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Well game fly sent me battlefield 3, so I imagine I'll have to at least try a little of the MP. I don't plan on abandoning Gears 3 at all though. I'm one of those guys that will revisit a year later and get hooked for a week or two straight. There just isn't much out there in gaming that really feels as satisfying to me as a headshot or jib in gears. Like Halo, the mechanics at this point are like riding a bike. I can always go back and have fun with it.


Changes made to Mercy have gone live I guess.

Torque/Digger where Frags/Incendiary used to be.

Frags/Incendiary where Digger/Boom used to be.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Hell of a night tonight, ending it with the closest we were to losing - we were trampling on people all afternoon & evening, till finally one team finally took a round on us in Ranked KOTH, probably because we were too relaxed from earlier, fought hard for the second one, then completely demolished them for the final round.

Highlight of the day for me was earlier in the evening with the last few seconds left in the match where I rolled into the ring against four people with my trusty Gnasher, and handed all four of them their asses with a Gnasher Quad - one shot, one kill for each. Fifth guy was nowhere in sight unfortunately.

Didn't see the Mercy/Overpass swap news till now, so that'll have to wait till tomorrow.

mickcenary said:
Do you think the community will take much of a hit with the release of BF3? I'll be jumping over for a while. Having no friends to play alongside and hence, having to play with randoms is getting to me.

I had such a shit one last night. I was ass, my teammates were ass... Nothing was going my way. It was definitely my most rage-filled Gears session yet. I think I need a break.

It's funny how Gears 3 is simultaneously my most loved game and the game that gives me the most grief.

Gears brings out the emotion in people like no other, it's the most intense shooter experience I've played, and I've played all the biggest shooters out there. It's the game where teamwork is the most crucial as well.


Got to play for a few hours today. BF3 later tonight and it may replace this game for my go to MP fix until EPIC gets their heads out of their ass.

They need to fucking poll the community before they make weapon spawn decisions. Giving players frags now to camp the church is ridiculous. Maps in general need a big overhaul to fix the damn camping that has become routine at this point for shittier players. Too many maps with 1 area to rule them all. Overpass = top. Sandbar = top. Thrashball = top. Mercy = top or church.

I thank God every time I get Gridlock, because I know a sufficient amount of movement will go on.

Lot of internet issues too today. I had 3 host migrations in my quick match games. General bouncy teleports too.

*salutes Gears GAF* I'm out unless BF3 on my PC is total garbage or I hear about a great improvement to how I can enjoy Gears 3.


Jaguar said:
Changes made to Mercy have gone live I guess.

Torque/Digger where Frags/Incendiary used to be.

Frags/Incendiary where Digger/Boom used to be.

What the fuck?

Just open that damn gate like it is in horde/beast.

People will still camp the fuck outta that church and now they can tag both entrances as well?


Lima said:
What the fuck?

Just open that damn gate like it is in horde/beast.

People will still camp the fuck outta that church and now they can tag both entrances as well?

They should have ditch the mortar altogether on it and put the torque up there. Make it Digger/boom where nades are, and a scorcher inside the church. Inks are more than enough on that map, fuck giving people grenades to hold down 900 corners.


They should alter Mercy besides the opening of the gate. There's windows by the ink grenades that could be open so you can shoot inside the chapel. Sort of how it's designed on overpass by grenades.


Oneshot is also gone and replaced by the mulcher.

Okay seriously. Who thought this was a good idea? I just played a KOTH match and the mulcher destroys everyone if you are running with a good team.


Lima said:
Oneshot is also gone and replaced by the mulcher.

Okay seriously. Who thought this was a good idea? I just played a KOTH match and the mulcher destroys everyone if you are running with a good team.

Lol yup. I'm pretty convinced the guys in charge at EPIC with MP choices are the dumbest clowns on Earth.


Lima said:
Oneshot is also gone and replaced by the mulcher.

Okay seriously. Who thought this was a good idea? I just played a KOTH match and the mulcher destroys everyone if you are running with a good team.
Noriega said:
I played this game for the first time in like less than 2 weeks and I got killed by the SOS by ridiculous range. It felt like they didn't nerf it at all. PLACEBO

and apparently the the new weapon spawns are out now
I think something happened. It wasn't this bad last week.


tagged by Blackace
zlatko said:
Lol yup. I'm pretty convinced the guys in charge at EPIC with MP choices are the dumbest clowns on Earth.
It's been like this since Gears 1, nothing new.

