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Alienshogun said:
I'll chose my lancer over every other weapon every time. I just love using the damn thing.

That said, nothing's more satisfying than a gnasher headshot.

Quit worrying about what the kids yell post game, most of them are garbage anyway. If anything, look at what they are using, then what they are bitching about. People will find ANYTHING to shift blame away from themselves in the face of a loss.

Really skilled teams will lancer the fuck out of you and keep you on lockdown while they rape you with power weapons.

What about the torque and the longshot? Those are sooooooo satisfying to me considering how hard it is to pull one off with them. that's they're my second and third favorite weapons to use.

my favorite is the snub pistol <3

Someone have any links to high level ranked play? I wouldn't mind watching some right now, since I don't ever plan on getting involved with rank.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
computers putin' said:
What about the torque and the longshot? Those are sooooooo satisfying to me considering how hard it is to pull one off with them. that's they're my second and third favorite weapons to use.

my favorite is the snub pistol <3

Someone have any links to high level ranked play? I wouldn't mind watching some right now, since I don't ever plan on getting involved with rank.

Torque headshots yea, but still, when you're right up on a dude and hit head blows up like you just KOed a pinata, so satisfying.

Here's Uleet's stream (team carbon).

His buddies stream too, but avoid Cream, he's an annoying twat.


Montresor said:
Is anyone else loving how the journal keeps track of executions?

I worked through the gnasher, chainsaw lancer, and retro lancer, and got all of their executions. Now I'm 50 kills away from getting the double-barrel execution and I'm just getting the hang of the hammerburst. It feels great working towards the 200 kills or, in the case of power weapons, 40 kills necessary for each execution.

I decided to cheese the digger and gorgon executions in campaign though, since I don't think I'll ever unlock those. Same with Hammer of Dawn and Oneshot. The others I think will be doable, and really fun to unlock.

Where did you find a place to do the one shot execution? In the chapter with Dizzy for some reason every enemy you kill just instantly dies and doesnt do the crawl bleed out thing.
dmg04 said:
Gotta keep your distance, bro! Are you trying to 2 piece? Are you trying to do damage before getting within gib range?

give me some scenarios where you're dying
I'm trying to 2 piece. For example, if I'm playing KOTH and there's 1 or 2 enemies in the circle I'll fling a smoke grenade to stun them/conceal myself and then rush in with the SOS for the kill. It works sometimes but most of the time it seems like they get the shot off faster and it's always a one hit kill. Also, I've had guys roadie run through my lancer bullets and gib me at close range. feelsbadman.jpg


MCXC Pioneer said:
I'm trying to 2 piece. For example, if I'm playing KOTH and there's 1 or 2 enemies in the circle I'll fling a smoke grenade to stun them/conceal myself and then rush in with the SOS for the kill. It works sometimes but most of the time it seems like they get the shot off faster and it's always a one hit kill. Also, I've had guys roadie run through my lancer bullets and gib me at close range. feelsbadman.jpg
No. No. No. No. No.

Stop trying to 2 piece. Period.
Also, roadie running into lancer fire causes a MAJOR slowdown to the enemy player. Make sure you're hitting all your shots... If they're too close when you start your lancer fire, though, you're doomed. Gotta get that sweet distance where they're not too close to kill and not to far to just go into cover.

also, the smoke thing isn't always a good trick. While it may stun them, it gives them cover and enough time to get their weapon back out to pump lead into your gut.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
X-Frame said:
Was the Hammerburst tweaked at all with the recent update?

Nope, not that I've noticed at all.

Kung Fu Grip said:
Are all game OT's Going to be put in the community section, or only the ones thant including multiplayer?

From here on out all OTs will be community.

Any new news will go on the gaming page, but our discussions will take place here.
X-Frame said:
Was the Hammerburst tweaked at all with the recent update?

I've been trying to grind Hammerburst kills to 100 this week and it's so hard. That gun is awful. Yeah you can get someone down if you get the right angle, but you will def run out of bullets before you can kill them which means reload, which usually means someone stealing your kill or losing it due to being under pressure.
I'm sick of getting my ass kicked from full 5 player teams, from now on I won't play the game anymore if I can't get at least 3 teammates to play with me.


Alienshogun said:
Nope, not that I've noticed at all.

Thanks, that's what I thought too but wanted to be sure.

adversesolutions said:
I've been trying to grind Hammerburst kills to 100 this week and it's so hard. That gun is awful. Yeah you can get someone down if you get the right angle, but you will def run out of bullets before you can kill them which means reload, which usually means someone stealing your kill or losing it due to being under pressure.

From my experience, the gun is a beast when you get an active reload but because the sweet spot is at the end of the active reload window it is very awkward. Hell, I have better luck nailing an AR with the Retro than with the Hammerburst because it's the opposite of most other guns.

The Lancer is definitely the bread of butter, but I do want to get better with the Hammerburst.


I just ran a weird Hammerburst - SOS combo for tonight to get to the 100 kill point for both weapons. The new SOS is still pretty effective in close and I got a few multi kills which was actually pretty sweet. Hit and run tactics still apply but I suppose you have to be a little closer to gib than the pre-nerf SOS.

