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Cliff don't listen to these guys. The SOS has finally made rifle play more important. If anything lower the range of the gnasher by 5 feet and make the sos only at melee range.


drawer by drawer
Deez said:
Hey peeps. We posted stats from the first three weeks of gameplay. Go check it out and discuss.

Oh yeah, we reduced the gib range on the Sawed-Off. Enjoy.




I hate that I love this series so much. I keep getting my save file deleted, game after game after GAME. In Gears 1, I reach Act 3 on insane. Save file deleted. In Gears 2, I reach level 42 online - save file deleted, journal/achievement progress deleted and online rank reset to 1.

And now in Gears 3, my achievement progress is wiped out. Online rank, ribbons, executions, medals, characters, weapon skins, and even my save file checkpoint are all intact. Amazingly, I have a checkpoint at Act 3 Chapter 4 on hardcore. But the journal says I haven't picked up any collectibles and that I haven't beat any chapters on any difficulty.

Man. =(




tagged by Blackace
CliffyB said:
Bummer, why is this being moved to community when other games that have been out for over a year get to stay in main? I am sad panda for this! :eek:
That's not how it works. Multiplayer-heavy games get moved to Community after a few weeks. Works that way for all big releases that eventually just become all MP discussion at some point (Halo, CoD, etc.).

Except Minecraft, it gets special attention because somehow someone argued to a mod that it's still largely about singleplayer. Bullshit really, because the same goes for Halo and it's in Community.
_dementia said:
Whenever you hear Prescott say "we have enemy reinforcements", that's you cue to turn around and shoot the fuckers that respawned behind you.

that audio cue doesn't pop up at all, and if it did pop up like I wanted to, it's not gonna help much when they're 2 or enemies with spawn protection near me.

I just don't mean teams spawning behind me. I mean teams spawning too near the action period. You wipe out a team in KotH, they spawn just a few feet from the objective, teams spawning at the same time spawning near each other leaving the first team to leave the spawn with their backs turned to the trailing team, teams spawning directly on power weapons, etc.

the spawning is kinda shit right now, it's less of an issue in deathmatch since the kills come slower with an allotted amount of spawns, but it's an issue in the other modes with spawning in it.
Lothars said:
I think after seeing the % of kills by either shotgun, no one should complain about the SOS.

I don't have an issue with the range change and hope it stops the complaints because I still feel the SOS is just fine.

It won't
I am a bit surprised that the Lancer takes up almost half of all the kills by primary weapons. Can't say I've been killed a lot by it. I definitely get killed more often by the Retro Lancer.

EDIT: Oh, it's in ranked. Never mind then.


Neo Member
I think after seeing the % of kills by either shotgun, no one should complain about the SOS.

Well in Ranked the shotguns only make up 36% of total kills with Primary weapons. But in Quick Match they make up 72%!

Makes sense b/c Ranked usually involves full teams, more communication, more conservative etc. Quick Match has lone wolves flying all over the place just blasting people with a shotgun.

Nori Chan

Thank god it's getting Rey Ed

I'm a dos user (lol) but I never ot any of the kills that MADD me go holy shit this thing had god tier range. On the other hand I would roll back an still get gibbed by an SOS or even get killed while sosing someone then he Gibson me at the same range :|


computers putin' said:
that audio cue doesn't pop up at all, and if it did pop up like I wanted to, it's not gonna help much when they're 2 or enemies with spawn protection near me.I just don't mean teams spawning behind me. I mean teams spawning too near the action period. You wipe out a team in KotH, they spawn just a few feet from the objective, teams spawning at the same time spawning near each other leaving the first team to leave the spawn with their backs turned to the trailing team, teams spawning directly on power weapons, etc.

the spawning is kinda shit right now, it's less of an issue in deathmatch since the kills come slower with an allotted amount of spawns, but it's an issue in the other modes with spawning in it.

what are you talking about? Prescott or Myrrah will announce when enemies are respawning. Sometimes you might get caught but it is usually announced with enough time for you to get out of dodge.
enzo_gt said:
I've seen host migration in both modes.. but it doesn't work as advertised every single time.
100% failure rate for me so far in Horde.

It's not exactly a good way to give incentive to play Horde when I need to worry about a good game ending in an instant.


HawksWinStanley said:
Can anyone confirm the sawed off nerf and be able to give a ballpark of what its effective range is now?
Just finished a game and its definitely been reduced. I can't say what the range is but i know it is a lot better than before
JB1981 said:
what are you talking about? Prescott or Myrrah will announce when enemies are respawning. Sometimes you might get caught but it is usually announced with enough time for you to get out of dodge.

Okay, let say they are announcing it, how far in advance are they announcing this? do you hear this if only you're near the spawn the other team is spawning or does the whole team hear it? If the other team is spawning in less than a few seconds and your whole team is hearing the announcement then it doesn't help much since you don't know where they're spawning and how soon.

Besides the announcement issue, what about my other complaints about teams spawning to close to the action and turning objective matches into a clusterfuck?


I don't know why he would want this thread to stay on the front page since the only reason it's always bumped is because of complaining. Until the game has consistent working dedicated servers, CliffyB should be banned from GAF. And if he really is just a robot, then I'd love to pour coffee all over him.