Not the absolute worst, but they're not the sharpest tools in the shed, especially since 3 games later the Gnasher is still OP.


Thank god I got the Season Pass for "free". These weapon placement changes on Mercy are absolutely fucking baffling. What the hell are they thinking?


enzo_gt said:
It's been like this since Gears 1, nothing new.

Not the absolute worst, but they're not the sharpest tools in the shed, especially since 3 games later the Gnasher is still OP.

Could I have your copy of the game?


Did the nerf the SOS again? I am getting questionable kill shots right in their face with the SOS and it seems to be missing all the time. Not to mention everybody is using the gnashed and it still seems just fine to me, 2 shots me dead or one shot. SO I know the gnashed is still op.


njean777 said:
Nope, they didn't need to nerf it anymore if they did, the gnasher needs to be fixed asap. CUT THE RANGE OF THE GNASHER DOWN EPIC FFS!

Why should they reduce the range of the gnasher?


X-Frame said:
Why should they reduce the range of the gnasher?

Its a shotgun, the range is needs to be reduced. You have the lancer/hammerburst for long range. I have had way to many instances where people have a gnasher at least 12ft away from me and I take 2 shots and I am down, all the time I am unloading with a lancer. I even jump back, but guess what when I jump they shoot again and I am down. It has ridiculous range for a shotgun. The SOS is now up close and personal like a shotgun should be (at least in other games of this ilk it is) but the gnasher breaks all the rules. People use it as an assault rifle itself since the range is so good.

Not to mention if they nerfed the SOS again today, then it makes the weapon even more useless.


njean777 said:
Its a shotgun, the range is needs to be reduced. You have the lancer/hammerburst for long range. I have had way to many instances where people have a gnasher at least 12ft away from me and I take 2 shots and I am down, all the time I am unloading with a lancer. I even jump back, but guess what when I jump they shoot again and I am down. It has ridiculous range for a shotgun. The SOS is now up close and personal like a shotgun should be (at least in other games of this ilk it is) but the gnasher breaks all the rules. People use it as an assault rifle itself since the range is so good.

Not to mention if they nerfed the SOS again today, then it makes the weapon even more useless.


tagged by Blackace
zlatko said:
Could I have your copy of the game?
Check yours if your unsure about how stupidly versatile the weapon is vs. the entire rest of the Gears arsenal. There's no debating that all.

njean777 has got the right idea, range needs to be nerfed. Not sure what Full Recovery is so disappointed about, two shots at about 10-12 feet will down someone. The weapon's range is correctly classified as "stupid." SOS is small fries compared to Gnasher.


enzo_gt said:
Check yours if your unsure about how stupidly versatile the weapon is vs. the entire rest of the Gears arsenal. There's no debating that all.

njean777 has got the right idea, range needs to be nerfed. Not sure what Full Recovery is so disappointed about, two shots at about 10-12 feet will down someone. The weapon's range is correctly classified as "stupid." SOS is small fries compared to Gnasher.

The most versatile weapon in the game is the Lancer. Giant clip, accuracy, can spray, and you get the chainsaw at close quarters. Active up bullets and you can take out 3+ guys rushing you with few issues. Hence why it is the weapon in the game right now that has the most kills in everything.

The Gnasher here in Gears 3 is the smoothest and best version of it in all 3 of the Gears games. It's consistent, has powerful counters, and requires skill to beast with game in and game out.

Taking two clean hits to your chest/body with an active Gnasher SHOULD down you in that 10 foot range. If you are that ill equipped/scared of a Gnasher user, then just switch to Retro. It's the most consistent counter in that range to drop Gnasher users who don't properly utilize wall sliding and evasive techniques to close the gap in order to get a precise shot to 1 shot you.

The Gnasher does not choke out areas of the map like the SOS does. If I see a SOS user around the corner I cannot approach him head on or at an angle through that path. If it's a Gnasher user, then I can engage in a well timed and angled slide to make him whiff a shot to then engage in a shotgun fight. If I try this against a SOS user their range and arc will 1 shot me 9/10 times, making pushing someone in a 1v1 situation completely impossible unless I want to be a SOS user myself and at BEST trade with him so we both die.

Gnashers the closer you are should be coming out on top IF the player is better. Are you finding shittier players are the cause of your deaths with it? Also, bitching about the weapon that is the solid base to why this games MP is fun and had it's big following is something I can't see eye to eye with, because it leads me to think you are new to the Gears of War online experience. Simply put, if the Gnasher is causing you woes, then this game is probably not for you.


njean777 said:
What is that suppose to mean? 12 ft is pretty far. Lets say 20 yards. It has a ridiculous distance for a shotgun.

