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dmg04 said:
wait a fucking second

1:16 kills
1:51 doesn't

looks like the same fucking distance away.

>>>sorry for all the cursing. I'm just pissy because i can't level up as fast anymore so now i'm going to get bored as shit with this game.

It seems to me they have made the SOS more random now, from playing tonight there were definite kills I should have had with the SOS that just did not kill them. Like I was literally in front of the person and shot and it wouldn't kill them, but gnasher man downs me in two hits from 12ft away. FUCKING RIDICULOUS

I may just have to get use it it, but I am just so angry at how many people use the gnasher as an assault rifle it just baffles me.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
REV 09 said:
really hoping wallbouncing doesn't become more prominent. Vid above looked ok though. Map changes sound good.

Wanna fix it? Back up and hipfire your lancer.

Every BK who thinks he looks pro wallbouncing gets a dose of reality when I simply walk backwards and hipfire him.

Really good people who know how to effectively wallbounce are night and day compared to those people, and they don't bounce around like that (like idiots).

LeonSKennedy90 said:
Dedicated Servers are a myth, guys. We should just stop bringing them up at this point.


I've had more flawless games than laggy ones.

Sometimes I don't get the complaints about servers "being down."
Alienshogun said:
Sometimes I don't get the complaints about servers "being down."

I honestly didn't either til I experienced it tonight. Maybe you've been lucky and the ones near you haven't seen much down time.

Meanwhile I'm watching people warp around the map in ranked games and teleporting back behind cover after jumping over it. And then of course there's the firing a gnasher pointblank into somebody's back who isn't looking and then they turn around and kill you with the lag-proof sawed off.

I was really hoping I was past all of this when I shelved Gears 2 for good.


HawksWinStanley said:
You're going to be disappointed. For all intents and purposes I was still getting killed by it from the same distances and ridiculous angles as before.

the angle was my biggest complaint. really unfortunate

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
BobDylan said:
the angle was my biggest complaint. really unfortunate

I'm fine with the lack of aim required due to reload, ammo and close range.

So long as it's gib range is equal to gnasher.

the "no aim required" is what makes it still viable, and good for newbies.


Alienshogun said:
I'm fine with the lack of aim required due to reload, ammo and close range.

So long as it's gib range is equal to gnasher.

the "no aim required" is what makes it still viable, and good for newbies.

See it should NEVER have the same gib range as the gnasher. it should always be slightly farther otherwise the gun would make no sense and be useless. Its a double barreled shotgon. It fires two shells instead of one. SO it is more powerful and should have a slightly longer range. If you make it to where the gib range is the same as the gnasher you are left with a super close combat 1 hit kill with a super long reload time that leaves you incredibly vulnerable. Meanwhile the gnasher can be used at a longer range for damage and downs as wella s close range gibbing with a much much larger ammo clip and a lot more ammo capacity.

The "no aim required" just wouldnt be enough to justify it being in the game honestly.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
2th said:
See it should NEVER have the same gib range as the gnasher. it should always be slightly farther otherwise the gun would make no sense and be useless. Its a double barreled shotgon. It fires two shells instead of one. SO it is more powerful and should have a slightly longer range. If you make it to where the gib range is the same as the gnasher you are left with a super close combat 1 hit kill with a super long reload time that leaves you incredibly vulnerable. Meanwhile the gnasher can be used at a longer range for damage and downs as wella s close range gibbing with a much much larger ammo clip and a lot more ammo capacity.

It's always supposed to have been super close. Even in the pre game interviews before beta they always went on about "how close you had to be to kill with it."

It's usefulness is being able to kill multiple people, in a wide arch.

What you're left with is a weapon with the same 1 shot ability as the gnasher, that requires no precise aim that can kill up to 4 people in one hit.


Also since i havent seen this posted yet... wall of text from Lee Perry over at the epic forums.


I’ve been trying to avoid too many weapon balance discussions with Gears 3 because until recently we haven’t had much data to definitely act from. But, with the recent release of a chunk of data, it seems a good time to weigh in and give my personal take on the weapon balance issues.

