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njean777 said:
My problem with the way you are acting is the fact that Gnasher can trump all those weapons. SOS can trump gnasher in very few situations as long as there is no room for the gnasher player to be able to move (rarely if ever happens, or if they run in and surprise the gnasher user). Lancer can be outgunned with a gnasher (unless you are at a far distance, which the only map that this is usually plausible is Sandbar), same with the hammer burst and Retro. The gansher is the most overused weapon and for very good reason. It can beat any weapon in the game, and you start with it.

They introduced the SOS for noobs/ players that wanted a change. I was one of those players. I played a lot of Gears 1, very little of Gears 2 since they still didn't have dedicated servers, and came back for Gears 3 because they promised dedicated servers and brought a new shotgun that "countered Gnasher users" I even complained about it earlier in this thread because I thought the SOS was OP when the game was first released, they nerfed it once and it was perfect, but I have a feeling they nerfed it again today which bothers me because it makes it useless in almost all situations.

I don't hate the gnasher, I just hate the fact that a shotgun has this long of range, no other game does this. Not COD (not including the model 1887 incident), Halo, or BF which are the only other shooters I play. I understand Gears is a different beast then all titles provided, but when you have a SOS that has very limited range, and another shotgun that has very far reaching range it doesn't add up in my mind. A shotgun in RL would be only used for CQC. The gnasher is not used this way. At least by most gnasher users I encounter.
btw, in real life shotguns have a much longer effective range than you'd think. The only reason why most videogames have short distanced shotguns is because they would be overpowered otherwise. With slugs, it's common for a shotgun to be effective at up to 100 yards


tagged by Blackace
thezerofire said:
I think it's all pretty balanced. There are only a couple maps where the majority of gameplay is that close of range. Checkout is pretty much the only one. Other maps like Sandbar are primarily rifles I've found, and most maps are a good mix
I would say Sandbar and Checkout are the extremes of map design. Checkout is mindless fun for KotH though so I don't mind it all, but this is what I'm talking about when it comes to marrying map design to weapon balance. They evoke the worst in each other.

Sandbar's only use is in Horde.

smik said:
fucking LMAO!

perfect, just perfect lol

Every weapon in Gears 3 (Except the Hammerburst) has been designed to completely trump the Gnasher effectiveness, the odds are set in stone and stacked against it

think about a Staring Weapon Choices

SOS in CQC trumps it,
Retro trumps it a medium/short distances
Lancer nearly all distance, Pre/Hipfire in CQC can beat it to)

the AR are great and do there job and have no qualms about effectiveness all AR are Greatly balanced (except: Lancer clip size) i love the varied choices in the AR's

the Gnasher is perfectly balanced (yes perfect, Dont touch a thing on it!) the only weapon thats unreasonable is the SOS in certain situations , getting close to enemy
is alot more harder than previous titles (for good reasoning "Gnasher Fest") but once you are engaged in CQC the SOS, Retro, Lancer Hipfire w SP completely have the advantage

you can show me "stats" to prove how the gnasher is the most used/op'd weapon but the reason people love and prefer the gnasher is because its the most enjoyable/balanced gun to use.

Just embrace the fans EPIC and listen to the REAL fanbase, not the casual's that will undoubtly leave when other titles come around.
oh u so hrdc0re. Way to not read and derail from what we're actually arguing.

Then you go on to say the staple shotgun is trumped in CQC -it's domain- by SOS, Retro, Lancer hipfire and then STILL say it's balanced after painting a picture of it being ineffective in it's own range?

Clearly you have no actual idea what you are arguing. I know emotions run tight on these things, and you may have a hard-on for this particular weapon, but please try to be coherent if indeed you have some point you tried to make there. That way you won't make yourself look ridiculous with contradictions in your own statements.

LeonSKennedy90 said:



seriously guys

This is fucking sad
No. The Gnasher. Scroll up and read a bit.


njean777 said:
My problem with the way you are acting is the fact that Gnasher can trump all those weapons. SOS can trump gnasher in very few situations as long as there is no room for the gnasher player to be able to move (rarely if ever happens, or if they run in and surprise the gnasher user). Lancer can be outgunned with a gnasher (unless you are at a far distance, which the only map that this is usually plausible is Sandbar), same with the hammer burst and Retro. The gansher is the most overused weapon and for very good reason. It can beat any weapon in the game, and you start with it.

