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Stantron said:
Goddamn, gears has the best head shot sound effect. That crunch is so satisfying, and never gets old.

Whoever came up with the Gears of War headshot sound effect deserves a raise and free blowjobs at work.


Stantron said:
Goddamn, gears has the best head shot sound effect. That crunch is so satisfying, and never gets old.

I always felt Gears 1 headshot pop was way louder though, and it always scared me when I wasn't expecting it. Made me fear when someone on the other team picked up the sniper. (Probably why I always hog the sniper now o_O)


ViewtifulJC said:
Whoever came up with the Gears of War headshot sound effect deserves a raise and free blowjobs at work.
Is there an audio file of the headshot I can use as an alert on my iPhone? XD

I already use the COG Tag as my text message sound.
Ballistik said:

I always felt Gears 1 headshot pop was way louder though, and it always scared me when I wasn't expecting it. Made me fear when someone on the other team picked up the sniper. (Probably why I always hog the sniper now o_O)
One of the best benefits of using that thing so much is learning all of the little things to not do against someone else who's decent with it. I still get a chuckle when I pop somebody who thinks it's safe to blindfire against me.
DarkBurialX said:
Does anyone want to play Beast on Insane? I want to unlock savage theron guard. GT: DarkBurialX

I'm down but I won't be on for another 8 hours or so (time difference). Would be cool if that somehow worked with other folks.


Just finished up campaign and have tried playing online but I noticed I don't really know anyone playing play GOW3 and it's not any fun without friends. If anyone is willing to play with me (as long as you're nice) please add my gamertag Versianos on Live and I'll accept.
vordhosbn said:
Just finished up campaign and have tried playing online but I noticed I don't really know anyone playing play GOW3 and it's not any fun without friends. If anyone is willing to play with me (as long as you're nice) please add my gamertag Versianos on Live and I'll accept.
I'm in the same boat. Added you though I probably won't be on till the weekend. GT = backflip10019.


Robot Pants said:
Seems a lot of people on the Epic forums love the 4v4 in the Alpha Playlist (lolol duh, been saying this from the start).

I know the playlist is a work in progress so to speak, so these are my suggestions to tighten up the final version if they decide to keep it (if they are smart they will). Some of these changes would be to the Alpha list only, some would probably have to be made to the entire game. Also, these are gonna get a bit picky, but this game (playlist) has potential to be AMAZING. The Gears we've all been waiting for. So why not have it close to perfection as we can?

- Remove the Mantle Kick.
I never run into a problem with this, I've maybe been kicked a total of 10 times, but it's still a useless feature and never needed to be in. Just to make this Playlist perfect, get rid of it.

- Remove ALL delays.
No delay to shoot right after you go into cover, especially with the gnasher on corners.
No delay after popping out from behind cover. No dela-..you get it. No delays. Get rid of em.

- Smokes DON'T stun. But you'll drop your meatshield or heavy weapon.
Most of the people I come across in the Alpha playlist you can tell have been playing for a while. Most I'd say since Gears 1 (you can usually tell a Gears 1 from a Gears 2 player by watching them), so the smoke situation is almost non-existent. But in the regular playlists fighting for a power weapon has come down to people immediately throwing smokes at it 90% of the time. I notice myself a lot of the time fighting through these smokes screens or having to back off from my better position just because someone threw a SMOKE grenade at me? Isn't being blind a disadvantage enough? It's pretty annoying. The smokes did their job perfectly fine in Gears 1, they were used to get out of being pinned down by snipers, etc. Used for blinding purposes. I think if the stun were to be removed, you'd see a lot less of them being throw around all the time. But I understand they've added new features like the meatshield and heavy weapons which can be really deadly, so I think smokes making you drop those is a fair trade.

- On the subjects of Smoke grenades, please take them off the map as a pick-up.
Waste of a spot where a much better weapon could be placed. Also, see above.

- Lower the time limit for "After pick-up" slightly.
I'm happy they brought back the after pick-up rule, but it still seems a little long. Gears 1 time limit was pretty perfect, they should probably bring it back to that, or at the very least shorten it by 30-45 seconds.