Before I do though, I should preface this with the note that these are my personal opinions, and while I do have a design role with Epic, I am far from an authority on these matters. Design decisions are typically made in a room with a large group of people debating things heavily (and at length). So, don’t take these opinions as a statement of “what Epic is going to do”. I’m just one voice on the team, not on the MP team, and far from the most influential.

Forgive the WALL OF TEXT!!!

When I was in High School and the earth was forming, I played the ever-loving hell out of an arcade game called Cyberball (think mechs playing football). I was religious about it. My friends would ride our dinosaurs out to the arcade at Putt-Putt and shovel hard earned cash into that machine multiple times a week. One of my closest friends was even more hardcore about Cyberball, and extremely skilled. He would hand me my ass every time we would play. Typically he would score about 5 touchdowns in a game with his bad ass running game and titanium running-back tactics, and I was hell bent on making a passing game work (not smart if you know the game well). Typically I would score 1 or maybe 2 times to his 5. Without fail, each of my hail mary scores would result in a fist pounding controller wrenching fit and screams of “WHAT!? THAT’S BULLSH*T!” I maybe won 3 or 4 games in as many years, but the challenging opponent made it worthwhile.

I’m sure you know where I’m going with this, but there are two schools of design thought for this. On one hand there’s the argument that he’s the superior player, and I should be incapable of scoring on him, this is a game of skill damnit! In his mind, any success on my part should be attributed to luck or cheap tactics. On the other hand is the school of thought that some randomness is good, keeps the game interesting, and in acceptable amounts it doesn’t remove skill from a game (consider Poker as exhibit A).

The reality is that on the whole, he was winning the games, over and over and over. His skill made the overall victories happen, but it was not an absolute skunk every game.

I firmly believe that if you’re skilled with the Gnasher… you are on average winning your games (or at least losing to people who are also good with Gnashers). You can correctly say “Gears is a game about Gnashers” based on that belief, and I would agree with you. But, it’s not a game exclusively about Gnashers. There’s valid arguments to be made for “all Gnasher” playlists and special events, but overall Gears multiplayer, is not that experience.

I ask, somewhat rhetorically, “Does a skilled player really want a lesser player to be zero threat to them?” Is that rewarding? Even a mediocre player like me knows there’s joy in occasionally finding yourself in a match where you outclass everyone and slaughter them like helpless sheep. But that’s not a game that continues to be interesting or worthwhile to play. You don’t get better, you’re not growing, and the rewards are short lived indeed.

If you’re the one outclassed in a match, a game where you’re never effective is one you won’t go back to. You don’t mind losing the games, but there has to be moments of success for everyone.

I’ve heard several times, including responding to someone just earlier today, that the sawed off ruins shotgun duels for them. They approach someone, and that person fires their sawed off at them and runs away screaming. I maintain that that encounter was never going to be a duel. That person is clearly not skilled with a Gnasher (or they would prefer it) and would not have been a participant in a showdown anyway… they would simply have been gibs, and statistically are most of the time. Given a handful of those encounters that person would likely never come back to the game, and the reputation of Gears as being impossible to enjoy online would perpetuate.

Earn the kill.

An enemy who is not at least minimally dangerous to you is not a rewarding one to kill. It gets old, quick. Change your mindset to one where you actually enjoy the fact that even new players have to be given some degree of consideration. You’re always playing with fire, but that’s what makes the risk and reward worth it. A tense play environment is part of the enjoyment. Paying attention to the environment and how you approach an enemy is as much a part of the experience as how quickly you can red-mist them.

As a whole I don’t see people complaining that the Gnasher is broken. We tried very hard this time around to get that weapon feeling better, to make it more consistent, and have dedicated servers helping with fairness. What I mostly hear is concerns that other weapons are now effective, and that’s interfering with how some want to play the game. My personal opinion is that I want a one-weapon game about as much as I want a fighting game with one character that everyone uses and is clearly the best. A variety of play styles makes the game more fun for players of all types, even Gnasher players who might not realize it.

Hiding around corners isn’t the sole domain of the Sawed-off, it’s long been the tactic of Gnasher players, chainsaw fans, nade taggers, and nearly everyone who does anything besides run straight at opponents since Gears 1 was released and people realized the camera position meant they could get away with it.