They introduced the SOS for noobs/ players that wanted a change. I was one of those players. I played a lot of Gears 1, very little of Gears 2 since they still didn't have dedicated servers, and came back for Gears 3 because they promised dedicated servers and brought a new shotgun that "countered Gnasher users" I even complained about it earlier in this thread because I thought the SOS was OP when the game was first released, they nerfed it once and it was perfect, but I have a feeling they nerfed it again today which bothers me because it makes it useless in almost all situations.

I don't hate the gnasher, I just hate the fact that a shotgun has this long of range, no other game does this. Not COD (not including the model 1887 incident), Halo, or BF which are the only other shooters I play. I understand Gears is a different beast then all titles provided, but when you have a SOS that has very limited range, and another shotgun that has very far reaching range it doesn't add up in my mind. A shotgun in RL would be only used for CQC. The gnasher is not used this way. At least by most gnasher users I encounter.

None of those cons to the SOS matter when the people that use it will just camp behind cover with until you come to them. Its pretty hard to get at someone with the SOS when they stay around a corner and the stupid spread is wider than the door. You could throw a smoke at them, but it doesn't matter if they can see or not when they don't have to aim. Or they can rush you with the SOS and good luck getting enough shots in before they run or dive into it's massive range. That is the annoying part about the SOS, i know when someone is using it %90 of the time. I plan according to that knowledge and it is still way to frustratingly difficult to get at someone doing something so brain dead and predictable.

I virtually never get frustrated by someone using the gnasher against me. There are plenty of ways to get around them with other weapons or another gnasher. The only way i can conceive of someone thinking the gnasher is overpowered is by the fact that gnasher users are, on average, way better players in general. Most SOS users can't aim to save their life and are pretty much brain dead zombies using only the most basic cheesy strategies.


I like how the usual suspects are still complaining about the SOS, calling SOS users 'trash'. Newsflash: YOU are trash. The SOS is the easiest weapon to counter, if you can't beat it then you are obviously not very good.


tagged by Blackace
LeonSKennedy90 said:
Its The Gnasher vs the SOS. All debates come back to the SOS. Its the Gears of War 3 version of Six Degrees to Kevin Bacon
Okay nevermind, their argument went into familiar territory.

In which case, I'm sorry for even bringing up the Gnasher if it led to another SOS argument. -_-


LeonSKennedy90 said:
Its The Gnasher vs the SOS. All debates come back to the SOS. Its the Gears of War 3 version of Six Degrees to Kevin Bacon

I am only debating over it because it seems they nerfed it yet again, I could be totally wrong but after playing yesterday, and the coming back today I feel something is off with the SOS. It seems to have even less range. Once again I could be totally wrong.

GloveSlap said:
None of those cons to the SOS matter when the people that use it will just camp behind cover with until you come to them. Its pretty hard to get at someone with the SOS when they stay around a corner and the stupid spread is wider than the door. You could throw a smoke at them, but it doesn't matter if they can see or not when they don't have to aim. Or they can rush you with the SOS and good luck getting enough shots in before they run or dive into it's massive range. That is the annoying part about the SOS, i know when someone is using it %90 of the time. I plan according to that knowledge and it is still way to frustratingly difficult to get at someone doing something so brain dead and predictable.

I virtually never get frustrated by someone using the gnasher against me. There are plenty of ways to get around them with other weapons or another gnasher. The only way i can conceive of someone thinking the gnasher is overpowered is by the fact that gnasher users are, on average, way better players in general. Most SOS users can't aim to save their life and are pretty much brain dead zombies using only the most basic cheesy strategies.