- Spawn protection.
This is something that should actually be changed in every playlist, and has been talked about a lot. It's probably already changed in TU2, but whatevs. The limit needs to be shortened by...I'd say half. It's at 4 seconds now, but it should be maybe 2. Also, why is it in effect on Warzone/Execution? On Trenches sprinting to the middle, the other team is still in spawn protection by the time you can shoot at them. Dumb.

- Gnasher.
Pains me to say this, but I think the Gnasher range might need to be lowered. EVER. SO. SLIGHTLY. Don't go crazy on me with this one. If they didn't touch it it would still be fine, but I think to make it perfect it could use a small reduction. I think the main reason its longer to begin with is that it needed some advantage over the SOS, but now that that is gone.....still gonna suck for those in the regular playlists though lololol

- Lancer.
Definitely needs to be nerfed a bit, and the clip lowered.

- Keep 4v4.
I mean holy shit. Night and day difference it makes on this game. War/Exe are way more tactical, and require more strategy and teamwork to win. (lol isn't this what epic wants?) Your shots aren't being constantly blocked, it's overall easier to control the map and know what's going on around you. In the respawn modes, it's just generally less hectic and more enjoyable.

- Snub.
Beast of a weapon, but almost too strong. Slight nerf I'd be happy with, if not I'm still ok with it.

2 rounds only please. And reduce the splash damage. Also what happened to blindfiring that thing? It shoots super low when you blindfire than it used to. <-- that's just a gripe.

Those are I think the most reasonable changes to make.
If this were my perfect playlist I'd love to add:

- No grenade tagging (walls)
- No SOS or Retro at all
- No Heavy Weapons

but I don't see any of those happening. For one, they would take a major overhaul to the game to make it work. Probably not possible at this point.

I'm pretty indifferent on choosing between the lancer and hammerburst for the loadout. I have no problem with the hammerburst so if they decide to add that option down the road, sweet.

Wow get rid of stopping power, you are crazy. Thats just asking for the gnasher to rule the game again, even though it already does. THAT SHIT CRAY. Who in there right mind would get rid of that?

Also I know you said it but these are beyond nit picky. To me you are describing a game already made. That would be gears 1. It seems you will never be happy with what they give you.
Montresor said:
1) Will Clocktower and Bullet Marsh be playable in Horde and Beast?

2) Will there be more than 30 special events? I missed the event in the first week and so I'm still only at 4 events counted for the War Supporter medal. The onyx needs 30 events.
1) It's called "Versus Booster Pack", so my guess is probably not right away.

2) I'm sure they will have at least one event every week for at least a year.


- Remove the Mantle Kick.
I never run into a problem with this, I've maybe been kicked a total of 10 times, but it's still a useless feature and never needed to be in. Just to make this Playlist perfect, get rid of it.

It can be a tad janky sometimes but it has its uses. No reason to remove the thing.

- Remove ALL delays.
No delay to shoot right after you go into cover, especially with the gnasher on corners.
No delay after popping out from behind cover. No dela-..you get it. No delays. Get rid of em.

We've massaged out a lot of the unnecessary ones. Gears has a certain cadence and pacing to it that we're not going to mess with much at this point. At what point does this stop? Do you remove weapon pickup delays? Make LT targeting instant? Weapon swapping instant? Off-handed grenades? We try to keep an eye on all of this in order to keep the game about tradeoffs with movement, targeting, cover acquisition, etc... It's a fundamental game design law that good design is about tradeoffs so that when you die/lose you blame yourself in a "I should have known better" moment.

- Spawn protection.
This is something that should actually be changed in every playlist, and has been talked about a lot. It's probably already changed in TU2, but whatevs. The limit needs to be shortened by...I'd say half. It's at 4 seconds now, but it should be maybe 2. Also, why is it in effect on Warzone/Execution? On Trenches sprinting to the middle, the other team is still in spawn protection by the time you can shoot at them. Dumb.

There was a massive amount of spawn camping going on before this change. I'll take the lesser of two evils of your concern over people hanging out in those locations and camping the freshly spawned.