“Beyond Melee range” is a term I wrote for ‘the area very near a player’. I can see the confusion, and apologize for the wording; it’s never been meant as a specific technical term describing a precise range equal to that of your weapon bonk. We would never include such specific data in the interface, as those attributes can change with updates.

To call the Sawed-off the “Anti-Gnasher” isn’t quite accurate, maybe I said it in some random interview I don’t recall, but that has never been the heart of it. There are people who simply don’t get the Gnasher, and suck with it regardless of practice. The Sawed-off is meant to be an effective option for those players, a useful tool to keep in that half of the inventory, and a means of mixing up the combat.

Epic does not hate Gnasher users, far from it. I personally fought very hard for the improvements to the weapon, and of course most of you know that feedback was from productive members of the forum here. But I don’t have to hate the Gnasher to want other weapons and tactics to be useful in the game as well. Don’t confuse my motivations.

The community will always change as the game ages, and the population’s skill levels adjust over time. I’ve personally seen several people at the office who couldn’t use a Gnasher to save their lives get used to the Sawed-off and close quarters combat; but they still lose to Gnasher users, and eventually decide to give the weapon a fair shake and have become Gnasher converts.

Stats still show the Gnasher is clearly the way to go for those skilled in its use, and that’s absolutely fine with me. Just try to change your mindset a bit when the bottom couple guys in a match kill you once in a while

A few closing thoughts:

Twitter is a sh*t format for debate, anything said there sounds curt. I’m *obviously* a wordy bloke, and 140 characters isn’t a useful format for these discussions. If I respond to someone in less than 5 sentences I feel like I’m being a jackass. I respect you guy’s opinions, and I don’t want to flood my feed with short responses dying to be taken out of context and turned into flame fuel.

The argument someone made here that the only way to get things changed is to be loud and post frequently is a fallacy, I assure you. We listen to well thought out concerns and make changes based on persuasive arguments. We also heavily buy into statistics to support perceptions of people on every side of a debate. We, as much as all of you, have perceptions that are based on play tests and often find the data to not support what we thought initially.

The change to DBS range is not huge. Don’t expect a huge reaction if you send me videos of meticulously set up test cases pointing out minor pixel differences in weapons. The proof is in the practical application of weapons and final results are in the form of statistics, not in comparing properties of a weapon.

If you are making a video, show everything before and after the kill, don’t get clever with your editing, it blows your case. There were some vids of the retro supposedly killing people blind-fired in Trenches that upon framing through revealed clearly they were being shot by a lancer from the side at the same time. Another showed someone supposedly getting one-shot sniped, of course there’s about a 5% omen visible, which at the time meant he was less than half health, and clearly the editor knew this… but cropped the video as tightly as possible for maximum outrage. You won’t find us debunking these sorts of things every time they arise or defending the vids on YouTube, so, use your own skeptic filters please.

Montage videos are not proof of imbalance. If that was the case, the Gnasher would have been long ago nerfed, because God knows there are enough videos out there of people raging hell on an opposing team with a Gnasher. There’s not a weapon out there without several montage videos that make it look overpowered.

When you make a video of someone running at you and dying, or showing me that the sawed off has a wider cone of effectiveness than the Gnasher, I will stand by my assessment of “yes, that’s how it’s meant to be”. It is supposed to have a wider cone, and it does do more damage than the Gnasher in its effective range.

For what it’s worth, I’m not heavily involved in the continuing maintenance of Gears 3 MP, so if you think I’m the devil, rest easy and harrass Quinn and Knepley and Rod instead, hahaha

I continue to respect the hell out of you guy’s and gal’s opinions on the game, and seriously value the time you take to come here and participate in the community. There are definitely things I have to agree to disagree on with many of you, but I will never regret reading a well thought out argument for something, and I’m always willing to state a case to my coworkers when I’ve been convinced of something here.


