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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
dk_ said:
I'm pretty sure campaign kills don't count towards the execution unlock.

Read what you quoted. I said exactly that.

JambiBum said:
Today is the day :-(

Dude, it's not bad on the community page. Like Letters said, if there really is a "GearsGAF," the thread will remain active.

Nori Chan

Alienshogun said:
Read what you quoted. I said exactly that.
Your post was kinda confusing.

What shogun meant is that you can do every execution in campaign without actually unlocking it. So if you don't have the one shot execution unlocked, you can still do it in campaign.


dk_ said:
I'm pretty sure campaign kills don't count towards the execution unlock.

actually they do. that is if you mean unlocking the executions. like 200 lancer kills, 40 boomshot, torque, sniper, etc... all those can be unlocked by simply playing the campaign.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Noriega said:
Your post was kinda confusing.

What shogun meant is that you can do every execution in campaign without actually unlocking it. So if you don't have the one shot execution unlocked, you can still do it in campaign.

It really wasn't confusing. I said if he wanted the achievement it could be done in campaign, OTHERWISE he would have to do it in private match (if you can put cleavers in, which I think you can't) or Horde.

If he's not going for the achievement, there's only one other thing he could be talking about, which is directly related to what I was answering in his question and that would be unlocking the execution for use in MP.


2th said:
actually they do. that is if you mean unlocking the executions. like 200 lancer kills, 40 boomshot, torque, sniper, etc... all those can be unlocked by simply playing the campaign.
Really? Not for me I guess. Tested it the other day and only mp kills counted.


lttp but
why was myrrah mostly human looking? what connection did her and marcus' dad have? I feel like I missed some dialogue or something


vulva said:
lttp but
why was myrrah mostly human looking? what connection did her and marcus' dad have? I feel like I missed some dialogue or something

I think I missed something there too
especially since they were in contact with each other a good while before emergence day
. I dont think its ever explained why she looks humanish though.

Unless its explained in one of the books...since even Baird was lost on that.


Why is the tread moved to community ? It will be dead and forgotten in no time.

Other games threads never get moved there. Gears 3 isnt even out a month.


I think you guys are taking the Community move a little too seriously... Besides, that forum does live up to its name; HaloGAF is going strong.


dk_ said:
Really? Not for me I guess. Tested it the other day and only mp kills counted.

For the achievement you only have to perform the execution, not unlock in MP. That may be unclear but Alienshogun is right.


Holy shit need to vent.

Never...has a game ever defeated me. But for now, Gears 3 has lol. After what must be 20 or more attempts, my cousin can't be bothered to play any more for today so I have no choice but to give in till tomorrow.

Lambent Berserker on 2 player co-op on hardcore. Fuuuuuckkkk. Solo? Fine. 4 player? Cool. But 2 player? It's just ridiculous. Why? It's not the Berserker who's unpredictable, but the stupidity of your ally AI that IS predictable. It would be enraging were it not for the fact that it has posed as the only real challenge in the game thus far, and the fact that I enjoy the tense gameplay.

But honestly. 2 player co-op wise it's broken. The AI allies consistently get you killed. Draw out tactics with your co-op partner to draw him there, lure him here etc? Forget about it. The idiotic AI will draw attention from him to you, by standing right beside you firing away like mad no matter what you're doing. It basically destroys nearly all possibilities of successfully pulling off tactics. Only way to pull them off is to constantly be moving at speed so the dumb ass AI can't keep up, but even then, someway or another they'll find a way.

Going to try again tomorrow but honestly, what started off really fun is turning in to a bit of a farce.


Aside from that, enjoying the game. But can't help feel this one is more repetitive, monotone and soulless than the other games, and more notably the second. So much industrialism. So many dull or un-inspired attempts at being grand, but really just being predictable. I think what Gears 3 doesn't realise is that scale for the sake of scale isn't that exciting. You need to add a different swing to it, or at least make it dynamic or interesting enough to stand out.

That said, it's only early on that I had this sense of mild boredom (something I never really had with the others). It's starting to pick up a lot more now, so it's looking up. Still not enough variety in the levels but certainly a tonne of weapon and enemy variety, which ties it all together despite offering an overly intense barrage of fodder to kill every few minutes. What this game needs besides more inventive set pieces and scripted events, is more alone time. Time where you take in the story, environment and characters, and less persistent carnage. As is, the breaks are never longer than a few seconds or at most a few minutes. And I don't think it's enough to catch a breath.

So far, entertaining and rich, but repetitive and slightly flawed. I do think as it's opening up it's getting better and better, so I'm optimistic for the rest of the game.

One last note....WTF was with the Cole Train football segment? Errr...what?
nib95 said:
Holy shit need to vent.

I definitely agree about the dullness. To me, this game is 100% about the multiplayer - and to refine that even more - about the multiplayer against human intelligence rather than artificial intelligence. Giving weight to the campaign in this game is about as relevant as giving weight to the campaign in a CoD game, to be honest.


mickcenary said:
I definitely agree about the dullness. To me, this game is 100% about the multiplayer - and to refine that even more - about the multiplayer against human intelligence rather than artificial intelligence. Giving weight to the campaign in this game is about as relevant as giving weight to the campaign in a CoD game, to be honest.

