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Does the game kick idle players after a certain amount of time?

Two games in a row where teammates went idle, very frustrating.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
The Xtortionist said:
3.3 k/d probably fucking went down. Fucking teammates (my friends btw) wouldn't fucking stay Digger on Old Town. That area is just too important, enemies can only come from two directions and are funneled right to you.


I stopped worrying about my KDR.

You actually get better playing by yourself since you CAN'T rely on teammates. My KDR in most things is around 2.2+

I haven't played much ranked TDM, but for some reason I have like 4 disconnects, so I think that's why it's under 2.0. (I never rage quit)

Like I said though, sometimes (a lot of times actually) I like to get on and go solo to see how well I can do without relying on teammates, and that invariably will drop your KDR and WL.

X-Frame said:
Does the game kick idle players after a certain amount of time?

Two games in a row where teammates went idle, very frustrating.



Wait. Even with the overwhelming evidence against it.

Does anyone here actually think the sawed off is a good addition to the game?

I need to see if Gears GAF is actually sane.
A27 Tawpgun said:
Wait. Even with the overwhelming evidence against it.

Does anyone here actually think the sawed off is a good addition to the game?

I need to see if Gears GAF is actually sane.
There are people here who love the gun. I'm definitely not one of them.

But, there is no way in hell that Epic will remove the gun from the game. At best they will nerf it.


A27 Tawpgun said:
Wait. Even with the overwhelming evidence against it.

Does anyone here actually think the sawed off is a good addition to the game?

I need to see if Gears GAF is actually sane.

I mean the SOS in BETA wasnt even that bad was it?


Mikasangelos said:
I mean the SOS in BETA wasnt even that bad was it?

I had no major complaints about it in beta other than the fact it was the only gun in the game that gained nothing from aiming. I found it stupid that everything else in the game requires precision to make use of it, then there is this one weapon that would let you just derp your way to kills and never need to touch left trigger with it.

I believe my ideas after beta were to make it able to down if you had used left trigger. I'd have to go hunt it down, but looking back it I was using it in beta and wasn't feeling like I could run ape shit crazy with it like I could here in the retail game.


AndyMoogle said:
But, there is no way in hell that Epic will remove the gun from the game. At best they will nerf it.
Rod Ferguson said, in the past week on his twitch tv, that they are aware of the issues with it. He didn't say anything more than that really. Just that they are aware and have heard people's concerns. I would bet the next TU we will see an update of some sort to either nerf it or buff the Gnasher.


Jrmint said:
Rod Ferguson said, in the past week on his twitch tv, that they are aware of the issues with it. He didn't say anything more than that really. Just that they are aware and have heard people's concerns. I would bet the next TU we will see an update of some sort to either nerf it or buff the Gnasher.

If they are going to buff the Gnasher then give it stopping power. Sucks when a SOS guy see's you have Gnasher and just rolls at you when you try to space him out, and even though he's still 6+ feet out he gets the gib. At least hopefully the impact during his roll would still keep him just far away enough that he blows his load too far away and thus I can come out on top for him being an idiot.
Jrmint said:
Rod Ferguson said, in the past week on his twitch tv, that they are aware of the issues with it. He didn't say anything more than that really. Just that they are aware and have heard people's concerns. I would bet the next TU we will see an update of some sort to either nerf it or buff the Gnasher.
The gnasher is perfect as it is. It would be ridiculous if they make it more powerful in any way. Just make the range for the SOS shorter and I can accept it.
-PXG- said:
Epic can make changes to the game without TUs....
Yup, they can change all the weapon stats on the server side.


zlatko said:
If they are going to buff the Gnasher then give it stopping power. Sucks when a SOS guy see's you have Gnasher and just rolls at you when you try to space him out, and even though he's still 6+ feet out he gets the gib. At least hopefully the impact during his roll would still keep him just far away enough that he blows his load too far away and thus I can come out on top for him being an idiot.
That is true. The most frustrating thing is when I get 2 clean Gnasher shots on someone and still they are able to run up and SOS me without a flinch from the Gnasher. If you get that kind of drop on someone it should not be even when they come face to face with you.