The Hammerburst grew on me over the evening. It feels like it's a really good gun sometimes, but it has trouble in the closer ranges and doesn't seem to stop a guy running straight at you unless you have some real distance between you and him. It also lacks extra ammo, sometimes it's tough to find HB ammo on the battlefield as not everyone uses it.

It feels good to be on the winning side on Overpass! Hahaha

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
vodka-bull said:
I'm sick of getting my ass kicked from full 5 player teams, from now on I won't play the game anymore if I can't get at least 3 teammates to play with me.

A "mercenaries" playlist really would be nice, but I understand not wanting to split the community more than it is. Hell as it is now there's a lot of separation.

leng jai

Beginning to think I'm never going to get a KD of 1.5 or more in this game. Only got one friend that plays Gears a lot so we have to play with randoms all the time. Sometimes its virtually impossible to even get a kill when you're on a bad team. Good thing I don't care about KDR much but usually I try to aim for around a 2.0 ratio. I'm usually around the top when it comes to points.

Nori Chan

Uh I played a match today and I got killed by the SOS from far away. Like I wasn't in the "melee range" to begin with, I roll back, and get gibbed.

gearsgaf, have i been trolled


Noriega said:
Uh I played a match today and I got killed by the SOS from far away. Like I wasn't in the "melee range" to begin with, I roll back, and get gibbed.

gearsgaf, have i been trolled

Lag most likely, I get killed around corners sometimes which pisses me off to no end, but unfortunately until we get better internet it will keep happening.
X-Frame said:
Was the Hammerburst tweaked at all with the recent update?

I have been having issues with it since yesterday where sometimes it'll only seem to register every other trigger pull when I rapid fire. I think it's due to lag though because it only happens in matches where I'm clearly not on servers. At first I thought maybe they lowered the cap for it.


HawksWinStanley said:
I have been having issues with it where sometimes it'll only seem to register every other trigger pull when I rapid fire. I think it's due to lag though because it only happens in matches where I'm clearly not on servers. At first I thought maybe they lowered the cap for it.

so it happens in private games? cause otherwise you are on a server. unless it is beast/horde.
2th said:
so it happens in private games? cause otherwise you are on a server. unless it is beast/horde.

Nope, quick matches. Which, yes, are on servers more often than not. But today and yesterday it seemed like half the games I played were just Gears 2 all over again. Jumping over cover and then teleporting back to it, shooting people while they run and then two seconds after they get behind cover it suddenly says I downed them, etc.


One tip is grab up the pistol pickups and ink/smoke nade pickups. They often get ignored by other players and can be real handy in a jam. The automatic pistol is nice to have in general (pretty solid against both Gnasher and SOS - active reload helps), but especially when you grab a meat shield in a hectic battle. Both pistols are very useful and since you don't have to give up anything but the default pistol there isn't really a reason not to pick them up.

Also the flame thrower goes ignored as well. I found it very useful against shotgun users in tight spaces.

Others are probably better at the game than I but I have started picking up these often ignored items and it has really helped out my KD ratio.
leng jai said:
Beginning to think I'm never going to get a KD of 1.5 or more in this game. Only got one friend that plays Gears a lot so we have to play with randoms all the time. Sometimes its virtually impossible to even get a kill when you're on a bad team. Good thing I don't care about KDR much but usually I try to aim for around a 2.0 ratio. I'm usually around the top when it comes to points.

I had a 2.6 overall in gears 2, but I don't know if I can get that high here, I'm at 1.4 or so k/d atm


MCXC Pioneer said:
is firing a few bullets when you spawn and then active reloading a viable tactic?

I wouldn't do it myself, but it can depend entirely on which map you're on.

On a map like old town, if you spawn at the top you're quite likely to be able to rush to an enemy before your active bullets run out, on sandbar for example you're not really gonna manage it.

What I tend to do with the gnasher is fire a few random shots off if I know a duel is incoming, one of the worst things people can do is underestimate active reloads, I was showing one of my friends a few tricks in a private match today , and he was amazed that it took me 4 body shot gnasher hits to down him and only took him 2 with a perfect reload at the exact same range.

Nori Chan

You know, I don't usually play alone, but when I do, I play it with the most fucking retarded people on the xbox live.

Seriously, I thought Horde and Beast were ok by myself, but these idiots just ruined beast for me.

I had $16,836, The next guy on the list had $6270. I mean it, these idiots did nothing but play as tickers and wretches the whole game. THE WHOLE GAME. Ive never seen people that dumb.
Noriega said:
You know, I don't usually play alone, but when I do, I play it with the most fucking retarded people on the xbox live.

Seriously, I thought Horde and Beast were ok by myself, but these idiots just ruined beast for me.

I had $16,836, The next guy on the list had $6270. I mean it, these idiots did nothing but play as tickers and wretches the whole game. THE WHOLE GAME. Ive never seen people that dumb.