On the opposite side of that coin I've had myself put in 4+ shots in a 5-7 foot range and the person doesn't go down.

The 12 foot range could simply be the person is host with active bullets in his clip. That is the only time I get that kind of ridiculous bull shit.
under 20 feet is still considered pretty close range, i.e. shotgun range. You probably shouldn't be using a lancer at that range versus a gnasher. It's common sense.


zlatko said:
The most versatile weapon in the game is the Lancer. Giant clip, accuracy, can spray, and you get the chainsaw at close quarters. Active up bullets and you can take out 3+ guys rushing you with few issues. Hence why it is the weapon in the game right now that has the most kills in everything.

The Gnasher here in Gears 3 is the smoothest and best version of it in all 3 of the Gears games. It's consistent, has powerful counters, and requires skill to beast with game in and game out.

Taking two clean hits to your chest/body with an active Gnasher SHOULD down you in that 10 foot range. If you are that ill equipped/scared of a Gnasher user, then just switch to Retro. It's the most consistent counter in that range to drop Gnasher users who don't properly utilize wall sliding and evasive techniques to close the gap in order to get a precise shot to 1 shot you.

The Gnasher does not choke out areas of the map like the SOS does. If I see a SOS user around the corner I cannot approach him head on or at an angle through that path. If it's a Gnasher user, then I can engage in a well timed and angled slide to make him whiff a shot to then engage in a shotgun fight. If I try this against a SOS user their range and arc will 1 shot me 9/10 times, making pushing someone in a 1v1 situation completely impossible unless I want to be a SOS user myself and at BEST trade with him so we both die.

Gnashers the closer you are should be coming out on top IF the player is better. Are you finding shittier players are the cause of your deaths with it? Also, bitching about the weapon that is the solid base to why this games MP is fun and had it's big following is something I can't see eye to eye with, because it leads me to think you are new to being a Gears of War's online experience. Simply put, if the Gnasher is causing you woes, then this game is probably not for you.

Bullshit you can not approach him, I do all the time and they miss about 75% of the time. The worst thing about a gnasher is the fact they can come from a wide angle when an SOS user has such a short angle he/she can come from. I can not count the number of times I have been cornered by a gnasher user just because he can move out a considerable distance and unload on me around a corner. While I try to escape I will be screwed because the gnasher has that long of a range and will down me in 2-3 shots. You may argue well you shouldn't have waited there for so long, but when I try to run and he downs me from a considerable distance it pisses me off like no other weapon does in this game. There is a major unbalance to this game if the gnasher is the ultimate weapon. If a gnasher player can beat an SOS user every time then this game needs serious rebalancing. IT SHOULD NOT BE THAT WAY AT ALL. I will not deny the lancer is powerful, but the active only lasts for so long. Not to mention if I switch to retro I loose my long range capabilities.

Since the nerf the SOS has been made into a waste of a weapon, the gnasher on the other hand is still king.
mickcenary said:
It's funny how Gears 3 is simultaneously my most loved game and the game that gives me the most grief.

I know that feel, bro.

Gears is my favorite series this gen, but I rage at this game like no other. I'm usually pretty cool headed with games but I flip the fuck out when I play Gears. Even when I'm having a great game I'll die a lame way or I'll get shot in the back while I have 3 teammates are right behind me and in other game I'd laugh it off but in Gears I go apeshit.

I have no idea why either.


njean777 said:
What is that suppose to mean? 12 ft is pretty far. Lets say 20 yards. It has a ridiculous distance for a shotgun.
It means I can't believe what I'm reading.

If someone downs you with 2 gnasher shots at 12 ft there is nothing wrong with the game.

If someone downs you with 2 gnasher shots at 60 ft while you're lancering them then.. something doesn't add up, because that has not been my experience.


Full Recovery said:
It means I can't believe what I'm reading.

If someone downs you with 2 gnasher shots at 12 ft there is nothing wrong with the game.

If someone downs you with 2 gnasher shots at 60 ft while you're lancering them then.. something doesn't add up, because that has not been my experience.

Compared to the maybe at max 5 ft SOS its ridiculous.


njean777 said:
Compared to the maybe at max 5 ft SOS its ridiculous.
Pretty sure the SOS still has a longer gib (1 hit kill) range than the gnasher, which in itself is ridiculous considering the SOSs damage cone is so wide.


