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Listening to the Twitchcast.

They were at first confused what a classic playlist was?
Is the 4MB Title Update still accurate?


Is anyone able to use their DLC on a console OTHER than the one in which they purchased that DLC?

For example, let's say you have two consoles, console A and console B. Say that you bought your season pass using console A. Would you be able to use the liquid metal weapon skins on console B?

I am positive that the answer should be yes. However, I have three pieces of DLC that I downloaded and can use on console A, and which I cannot use on console B. I downloaded the Commando Dom character, the Crimson Omen Lancer skin, and the season pass (aka the Liquid Metal weapon skins), but I cannot use any of them on console B, and on console B my season pass is ignored when I load up Gears 3.
thewesker said:
Because we were promised exclusive access in exchange for money? What's to misunderstand? Has nothing to do with giving out free maps to everyone, more to do with what can be viewed as a middle finger to season pass buyers because they paid for something that everyone else is getting for free.

A season pass owner or DLC buyer doesn't even get exclusive early access to play the maps in public versus, they're stuck waiting like everyone else.

The free DLC maps are only playable on dedicated servers for the non-buyer. Season pass holders still get to use them in Horde, Beast, Private and Dedi's. It was called the "Horde Command Pack" for a reason

I guess people have to remember "don't leap before you look"
maxcer0081 said:
The free DLC maps are only playable on dedicated servers for the non-buyer. Season pass holders still get to use them in Horde, Beast, Private and Dedi's. It was called the "Horde Command Pack" for a reason

I guess people have to remember "don't leap before you look"
Or "Don't trust Epic with your money." Screwing over your most loyal customers that are willing to give you money isn't wise. Public Versus is all I give a shit about, so saying "You can play other irrelevant private game modes" helps none.
thewesker said:
Or "Don't trust Epic with your money." Screwing over your most loyal customers that are willing to give you money isn't wise. Public Versus is all I give a shit about, so saying "You can play other irrelevant private game modes" helps none.

did you buy the season pass? if you did, why would you pay for DLC that was clearly aimed at horde? and now campaign?

Robot Pants

Man, how much better is this game with 4v4?
It's not a constant clusterfuck (I like that word when describing Gears lately) anymore.
I played 12 games of the Alpha playlist and this is what the game (aside from a few other tweeks) should have been like from the beginning. Out of the 12 matches I didn't get to play Execution a single time, which is what I wanted to play the most. Seems like it's only KOTH/TDM. Also, if they need the SOS in the game, I have no problem with it being a powerweapon only.


Stat Flow said:
I've been playing alpha for about 8 matches and it's been ALL execution. It's like Gears 1 reborn. Incredible.
That's because if you get into a quickmatch game of Execution, you will only play that mode. If you get into a KOTH game, that's the mode it will stick with.


Montresor said:
Is anyone able to use their DLC on a console OTHER than the one in which they purchased that DLC?

For example, let's say you have two consoles, console A and console B. Say that you bought your season pass using console A. Would you be able to use the liquid metal weapon skins on console B?

I am positive that the answer should be yes. However, I have three pieces of DLC that I downloaded and can use on console A, and which I cannot use on console B. I downloaded the Commando Dom character, the Crimson Omen Lancer skin, and the season pass (aka the Liquid Metal weapon skins), but I cannot use any of them on console B, and on console B my season pass is ignored when I load up Gears 3.
Are you using the same account that you purchased the DLC with?

e.g I purchased the DLC on my main Xbox, any account can play the DLC on that. Then I redownloaded onto my 2nd box only the account I purchased with can play on that because the licence is not on it.
Just pulled off a wallbounce, muthafuckin' blindfired boomshot, for a superman headshot on somebody. I squealed like a bitch, I've never done that because of a game before. THIS GAME SHOULD'VE HAD THEATER! That was a one in a million shot i'll never land again :(

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
whitehawk said:
That's because if you get into a quickmatch game of Execution, you will only play that mode. If you get into a KOTH game, that's the mode it will stick with.
This is good news. That means I can just leave and keep trying until I get an execution.


maxcer0081 said:
The free DLC maps are only playable on dedicated servers for the non-buyer. Season pass holders still get to use them in Horde, Beast, Private and Dedi's. It was called the "Horde Command Pack" for a reason

I guess people have to remember "don't leap before you look"

You can play the 3 new maps on public horde/beast right now, even if you didnt buy the horde pack. It all depends on if the host has bought the pack.