Epic can make changes to the game without TUs....
I know. Just saying a major change like the one he is referencing would probably be saved for a TU. I'm just guessing here obviously and making discussion.


-PXG- said:

Im sorry but all these people seem to be crying over a weapon that changes the game from the first two. THATS THE WHOLE POINT, the SOS does not have a gib range that is farther then the gansher, I have seen many times people insta gib me from a ridiculous range with the gnasher, not so with the SOS maybe a very few select times, but not as many times as I have been random head shotted, instagibbed, or downed instantly by the gnasher. The shotguns purpose in every single game (mp wise) is to be able to kill in one shot we see this in Halo,COD, BF, any other Multiplayer shooter. The sos accomplishes this while being in close quarters, same with the gnasher. Then you have the fact that seems to be forgotten that the SOS is to counter all the gnasher users that sit there and use the damn shotgun as an assault rifle.
njean777 said:
Im sorry but all these people seem to be crying over a weapon that changes the game from the first two. THATS THE WHOLE POINT, the SOS does not have a gib range that is farther then the gansher

That is factually incorrect. The rest of your post speaks from simply Gears of War ignorance, either a lack of knowledge about the game or stubbornly trying to use what you know about other shooter sandboxes and mechanics and incorrectly attributing them to Gears of War.

To put it bluntly, you are wrong.


LeonSKennedy90 said:
That is factually incorrect. The rest of your post speaks from simply Gears of War ignorance, either a lack of knowledge about the game or stubbornly trying to use what you know about other shooter sandboxes and mechanics and incorrectly attributing them to Gears of War.

To put it bluntly, you are wrong.

So from the countless hours I have spent on the game you are telling me I am wrong? Cuz from my own experience, which I am basing this on, not some pros, or bitching player that thinks they know everything. I have played both Gears 1 and 2 and stopped playing due to the over abundance of gnasher users, and the glitching of course. The gansher has always been used in the wrong way imo, people think it should be the go to weapon on gears, but this shouldn't be. The lancer should be, which is what I use most of the time. My problem with the people bitching about it is because most of you should know that the gnasher is countered by the SOS, the SOS is countered by the Lancer or Retro lancer. I use to complain like you guys when I first started playing because the game had changed, this wasn't gnasher of war 3 it was noob using SOS 3. But after actually learning from the SOS deaths I learned to keep a distance from them, and gun them down from afar, something that you can not do against the gnasher. Its range is very good for a shotgun. MAybe I am different because I can adapt and change my play style very well, you people seem to not be able to do this. You think the game should be one way and not any other, you wanted Gears of War 2.5, but what you got is a weapon that should have changed the way you play. You guys were stagnant on your game play methods, and are now learning that you have to adapt or die.
njean777 said:
a lot of bullshit

Its not about adapting, for fuck's sake. Its about a gun that dumbs down the level of CQC encounters, which like it or not, has been a huge part of what Gears MP is, due to the nature of the map design, the cover based mechanics utilized in PvP setting, and the objectives of the gametypes which either require close-range to complete(CTL, KotH, Execution), or play heavily into completing other tasks(fighting for power weapons and general map control, flanking, positional awareness).

Again, its not about adapting. Any halfwit can adapt to "lulz pussy hiding behind corner with sawed off, smoke em out then shoot with lancer I r teh best herp derp". Its about a weapon that's sole purpose is to devolve a major aspect of the game, with no real gain in trade besides helping promote campy playstyles and cheesy kills.


LeonSKennedy90 said:
Its not about adapting, for fuck's sake. Its about a gun that dumbs down the level of CQC encounters, which like it or not, has been a huge part of what Gears MP is, due to the nature of the map design, the cover based mechanics utilized in PvP setting, and the objectives of the gametypes which either require close-range to complete(CTL, KotH, Execution), or play heavily into completing other tasks(fighting for power weapons and general map control, flanking, positional awareness).

Again, its not about adapting. Any halfwit can adapt to "lulz pussy hiding behind corner with sawed off, smoke em out then shoot with lancer I r teh best herp derp". Its about a weapon that's sole purpose is to devolve a major aspect of the game, with no real gain in trade besides helping promote campy playstyles and cheesy kills.

