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njean777 said:
ADDED NOTHING? are you fucking kidding me???? It added the fact to think about what the fuck you are doing and not just rush in. You need to stop putting words in my mouth. I never said anything about developers being right all the time, but this time they were. Just for people like you who alls they do is use the gnasher and perform really crappy CQC in a SHOOTER not FIGHTER. And if you have to aim with the gnasher you are already doing it wrong. You shouldn't have to aim ever with a gnasher. Also isn't the whole point of pop and shoot to be in cover? Cuz the campaign sure was, but I guess its lets run around and shoot are shotguns off everywhere in MP /rolleyes. The whole game is built on finding cover. Her Derp

Are you joking also, the SOS makes the gnasher irrelevant? Yeah dude you are on some crack, alls I see is gnasher play (in higher level), and skill gun? Really? For a gun you don't even have to aim to kill somebody? Alright guess thats skill. Come on now, the gnasher was used for close quarters not skill. It takes no skill to use a shotgun. I don't even have to aim with the gnasher, and can get kills, its not some legendary gun that takes skill to use. The SOS does not make the gnasher irrelevant at all if anything the SOS compliments the people who do not like to shotgun dance all over the place. Like me, If I am close I want to be in and out and then fight from a distance, to reset the battle. The gansher makes that irrelevant with its ungodly good range and power. Stop saying the SOS breaks the game when it doesn't, it just makes people like you have to think about going into CQC. Sorry bro.


The only thought that comes across my head when I see someone behind cover with a sawed off is NOPE.

The fact that a gun that you can spawn with can have that effect on me is retarded. Whereas beforehand I see a guy in cover with a gnasher. I can size him up... am I better than him or even with him? Do I take the chance to out-skill him with the gnasher? Or do I leave him be/come back with back up.?

With the sawed off, no matter if its someone new to the game or a veteran, as long as they know how that simple gun operates I am not setting foot anywhere near them.

I see why u mad tho. You don't like what high level gears gameplay is about. Shotgun dancing. You don't like what makes Gears unique and what Epic has DESIGNED each game after 1 to support.

njean777 said:
First you say its not about adapting, then you come out and say " I can adapt just fine but I shouldn't have to" You sit here and complain about the SOS breaking the balance when alls it does is make you think, I know, a bit hard for some, before rushing into close quarters. You really think the SOS is OP thats fine, but you know how to counter the weapon and seem to do just fine doing it. Why the complaining? Because it seems to me you are bitching just to bitch. The gnasher and SOS are just fine the way they are, but you think just because OMG A NOOB KILLED ME WITH AN SOS FUCK THAT WEAPON" makes it OP. Seems to me you wanted another gnasher fest. But what you got is another weapon added to the mix that players use to counter the shotgun dancing. Something it seems to me you take personal offense at.

And please instead of just using the words "The sheer amount of ignorance and stupidity on this post" would you kindly point out where I am wrong? Because all of your replies have been about how the gnasher is pointless to use when you have the SOS. Why then do I see more gnasher's being used then the SOS? But I guess the gansher is irrelevant since the SOS out performs it...

Because the gnasher is still the clutch gun. The gun that a skilled player can use to best his opponents with quick thinking and reflexes. The sawed off is more like a troll gun. As you can engage a skilled player with it and come out on top with no effort.

Fuck that man, that's just terrible design. The fact that it can gib farther than the fucking gnasher as well. That's absurd.

And gnasher takes no skill to use?



LeonSKennedy90 said:
Again ignoring the point, again making stupid fucking assumptions, again arguing things I didn't even say. I'm gonna break down this post point-by-point so you can get it into your head, since you seem to have trouble when I put a lot of words together in the form of a paragraph.

THAT'S BECAUSE ADAPTATION IS NOT THE FUCKING ARGUMENT. I can adapt to bad things, that doesn't suddenly MAKE THEM NOT BAD. Please, for all that is holy, stop talking about adaptation. It is not the argument. The argument adaptation is not. Adapting? Not what we're arguing about. I wanted to say it several times so maybe you'll get it. PM me if you need further instructions.

We already have weapons that do that, that actually take a minimal amount of effort to use without dumbing down the level of play. The SOS is an unnecessary albatross on the video game.