Oh, and refund us for the season pass until the servers are in working order. Well, not like we get to use the DLC in ranked or quick match anyway.


Neo Member
Can anyone confirm the sawed off nerf and be able to give a ballpark of what its effective range is now?

Feel free to make youtube vids. The "Ga-nasher" vid was one of many helpful vids that caught our eye.


JambiBum said:
Just finished a game and its definitely been reduced. I can't say what the range is but i know it is a lot better than before
I hope there's no announcement ingame, so we can have a bunch of kids going "why me die :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((" tonight.


SpacLock said:
I don't know why he would want this thread to stay on the front page since the only reason it's always bumped is because of complaining. Until the game has consistent working dedicated servers, CliffyB should be banned from GAF. And if he really is just a robot, then I'd love to pour coffee all over him.

Oh, and refund us for the season pass until the servers are in working order. Well, not like we get to use the DLC in ranked or quick match anyway.

I feel like you've never played gears 1 or 2.


Plasmid said:
I feel like you've never played gears 1 or 2.

I've played too much. I love Gears and I know that bad lag in Gears 3 would be good lag in Gears 2, but when you're used to these awesomely smooth dedicated servers, it's really a huge drop in quality when they're down.

I'm sure my post before this makes me seem a lot angrier than I really am. I'm just spoiled when the servers are up. BABY WANT BOTTLE


SpacLock said:
I've played too much. I love Gears and I know that bad lag in Gears 3 would be good lag in Gears 2, but when you're used to these awesomely smooth dedicated servers, it's really a huge drop in quality when they're down.

I'm sure my post before this makes me seem a lot angrier than I really am. I'm just spoiled when the servers are up. BABY WANT BOTTLE

Understandable, friday night was horrible for me, i wish that we could get a notification like we did in the beta if the servers are down.

Can't wait to see the comparison videos for the SOS.


I just played a match 30 minutes ago and still got gibed from like 6 feet away. I guess you guys must have just put it in or something, but still amazing. Thank you Epic.


I played online MP for the first time this weekend. Damn this game is amazing.
I hadn't played Gears MP since trying the first one online back in 07 in Korea and I am not too particularly good at MP games, but after a round each, me and my buddy were whooping ass in Quick Match Team DM. We were just trading off the controller after rounds though, as we can't stand the perspective and smaller windows on splitscreen, even on a 42 in TV. I'm wanting a 60 in, I wonder if it is any better on something bigger.

Anyway, we both had a blast playing for hours and were doing really well. I hate the bots though. Always seems like the other team would be full and my team would have 3 bots and the bots would do terribly.

I did try the other modes, but did not like them too much. It seemed like the SOS was really heavily used in every single other mode except Quick Match. That is my experience anyway, over only 7 hours or so of quick match, was that I did not see hardly any SOS use. Every other mode I tried was full of SOS's, especially KOTH on Trenches. God that sucked. I get why there is so much complaining over the SOS. Sometime last week I told my buddy we should play online this week and I brought up that a lot of people seem to think that the SOS is OP and a lot of people bitch about it. I'll be damned if I didn't get pissed off every time I got killed by one though. I tried using it for a while on one of the game types, but I was garbage with it. I don't really like the feel of shotguns in the Gears games.

I have discovered that I love chainsawing people though. Feels great to go on a chainsaw spree, because I can only imagine some of these people as they start opening fire on me as I move from cover to cover and then get close enough to saw the shit out of them. Or when I wait behind cover for someone to try to shotgun me and saw 'em as they come around the corner. Feels even better to do it 5 times in row to the other team. I can only imagine how hard someone rages after they watch me get 3 or 4 people on their team and not being able to stop me from getting them.

I feel like this might be the game that gets me back into MP gaming on Live. Maybe I'll start making friends who play it and stop playing with randoms soon. That has been my barrier to playing online games in the past, that I don't like playing with randoms and I don't want to just friend request random people I don't know who play the game. And I also don't like talking to people in game.
But this weekend was so much fun playing Gears.

Game is great, except for the SOS. But that's getting nerfed I guess? So whatever.
I will be playing this a lot in the future. Last game I played a lot of online was MW2 and Blops, but then the map packs released for those games and I didn't care enough about the games to buy them. I will be picking the maps up for this for sure though. Would like to grab some of the awesome weapon skins, but those prices are fucking ridiculous for skins.
I did just discover Crysis 2 MP though and liked it a lot so I might be alternating between these two games.

Sorry for the long post and the lack of semicolons a lot of places, but I had a great time playing the game this past Sunday night and wanted to share it. The singleplayer and horde modes were great and now I know that the MP is too.


Yay good on you Epic. So how about boosting Execution from 3 to win to 4/5 to win? My friends dislike playing Execution, because of the lack of players and how short the matches are. We dislike playing quick match, because we don't like playing against the same guys.
Deez said:
Well in Ranked the shotguns only make up 36% of total kills with Primary weapons. But in Quick Match they make up 72%!

Makes sense b/c Ranked usually involves full teams, more communication, more conservative etc. Quick Match has lone wolves flying all over the place just blasting people with a shotgun.
Quick match is play for fun and Ranked is play to win. Gnasher=fun. I'm using the Gnasher more and more in ranked though. :eek:
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