Alls I see in this post is ignorance. Adapting to playstlye is major in pvp settings. You seem to have a problem with how they changed the game which is fine, but don't sit here and say the way they made the game to be, is wrong. Maybe they wanted to stop all the gnasher use since well thats all that was used in Gears 1 and 2. Maybe they wanted to cut down on the CQC and make people more conscience about using the lancer and fighting from afar. Which it seems they have accomplished somewhat in high level play.


LeonSKennedy90 said:
Its not about adapting, for fuck's sake. Its about a gun that dumbs down the level of CQC encounters, which like it or not, has been a huge part of what Gears MP is, due to the nature of the map design, the cover based mechanics utilized in PvP setting, and the objectives of the gametypes which either require close-range to complete(CTL, KotH, Execution), or play heavily into completing other tasks(fighting for power weapons and general map control, flanking, positional awareness).

Again, its not about adapting. Any halfwit can adapt to "lulz pussy hiding behind corner with sawed off, smoke em out then shoot with lancer I r teh best herp derp". Its about a weapon that's sole purpose is to devolve a major aspect of the game, with no real gain in trade besides helping promote campy playstyles and cheesy kills.
you had that wrong, your post is alot of bullshit and his post is correct.


Just to butt in here and talk about something else for a second. That big head mode they have going is pretty funny. Yep, that's all I had to say.


Xevren said:
Just to butt in here and talk about something else for a second. That big head mode they have going is pretty funny. Yep, that's all I had to say.

How dare you come in here and share enjoyment of this game? FOUL HETHEN! Only talk of the SOS being a turd is allowed at this point.

P.S. Big Head Mode is funny, but I wish ranked big head mode didn't stack with your ranked TDM stats on leaderboards. :(
njean777 said:
but don't sit here and say the way they made the game to be, is wrong.

Lets not also pretend to live in fucking Neverland where every decision the developers make is right and good, and that all us little children just need to adapt. The people complaining about the gun are arguing against the way it has transformed the style of play to the determent of core game mechanics. It has added NOTHING in return, or nothing that couldn't have already achieved with simply the Gnasher, which is a strong weapon but can and can easily be stopped from a far with the improved stopping power of the assault rifle. Those guns already counter the Gnasher at their intended ranges, where you have to at least fucking aim at the person and sacrifice your mobility and short term situational awareness for a kill. There's a great balance of power and counters already in place; the SOS is an unnecessary handicap that adds nothing but frustration and awards poor/campy play.


Xevren said:
Just to butt in here and talk about something else for a second. That big head mode they have going is pretty funny. Yep, that's all I had to say.

I'd play it more often if the heads didn't take up half the screen when I aimed in.


Gears-GAF: Let's do some Horde Mode in about....1hr..maybe 1.5hrs. I'm about to grab some lunch, then I'll be on XBL for pretty much the rest of the day. East coast here.

I'm talking about doing Waves 1-50 on Normal. And I have the Super Reload and Instagib Melee mutators. Maybe if someone has the Infinite Ammo mutator, we could try Hardcore/Insane.

GT: LosDaddie

Let me know. I'll check the thread when I get back.


njean777 said:
Alls I see in this post is ignorance. Adapting to playstlye is major in pvp settings. You seem to have a problem with how they changed the game which is fine, but don't sit here and say the way they made the game to be, is wrong. Maybe they wanted to stop all the gnasher use since well thats all that was used in Gears 1 and 2. Maybe they wanted to cut down on the CQC and make people more conscience about using the lancer and fighting from afar. Which it seems they have accomplished somewhat in high level play.

This "NO EPIC JUST MESSED UP TWICE IN A ROW AS TO THE INTENT OF THEIR GAMEPLAY" argument is full of shit. The gnasher was designed to be the clutch gun, the skill gun, the game-changer. It might have been a mistake in gears 1, but they sure as hell kept it in Gears 2 and they even BUFFED the gnasher in Gears 3 from gears 2. They even refined wall bouncing.

And you say Epic doesn't want the game to have a strong focus on the gnasher? You're halfway right, because the rifles are more powerful than ever and I have more kills with the lancer than I do with the gnasher. But gnasher combat is what makes gears stand out. If you took out the gnasher and had just lancers the game would have been incredibly boring. I know that its much more satisfying to gib someone/out-gnasher someone than it is to down someone with a lancer.

