close combat; it's overpowered and not fun to use on top of it
and the spawning in most of the modes suck, I constantly see teams spawning at my backside. Most shooters with respawning spawn the other team as far away from opponents as possible, Gears seems to do the opposite, which is unnecessary considering how small the maps are.
i still have the crust left-PXG- said:Someone, please, make Unreal stop eating. Holy shit.
njean777 said:When they call out "Enemy reinforcements" that means run away from that spawn, that is when they will spawn behind you. Also how has it ruined close combat? You mean shooting a gnasher off 2-4 times watching two people going at it is good close combat? Cuz to me its looks unbelievably stupid.
Don't even get me started on this kind of crap.The Xtortionist said:3.3 k/d probably fucking went down. Fucking teammates (my friends btw) wouldn't fucking stay Digger on Old Town. That area is just too important, enemies can only come from two directions and are funneled right to you.
dmg04 said:Don't even get me started on this kind of crap.
dmg04 said:Don't even get me started on this kind of crap.
Too many times tonight i was like 'what the fuck why am i the ONLY one rushing the most important area of the map off spawn'
The Xtortionist said:Fucking pisses me the hell off when I lose on maps that only have one viable strategy. Old Town, Sandbar, Overpass, Thrashball...
dmg04 said:Don't even get me started on this kind of crap.
Too many times tonight i was like 'what the fuck why am i the ONLY one rushing the most important area of the map off spawn'
But let's be like zlatko, 2.0+ overall K/D's only-PXG- said:You two need to join me and Ballistik. If the four of us played, plus a fifth, we'd never lose.
Never thought about that actually, but you have a point. All the new players are having fun blasting everyone with the SOS right now that the game is fresh. Once they move on, the number of SOS users might dwindle.Jaguar said:Anyone else hoping that the release of BF3 and MW3 (and Halo CEA and Uncharted 3 I guess) will take away some of the sawed off users?
Really hoping that's the case.
currently sitting at a 2.0Ballistik said:But let's be like zlatko, 2.0+ overall K/D's only
Ballistik said:But let's be like zlatko, 2.0+ overall K/D's only
Ballistik said:Never thought about that actually, but you have a point. All the new players are having fun blasting everyone with the SOS right now that the game is fresh. Once they move on, the number of SOS users might dwindle.
AnEternalEnigma said:I am officially done with this game until something is done with the Sawed-Off Shotgun. Either nerfed or removed completely. I have had enough.
Nothing has infuriated me as much as absolutely pouring Retro Lancer rounds into someone only for them to continue running at me full speed and explode me with the Sawed-Off.
It was fun while it lasted, but fuck Gears 3. And fuck Epic. You goddamn idiots can't figure anything out.
You're cool though no matter what you're k/d is, you're from San Diego! It's the closest anyone will get to me.dmg04 said:currently sitting at a 2.0
AW HELL YEEEEEEEEEEEEEBallistik said:You're cool though no matter what you're k/d is, you're from San Diego! It's the closest anyone will get to me.
Brb, playing horde to get that k/d ratioenzo_gt said:If your K/D ratio is under 8.6, I can't roll with you guys. Playing for fun is for suckers, I play to win bruh. I only play with people with a K/D ratio higher than 8.6. No less.
To compensate for my presumably terrible K/D ratio.
Haha, she's a keeper.backflip10019 said:Convinced my girlfriend to play a couple of matches against casual bots. She's never played a shooter or Gears game before. Got a no scope headshot with a Longshot on her first shot. Not bad.
Thunderbear said:Still haven't gotten very far into the SP campaign, too much work, but what's really bother me so far is how much my team mates are killing the enemies. Even when I get close to dying I don't feel like I am accomplishing enough on my own. Sometimes my AI friends are killing the tougher enemies and sometimes they don't. It's really putting a dampening on the experience for me. And there's usually not enough enemies on screen to go around.
I can completely understand how much fun it could be with 3 friends, but comparing the SP experience to other SP experiences I don't feel like it's me against these creatures. For someone who likes to take their time playing games on their own, this makes a big impact on the experience. I hope the game feels a bit tighter the further I get but so far the implementation of four-player co-op in the "SP" campaign has really made it less enjoyable for people who play the game by themselves...
Not enjoying this nearly as much as I thought I would. I enjoy set-pieces, but few of the set-pieces so far affect gameplay which they do in other recent games I've played. Really disappointed so far. It sure still looks pretty though.
Oh, and getting hit by an exploding arrow feels cheap in SP. I pay attention to my surroundings and the chatter but I still from time time to time just out of nowhere get hit by them and explode.
njean777 said:Just for some opinions why do we think the SOS is OP? I am just wondering. I already said my two cents about it, and stand by my opinion, but I would like to get some insight from others.
I still need to do this too. My busy schedule makes it hard, but I'm off for the next 3 days. My tag is Nelsonkildyu if anyone wants to add me.X-Frame said:Is there anyone that hasn't completed all Horde levels and would be down to try it today?
I plan on playing a good amount today, but would definitely prefer 4 other GAF'ers with mic's to attempt 50 levels.