Now I know you haven't been playing much lately, the gnasher can easily overcome a SOS now. AT release I would have agreed with you, but now I do not. I have been killed way to many times by gnasher users who use the range of the gnasher to their advantage. I could be behind a corner all day, but they can just walk out of my range and shoot me from the side from afar and I have nowhere to run since if I do try to escape I get downed by the gnasher before I can get away. I get cornered constantly by gnashers. I know how to run, but when you have a gnasher user to the adjacent side of the cover and you try to run with only one way out, which seems to happen to me a lot, they can use the range to their advantage and stay far enough away to hit you behind cover. When you try to run the second or third shot downs you.

The SOS on the other hand now takes some skill to use, its not just blast and you will get a kill anymore. With its reduced range, and extra long reload time if you miss that one shot you are really screwed unless you are fighting a total noob.
njean777 said:
I am only debating over it because it seems they nerfed it yet again, I could be totally wrong but after playing yesterday, and the coming back today I feel something is off with the SOS. It seems to have even less range. Once again I could be totally wrong.
I've actually observed quite the opposite, but I draw hope from your reports that the range is back down again.


thezerofire said:
I've actually observed quite the opposite, but I draw hope from your reports that the range is back down again.

I don't know how, they nerfed its range about 2 weeks ago (maybe more) and it has been perfect ever since, but now it just feels drastically reduced.
njean777 said:
I don't know how, they nerfed its range about 2 weeks ago (maybe more) and it has been perfect ever since, but now it just feels drastically reduced.
I haven't played today, but yesterday myself and a few other people were getting gibbed at crazy ranges by it. But I agree, once the initial nerf went into effect it seemed much better. I'll check it out later to see for myself.
With Battlefield 3 coming out tomorrow, I probably won't touch Gears again til DLC comes out. So, here's my last green skin code, up for grabs. Quote to reveal, and please post once you've used it. Have fun Gears-GAF!

Ajemsuhgao said:
With Battlefield 3 coming out tomorrow, I probably won't touch Gears again til DLC comes out. So, here's my last green skin code, up for grabs. Quote to reveal, and please post once you've used it. Have fun Gears-GAF!

Thanks a lot dude! Hyped to check it out.
I brought it up earlier, but the the gnashers versatility is offset by it not having a range were it's dominant at. The gnasher does have real good range, but at the range we're talking about is were it usually gets beat out by the AR's.


njean777 said:
Now I know you haven't been playing much lately, the gnasher can easily overcome a SOS now. AT release I would have agreed with you, but now I do not. I have been killed way to many times by gnasher users who use the range of the gnasher to their advantage. I could be behind a corner all day, but they can just walk out of my range and shoot me from the side from afar and I have nowhere to run since if I do try to escape I get downed by the gnasher before I can get away. I get cornered constantly by gnashers. I know how to run, but when you have a gnasher user to the adjacent side of the cover and you try to run with only one way out, which seems to happen to me a lot, they can use the range to their advantage and stay far enough away to hit you behind cover. When you try to run the second or third shot downs you.

When a SOS user is out in the open there are ways to counter it sure. Im talking about someone behind cover with their back to the wall, which is how almost all the annoying campers use it. You aren't getting them from range and you certainly aren't getting at their side or back. There is only way in at them, they don't have to aim, and their is spread is wider than the entrance. The only way to counter them in that situation is pretty much only certain power weapons, which is a joke considering they are just using a spawn weapon that, again, doesn't even have to be aimed.
computers putin' said:
I brought it up earlier, but the the gnashers versatility is offset by it not having a range were it's dominant at. The gnasher does have real good range, but at the range we're talking about is were it usually gets beat out by the AR's.
exactly this


computers putin' said:
I brought it up earlier, but the the gnashers versatility is offset by it not having a range were it's dominant at. The gnasher does have real good range, but at the range we're talking about is were it usually gets beat out by the AR's.

Please tell me why then is it the most used weapon? Also why it can insta gib up close just like the SOS, or take you down in two shots from range. I am not seeing where there is no dominance. It has range and the ability to be up close and personal, unlike any weapon in the game that you do not have to pick up.