With just gnasher, and no SOS, the game plays beatifully. Rifles are still powerful and when you need to get down and dirty you pull out the gnasher. The sawed off breaks all that. It makes the gnasher irrelevant, player skill irrelevant, and it turns the game into a campy, turtle fest.


LeonSKennedy90 said:
Lets not also pretend to live in fucking Neverland where every decision the developers make is right and good, and that all us little children just need to adapt. The people complaining about the gun are arguing against the way it has transformed the style of play to the determent of core game mechanics. It has added NOTHING in return, or nothing that couldn't have already achieved with simply the Gnasher, which is a strong weapon but can and can easily be stopped from a far with the improved stopping power of the assault rifle. Those guns already counter the Gnasher at their intended ranges, where you have to at least fucking aim at the person and sacrifice your mobility and short term situational awareness for a kill. There's a great balance of power and counters already in place; the SOS is an unnecessary handicap that adds nothing but frustration and awards poor/campy play.

ADDED NOTHING? are you fucking kidding me???? It added the fact to think about what the fuck you are doing and not just rush in. You need to stop putting words in my mouth. I never said anything about developers being right all the time, but this time they were. Just for people like you who alls they do is use the gnasher and perform really crappy CQC in a SHOOTER not FIGHTER. And if you have to aim with the gnasher you are already doing it wrong. You shouldn't have to aim ever with a gnasher. Also isn't the whole point of pop and shoot to be in cover? Cuz the campaign sure was, but I guess its lets run around and shoot are shotguns off everywhere in MP /rolleyes. The whole game is built on finding cover. Her Derp

A27 Tawpgun said:
This "NO EPIC JUST MESSED UP TWICE IN A ROW AS TO THE INTENT OF THEIR GAMEPLAY" argument is full of shit. The gnasher was designed to be the clutch gun, the skill gun, the game-changer. It might have been a mistake in gears 1, but they sure as hell kept it in Gears 2 and they even BUFFED the gnasher in Gears 3 from gears 2. They even refined wall bouncing.

And you say Epic doesn't want the game to have a strong focus on the gnasher? You're halfway right, because the rifles are more powerful than ever and I have more kills with the lancer than I do with the gnasher. But gnasher combat is what makes gears stand out. If you took out the gnasher and had just lancers the game would have been incredibly boring. I know that its much more satisfying to gib someone/out-gnasher someone than it is to down someone with a lancer.

With just gnasher, and no SOS, the game plays beatifully. Rifles are still powerful and when you need to get down and dirty you pull out the gnasher. The sawed off breaks all that. It makes the gnasher irrelevant, player skill irrelevant, and it turns the game into a campy, turtle fest.

Are you joking also, the SOS makes the gnasher irrelevant? Yeah dude you are on some crack, alls I see is gnasher play (in higher level), and skill gun? Really? For a gun you don't even have to aim to kill somebody? Alright guess thats skill. Come on now, the gnasher was used for close quarters not skill. It takes no skill to use a shotgun. I don't even have to aim with the gnasher, and can get kills, its not some legendary gun that takes skill to use. The SOS does not make the gnasher irrelevant at all if anything the SOS compliments the people who do not like to shotgun dance all over the place. Like me, If I am close I want to be in and out and then fight from a distance, to reset the battle. The gansher makes that irrelevant with its ungodly good range and power. Stop saying the SOS breaks the game when it doesn't, it just makes people like you have to think about going into CQC. Sorry bro.


LosDaddie said:
Gears-GAF: Let's do some Horde Mode in about....1hr..maybe 1.5hrs. I'm about to grab some lunch, then I'll be on XBL for pretty much the rest of the day. East coast here.

I'm talking about doing Waves 1-50 on Normal. And I have the Super Reload and Instagib Melee mutators. Maybe if someone has the Infinite Ammo mutator, we could try Hardcore/Insane.

GT: LosDaddie

Let me know. I'll check the thread when I get back.

I should be on then. I need to do this too. I'll send you a FR right now.

I'm Supercharged XF.