Do you need me to copy and paste the "ITS NOT ABOUT ADAPTING" part again for you to finally, maybe, dear God HOPEFULLY understand that this is a dumb thing for you to keep going on about it?

I have never said this. You are reading things that aren't there. That is ALSO not the argument, holy fuck, njean777.

...what!? WHERE DID I SAY THIS? Please, point it out to me where I said the Gnasher is now irrelevent. I'm beggining to think you simply aren't reading any of my replies now and just talking just to hear yourself talk.

Please, if you want to continue this discussion, talk about the point I WROTE, not bullshit you made in your head or heard somewhere else.

Wrong person about the gnasher being irrelevant I apologize about that. Then WTF is your argument? The SOS is OP is a broad argument. Now if I missed it then I am sorry, but the only person that seemed to have a good argument against the SOS is the the person who complained about the choke points on maps. You have never said this from what I read.

A27 Tawpgun said:

The only thought that comes across my head when I see someone behind cover with a sawed off is NOPE.

The fact that a gun that you can spawn with can have that effect on me is retarded. Whereas beforehand I see a guy in cover with a gnasher. I can size him up... am I better than him or even with him? Do I take the chance to out-skill him with the gnasher? Or do I leave him be/come back with back up.?

With the sawed off, no matter if its someone new to the game or a veteran, as long as they know how that simple gun operates I am not setting foot anywhere near them.

I see why u mad tho. You don't like what high level gears gameplay is about. Shotgun dancing. You don't like what makes Gears unique and what Epic has DESIGNED each game after 1 to support.

Because the gnasher is still the clutch gun. The gun that a skilled player can use to best his opponents with quick thinking and reflexes. The sawed off is more like a troll gun. As you can engage a skilled player with it and come out on top with no effort.

Fuck that man, that's just terrible design. The fact that it can gib farther than the fucking gnasher as well. That's absurd.

And gnasher takes no skill to use?


If I can kill with a gansher with no aiming then it takes no skill in my book. The SOS can be countered with a gnasher, just have to be careful and bait them out to blow their load. Not hard.

And I will admit I like the SOS, I liked what it has done to the game. Its not a shotgun dance fest anymore which is what makes me love Gears 3 MP.


Still looking for a Savage Grenadier MP code.

I have a L.A. Noire Car Consul's Traffic case DLC code to offer, as well as Team Fortress 2 items.

PM me if you want to trade. :)


njean777 said:
Wrong person about the gnasher being irrelevant I apologize about that. Then WTF is your argument? The SOS is OP is a broad argument. Now if I missed it then I am sorry, but the only person that seemed to have a good argument against the SOS is the the person who complained about the choke points on maps. You have never said this from what I read.

If I can kill with a gansher with no aiming then it takes no skill in my book. The SOS can be countered with a gnasher, just have to be careful and bait them out to blow their load. Not hard.

And I will admit I like the SOS, I liked what it has done to the game. Its not a shotgun dance fest anymore which is what makes me love Gears 3 MP.
A gun taking no skill to use would imply if I take myself vs a gears pro, strictly gnasher v gnasher, nothing else, it should be fairly even.

I would get DESTROYED.

However if I were to give myself a sawed off and him a sawed off it was be very close to even.


All around me are familiar...


something something


X-Frame said:
I should be on then. I need to do this too. I'll send you a FR right now.

I'm Supercharged XF.

mrpeabody said:
I'm in. GT semiarticulate.

Xevren said:
I'm game, sooner the better. Finally got done with Rage so I'm back for some Horde.

Let's do this.

...getting on XBL now

EDIT: We need one more for Horde with mutators on. Send me a msg on XBL


A27 Tawpgun said:
A gun taking no skill to use would imply if I take myself vs a gears pro, strictly gnasher v gnasher, nothing else, it should be fairly even.

I would get DESTROYED.

However if I were to give myself a sawed off and him a sawed off it was be very close to even.

Nope, you do not need to aim with the gnasher to get a kill, thats why most pros are so good with it they don't waste their time pulling up the gun and aiming. Just have to get used to it. Not saying I am a pro or anything, just saying I can easily get kills without aiming.


njean777 said:
Nope, you do not need to aim with the gnasher to get a kill, thats why most pros are so good with it they don't waste their time pulling up the gun and aiming. Just have to get used to it.
Because you're not suppose to pull up the gun unless going for a distance kill or for a popshot.