TRios Zen

smik said:
fucking LMAO!

perfect, just perfect lol

Every weapon in Gears 3 (Except the Hammerburst) has been designed to completely trump the Gnasher effectiveness, the odds are set in stone and stacked against it

think about a Staring Weapon Choices

SOS in CQC trumps it,
Retro trumps it a medium/short distances
Lancer nearly all distance, Pre/Hipfire in CQC can beat it to)

the AR are great and do there job and have no qualms about effectiveness all AR are Greatly balanced (except: Lancer clip size) i love the varied choices in the AR's

the Gnasher is perfectly balanced (yes perfect, Dont touch a thing on it!) the only weapon thats unreasonable is the SOS in certain situations , getting close to enemy
is alot more harder than previous titles (for good reasoning "Gnasher Fest") but once you are engaged in CQC the SOS, Retro, Lancer Hipfire w SP completely have the advantage

you can show me "stats" to prove how the gnasher is the most used/op'd weapon but the reason people love and prefer the gnasher is because its the most enjoyable/balanced gun to use.

Just embrace the fans EPIC and listen to the REAL fanbase, not the casual's that will undoubtly leave when other titles come around.

I generally agree with your whole post, but @bolded: A-fucking-MEN.
Hell I'm not even great with the gnasher but I love it and keep using it to get better.
njean777 said:
Please tell me why then is it the most used weapon? Also why it can insta gib up close just like the SOS, or take you down in two shots from range. I am not seeing where there is no dominance. It has range and the ability to be up close and personal, unlike any weapon in the game that you do not have to pick up.

Dude. It's range really isn't that fanciful. More often than not, I find myself shooting off into the distance dozens of times only to see them run away into cover; and if I come up against a non-retard donning a Retro, I'm usually fucked. It seems that you're just playing very one-dimensionally, getting yourself into firefights where you think your AR has them beat, but it really doesn't.

Anyway, if Gnasher range even were a viable complaint, it'd be ridiculously low on the list.

As for why it's the most used weapon? Easy: it's cheesing, bro; using the Gnasher is FON-TO-DUE (English: it's fucking fun to use). Get on it.
njean777 said:
Please tell me why then is it the most used weapon? Also why it can insta gib up close just like the SOS, or take you down in two shots from range. I am not seeing where there is no dominance. It has range and the ability to be up close and personal, unlike any weapon in the game that you do not have to pick up.
not in Ranked it isn't. And it only gibs at really close range or if you have it active reloaded.

And it isn't dominant because at extreme close range it's beaten by the SOS, and at medium to long range it's beaten by any rifle.


They put a Mulcher on Mercy? Oh god..
So now if you lose the first battle for the hill in KotH you wil get spawnraped by that thing.
And nades in the church for extra camping pleassure to. Wel done Epic...
I'm done. I had zero fun tonight and - come to think of it - I've had zero fun this past week. Either I've gotten way shitter or everyone else has gotten way better (most likely a bit of both). Regardless, I'm not feeling it. I come home from work, I annoy the fuck out of myself and I go to sleep irritated; I kinda feel sick at the thought of playing it now. Anyway, BF3 is a day away, so Gears can suck my wang for the time being.

It was good while it lasted.

Godspeed, GearsGaf.


mickcenary said:
I'm done. I had zero fun tonight and - come to think of it - I've had zero fun this past week. Either I've gotten way shitter or everyone else has gotten way better (most likely a bit of both). Regardless, I'm not feeling it. I come home from work, I annoy the fuck out of myself and I go to sleep irritated; I kinda feel sick at the thought of playing it now. Anyway, BF3 is a day away, so Gears can suck my wang for the time being.

It was good while it lasted.

Godspeed, GearsGaf.

I can safely say the last like 9+ hours of BF3 I had were an explosion of awesome all over my face. I'm not even that good with mouse/kb, but I was having a blast. Some seriously good maps up in that game, and only 1-2 are questionable.

As for all the shit above, the only thing I'm going to address is the idea that the Gnasher needs a nerf, because people are able to utilize wall sliding to get to you. Seriously? That's an acquired skill the players who have stuck with the series have gotten down pat, and the fact is I can do with EVERY weapon, not just the Gnasher. Wall sliding gets you to power weapons faster, it makes chainsawing in close quarters much easier, and makes the retro even more deadly if you go for some spray into a slide int melee.