LosDaddie said:
Gears-GAF: Let's do some Horde Mode in about....1hr..maybe 1.5hrs. I'm about to grab some lunch, then I'll be on XBL for pretty much the rest of the day. East coast here.

I'm talking about doing Waves 1-50 on Normal. And I have the Super Reload and Instagib Melee mutators. Maybe if someone has the Infinite Ammo mutator, we could try Hardcore/Insane.

GT: LosDaddie

Let me know. I'll check the thread when I get back.

I'm game, sooner the better. Finally got done with Rage so I'm back for some Horde.


tagged by Blackace
_dementia said:
Salt-on shotgun.

Robot Pants

njean777 said:
So from the countless hours I have spent on the game you are telling me I am wrong? Cuz from my own experience, which I am basing this on, not some pros, or bitching player that thinks they know everything. I have played both Gears 1 and 2 and stopped playing due to the over abundance of gnasher users, and the glitching of course. The gansher has always been used in the wrong way imo, people think it should be the go to weapon on gears, but this shouldn't be. The lancer should be, which is what I use most of the time. My problem with the people bitching about it is because most of you should know that the gnasher is countered by the SOS, the SOS is countered by the Lancer or Retro lancer. I use to complain like you guys when I first started playing because the game had changed, this wasn't gnasher of war 3 it was noob using SOS 3. But after actually learning from the SOS deaths I learned to keep a distance from them, and gun them down from afar, something that you can not do against the gnasher. Its range is very good for a shotgun. MAybe I am different because I can adapt and change my play style very well, you people seem to not be able to do this. You think the game should be one way and not any other, you wanted Gears of War 2.5, but what you got is a weapon that should have changed the way you play. You guys were stagnant on your game play methods, and are now learning that you have to adapt or die.
Hate to break it to you, bro, but YOU are playing Gears wrong.
njean777 said:
ADDED NOTHING? are you fucking kidding me???? It added the fact to think about what the fuck you are doing and not just rush in. You need to stop putting words in my mouth. I never said anything about developers being right all the time, but this time they were. Just for people like you who alls they do is use the gnasher and perform really crappy CQC in a SHOOTER not FIGHTER. And if you have to aim with the gnasher you are already doing it wrong. You shouldn't have to aim ever with a gnasher. Also isn't the whole point of pop and shoot to be in cover? Cuz the campaign sure was, but I guess its lets run around and shoot are shotguns off everywhere in MP /rolleyes. The whole game is built on finding cover. Her Derp

Jesus Christ, the amount of ignorance and sheer stupidity in this post astonishes me, not to mention the silly assumptions about my playstyle. My kills are almost evenly split between the Lancer and the shotgun. I can adapt just fine. The argument is not about adapting, so kindly shut the fuck up about that, for everyone's sake.

Cover-based gameplay against the AI and against human beings are two very different things. The AI rountines will eventually come out of cover for you shoot them, but even a half decent player won't. They'll move from cover to cover, never staying out long enough to just be ripped to shreds. You get the power weapons in the first 30 seconds of the map, get to a high position, and just sit behind cover and wait it out until victory. If the multiplayer had developed like the campaign had intended, you'd have a faaaaar slower game, a glaciously-paced cover based shooter where you play chicken to see who will be the first idiot to come out of over and get shot. The shotgun's power in the first game was a happy accident, negating the cover for action, turning what could have been a turtlefest of a shooter into something with an actual pulse.

Gears of War 3 already has counters for that as well outside of the SOS. Stopping power of the Lancer is incredibly effective against rushers and locking down areas, and the Retro is a dominate close-to-mid answer against shotgun users. There's weapons built INTO THE GAME THAT ALREADY STOP THE RUSHING. There's a system of checks and balances already there even WITHOUT the SOS.

Robot Pants

njean777 said:
I have played both Gears 1 and 2 and stopped playing due to the over abundance of gnasher users, and the glitching of course.

Come on....
You are just sour at how the game has been played since day 1.
The gnasher MADE Gears. That is to say, CQC is essential to what Gears is about.
The gnasher was totally fine for that area, and the SOS ruined it all.
If you were any good at this game, or really played seriously in the last two games you would know this, but you quit.
Finally made it through Horde Mode - Waves 1-50, Checkout, Normal, no mutators, and with 4 people. The last ten waves were insanity but thank almighty JEBUS for the silverback. It didn't make it through Wave 50 but it saved many a life.