Full Recovery said:
Pretty sure the SOS still has a longer gib (1 hit kill) range than the gnasher, which in itself is ridiculous considering the SOSs damage cone is so wide.

IDK about that, the gnasher can one shot pretty far away sometimes, not to mention the random headshots it can accomplish also.


I think all weapons are fine for what they were designed to do, it's just I have no idea what prompted Epic to include the SOS in the first place. It doesn't make any sense to me as I don't see how it has improved the gameplay (which I assume would be the entire point in adding new content).

Watching teammates and enemies blow their loads on each other and then escape by flopping around wildly and then corner-camp, re-engage an enemy and busting another load, and then running away again -- it's pretty pathetic and just looks ridiculous.

Therefore I have no problem if the weapons stay as is -- I'd just love a playlist where I wouldn't have to deal with SOS's anymore (i.e. Gears 1 "Classic").
X-Frame said:
I think all weapons are fine for what they were designed to do, it's just I have no idea what prompted Epic to include the SOS in the first place. It doesn't make any sense to me as I don't see how it has improved the gameplay (which I assume would be the entire point in adding new content).
Epic admitted they added the SOS to make "multiplayer more accessible to new players". In other words, they pandered to noob trash.
njean777 said:
Compared to the maybe at max 5 ft SOS its ridiculous.
the SOS has a 5 foot gib range because that's its niche. You sacrifice range for ease of aim. The Gnasher is the reverse: more range, but harder to hit with. The ranges are fine as they are, you shouldn't be able to take out a gnasher user at 10 feet with a lancer. that isn't the lancer's range.


tagged by Blackace
zlatko said:
The most versatile weapon in the game is the Lancer. Giant clip, accuracy, can spray, and you get the chainsaw at close quarters. Active up bullets and you can take out 3+ guys rushing you with few issues. Hence why it is the weapon in the game right now that has the most kills in everything.

The Gnasher here in Gears 3 is the smoothest and best version of it in all 3 of the Gears games. It's consistent, has powerful counters, and requires skill to beast with game in and game out.

Taking two clean hits to your chest/body with an active Gnasher SHOULD down you in that 10 foot range. If you are that ill equipped/scared of a Gnasher user, then just switch to Retro. It's the most consistent counter in that range to drop Gnasher users who don't properly utilize wall sliding and evasive techniques to close the gap in order to get a precise shot to 1 shot you.

The Gnasher does not choke out areas of the map like the SOS does. If I see a SOS user around the corner I cannot approach him head on or at an angle through that path. If it's a Gnasher user, then I can engage in a well timed and angled slide to make him whiff a shot to then engage in a shotgun fight. If I try this against a SOS user their range and arc will 1 shot me 9/10 times, making pushing someone in a 1v1 situation completely impossible unless I want to be a SOS user myself and at BEST trade with him so we both die.

Gnashers the closer you are should be coming out on top IF the player is better. Are you finding shittier players are the cause of your deaths with it? Also, bitching about the weapon that is the solid base to why this games MP is fun and had it's big following is something I can't see eye to eye with, because it leads me to think you are new to the Gears of War online experience. Simply put, if the Gnasher is causing you woes, then this game is probably not for you.
I would agree the Gnasher in best in Gears 3, but that doesn't mean it's balanced. And you've exemplified yourself why the Gnasher is the most versatile weapon, in combination with wall sliding, it's pretty much the only weapon you need, especially on the more congested maps. Arguing that on a top level 1 weapon rules far supreme isn't supporting any argument you have of it being balanced especially when the counters can be worked around with wall sliding to become nullified anyways.

I'm not mad at getting killed by the Gnasher, I use it myself, even pre-nerf I thought it was better than the SOS, now the gap is even widened. SOS disrupts the flow of combat, which I am not terribly surprised at because the Gnasher is potent enough (and does) to disrupt all weapon balance entirely.

