Hey, can I have the key for Judgement? It's the only one I don't have on BC and I've never played it before. Would be cool to see People Can Fly's take on Gears. Thanks!
Sent you a PM.
Hey, can I have the key for Judgement? It's the only one I don't have on BC and I've never played it before. Would be cool to see People Can Fly's take on Gears. Thanks!
I was hoping to do the same thing. Checked my account yesterday and no luck as of yet.
For real yeah.Played horde with my wife and 3 randoms last night, get through wave 20 and the other 3 people all quit. Such a bullshit fucking system. I cant believe not one person at TC could see this coming in advance.
One of the streamers I watch has been stuck on Silver 3 even after winning about 40 games straight, while his team moved up to Onyx. There's definitely a rank bug out there.Are the ranks broken? I've literally just won 10 in a row and I'm still silver 2? 2.38 kd 77% win ratio and haven't went up at all.
Yes they definitely are. Hopefully once they get the credits sorted out they will fix rank. It would also be nice to see your rank progress like you can in Halo 5.Are the ranks broken? I've literally just won 10 in a row and I'm still silver 2? 2.38 kd 77% win ratio and haven't went up at all.
So last week I was able to cross-play campaign with my friend (I'm on PC, he's on XB1) just fine, but this week it has stopped working. We can connect fine in the lobby, but whoever isn't the host will get dropped as soon as the game loads up. Tried multiple nights this week with the same result. Haven't made any changes to my setup since last week. Anyone else encountered this? Disappointing to have this happen now as it was working flawlessly a week ago. Another odd thing is that horde still seems to work just fine, only campaign is affected.
This exact thing happened to me and friend earlier though we're both on PC. He couldn't obtain toredo address. Try this out.
This may not be a popular opinion, but I think Horde needs a short MM gametype that is 10 or 20 rounds. I really like horde, but I don't regularly have 2/3 hours of uninterrupted game time.
3What's the higher rank 1 or 3?
So I bought some pizza rolls and entered the code into the site and it says I have Zombie JD unlocked, but nowhere on the site is it giving me an Xbox Live code to enter. Where do I get this code?
I see kill stealing is more than alive and well in this game too.
I see kill stealing is more than alive and well in this game too.
Just finished a match at 6-14-4. Had a dude shadowing me the whole time not offering any help except taking the kill whenever I had to reload. What a prince.
Depending on the context I'll steal a kill. I'm not going to let someone pick up a teammate because my teammate across the map wants his kill. If it's execution I'm taking every kill, I don't really care. I expect you to take mine too. Far too often people have this stupid honor code where you can't take a down if it's not yours. I'm trying to win, I don't care about preserving either of our K/Ds.
Now if the dude has no chance of being revived or getting up I'll ignore him.
Complaining about kill stealing is lame. You may rarely get a troll who deliberately doesn't help then takes the last hit, but I've personally not even run into this.
Meanwhile, you seem to get a score based on the damage you did, so who cares?
Complaining about kill stealing is lame. You may rarely get a troll who deliberately doesn't help then takes the last hit, but I've personally not even run into this.
Meanwhile, you seem to get a score based on the damage you did, so who cares?
Enforcer can down really really fast if you land most the bullets.
The hammerburst is about to get nerfed, you better believe the enforcer is next. Gotta protect the precious gnasher.
also can we all agree that the overkill is the most useless weapon in the game? I don't know why they needed to pretend like the game has a sawn-off equivalent if it's as effective as a fart in the breeze.
Enforcer can down really really fast if you land most the bullets.
So many ppl quit in horde. Wtffff
Backfilling in Horde Matchmaking
We want to remind people here that you can invite people from your friends list if someone drops off. We will continue looking into this but wanted to remind that this feature exists and also allows for the user who is being invited to understand what scenario they are about to enter.
Nope.simple solution for quitting early: you get 0 exp and 0 credits. If you're gunna waste other peoples time, you might as well have wasted your own.
Not everyone has time to play through fifty waves. Hell, I'd assume most people don't even want to.
I'm not talking about killing someone who will obviously get up long before your teammate has a chance to travel across the map to finish him. Sure, context matters so I provided some. Watching your teammate down someone when you did nothing to earn the kill and then taking it is weak. I don't think it has anything to do with any honor code. Killing in this game is fun and if somebody earns that down I'm not going to take that away from them. Dick move imo.
This exact thing happened to me and friend earlier though we're both on PC. He couldn't obtain toredo address. Try this out.
Great. Thanks for posting that.
Seems kinda vague on the horde quitting issue tho
I guess I'm lame. I like being able to try out the new executions on the downs I earned. In a game based on gruesome and satisfying kills you'd be perfectly ok with me taking all of your downs from now on? I think you're full of crap if you say yes.
I don't care about scores or k/d. I'm not even totally sure where I'd find that info. I just enjoy finishing off my earned downs.