You say that, but I've always bought Gears games in the past for the campaign. Multiplayer has never really appealed to me much. 2 is still my fave SP wise thus far, but hoping 3 mixes it up enough that by the end it could keep improving to becoming the lead.


Seth Balmore said:
So, Torque Bow Tag this weekend, but for real this time: starting weapons are Torque, Snub pistol and smoke nade. All pickups will be Torques.


This sounds fun... no rifles, no shotties, ricocheting arrows all over the place? I'm down. :)
Aah, thats cool. They managed to change it from the beta where it can only be pick ups.

I want to be given the same option in Custom!


Domino Theory said:
Pretty sure the only thing Epic nerfed with the Sawed-Off is the description.

For the love of everything that is sane and holy, just nerf the damn weapon so it's useless beyond melee range.

The damn thing can take out all 5 opponents with one shot, is that not good enough for you, Epic? Put your ego aside for one second and actually nerf it.

This. Played for a huge number of hours tonight and it doesn't look like it's nerfed at all. Horrible. :(


adversesolutions said:
As someone investing time in this game, hearing shit like this terrifies me.
I was looking for a reason to completely give up on the game, I might have found it. If recovering my profile doesn't work I'm done.

Why have so many incredibly difficult unlocks if your Xbox can inadvertently sign in during the start screen and reset your stats? Screw this.


Lima said:
Leveling is way faster than in gears 2 and it takes less to get to level 100. There is no reason to complain.

That, and there's no rush. I played Gears 1 for a good two years. This is just as good.

Happy days!


Rimfya said:
Nope. Profile recovery did nothing. I was level 48. I'm out. Gears is my Favourite franchise too...

Call or email epic/ms support? Either that or post in the support section of epic's forums.


StalkerUKCG said:
Pretty odd i mean so far its been characters that are fairly rare online.

Adam fenix/com dom/savage theron. None of the current players have been using them

The game supports 10 loading individual models. If two people are using the same model in a match, then it has room to load your model. If it allows loading on the fly, (to let the other load your model mid-match)...
Teknoman said:
Call or email epic/ms support? Either that or post in the support section of epic's forums.
Epic can't do a thing. There's loads of new threads about that issue every day and Epic always say that if account recovery didn't work, there's nothing they can do.

It's terrible that the account reset glitch carried over from Gears 2 to 3... especially when there's so much more progress at stake as another poster said.


I hope a lot of these issues will be adressed soon. I fear the rank reset too.

When does torque bow tag start ?

Whats with the DLC1 maps not being playable in public versus ?
abracadaver said:
Whats with the DLC1 maps not being playable in public versus ?
They say it's a dedicated server problem. Something along the lines of having trouble getting the maps on the servers' rotation for online versus... let's hope they manage to get that fixed soon.

Robot Pants

This game has gotten so scrubby.
I thought this would finally be the Gears of Forever that would finally top the first one.
Can't they just get rid of all the damn delays? They aren't as present as they were in Gears 2, but they are still there as minute as they are.
Why would they add the retro and the SOS? Why do smokes have to stun? They fit their role perfectly in Gears 1. Smokes as pick ups now? What has this game become?
Why does EPIC have such an ego when it comes to their "ideas"?
They were SO CLOSE to having a perfect game.
Stop adding shit.
Tighten the shit up, lose the useless weapons (the more you have, the more you have to spread them out as pick ups. And they haven't added a single good one besides the Digger. The digger is a true gears power weapon), and give us the game we've wanted since spending countless hours/days/months/years dreaming about how PERFECT Gears 1 MP would be without the glitches and a great connection.
And give me Classic Hoff.
And Hoff as the MP voice for the COG. Get Prescott outta here.
And bring back the original sniper sound effect.
And fix the damn audio on the footsteps.
And show me which weapons my teammates have on the tac-com so when I hear the mortar launch, or a torque bow fire up, I don't have to guess.
Simple things make Gears great.
Smokes as pick ups now?
And show me which weapons my teammates have on the tac-com so when I hear the mortar launch, or a torque bow fire up, I don't have to guess.
That would be awesome for everyone who's playing with randoms.

Also: Show the indicator for downing an enemy to everybody so there's no argument about whos down it was and who stole from whom and whatnot.


My K/D is dipping like crazy!! Probably due to the exhaustion of playing this game so damn much. I just seem to miss so many shots now.. I need a break. Went from 87 to 90 tonight doing 1-50 insane horde and a couple MP matches.

Thanks ShadyLurker for the tremendous help!
abracadaver said:
The game always shows who downed an enemy.