I do respect his opinion. I hate getting killed by the SOS but it has opened up play styles considerably. You have to pay attention the weapons people are using and use your rifles and teamwork to flank. By and large, I dominate the average SOS users in kill counts and KDR.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
see5harp said:
I do respect his opinion. I hate getting killed by the SOS but it has opened up play styles considerably. You have to pay attention the weapons people are using and use your rifles and teamwork to flank. By and large, I dominate the average SOS users in kill counts and KDR.

There's a reason besides i's strength that lancer is so high in the percentages.

It's the best weapon to counter sawed off and gnasher both. Especially the sawed off.

I honestly can't remember the last time I saw a sawed off coming and didn't win unless I messed up.

The problem with his entire reasoning is he's simply talking about new players using it. So it's easy to dismiss that entire diatribe.

New players with it is not the problem. It's skilled players using it KNOWING its gib range is superior to the gnasher. And they abuse the hell out if it.



how times have changed EPIC :)

you guys have been doing so great with listening and supporting the community.

it really makes me smile to see you guys bounce back from all the bullshit that was laid upon us for Gears of War 2, keep up the good work

im still slightly upset with the DLC debacle, but what overshadows that for me is we finally have a Great working Gears game.


see5harp said:
I do respect his opinion. I hate getting killed by the SOS but it has opened up play styles considerably. You have to pay attention the weapons people are using and use your rifles and teamwork to flank. By and large, I dominate the average SOS users in kill counts and KDR.
Wow, just wow. Look at what you're typing. You now have to pay attention, play smart, and use teamwork? WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO?

Edit: Ah shit, I read your post wrong, apologies.
smik said:

how times have changed EPIC :)

you guys have been doing so great with listening and supporting the community.

it really makes me smile to see you guys bounce back from all the bullshit that was laid upon us for Gears of War 2, keep up the good work

im still slightly upset with the DLC debacle, but what overshadows that for me is we finally have a Great working Gears game.

Mos Def. By the way, Smik, is your GT "Im Smik"? I remember joining you in quick match TDM and you were using the Boltok almost exclusively when you could have just easily downed them with any other weapon; you were adament that you get that Boltok *pop*. Ha. You ended up going something like 26-4 and I thought to myself, "Wow. I'm glad that nerd was on my team".
I’m sure you know where I’m going with this, but there are two schools of design thought for this. On one hand there’s the argument that he’s the superior player, and I should be incapable of scoring on him, this is a game of skill damnit! In his mind, any success on my part should be attributed to luck or cheap tactics. On the other hand is the school of thought that some randomness is good, keeps the game interesting, and in acceptable amounts it doesn’t remove skill from a game (consider Poker as exhibit A).

Uh, poker has randomness because it's...a card game? Card games and randomness go hand-in-hand. Randomness in a video game is fucking garbage and lazy design. How about you educate your players on how to play the fucking game? Get some Gears pros in the office to help design a "Gnasher Boot Camp" mode or something.

Luckily, Gears 3 doesn't appear to have any programmed-randomness (as in RNGs). Just thought I'd comment because randomness in a game whose format doesn't require it (like card games) pisses me the fuck off.


Alienshogun said:
There's a reason besides i's strength that lancer is so high in the percentages.

It's the best weapon to counter sawed off and gnasher both. Especially the sawed off.

I honestly can't remember the last time I saw a sawed off coming and didn't win unless I messed up.

The problem with his entire reasoning is he's simply talking about new players using it. So it's easy to dismiss that entire diatribe.

New players with it is not the problem. It's skilled players using it KNOWING its gib range is superior to the gnasher. And they abuse the hell out if it.

That's really the reason I sorta like that there's a second option so that newbies aren't so discouraged. When a skilled player wields the SOS and knows when to switch to rifle it can be a frustrating thing. But hey, I'm enjoying playing online when I get solid connections and a few cheap SOS kills in KOTH ain't going to stop me from playing.


dmg04 said:
wait a fucking second

1:16 kills
1:51 doesn't

looks like the same fucking distance away.

>>>sorry for all the cursing. I'm just pissy because i can't level up as fast anymore so now i'm going to get bored as shit with this game.

Yeah, i think the exp changes is bullshit, 100%, just because some people slept for 2 hours a day for 2-3 weeks (No offense PXG) doesn't mean the curve is too easy.