CQC is what defines Gears and what has drawn and kept people interested in the competitive multiplayer. If I wanted to sit behind cover all day and fire a rifle, I'd play another game. The adrenaline rush from a Gnasher battle is like no other in any other online PVP game I've experienced.

SOS undermines and totally dilutes this precious aspect of the game. It's simply overpowered and encourages users to camp. It gives them way too much map control, since at any corner, I'm at risk of being gibbed instantly. Plus, most maps have an emphasis on higher ground. Whichever team gets to the top, pretty much wins, since they can just pick off anyone who dares to come up. Most high areas in the game have power weapons or ample cover, allowing SOS users to camp and avoid any kind of counter attack.

The game is in need of some serious rebalancing, and new maps that don't reward those who camp with sawed-offs and Lancers.


LeonSKennedy90 said:
Jesus Christ, the amount of ignorance and sheer stupidity in this post astonishes me, not to mention the silly assumptions about my playstyle. My kills are almost evenly split between the Lancer and the shotgun. I can adapt just fine. The argument is not about adapting, so kindly shut the fuck up about that, for everyone's sake.

Cover-based gameplay against the AI and against human beings are two very different things. The AI rountines will eventually come out of cover for you shoot them, but even a half decent player won't. They'll move from cover to cover, never staying out long enough to just be ripped to shreds. You get the power weapons in the first 30 seconds of the map, get to a high position, and just sit behind cover and wait it out until victory. If the multiplayer had developed like the campaign had intended, you'd have a faaaaar slower game, a glaciously-paced cover based shooter where you play chicken to see who will be the first idiot to come out of over and get shot. The shotgun's power in the first game was a happy accident, negating the cover for action, turning what could have been a turtlefest of a shooter into something with an actual pulse.

Gears of War 3 already has counters for that as well outside of the SOS. Stopping power of the Lancer is incredibly effective against rushers and locking down areas, and the Retro is a dominate close-to-mid answer against shotgun users. There's weapons built INTO THE GAME THAT ALREADY STOP THE RUSHING. There's a system of checks and balances already there even WITHOUT the SOS.

First you say its not about adapting, then you come out and say " I can adapt just fine but I shouldn't have to" You sit here and complain about the SOS breaking the balance when alls it does is make you think, I know, a bit hard for some, before rushing into close quarters. You really think the SOS is OP thats fine, but you know how to counter the weapon and seem to do just fine doing it. Why the complaining? Because it seems to me you are bitching just to bitch. The gnasher and SOS are just fine the way they are, but you think just because OMG A NOOB KILLED ME WITH AN SOS FUCK THAT WEAPON" makes it OP. Seems to me you wanted another gnasher fest. But what you got is another weapon added to the mix that players use to counter the shotgun dancing. Something it seems to me you take personal offense at.

And please instead of just using the words "The sheer amount of ignorance and stupidity on this post" would you kindly point out where I am wrong? Because all of your replies have been about how the gnasher is pointless to use when you have the SOS. Why then do I see more gnasher's being used then the SOS? But I guess the gansher is irrelevant since the SOS out performs it...


-PXG- said:
CQC is what defines Gears and what has drawn and kept people interested in the competitive multiplayer. If I wanted to sit behind cover all day and fire a rifle, I'd play another game. The adrenaline rush from a Gnasher battle is like no other in any other online PVP game I've experienced.

SOS undermines and totally dilutes this precious aspect of the game. It's simply overpowered and encourages users to camp. It gives them way too much map control, since at any corner, I'm at risk of being gibbed instantly. Plus, most maps have an emphasis on higher ground. Whichever team gets to the top, pretty much wins, since they can just pick off anyone who dares to come up. Most high areas in the game have power weapons or ample cover, allowing SOS users to camp and avoid any kind of counter attack.

The game is in need of some serious rebalancing, and new maps that don't reward those who camp with sawed-offs and Lancers.

No you are wrong, what defines gears is the mix between pop and shoot and cqc. The gnasher has range and cqc abilities whilst the SOS only has CQC abilities. Get over it, if they miss with the SOS they should be an easy kill for you, same with the gnasher.