The new playlist is my new home. My K/D is skyrocketing up!

computers putin' said:
Just pulled off a wallbounce, muthafuckin' blindfired boomshot, for a superman headshot on somebody. I squealed like a bitch, I've never done that because of a game before. THIS GAME SHOULD'VE HAD THEATER! That was a one in a million shot i'll never land again :(
What I love about this game, is how unique it can be.

Only in Gears could a sentence like that be said.
Ballistik said:
The new playlist is my new home. My K/D is skyrocketing up!

What I love about this game, is how unique it can be.

Only in Gears could a sentence like that be said.



i nerini del buio said:
lol just played a game on blood drive (horde) and I don't have the dlc

Still didn't play the new maps yet. Keep hoping someone in alpha has it. Didn't meet one yet though =/.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
Apologies I haven't been on the thread (or the game) for awhile so I may be digging up old ground.

Have they adjusted the weapons and are these changes documented somewhere? It feels like the rifles have been nerfed a bit and the gnasher beefed up. I can't ern get stoping power to register. Could also be bad servers or rustiness on my part. But I stepped into the game and rocked with years of downtime so I don't think it's rustiness...

It's back to the stage where guys can just roll around with gnashers and nothing else and still be massively dangerous. Of the last 5 games I've played all were dominated by the team who just bum rushed with gnashers. It's like gears 2 all over again.

I did a test where one guy was left and I shot him from what seemed like too far away for gnasher damage but I downed him with ease and took him out.

I'm gonna be severely disappointed if epic have bowed to the pressure and turned this back into a boring gnasher fest.

Robot Pants

Seems a lot of people on the Epic forums love the 4v4 in the Alpha Playlist (lolol duh, been saying this from the start).

I know the playlist is a work in progress so to speak, so these are my suggestions to tighten up the final version if they decide to keep it (if they are smart they will). Some of these changes would be to the Alpha list only, some would probably have to be made to the entire game. Also, these are gonna get a bit picky, but this game (playlist) has potential to be AMAZING. The Gears we've all been waiting for. So why not have it close to perfection as we can?

- Remove the Mantle Kick.
I never run into a problem with this, I've maybe been kicked a total of 10 times, but it's still a useless feature and never needed to be in. Just to make this Playlist perfect, get rid of it.

- Remove ALL delays.
No delay to shoot right after you go into cover, especially with the gnasher on corners.
No delay after popping out from behind cover. No dela-..you get it. No delays. Get rid of em.

- Smokes DON'T stun. But you'll drop your meatshield or heavy weapon.
Most of the people I come across in the Alpha playlist you can tell have been playing for a while. Most I'd say since Gears 1 (you can usually tell a Gears 1 from a Gears 2 player by watching them), so the smoke situation is almost non-existent. But in the regular playlists fighting for a power weapon has come down to people immediately throwing smokes at it 90% of the time. I notice myself a lot of the time fighting through these smokes screens or having to back off from my better position just because someone threw a SMOKE grenade at me? Isn't being blind a disadvantage enough? It's pretty annoying. The smokes did their job perfectly fine in Gears 1, they were used to get out of being pinned down by snipers, etc. Used for blinding purposes. I think if the stun were to be removed, you'd see a lot less of them being throw around all the time. But I understand they've added new features like the meatshield and heavy weapons which can be really deadly, so I think smokes making you drop those is a fair trade.

- On the subjects of Smoke grenades, please take them off the map as a pick-up.
Waste of a spot where a much better weapon could be placed. Also, see above.

- Lower the time limit for "After pick-up" slightly.
I'm happy they brought back the after pick-up rule, but it still seems a little long. Gears 1 time limit was pretty perfect, they should probably bring it back to that, or at the very least shorten it by 30-45 seconds.