I know how to play my Gears, thank you very much. But even firing from the hip takes aim and skill. You need to position yourself correctly and at a high level of play you best be able to wall bounce accuratley while tracking your opponent.


And you didn't respond to my situation.

A good gears player vs a mediocre one, gnasher fight, good player will win.

The same scenario with a sawed off, it would be near even.

But PXG has a good point. We're both argueing at brick walls.

It's clear you hate the shotgun dance that many of us love Gears of War for having. You like the sawed off because no matter how good they wall bounce a sawed off can come in there and break up their unrealistic stupid dancing right?

We hate that. SOS is ruining the gameplay we love.


striKeVillain! said:
Yup - Mech Baird is the best skin in the game. Only downside is I hate playing as Locust. :/
Yea I know :(

Still haven't found a skin for them I really like. I settled on Myrrah for now to get the female character medal.
It doesn't take that long to reach level 50 if you can play daily, to be honest...

I'm echoing AlienShogun's sentiments here, btw. Victor S. Hoffman is THE MAN.

njean777 said:
the SOS does not have a gib range that is farther then the gansher
Is your name Joe Graf?


Only thing I got out of this page is, "Woah Alienshogun is here and NOT part of the big discussion?!? "

Anyways, Im online from now until late. Someone play with me.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Ballistik said:
Only thing I got out of this page is, "Woah Alienshogun is here and NOT part of the big discussion?!? "

Anyways, Im online from now until late. Someone play with me.

I have one guy ignored, and the other guy, well, there's no point in addressing him, haha.

I'm on too. I'll join you both, if you have room that is.
I love how almost all the people defending the SOS are supposedly "Lancer users" that hated all the shotgun-centric gameplay of Gears 1 and 2. But a shotgun that's even more powerful is suddenly a godsend, eh? All you really like about the weapon is that it enables you to defeat a gnasher even if you suck.
Acidote said:
Just beat the
Lambent Berserker
insane solo

I stopped playing after dying a shitton of times on that bitch. Bought Crysis and Lonesome Road and moved on to those.

I'll get back to it: I've beaten every Gears game on Insane and dammit, I'll beat this one too.


Risk Breaker said:
I love how almost all the people defending the SOS are supposedly "Lancer users" that hated all the shotgun-centric gameplay of Gears 1 and 2. But a shotgun that's even more powerful is suddenly a godsend, eh? All you really like about the weapon is that it enables you to defeat a gnasher even if you suck.

No, they just want gears to play realistically and tacticool.

They see people wall bouncing and they can't handle it.


Blue Ninja said:
I stopped playing after dying a shitton of times on that bitch. Bought Crysis and Lonesome Road and moved on to those.

I'll get back to it: I've beaten every Gears game on Insane and dammit, I'll beat this one too.
How can anyone die on that part?

i honestly don't get why people are having issues with certain portions of the game.

just be patient! lol
Risk Breaker said:
I love how almost all the people defending the SOS are supposedly "Lancer users" that hated all the shotgun-centric gameplay of Gears 1 and 2. But a shotgun that's even more powerful is suddenly a godsend, eh? All you really like about the weapon is that it enables you to defeat a gnasher even if you suck.

Gears of War is at it's best with a nice balance between close-quarters shotgun play, and cover-based flanking with AR support fire, with teams moving for the power weapons.

Too hard towards long-range combat, and the game becomes a boring stale-mate. Too far the other way, and the game plays like a sloppy Quake-lite.

The SOS actively encourages players to stay back and use the assault rifles, because rushing in with the gnasher is such a risk against an SOS. If the other player is holding a gnasher, they have to aim, and some quick wall-bouncing or dive-rolling can evade the shot. The SOS can hit you even if you're rolling away.

By keeping back and using lancers, HBs, players have a better chance to take out SOS users trying to rush at them, and avoid getting one-shot by campers lurking around corners.