It's gonna feel like gears 2 exp all over again.


Rather than docking the fuck out of EXP in TDM, they should have RAISED it in Warzone and Execution.

Anyone on right now?


njean777 said:
Which is why they should not have nerfed the SOS, its not suppose to be gnasher of war 3, like some people want it to be.

Agreed, people like myself and others were getting skilled with the SOS and owning Gnasher users at super close range, they cried and whined so we have this SOS nerf. I changed with the game and adjusted by going Retro/SOS, why couldn't everyone else adjust without bitching? It just makes the Gnasher the default weapon again for the shotty which is kind of lame. They could have just lowered the SOS ammo to 2-3 shots instead of nerfing the range. At the new distance the Gnasher is just as effective if not more so why even have the SOS if the Gnasher is going to be the best close range gun? Lame.


Boomshot is definitely still at the top of fucking sandbar

also; maybe we should nerf the retro lancers power.
it has more oomph than any other AR even though the accuracy blows.
by everyone's logic, that's OP.


SOS seemed the same to me, though in my first 5 or so matches of the night, no one was using it at all, and MY GOD, what a glorious game it is without that scrub weapon. By the end of the night, people were all using it again, and my fun level went down tremendously...meh.


leng jai said:
Been playing quick match for a few hours now and the maps are all good.
Depends on if you join a fresh lobby. If you join an old room that hasn't been updated yet then you won't get them. Although most of them should be fine by now.
The issue of balance is a simple one; keep all the weapons in line with each other. All that shit he typed isn't any kind of excuse to keep the shotguns imbalanced as they were, since there was little reason to pick the gnasher if you're goal was to strictly do good in a mtach. It's not impossible to make a weapon for beginners and without overpowering it.

Lee just sounded ridiculous by saying they were making the game more of a challenge for skilled players by essentialy giving newer players a handicap in the sawed-off? What competitive player enjoys playing someone with a handicap? I mean, if I'm playing my cousin 1 on 1 in a game of basketball and I'm blowing him out so bad I'm not even having fun, putting one hand behind my back to make it more competitive for him isn't gonna make it fun for me again. I mean, my cousin will start having fun, and if I start losing, I'll get frustrated. So just like my cousin's good time is coming at the expense of mines, the SoS users good time comes at the expense of anybody else since the thing is so damn strong.
Any updates as to what is going on with the dedicated servers? I quit gears 2 because of all the snap back bullshit and I'll (sadly) drop this one as well.
smik said:

how times have changed EPIC :)

you guys have been doing so great with listening and supporting the community.

it really makes me smile to see you guys bounce back from all the bullshit that was laid upon us for Gears of War 2, keep up the good work

im still slightly upset with the DLC debacle, but what overshadows that for me is we finally have a Great working Gears game.
hey, are you still making gears videos post beta?

edit: nvm, just found em. good stuff.
just played a guy who already has 10,000 kills in king of the hill and at level 100, fuckin nuts man. In gears 2 it took me at least a few or more months to get to that mark. he was beastly too, 3.2 k.d. and all of that.

He's the reason why I can't be too mad at the way Epic set the experience gained; who expects someone to play that much in just 3 weeks?
From the guy who brought us the Ga-nasher vs. Sawed-Off comparison, here's Unfair Character Hitboxes for your viewing pleasure:


Basically: it's not just a cosmetic thing. Some of the bigger characters are at a disadvantage while in cover and can get hit, while other smaller characters are completely safe.

Time to switch to Sam/Myrrah. :(

leng jai

Seth Balmore said:
From the guy who brought us the Ga-nasher vs. Sawed-Off comparison, here's Unfair Character Hitboxes for your viewing pleasure:


Basically: it's not just a cosmetic thing. Some of the bigger characters are at a disadvantage while in cover and can get hit, while other smaller characters are completely safe.

Time to switch to Sam/Myrrah. :(

Holy shit. I've been thinking this for a while but I didn't think Epic would let this happen. I thought they would all have the same hit boxes.