- Spawn protection.
This is something that should actually be changed in every playlist, and has been talked about a lot. It's probably already changed in TU2, but whatevs. The limit needs to be shortened by...I'd say half. It's at 4 seconds now, but it should be maybe 2. Also, why is it in effect on Warzone/Execution? On Trenches sprinting to the middle, the other team is still in spawn protection by the time you can shoot at them. Dumb.

- Gnasher.
Pains me to say this, but I think the Gnasher range might need to be lowered. EVER. SO. SLIGHTLY. Don't go crazy on me with this one. If they didn't touch it it would still be fine, but I think to make it perfect it could use a small reduction. I think the main reason its longer to begin with is that it needed some advantage over the SOS, but now that that is gone.....still gonna suck for those in the regular playlists though lololol

- Lancer.
Definitely needs to be nerfed a bit, and the clip lowered.

- Keep 4v4.
I mean holy shit. Night and day difference it makes on this game. War/Exe are way more tactical, and require more strategy and teamwork to win. (lol isn't this what epic wants?) Your shots aren't being constantly blocked, it's overall easier to control the map and know what's going on around you. In the respawn modes, it's just generally less hectic and more enjoyable.

- Snub.
Beast of a weapon, but almost too strong. Slight nerf I'd be happy with, if not I'm still ok with it.

2 rounds only please. And reduce the splash damage. Also what happened to blindfiring that thing? It shoots super low when you blindfire than it used to. <-- that's just a gripe.

Those are I think the most reasonable changes to make.
If this were my perfect playlist I'd love to add:

- No grenade tagging (walls)
- No SOS or Retro at all
- No Heavy Weapons

but I don't see any of those happening. For one, they would take a major overhaul to the game to make it work. Probably not possible at this point.

I'm pretty indifferent on choosing between the lancer and hammerburst for the loadout. I have no problem with the hammerburst so if they decide to add that option down the road, sweet.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
kaizoku said:
I'm gonna be severely disappointed if epic have bowed to the pressure and turned this back into a boring gnasher fest.

Eh? The Lancer is fucking powerful in this playlist. Rushing is not easy to do if someone is competent with it.
noob questions: how do you upgrade a command post? what are all the blue boxes with different levels and icons on the top right between rounds? why are some things locked out to upgrade? how do you mute people?


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
Stat Flow said:
Eh? The Lancer is fucking powerful in this playlist. Rushing is not easy to do if someone is competent with it.
Could be rustiness on my part but I went from killing anyone in the open or rushing at me with ease to seemingly not doing any damage, everyone's a bullet sponge or able to run away easily and so on.

I've gone from easily going double figures in kills and like 1 or 2 deaths to like 3 kills and 2 deaths on average.

Massive difference, game feels very different to me. Ironically I stopped playing it cos it felt too easy and I was just owning every game by doing the same thing so I got bored. This might motivate me to play more - but not if they've adjusted stuff to be more like gears 2 which renders me impotent for some reason. Could be netcode, weapon balance, no idea.


Something we noticed in custom yesterday. There's a gate at the top of one side of blood drive. I like shotty battling up there in custom, now we can only do it on one side.

yes, i know this isn't really a problem. I just wanted it to be exactly the same in terms of layout. Don't like change :p

Kydd BlaZe

Since this new DLC is considered to be Horde DLC is it available for use in the Horde matchmaking playlist at least, or is it limited to private games only.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Robot Pants said:
Seems a lot of people on the Epic forums love the 4v4 in the Alpha Playlist (lolol duh, been saying this from the start).

I know the playlist is a work in progress so to speak, so these are my suggestions to tighten up the final version if they decide to keep it (if they are smart they will). Some of these changes would be to the Alpha list only, some would probably have to be made to the entire game. Also, these are gonna get a bit picky, but this game (playlist) has potential to be AMAZING. The Gears we've all been waiting for. So why not have it close to perfection as we can?
I agree with all of this. It's actually kind of scary how much I agree with everything you've said. But then again I can tell just by reading this that you were someone who played Gears 1 for a while.