You can tell which team shot the mortar by listening to what the characters say.
Afaik the only thing it shows is whether it's my down or not.
As for the mortar that's true, but that doesn't apply to any other weapons, and I'd like to know if one of my random teammates has the boomshot, sniper rifle or scorcher. That information would also change the strategy significantly.
as far as sawed off being tweaked. doesn't seem different to me. getting gibbed as far as three character models away. i wish they would just literally make it useless outside of melee range, keep the wide spread so the people using it don't have to try and aim, but i want to have to be literally dry humped to get gibbed.

it's funny though because most sawed off users i come across rarely have a positive ratio, and whole teams primarily using it often don't win the matches. but it's so annoying because it becomes a time out button and unlike any other weapon used in the game, i know i don't deserve that time out. i appreciate them making the effort to balance the gun, but this change so far is so microscopic.

but i'll keep playing, aside from worldwide SOS abuse this is the best gears multi so far.


vodka-bull said:
Afaik the only thing it shows is whether it's my down or not.
As for the mortar that's true, but that doesn't apply to any other weapons, and I'd like to know if one of my random teammates has the boomshot, sniper rifle or scorcher. That information would also change the strategy significantly.
The HUD tells you which team picked up a power weapon
JB1981 said:
The HUD tells you which team picked up a power weapon
Not if someone picks it up off the ground, though. And it's easy to miss if there's a flurry of killfeed messages going on... Gears 2 tac/com was much more functional. I wouldn't miss the ability to see my teammates through walls but I miss Gears 2's weapon bubbles and knowing exactly where a teammate was killed.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Rimfya said:
Seems so. My account signed itself out and in on the Press Start screen. Boom. Wiped.

I posted a link about this some days ago - if this happens to you, the first thing you do is make sure that you don't play anything that gains XP or else you'll reset the backup on the Microsoft servers - you had to immediately stop, delete the cache and redownload the update, and if that didn't work, you had to then do what you did. But if you played onward and earned XP, which I guess you did, then it's too late.

Level 48 isn't that far at all with this new XP system, and the game is only like three weeks out or something - if you're out already then it's up to you I guess.

Robot Pants said:
This game has gotten so scrubby.
I thought this would finally be the Gears of Forever that would finally top the first one.
Can't they just get rid of all the damn delays? They aren't as present as they were in Gears 2, but they are still there as minute as they are.
Why would they add the retro and the SOS? Why do smokes have to stun? They fit their role perfectly in Gears 1. Smokes as pick ups now? What has this game become?
Why does EPIC have such an ego when it comes to their "ideas"?
They were SO CLOSE to having a perfect game.
Stop adding shit.
Tighten the shit up, lose the useless weapons (the more you have, the more you have to spread them out as pick ups. And they haven't added a single good one besides the Digger. The digger is a true gears power weapon), and give us the game we've wanted since spending countless hours/days/months/years dreaming about how PERFECT Gears 1 MP would be without the glitches and a great connection.
And give me Classic Hoff.
And Hoff as the MP voice for the COG. Get Prescott outta here.
And bring back the original sniper sound effect.
And fix the damn audio on the footsteps.
And show me which weapons my teammates have on the tac-com so when I hear the mortar launch, or a torque bow fire up, I don't have to guess.
Simple things make Gears great.

This is why you can never please everyone - if they had kept things the same like you wished, people would be calling Epic lazy, calling Gears 3 an expansion pack, yadda yadda.

And I'd bet if they actually did everything you said in accordance to gameplay you'd be bored with it yourself, and maybe wouldn't even think it was worth buying.

Where's this ego you're talking about with Epic and their changes by the way? Because they didn't make changes the afternoon the people started crying they have an ego? It makes sense of course to observe first and change later.


Instead of trying to fix the SOS, they should just make a classic playlist, ala COD.

- No SOS or Retro
- Only Frag Grenades
- Only Gears 1 power weapons
- Perhaps 4v4 as well

I would just play that playlist myself.
vodka-bull said:
Your ping is more relevant.


Too many people don't understand even the basics of latency.

Just because you have a big fat internet pipe doesn't mean it isn't a laggy or high-ping one.

You can get satellite internet with decent thoroughput, but the latency is terrible (up and down time to the satellite).

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
abracadaver said:
Why is the tread moved to community ? It will be dead and forgotten in no time.

Other games threads never get moved there. Gears 3 isnt even out a month.

Why are we having to discuss this every 3 posts.

If you really are a Gears fan, and a part of Gearsgaf you will still post here. If the game has any kind of community here this thread will thrive. If not, well, we've all been fooling ourselves.

I'll be here as long as there's people to talk gears and play gears with, as I know PXG, Ballisitik and others are.
whitehawk said:
Instead of trying to fix the SOS, they should just make a classic playlist, ala COD.

- No SOS or Retro
- Only Frag Grenades
- Only Gears 1 power weapons
- Perhaps 4v4 as well

I would just play that playlist myself.
We've been asking for an Old School playlist over at the official forums for a while now, which is basically what you mentioned. We're up to ~950 supporters (and ~120 crazy people saying they don't want it)... Will Epic live up to their reputation and listen to the community? Time will tell.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Seth Balmore said:
We've been asking for an Old School playlist over at the official forums for a while now, which is basically what you mentioned. We're up to ~950 supporters (and ~120 crazy people saying they don't want it)... Will Epic live up to their reputation and listen to the community? Time will tell.

The problem is, what "mode" will oldschool be?

A lot of people won't want execution/warzone, but that's what "classic" gears is. If they add ALL the modes in vanilla gears 3 to classic the population will become far too segmented.
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