- Gnasher.
Pains me to say this, but I think the Gnasher range might need to be lowered. EVER. SO. SLIGHTLY. Don't go crazy on me with this one. If they didn't touch it it would still be fine, but I think to make it perfect it could use a small reduction. I think the main reason its longer to begin with is that it needed some advantage over the SOS, but now that that is gone.....still gonna suck for those in the regular playlists though lololol

This comment threw me off as all of your other comments seem very "Gears Gnasher" friendly, honestly.

- Lancer.
Definitely needs to be nerfed a bit, and the clip lowered.

Latest stats show that this game remains dominated by shotguns - not going to nerf this gun any time soon. However going to be keeping an eye on the Lancer via Alpha to see how it shakes out.

- Keep 4v4.
I mean holy shit. Night and day difference it makes on this game. War/Exe are way more tactical, and require more strategy and teamwork to win. (lol isn't this what epic wants?) Your shots aren't being constantly blocked, it's overall easier to control the map and know what's going on around you. In the respawn modes, it's just generally less hectic and more enjoyable.

I do prefer 4v4 in Alpha/classic style modes myself.

- Snub.
Beast of a weapon, but almost too strong. Slight nerf I'd be happy with, if not I'm still ok with it.

Very low ranking weapon in the wild as well.

2 rounds only please. And reduce the splash damage. Also what happened to blindfiring that thing? It shoots super low when you blindfire than it used to. <-- that's just a gripe.

It's supposed to be something powerful, that you fight over. Once you get it you should dominate for a bit.

- No grenade tagging (walls)
- No SOS or Retro at all
- No Heavy Weapons

You forgot "removal of shields and meatbag" to make it closer to Gears 1. ;)

Appreciate the feedback. That's what Alpha is for - we're watching the comments to see what the consensus is.

And remember, if it's not played, it won't stick around forever!
Just give us an Alpha Respawn 5v5 TDM/KotH and we're set

also, people should lose spawn protection as soon as they initiate firing their weapons.


CliffyB said:
Latest stats show that this game remains dominated by shotguns - not going to nerf this gun any time soon. However going to be keeping an eye on the Lancer via Alpha to see how it shakes out.

Honestly, the only problem I have with the lancer is the clip size. Having active reload with half or even 3/4 with the lancer can be some scary shit. DAT GOLDEN RAY OF LIGHT!!!.


ViewtifulJC said:
also, people should lose spawn protection as soon as they initiate firing their weapons.
I suggest this too. I can't think of any repercussions because lots of times I find people who are a quarter into the map right in the thick of battle who still have protection. I remember shooting someone on Thrashball where they still had protection after 3 boltok shots during TDM and this was on the field not in their spawn. Of course he was lancering me at the same time.


CliffyB said:
And remember, if it's not played, it won't stick around forever!
Hey Cliff, is the focus for alpha more Gears 1 than 2? Because as much as I loved Gears 1 the improvements you guys have made over the years shouldn't just be tossed aside.

If the map is made for 5v5, why not keep them 5v5? The more friends in a match together the better. (4v4 or 5v5 is not a deal breaker by any means)

Lancer or Hammerburst kit, I'd love to have the option in Alpha. More variety > lancer lancer lancer.

Power weapon pickup times I'm conflicted on "after use" and "after pickup" With one you have people camping the weapon pickups and with the other you have people holding on to the last boomshot so it doesn't respawn. Although it's more of an issue in TDM than the non-respawn modes. I think the main thing is the amount of time it takes to respawn regardless of when the timer starts.

I'd rather not have the SOS/Retro as pickups in Alpha. I'd be okay with any weapon but those two. If I wanted to use them I'd play in the other game modes.

The lancer could use a smaller magazine.

Spawn protection should end once you shoot your weapon. Lets face it, the spawns are not perfect. And I've been on the shit side of people spawning right on me when I was not camping the spawn. It's rage inducing when you're on a roll and then all of the sudden you're hit with the entire team with no way to even defend yourself.
Hey cliffy instead of looking to nerf the lancer, buff the hammerburst instead. A bigger clip and/or headshot modifier. Please and thank you.