I basically slide at any point where it leads to an advantage with the weapon in my hand. A lot of the ways I get diggers into peoples chests is if I slide by them and shoot at a 90 degree angle as I slide to one of their sides.

I'm remaining vigilant that the Gnasher does not need a nerf, and is perfectly fine in the games ecosystem. It's not the most dominant weapon like in past Gears games, had solid counters, and relies on skill to remain consistent with.


Arjen said:
They put a Mulcher on Mercy? Oh god..
So now if you lose the first battle for the hill in KotH you wil get spawnraped by that thing.
And nades in the church for extra camping pleassure to. Wel done Epic...
Seriously. It makes NO sense. I wonder of they're just trolling us now, because they definitely didn't think of the consequences of doing that.


Heavy's Sandvich said:
I'm not sure if Epic knows how to make effective multiplayer maps.

Whoever did the maps for Gears 1 must have been fired or left a long time ago. They hit pay dirt for the majority of the maps introduced in Gears 1, and it still goes down as my personal vote for best maps in a MP game ever.


Arjen said:
I was planning on playing this until Skyrim hits, but i think i'm going to get Batman AC to hold me over.

Scoop up Dark Souls if you want a long game. Batman is short, even with going for all the side stuff. Great game though.

Or join the master race on PC for some BF3 with GAF. :D


zlatko said:
Scoop up Dark Souls if you want a long game. Batman is short, even with going for all the side stuff. Great game though.

Or join the master race on PC for some BF3 with GAF. :D

I was thinking about getting Dark Souls, but the game scares me, i'm afraid i'm not man enough :D


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Sometimes I wonder why I even come back to this thread, just to watch the same handful of people bitch day in and day out.

Makes me wonder - there are FOUR Gamertags full of people for Gears on here, do you people even use them? Or do the people on those tags actually get by just fine and the handful of people getting destroyed are just a vocal minority?

Almost all of the complaints on here could be solved by just running with a full team with good communication - you don't even have to be a great player, just have good communication. That's all. Gears is a team game like no other, if you run around like a chicken without a head, you're going to get fucked up, plain and simple.

Arjen said:
They put a Mulcher on Mercy? Oh god..
So now if you lose the first battle for the hill in KotH you wil get spawnraped by that thing.
And nades in the church for extra camping pleassure to. Wel done Epic...

That platform may be higher than Thrashball, but it has less effectiveness than on Thrashball so if you can survive there, you can survive on Mercy just fine. Plenty of space to move around on too.

If they camp inside with planted grenades? Throw smokes to set them off, and you have the Boomshot/Torque outside, big deal.


adversesolutions said:
Seriously way too much bitching lately.

The game is great, in fact it's my GOTY right now. Do not get what there is to complain about.

Sawed Off ruins the game.

j/k but yeah... no I'm not kidding.


Dear Epic,

Thanks for the great times. See you November 1st! Can't wait to complain about your shit again!


Feel the heat!
Had a nice Horde run up to level 30 with some randoms.

So nice to have the difficulty back to Normal.

Getting close to maxing out all of my fortification levels, so after that it's just going to be silverback the whole way (sorry teammates!).


Don't know if this was discussed but I've heard from a couple spots (from messageboards quoting Rod) that Epic is going to cut down on the vengeful medal requirements. No definite details about it yet but i'd guess either the death requirement is being lowered for the Nemesis from 5 to 3 or the overall counts to get the Onyx medal are going to decrease drastically. Hopefully it's both because that medal was going to make me hate my life in its current form since i'm dumb enough to go for srsly 3.0.

I have 6 already, all boosted. The two times I actually had a nemesis on another team I downed the guy and had my kill stolen before I could execute them.


mernst23 said:
Don't know if this was discussed but I've heard from a couple spots (from messageboards quoting Rod) that Epic is going to cut down on the vengeful medal requirements. No definite details about it yet but i'd guess either the death requirement is being lowered for the Nemesis from 5 to 3 or the overall counts to get the Onyx medal are going to decrease drastically. Hopefully it's both because that medal was going to make me hate my life in its current form since i'm dumb enough to go for srsly 3.0.