Shotgun dancing should be an integral part of Gears of War. It should not DOMINATE the game. Then it just becomes boring. If I want to bounce around with a shotgun all the damn time, I'll go play Quake Live.
dmg04 said:
How can anyone die on that part?

i honestly don't get why people are having issues with certain portions of the game.

just be patient! lol
"I'll just jump out of the way and OH, Imulsion, I'm dead."

Being patient works when the game is fair. Certain bosses (and I'm mostly referring to the end boss here, and only a bit to our glowing friend) are not, so patience only gets you that far.

I'd probably beat our PMS-y friend after a while, but I just got tired of trying and moved on for a while.


Blue Ninja said:
"I'll just jump out of the way and OH, Imulsion, I'm dead."

Being patient works when the game is fair. Certain bosses (and I'm mostly referring to the end boss here, and only a bit to our glowing friend) are not, so patience only gets you that far.

I'd probably beat our PMS-y friend after a while, but I just got tired of trying and moved on for a while.
Rolling into imulsion is the result of poor planning!
dmg04 said:
Rolling into imulsion is the result of poor planning!
In my experience, when being chased by a PMS'ing bitch with glowy tentacles leaking imulsion, planning is often the first thing to get thrown out of the proverbial window.


Blue Ninja said:
In my experience, when being chased by a PMS'ing bitch with glowy tentacles leaking imulsion, planning is often the first thing to get thrown out of the proverbial window.
Not really. You just need to think about where she's going, where you should go, and what areas are off limits. there's a HUGE amount of space to dance in.


As someone who played a shitload of Gears and not so much of pt:2 I gotta say that I find the Gears 3 experience confusing. The campaign is solid I guess but it how come the enemies are still dumb as bricks? Pretty much every encounter is the same and it get's tired fast. And if you have a checkpoint in the middle of a boss then you are doing it wrong, which when it comes to bosses Epic does all the time. It's good for a single play through but there's nothing worth coming back for.

MP seems like a step up to me outside of maps and some stuff, It's nothing I'm gonna play regularly but that has probably more to do with me being too old for the minor annoyances that the game provides.

It's strange to see a developer going from giving you free maps to charging for weapon colors btw.
J2d said:
As someone who played a shitload of Gears and not so much of pt:2 I gotta say that I find the Gears 3 experience confusing. The campaign is solid I guess but it how come the enemies are still dumb as bricks? Pretty much every encounter is the same and it get's tired fast. And if you have a checkpoint in the middle of a boss then you are doing it wrong, which when it comes to bosses Epic does all the time. It's good for a single play through but there's nothing worth coming back for.

MP seems like a step up to me outside of maps and some stuff, It's nothing I'm gonna play regularly but that has probably more to do with me being too old for the minor annoyances that the game provides.

It's strange to see a developer going from giving you free maps to charging for weapon colors btw.

As with all Gears of War games, the campaign is incredibly mundane if played alone. Played in 2-player or 4-player co-op on Hardcore, the game is a ton of fun due to the social element and the ability to strategize on the fly.


The Antitype said:
As with all Gears of War games, the campaign is incredibly mundane if played alone. Played in 2-player or 4-player co-op on Hardcore, the game is a ton of fun due to the social element and the ability to strategize on the fly.
But pretty much everything is fun if you're doing it in a group =/ I just get the feeling that few Epic employes are Gears fans themselves.


A27 Tawpgun said:
No, they just want gears to play realistically and tacticool.

They see people wall bouncing and they can't handle it.

Or you know play the way the game was sold to us as by Epic. I can handle shotgun dancing, but not every kill in every match like it was in gears 1 and 2. I was just arguing that a change needed to be made and they made it. I knew old gears fans would be angry about it, but that always happens when a developer makes a change to a game.
dmg04 said:
Not really. You just need to think about where she's going, where you should go, and what areas are off limits. there's a HUGE amount of space to dance in.
Eh, as I said, I'll give it another go some time. Busy with other games now.
"Gnasherin' requires no skill" arguments always make me sad. You know what else makes me sad? Going 22-4 on Sandbar in TDM and losing.


C'mon, guys.



mickcenary said:
"Gnasherin' requires no skill" arguments always make me sad. You know what else makes me sad? Going 22-4 on Sandbar in TDM and losing.


C'mon, guys.




Gnasher takes more skill than the SOS, certainly. Still kind of 'vague' when it comes to aiming and damage output.
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