I will agree though the game does need to be rebalanced on some of the maps. It seems they only balanced the game with the gnasher in mind, but with the SOS the choke points are hard to get through I will admit. Thats a big problem, and this is the only viable argument I have heard about against the SOS.

Sorry for the double.

Robot Pants

njean777 said:
No you are wrong, what defines gears is the mix between pop and shoot and cqc. The gnasher has range and cqc abilities whilst the SOS does not. Get over it, if they miss with the SOS they should be an easy kill for you, same with the gnasher.

No, man. Again, you are wrong.
Seriously what game are you playing? Have you not noticed the ridiculous range on the SOS? It far exceeds the gnasher's gib range. It takes maybe an hour of playtime to notice.


Robot Pants said:
No, man. Again, you are wrong.
Seriously what game are you playing? Have you not noticed the ridiculous range on the SOS? It far exceeds the gnasher's gib range. It takes maybe an hour of playtime to notice.

Just played 3 matches and was downed by the gansher from at least 12+ feet. The gansher has range, the SOS does not. If you do not connect with the SOS you are screwed, if they have a gnasher or Lancer. Gib range for the gnasher and SOS seem exactly the same to me. Been gibed with the gansher from a bit of a distance also. I don't analyze gib ranges, I just see what I have died from most of the time and it is the gnasher 90% of the time.


Neo Member
I have an extra Microsoft Green Skins code and I am willing to trade for a Mechanic Baird code....Please PM me if anyone is interested...


LosDaddie said:
Gears-GAF: Let's do some Horde Mode in about....1hr..maybe 1.5hrs. I'm about to grab some lunch, then I'll be on XBL for pretty much the rest of the day. East coast here.

I'm talking about doing Waves 1-50 on Normal. And I have the Super Reload and Instagib Melee mutators. Maybe if someone has the Infinite Ammo mutator, we could try Hardcore/Insane.

GT: LosDaddie

Let me know. I'll check the thread when I get back.
I'm in. GT semiarticulate.
Again ignoring the point, again making stupid fucking assumptions, again arguing things I didn't even say. I'm gonna break down this post point-by-point so you can get it into your head, since you seem to have trouble when I put a lot of words together in the form of a paragraph.

njean777 said:
First you say its not about adapting, then you come out and say " I can adapt just fine but I shouldn't have to"

THAT'S BECAUSE ADAPTATION IS NOT THE FUCKING ARGUMENT. I can adapt to bad things, that doesn't suddenly MAKE THEM NOT BAD. Please, for all that is holy, stop talking about adaptation. It is not the argument. The argument adaptation is not. Adapting? Not what we're arguing about. I wanted to say it several times so maybe you'll get it. PM me if you need further instructions.

njean777 said:
You sit here and complain about the SOS breaking the balance when alls it does is make you think, I know, a bit hard for some, before rushing into close quarters.

We already have weapons that do that, that actually take a minimal amount of effort to use without dumbing down the level of play. The SOS is an unnecessary albatross on the video game.

njean777 said:
You really think the SOS is OP thats fine, but you know how to counter the weapon and seem to do just fine doing it. Why the complaining?

Do you need me to copy and paste the "ITS NOT ABOUT ADAPTING" part again for you to finally, maybe, dear God HOPEFULLY understand that this is a dumb thing for you to keep going on about it?

njean777 said:
The gnasher and SOS are just fine the way they are, but you think just because OMG A NOOB KILLED ME WITH AN SOS FUCK THAT WEAPON makes it OP.

I have never said this. You are reading things that aren't there. That is ALSO not the argument, holy fuck, njean777.

njean777 said:
Because all of your replies have been about how the gnasher is pointless to use when you have the SOS. Why then do I see more gnasher's being used then the SOS? But I guess the gansher is irrelevant since the SOS out performs it...

...what!? WHERE DID I SAY THIS? Please, point it out to me where I said the Gnasher is now irrelevent. I'm beggining to think you simply aren't reading any of my replies now and just talking just to hear yourself talk.

Please, if you want to continue this discussion, talk about the point I WROTE, not bullshit you made in your head or heard somewhere else.
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