I bought all the Gears games on release. The first two games had clusterfucks of multiplayer, sub-par by any standard if you've played more than two online shooters in your life and not because of weapon balancing, and even because of the weapon balancing I didn't stick with it because I feel like I need to beat myself into accepting the shortcomings of the multiplayer design until I perceive them as decent. Gears 3 is actually tolerable with dedicated servers and balancing tweaks. Sue me for being critical of the game mechanics. I'm not knocking the fanbase. Good for the Gears fanbase for keeping the MP alive, and good for Gears MP for being actually progressive (one of the few franchises to actually get better in all aspects from release to release), but I don't take excuses for people begging for imbalanced weaponry just because you get used to the imbalance and support perpetuations of that form of game design and present it as balanced. Someone used a BR comparison in this thread once too the last time this came up, which doesn't make it acceptable because Halo is even worse with especially the competitive scene's pandering towards constricting the weaponset as far as they can. I'd rather be critical, speak up AND still enjoy than be a yes man and say everything is sunshine and daisies now and forever and we should regress further into the past with "classic" playlists to further promote the imbalance. Though that's seeming like a good idea if they actually balance the weapons and split the people who only want to use the Gnasher and those who like a dedication to making every weapon viable.

Gears is slowly getting there though. Gears 3 anyways, is relatively more balanced than most shooters out there. For it's predecessors, pretty much the opposite.

thezerofire said:
under 20 feet is still considered pretty close range, i.e. shotgun range. You probably shouldn't be using a lancer at that range versus a gnasher. It's common sense.
Say this out loud to yourself and see if it makes sense taking into account Gears' CQC map design.
enzo_gt said:
Say this out loud to yourself and see if it makes sense taking into account Gears' CQC map design.
what part doesn't make sense? Gears has always been about the close range. There is a lot of room on Gears 3's maps. And there's plenty of longer range gameplay. The lancer plays a bigger role than ever before.


tagged by Blackace
thezerofire said:
what part doesn't make sense? Gears has always been about the close range. There is a lot of room on Gears 3's maps. And there's plenty of longer range gameplay. The lancer plays a bigger role than ever before.
Short range gameplay, which even 20 meters is quiiiiiiiiiiite generous for anything you would consider short, still comprises the majority of situations in Gears 3. We can agree on that, yes? The Gnasher is tuned to be great at those distances, so effectively it's great at the majority of the ranges. That needs to be pulled back slightly if they wish to balance it with rifles.

This is all relative, of course.
HawksWinStanley said:
I know that feel, bro.

Gears is my favorite series this gen, but I rage at this game like no other. I'm usually pretty cool headed with games but I flip the fuck out when I play Gears. Even when I'm having a great game I'll die a lame way or I'll get shot in the back while I have 3 teammates are right behind me and in other game I'd laugh it off but in Gears I go apeshit.

I have no idea why either.

Haha. I am exactly the same. I can SO EASILY curb my emotions with any other online shooter, but in Gears, If I enter a game where one team is slaughtering the other = quit; if my session is ushered in by a cheap death = quit; etc, etc, etc.

And oh, man. Don't get me started on incompetent teammates allowing the enemy to just pull the most ridiculous flanking maneuvers on you. Fucking rage central. If my social circle saw me flip out as I do when playing this game, I'd have no mates. I'm that bad.

It's just a far more personal game; a lot of one-on-one encounters, instances where you're humiliated, where the tiniest slip-up can be your last, where teammate incompetency can bring you down... It just GETS TO YOU, BRO!

And do you know what the worst part is? I fucking love it to death. I keep on coming back. I keep on souring my mood every single night, all for that one satisfying Gnasher gib. I have Arkham City - an excellent game - waiting to be played, but Gears ALWAYS wins out.


enzo_gt said:
Short range gameplay, which even 20 meters is quiiiiiiiiiiite generous for anything you would consider short, still comprises the majority of situations in Gears 3. We can agree on that, yes? The Gnasher is tuned to be great at those distances, so effectively it's great at the majority of the ranges. That needs to be pulled back slightly if they wish to balance it with rifles.

This is all relative, of course.
I think it's all pretty balanced. There are only a couple maps where the majority of gameplay is that close of range. Checkout is pretty much the only one. Other maps like Sandbar are primarily rifles I've found, and most maps are a good mix


zlatko said:
Nope, they didn't need to nerf it anymore if they did, the gnasher needs to be fixed asap. CUT THE RANGE OF THE GNASHER DOWN EPIC FFS!

njean777 said:

fucking LMAO!