Montresor said:
Yep, and that's no problem for me. I will always be playing Gears 3 online. I bought it on console A using the LordOdadjian gamertag, and it works completely fine on console A. But when I re-download it on console B using the LordOdadjian gamertag, it doesn't work at all, even when I'm online. And I'm always, always online in Gears 3, not just because I'm always playing the online modes, but also because I wouldn't dare play that game offline or disconnected from XBL... I'd probably get my rank and stats reset.

BTW, thanks for the replies (Addnan, Nelo Ice, Stalker, ZeroCoin).

Okay, did a little testing for you. I dropped gears 3 into my backup xbox that had never even played the game before. Before I started it I jumped into my download history and was able to download both the horde command pack and the season pass without any issue. Just to be sure I deleted the dlc pack before starting the game up. Started gears 3 up, downloaded the title update, season pass told me I had some new content available and it downloaded without issue.

So it should be working without issue for you. I would make sure that you have downloaded the season pass on both consoles. Check your download history in your account management menu to find it. If you can't download the season pass again for whatever reason, you should at least be able to pull each individual dlc pack down. If none of that works for you, I would contact xbox support via twitter.

Hope that helps you out.


biosnake20 said:
Hey cliffy instead of looking to nerf the lancer, buff the hammerburst instead. A bigger clip and/or headshot modifier. Please and thank you.

That isn't going to fix the fact the Lancer just has too much ammo in the clip. It should have more than Hburst/Retro, but like I've said before the amount it has currently is absurd.

*Alpha needs to drop TDM and KOTH from it. I'd be fine if it was warzone/execution, but the truth is execution is what people will vote for 90% of the time anyway, so let's just keep it execution only.

*SOS should be out of the playlist entirely. Not even as a pick up weapon.

*Spawning with Lancer or Hburst is probably better than Lancer only.

Oh and Cliff as far as overall game improvements go, can we please get some kind of notification that lets us know when dedicated servers are up and working, or perhaps when we get into a game that is P2P it let's you know you are in a P2P game instead of a dedi server.

Thanks. :)


_dementia said:
The former or the latter?

dementia returns! Oh wow using a troll avatar too? Bold as hell.

Cliff is referring to the Hburst is getting a buff soon. It'll have a bigger clip is what EPIC was going to do, but they warned players the on screen bullet representation will still have 20, but if they bump it to 25, when you reach 1 bullet you may actually have like 3-5 so it'll be a little goofy in that sense.


I should be playing Uncharted but I can't tear myself from Gears. You get going in a good KOTH match and everyone gets in the center and I'm all like,

Gears has the best, most satisfying kills. Bar none. That gif image represents Gears for me. Pure unbridled brutality.


Ballistik said:
This thread came back to life!

Once I'm free this weekend, I'm going to get online and play that Alpha playlist non stop.

Same here. As soon as I get home Friday, no life mode will be engaged to the max.

Robot Pants

CliffyB said:
This comment threw me off as all of your other comments seem very "Gears Gnasher" friendly, honestly.

You forgot "removal of shields and meatbag" to make it closer to Gears 1. ;)

Appreciate the feedback. That's what Alpha is for - we're watching the comments to see what the consensus is.

And remember, if it's not played, it won't stick around forever!

First off I want to say I really do appreciate that you took the time to comment on my post :) Means a lot.
But yes, there's no doubt I thoroughly enjoyed Gears 1. A lot. That's clearly evident. But that's not to say it didn't have its problems. Far from it. But the core behind it was so good, and fun, that those problems were easy to overlook. And I don't want Gears 3 to be just like Gears 1 either. I honestly see potential in Gears 3 to surpass the original (some people probably already feel like it has. This is just my opinion), and honestly, I was hoping it would. I just happen to think that the examples I mentioned above (smoke stun, gnasher range, 4v4, etc.) Gears 1 had it right. So I can see how everything I said leads you to think "JUST MAKE IT LIKE GEARS 1", but it wasn't my intention. I love the addition of the meatshield and the meatbag. I LOVE the Digger. Best weapon introduced in the game and really fits with the Gears universe. Canceling while going into cover - or wallbouncing; whichever - and my all-time favorite, the new curbstomp. That's why I rock the Old Schooler medal :)
Overall, you guys have polished the game a lot since Gears 1 and it doesn't go unappreciated.