Seth Balmore said:
From the guy who brought us the Ga-nasher vs. Sawed-Off comparison, here's Unfair Character Hitboxes for your viewing pleasure:


Basically: it's not just a cosmetic thing. Some of the bigger characters are at a disadvantage while in cover and can get hit, while other smaller characters are completely safe.

Time to switch to Sam/Myrrah. :(

Uggh. That's so stupid. I thought CliffyB tweeted that they were identical.


Passing metallic gas
Seth Balmore said:
From the guy who brought us the Ga-nasher vs. Sawed-Off comparison, here's Unfair Character Hitboxes for your viewing pleasure:


Basically: it's not just a cosmetic thing. Some of the bigger characters are at a disadvantage while in cover and can get hit, while other smaller characters are completely safe.

Time to switch to Sam/Myrrah. :(

Meh..Carmine/Locust Sniper 4 lyfe.


ResidentDante said:
What is the fastest Onyx medal to get? Playing as female characters?

1000 forifications in Horde is pretty easy to, get turret, shoot, buy bullets, rinse and repeat.


Seth Balmore said:
From the guy who brought us the Ga-nasher vs. Sawed-Off comparison, here's Unfair Character Hitboxes for your viewing pleasure:


Basically: it's not just a cosmetic thing. Some of the bigger characters are at a disadvantage while in cover and can get hit, while other smaller characters are completely safe.

Time to switch to Sam/Myrrah. :(
Haven't watched it, but I'm pretty sure this is a mistake rather than intentional. Gears 1 and 2 had proper uniform hit boxes. Maybe Epic can go through and see if somethings wrong.

edit:I use the Theron Guard, was about to start using myrrah, but that dance is amazing it makes up any flaws that character has. xD Seriously though this kinda makes me sad.
edit2: Apparently Theron Guards and General RAAM always had bigger hit boxes, since Gears 1. o______O
unomas said:
Agreed, people like myself and others were getting skilled with the SOS and owning Gnasher users at super close range, they cried and whined so we have this SOS nerf. I changed with the game and adjusted by going Retro/SOS, why couldn't everyone else adjust without bitching? It just makes the Gnasher the default weapon again for the shotty which is kind of lame. They could have just lowered the SOS ammo to 2-3 shots instead of nerfing the range. At the new distance the Gnasher is just as effective if not more so why even have the SOS if the Gnasher is going to be the best close range gun? Lame.
Are you honestly complaining about a nerf to a weapon that promoted unskilled that had a bigger insta gib range and such big spread you didn't even need to aim, just get close. The SOS is still a pretty viable weapon since it's hard to make mistakes with that weapon, but you can still corner camp your heart out and still flank more easily than with the Gnasher. Honestly the whole concept of the Extreme close range weapon to have a bigger instagib range than the "ranged shotgun" the Gnasher was ridiculous. Well the point of the SOS is to give beginners a chance Gears Close range combat. Since the skill curve is pretty steep at first for the Gnasher(though the skill ceiling isn't that high either tbh).


2San said:
Haven't watched it, but I'm pretty sure this is a mistake rather than intentional. Gears 1 and 2 had proper uniform hit boxes. Maybe Epic can go through and see if somethings wrong.

edit:I use the Theron Guard, was about to start using myrrah, but that dance is amazing it makes up any flaws that character has. xD Seriously though this kinda makes me sad.
edit2: Apparently Theron Guards and General RAAM always had bigger hit boxes, since Gears 1. o______O

In Gears 1 Theron's robes or whatever they're wearing were part of the hit box too. So you could shoot between their legs and it'd hit them. They also counted as body shots and not leg shots. Normally an active reload sniper doesn't down you if you get shot in the legs, but if you get shot in the robes you'd get downed even though it's in the leg area and it's a piece of damn clothing!


bs000 said:
In Gears 1 Theron's robes or whatever they're wearing were part of the hit box too. So you could shoot between their legs and it'd hit them. They also counted as body shots and not leg shots. Normally an active reload sniper doesn't down you if you get shot in the legs, but if you get shot in the robes you'd get downed.
The more you know. Meh I just want vanilla Kantus, but it's such a bitch to unlock. :|
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