I have 6 already, all boosted. The two times I actually had a nemesis on another team I downed the guy and had my kill stolen before I could execute them.
Any medal that requires you to die more than 1 time is utter bullshit. End of story.


My goal will be to get every bronze medal. I think I'll only end up with a couple of silvers (character unlocks) and onyxes (socialite achievement, arcade campaign, horde, beast).

Speaking of which, I have the horde onyx medal but I'm always down to play insane horde with gaffers. Hit me up for insane beast/horde, gt of course is LordOdadjian.


mernst23 said:
As someone who did Beast Medals first, here's some advice.

You are going to get all 6 other Onyx's before you get the Ready for Heavies one, I have all 6 other onyx medals, and 47/75 Ready for Heavies.

Tier 1: Play with a wretch for the first 3, maybe 4th wave to get your 200 wretch kills and instagib mutator. Once you do that only play with a wretch or reg ticker until round 3 and start picking the savage drone until you get to tier 2.
Tier 2: Wait until everyone else picks a player and buy a Kantus only if at least 2 other people pick healable classes. Stay behind cover and spam x to get the Revives Medal. If you have your revives medal i suggest picking the savage drone even through tier 2.
Tier 3: Grenadiers and their frag grenades are your friends to get kills and money quickly(If you don't have your Kantus heals onyx yet and people are still picking heal able classes keep picking the Kantus (The Kantus revives is the only thing that will be tough to get if Beast playtype dies and people barely play it anymore)
Tier 4: Berserker and just destroy cover, don't pay any attention to getting COG kills because I already have an onyx medal level 2 for killing cog soldiers and i still need 28 more ready for heavies ribbons so I'll probably hit a third. If you manage to get a Berserker by wave 9 you can hit close to 100 objects destroyed in a match and not have to play with a Wild ticker.
Thanks for the guide, the only thing I wasn't doing too often was playing as a wretch. I'd do that maybe once every other game. I recently started using the Kantus and realized how useful the healing function is. It would basically let everyone else do the work and I'd still end up on top of the leaderboards for that round because I healed so dang much.

I've noticed that the Grenadiers are really versatile. I'll fall back on the Kantus for my Onyx but play that class of Locust when I can. The Gnasher is a beast with an active reload and the frag grenades... well, it gives you frickin' frag grenades. What more could you want?
mernst23 said:
Planted grenades and retro lancer charges against formers are your friends

Thanks for the tips, they definitely helped. I actually decided to try it myself on Insane and it helped a lot because the AI wouldn't die. I camped in the back corner and took out enemies coming from the left and right.


The difficulty is scaled to the number of players, and like you noticed the AI is really good about not dying. I'm tempted to go through Gears on Insane solo before too long. I only did half of Acts I and V so far, both co-op.


It's lame when randoms run to the nearest command post in Horde just to get the stupid founder medal (then quit), rather than play as a team and go for the much better strategic one, which is usually in the center of the map but takes longer to get to. They should make it so that all players choose a post, the one with the most votes gets built, if a tie, then it chooses between the top votes randomly. The first person that put their vote towards a post which wins gets the founder metal. Tell me this ain't a good idea.


Stantron said:
It's lame when randoms run to the nearest command post in Horde just to get the stupid founder medal (then quit), rather than play as a team and go for the much better strategic one, which is usually in the center of the map but takes longer to get to. They should make it so that all players choose a post, the one with the most votes gets built, if a tie, then it chooses between the top votes randomly. The first person that put their vote towards a post which wins gets the founder metal. Tell me this ain't a good idea.

That's absolutely what they should do. But then who gets the founder ribbon? Everyone?


tsigo said:
That's absolutely what they should do. But then who gets the founder ribbon? Everyone?

Everyone should be able to get a founder ribbon in one horde run. It's so dumb how only one person per run can get it.
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