Looking back now, I see I used the gnasher as the example weapon for delays. I should have clarified. The delays I'm referring to are the ones connected to shooting and movement. I definitely think there should be a delay on weapon pick ups, weapon switching, and all of those. I totally understand the tradeoffs you are talking about. I just meant no delay on firing right after going into cover, or aiming while behind cover. With any weapon though. Not just the gnasher. I can tell there is still a slight delay on shooting after a roadie run, but it's been toned down significantly since Gears 2 and isn't a huge deal.

And as for the spawn protection, I understand the need for the respawn modes. Spawn camping = rage. But maybe just deactivate it for Warzone/Execution or the non-respawn modes? Because the example I gave on Trenches does happen.

Anyway, again I'm humbled you responded to my post. It really does mean a lot.

aaaand maybe since I have your attention, is there anyway the Alpha playlist could incorporate the original Longshot sound? :)
-PXG- said:
This is how you fix spawn protection:

You shoot, you lose it.


Make it happen.

Gain a few points lead, all die then never fire your gun and you win.
All die and KotH is a breeze.

However its a great idea, have it set on a small timer and make it go as soon as you fire


StalkerUKCG said:
Gain a few points lead, all die then never fire your gun and you win.
All die and KotH is a breeze.

However its a great idea, have it set on a small timer and make it go as soon as you fire
He's not saying that spawn protection would be infinite. Just that the countdown should immediately hit 0 if you fire.
Gr1mLock said:
goin back to the lancer from the hammy feels really werid.
Haha, same here. It feels... lazy? I'm so used to compensating for the Hammerburst's recoil and the overall feedback of the weapon that when I grab a Lancer it feels like that gun shoots itself or something. I'll admit I have a little too much fun trolling people with it, though...
zlatko said:
dementia returns! Oh wow using a troll avatar too? Bold as hell.

Cliff is referring to the Hburst is getting a buff soon. It'll have a bigger clip is what EPIC was going to do, but they warned players the on screen bullet representation will still have 20, but if they bump it to 25, when you reach 1 bullet you may actually have like 3-5 so it'll be a little goofy in that sense.

You know, I read that in the official forums and some hours later I was playing with the Lancer, looked at the ammo counter as I fired it and thought... why would it really be a problem if it already happens with the Lancer? :)


Passing metallic gas
Seth Balmore said:
Haha, same here. It feels... lazy? I'm so used to compensating for the Hammerburst's recoil and the overall feedback of the weapon that when I grab a Lancer it feels like that gun shoots itself or something. I'll admit I have a little too much fun trolling people with it, though...

Yea you point it and people just die. And even weirder i actually get all my kills! Since going hammy only im getting used to half my downs being picked up by teammates. Once the clip gets buffed (or something gets buffed) it'll be a little bit better and there will be no reason for me to play lancer.


ZeroCoin said:
Okay, did a little testing for you. I dropped gears 3 into my backup xbox that had never even played the game before. Before I started it I jumped into my download history and was able to download both the horde command pack and the season pass without any issue. Just to be sure I deleted the dlc pack before starting the game up. Started gears 3 up, downloaded the title update, season pass told me I had some new content available and it downloaded without issue.

So it should be working without issue for you. I would make sure that you have downloaded the season pass on both consoles. Check your download history in your account management menu to find it. If you can't download the season pass again for whatever reason, you should at least be able to pull each individual dlc pack down. If none of that works for you, I would contact xbox support via twitter.

Hope that helps you out.

Thanks for the post.
It's amazing how a lot of people's feelings on this game totally 180'd after this Alpha playlist launched. A beautiful thing. Soak it up, Clifford Bee.


njean777 said:
Wow get rid of stopping power, you are crazy. Thats just asking for the gnasher to rule the game again, even though it already does. THAT SHIT CRAY. Who in there right mind would get rid of that?

Also I know you said it but these are beyond nit picky. To me you are describing a game already made. That would be gears 1. It seems you will never be happy with what they give you.

As if you'll be playing Alpha anyway. Why the fuck do you care? You can still play regular ass Gears 3.
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