Well, people playing as wretches non-stop probably means they are grinding for the instagib unlock.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
MCXC Pioneer said:
is firing a few bullets when you spawn and then active reloading a viable tactic?
Back in the day when Gnashers came with 32 bullets, that's all people did.

Now? No. Well, unless you mean with a rifle, with the lancer, I think it'd be worth it.
Noriega said:
You know, I don't usually play alone, but when I do, I play it with the most fucking retarded people on the xbox live.

Seriously, I thought Horde and Beast were ok by myself, but these idiots just ruined beast for me.

I had $16,836, The next guy on the list had $6270. I mean it, these idiots did nothing but play as tickers and wretches the whole game. THE WHOLE GAME. Ive never seen people that dumb.

ha ha-really?


Insta gib mutator...Wreaking Locust Vengence Achievement...MAYBE?

Robot Pants

Well had a decent team of randoms that wanted to do Horde on Insane.
We got to wave 20 and we lost once, so then everyone started to quit (.....)
Me and another guy stayed and made it to 23, but then it just got to be too much, and too late.
So question, do I have to finish waves 23-50 on the same map? Or can I do them on a different map to get the medal?
Also, would anyone like to help out? If you need to start over, I'm down for that too. Super Reload and Insta Gib make it pretty easy.


Robot Pants said:
Well had a decent team of randoms that wanted to do Horde on Insane.
We got to wave 20 and we lost once, so then everyone started to quit (.....)
Me and another guy stayed and made it to 23, but then it just got to be too much, and too late.
So question, do I have to finish waves 23-50 on the same map? Or can I do them on a different map to get the medal?
Also, would anyone like to help out? If you need to start over, I'm down for that too. Super Reload and Insta Gib make it pretty easy.

Nope, doesn't matter on which map you clear a wave or in what order


Neo Member
Robot Pants said:
Well had a decent team of randoms that wanted to do Horde on Insane.
We got to wave 20 and we lost once, so then everyone started to quit (.....)
Me and another guy stayed and made it to 23, but then it just got to be too much, and too late.
So question, do I have to finish waves 23-50 on the same map? Or can I do them on a different map to get the medal?
Also, would anyone like to help out? If you need to start over, I'm down for that too. Super Reload and Insta Gib make it pretty easy.

You do not have to finish all the waves on the same map. I'm willing to help out, though I'd prefer to see Infinite Ammo rather than Insta Gib. Overpass is a good map choice for Horde.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm becoming increasingly frustrated at how strong Berzerkers are in Horde mode. I don't see the point in putting up fortifactions if it does nothing to them.

Robot Pants

Libo said:
You do not have to finish all the waves on the same map. I'm willing to help out, though I'd prefer to see Infinite Ammo rather than Insta Gib. Overpass is a good map choice for Horde.

Yea I didn't really use the Insta Gib, in fact I forgot about it until I quit. I didn't set up the room, and I don't think I even have Infinite Ammo. Maybe I'll boost for it, or if you wanna host the game.


MjFrancis said:
Are you on at nine EST tonight? I can help out for an hour at least if so.

Man, I got caught up watching TV with the wife and ended up passing out early. :lol But I'll definitely be on tonight around 9pm EST though

Marleyman said:
My bad about missing you the other night; I haven't had much time to play with my wedding next Saturday so I usually am on for a short amount of time.

That's cool man. I'm going to try to get a group together for Beast and Horde (with mutators) on INsane on Friday. Maybe you can join then.

Also, congrats on the wedding. Enjoy the sex while it lasts. :)


Robot Pants said:
Yea I didn't really use the Insta Gib, in fact I forgot about it until I quit. I didn't set up the room, and I don't think I even have Infinite Ammo. Maybe I'll boost for it, or if you wanna host the game.

Even if you host, as long as there is someone in your party that has the mutators unlocked, you will be able to use them as a host.


MCXC Pioneer said:
is firing a few bullets when you spawn and then active reloading a viable tactic?

I fire my Gnasher 2-3 times at the start of a round, then switch back to Lancer. When I get close to people, I switch to Gnasher. Just before I launch an attack I active reload. Active's such an advantage, I don't like running into my first battle with inactive bullets. From there on in, I just reload next time I spot something about to kick off.

I play Warzone though, and don't run out of ammo all that much. Especially as I can drop back to Lancer. Which seemingly has 1000 bullets per clip :)


LosDaddie said:
Man, I got caught up watching TV with the wife and ended up passing out early. :lol But I'll definitely be on tonight around 9pm EST though
I saw you were watching stuff, so I decided not to bother you. Hopefully tonight! I still need to co-op all of Act V and I've only got the first three chapters of the Act in Hardcore.

I also need to 4-player co-op the last few chapters of Act I in addition to everything I need to do in Act V. Then I need to get everything but the first few chapter of Act I in Insane. That way I can say I beat the hell out of this game, inside and out, lol.

I unlocked the Flower Blood mutator yesterday, too. I will definitely be rocking that one! So far the only Easy Mutator I have is the Super Reload. Makes things much, much easier, and I suspect it would be all I need to run through Insane with little trouble.
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