What you say about smokes is definitely true. They all get thrown out at power weapons instead of reserved for more timely matters during a round. I also agree with the Gnasher range deduction. It's power to range ratio is SLIGHTLY screwed but I wouldn't mind it if they didn't change it. Gnasher is king. 4v4 is also much better than 5v5, although I fear that Alpha may transform into 5v5 because I see a lot of people saying they'd prefer 5v5. I suppose that it is less about the mechanics and more about being able to play with more friends...which I guess is fine. But when it comes to mechanics 4v4 is MUCH better in terms of tactics and how the field is played on offense and defense.
kaizoku said:
I've gone from easily going double figures in kills and like 1 or 2 deaths to like 3 kills and 2 deaths on average.

I think it's just that, the lower the player count, the less distracted enemies a Lancer user can find = much less kills.

If you're playing 4vs4 and the players are more experienced, the moment they get shot by a Lancer they'll run to cover, which makes it obviously a lot harder to ra ck up tens of kills using only a rifle. I didn't feel not even a slight difference in power from what few matches I played last night and I stopped I few silly rushers easily, so I guess the solution is, as it should be, just using different weapons for different situations ;)


I hate you all.

I STILL don't have any power. Since Saturday.

So not only did I miss Pumpkin Heads but now I am missing Alpha Playlist AND Double XP.

Robot Pants said:
- Lower the time limit for "After pick-up" slightly.
I'm happy they brought back the after pick-up rule, but it still seems a little long. Gears 1 time limit was pretty perfect, they should probably bring it back to that, or at the very least shorten it by 30-45 seconds.
I don't get why people like this at all. Everyone hate the SOS, but having 5 boomshots at once is fine?

Robot Pants said:
- Gnasher.
Pains me to say this, but I think the Gnasher range might need to be lowered. EVER. SO. SLIGHTLY. Don't go crazy on me with this one. If they didn't touch it it would still be fine, but I think to make it perfect it could use a small reduction. I think the main reason its longer to begin with is that it needed some advantage over the SOS, but now that that is gone.....still gonna suck for those in the regular playlists though lololol
Actives with the gnasher gives it ridiculous power at way too long distances. It should definitely be slightly nerfed.

Though, I'd much rather they just removed perfect actives altogether; but I can't see that happening.

Also, stopping power should never be removed. It was the best new feature added in Gears 2. By far.
Minor nerd complaint: how come Bernie's character model uses Sam's groans and screams? That's kinda lame and a first in the franchise. :/

On topic: Alpha is teh seks.
Alienshogun said:
More cherry picking.

Things ain't exactly "all fixed" especially in relation to basically screwing over season pass purchasers, but Alpha does make things better.
Well, in this thread there has barely been any complaints about the free map pack and how it "screws over" season pass buyers.

Personally, I think that the free map pack is a great way to unify all players in Versus. As long as they force everyone to download it at least.

Also, someone mentioned in the other thread that this is probably how they are going to add the new skins from the Raam DLC so that everyone can see them.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
AndyMoogle said:
Well, in this thread there has barely been any complaints about the free map pack and how it "screws over" season pass buyers.

Personally, I think that the free map pack is a great way to unify all players in Versus. As long as they force everyone to download it at least.

Also, someone mentioned in the other thread that this is probably how they are going to add the new skins from the Raam DLC so that everyone can see them.

That's a "no shit" statement, as in, it didn't really need to be said. Anyone with half a brain could figure out there would be a forced download to everyone so skins can be seen.

I wouldn't say hardly anyone in this thread is complaining about it, there's quit a few people here who are left wishing they hadn't wasted their money on season pass.

I know that if I had known the maps would be free for VS I wouldn't have bought this DLC, and thus, wouldn't have bought the season pass.

Either way, it's still cherry picking what they want to spin to their twitter followers. The reason there is less bitching here (not none) is that in the other thread, the bitching is more on topic.


I have ragequit a couple times in quick team deathmatch. Am I being penalized? Is there a sort of "ragequit hell" in this game?

Also, are you penalized if you end a match early in private offline tdm? What about exiting from a pre-game lobby?


Apoc87 said:
I have ragequit a couple times in quick team deathmatch. Am I being penalized? Is there a sort of "ragequit hell" in this game?

Also, are you penalized if you end a match early in private offline tdm? What about exiting from a pre-game lobby?

Nope no penalty for quitting quik match, and i don't think for private either.
Only penalty is when playing ranked.
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