perfect, just perfect lol

Every weapon in Gears 3 (Except the Hammerburst) has been designed to completely trump the Gnasher effectiveness, the odds are set in stone and stacked against it

think about a Staring Weapon Choices

SOS in CQC trumps it,
Retro trumps it a medium/short distances
Lancer nearly all distance, Pre/Hipfire in CQC can beat it to)

the AR are great and do there job and have no qualms about effectiveness all AR are Greatly balanced (except: Lancer clip size) i love the varied choices in the AR's

the Gnasher is perfectly balanced (yes perfect, Dont touch a thing on it!) the only weapon thats unreasonable is the SOS in certain situations , getting close to enemy
is alot more harder than previous titles (for good reasoning "Gnasher Fest") but once you are engaged in CQC the SOS, Retro, Lancer Hipfire w SP completely have the advantage

you can show me "stats" to prove how the gnasher is the most used/op'd weapon but the reason people love and prefer the gnasher is because its the most enjoyable/balanced gun to use.

Just embrace the fans EPIC and listen to the REAL fanbase, not the casual's that will undoubtly leave when other titles come around.


Last night I was made fun of for suggesting to play like a team. What the eph.

Also, would wonder what like some of the maps would look like if they were in the beta. Trenches and Thrashball had some big changes..
mickcenary said:
Haha. I am exactly the same. I can SO EASILY curb my emotions with any other online shooter, but in Gears, If I enter a game where one team is slaughtering the other = quit; if my session is ushered in by a cheap death = quit; etc, etc, etc.

And oh, man. Don't get me started on incompetent teammates allowing the enemy to just pull the most ridiculous flanking maneuvers on you. Fucking rage central. If my social circle saw me flip out as I do when playing this game, I'd have no mates. I'm that bad.

It's just a far more personal game; a lot of one-on-one encounters, instances where you're humiliated, where the tiniest slip-up can be your last, where teammate incompetency can bring you down... It just GETS TO YOU, BRO!

And do you know what the worst part is? I fucking love it to death. I keep on coming back. I keep on souring my mood every single night, all for that one satisfying Gnasher gib. I have Arkham City - an excellent game - waiting to be played, but Gears ALWAYS wins out.



lol well it's nice to know I'm not the only one.


smik said:
fucking LMAO!

perfect, just perfect lol

Every weapon in Gears 3 (Except the Hammerburst) has been designed to completely trump the Gnasher effectiveness, the odds are set in stone and stacked against it

think about a Staring Weapon Choices

SOS in CQC trumps it,
Retro trumps it a medium/short distances
Lancer nearly all distance, Pre/Hipfire in CQC can beat it to)

the AR are great and do there job and have no qualms about effectiveness all AR are Greatly balanced (except: Lancer clip size) i love the varied choices in the AR's

the Gnasher is perfectly balanced (yes perfect, Dont touch a thing on it!) the only weapon thats unreasonable is the SOS in certain situations , getting close to enemy
is alot more harder than previous titles (for good reasoning "Gnasher Fest") but once you are engaged in CQC the SOS, Retro, Lancer Hipfire w SP completely have the advantage

you can show me "stats" to prove how the gnasher is the most used/op'd weapon but the reason people love and prefer the gnasher is because its the most enjoyable/balanced gun to use.

Just embrace the fans EPIC and listen to the REAL fanbase, not the casual's that will undoubtly leave when other titles come around.

My problem with the way you are acting is the fact that Gnasher can trump all those weapons. SOS can trump gnasher in very few situations as long as there is no room for the gnasher player to be able to move (rarely if ever happens, or if they run in and surprise the gnasher user). Lancer can be outgunned with a gnasher (unless you are at a far distance, which the only map that this is usually plausible is Sandbar), same with the hammer burst and Retro. The gansher is the most overused weapon and for very good reason. It can beat any weapon in the game, and you start with it.

They introduced the SOS for noobs/ players that wanted a change. I was one of those players. I played a lot of Gears 1, very little of Gears 2 since they still didn't have dedicated servers, and came back for Gears 3 because they promised dedicated servers and brought a new shotgun that "countered Gnasher users" I even complained about it earlier in this thread because I thought the SOS was OP when the game was first released, they nerfed it once and it was perfect, but I have a feeling they nerfed it again today which bothers me because it makes it useless in almost all situations.

I don't hate the gnasher, I just hate the fact that a shotgun has this long of range, no other game does this. Not COD (not including the model 1887 incident), Halo, or BF which are the only other shooters I play. I understand Gears is a different beast then all titles provided, but when you have a SOS that has very limited range, and another shotgun that has very far reaching range it doesn't add up in my mind. A shotgun in RL would be only used for CQC. The gnasher is not used this way. At least by most gnasher users I encounter.
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