How would you guys rank the Gears campaigns?
How would you guys rank the Gears campaigns?
How would you guys rank the Gears campaigns?
4 is coming on ties, but as far as the trilogy goes:How would you guys rank the Gears campaigns?
3>2>1>>>>>>>judgement imoHow would you guys rank the Gears campaigns?
How would you guys rank the Gears campaigns?
The game is pretty great, and I don't understand why people think the new protags are boring. Kait kinda is, but JD and Del have plenty of great moments. This game has taken me through a heck of an emotional journey so far. I've burst out laughing, even did an irl "OH NO NO NO" at one point. I can't think of the last AAA game that did that. DO I wish that Cole Train was here? Yes. Absolutely.
Biggest disappointment is that I had to go a long while without using an Overkill.
You wanna play paper, paper, paper?
Wait 2 is supposed to not be as great? Just finished playing it for the first time and I enjoyed it alot, though I didn't like vehicle stuff all that much
People who like 2 the least don't know what they're talking about.Wait 2 is supposed to not be as great? Just finished playing it for the first time and I enjoyed it alot, though I didn't like vehicle stuff all that much
Wait 2 is supposed to not be as great? Just finished playing it for the first time and I enjoyed it alot, though I didn't like vehicle stuff all that much
Man this campaign is great.
Kait's facial animations in cutscenes look incredible. This game is vivid and colourful in a wonderful way so far (I'm in the middle of Act 1: Chapter 3).
I do admit I want to get to some of the darker chapters (i.e. the heydey of Gears 1) but I'm loving the game so far.
The prologue with the fanservice, and jumping in and out of cutscenes and game play was exquisite. The gunplay and game play is fantastic as always, and the game's visuals don't disappoint. This is a damn fine game... Can't wait to play some more.
Oh hey.Cole is also there. Somehow I missed them when I spotted Tomorrow Anya earlier.
Also so is the MP borked at the moment?![]()
Oh shit how did I miss that.
Guess I'm buying skin packs!
I also think this game isn't getting the respect it deserves in terms of being a masterful graphical tour de force.
Forza Horizon 3 is getting its just props. But Gears 4 isn't. I've closed down Gears 4 for the night and I'm still thinking of Kait's face in Act 1's first major cutscene. The attention to detail in the environment. The splashes of colour and the environmental/wind effects. The game looks phenomenal.
Agreed. It does have a few minor issues here and there (mostly just a couple minor textures and stuff), but they're so few and far between and the art design makes up for it so much that it's not even noticeable or worth mentioning.I also think this game isn't getting the respect it deserves in terms of being a masterful graphical tour de force.
Forza Horizon 3 is getting its just props. But Gears 4 isn't. I've closed down Gears 4 for the night and I'm still thinking of Kait's face in Act 1's first major cutscene. The attention to detail in the environment. The splashes of colour and the environmental/wind effects. The game looks phenomenal.
Also, the way this game installs is a travesty.
PS4 players install and start playing any game within 30 seconds. I don't play on PS4; no interest in the console. But there's a fact that a huge advantage the console has is you can start playing a game within seconds.
Gears of War 4 is completely UNPLAYABLE until 100% of the game has installed. WHY?!?!
It took me 4 or so hours to download Gears Of War 4 tonight. We kept track of the progress - i.e. at some point it would show 10% overall install and 20% campaign install.
So we thought - okay not the end of the world. We'll just wait for the campaign to install, and even if the game overall isn't fully installed, who cares. We don't want to play multiplayer right now. We don't care about Horde right now. Just the campaign. So once campaign is 100% installed, we can start playing.
So we watch some Youtube videos. We eat dinner. We put in Kill Bill Volume 1. Great movie by the way. The Bride kills Vivica A. Fox - 40% overall install and 60% campaign. Not bad. The Bride meets up with Sonny Chiba. The same sort of ratio between campaign and overall is sort of maintained. Then the Bride gets to the House of Blue Leaves and we see campaign installation fucking CRATERS at 90% while OTHER parts of the game start installing.
We were shocked! I mean come on! We ended up not being able to play until the WHOLE game was 100% installed.
Fuck off.
Dont kid yourself this is not true.
Dumb question- does PC have split screen local co op for the campaign?
Dumb question- does PC have split screen local co op for the campaign?
It puts a lot of PC versions to shame in this generation.Yes it does - The Coalition went all out with feature support for everyone in this game. The only thing they didn't include is cross-platform play for public Versus - but it's a GOOD thing they didn't include that.
The game has cross-save, cross-play for every mode except for public Versus, local splitscreen co-op for every mode. Damn fine package.
So I found the UE on cdkeys for €82 with the 5% discount, is that a good deal?
Only want to play it on PC.
Yeah. 18 euro cheaper then normal UE.
Yes it does - The Coalition went all out with feature support for everyone in this game. The only thing they didn't include is cross-platform play for public Versus - but it's a GOOD thing they didn't include that.
The game has cross-save, cross-play for every mode except for public Versus, local splitscreen co-op for every mode. Damn fine package.
Yes, it does. I mentioned in my comment above that it also includes black bars which is AWESOME on computer monitors :S I hope it gets fixed
I wish bounties would automatically sort themselves when game types are chosen.
Honestly, the "loading map" seems like a sync/connection to other players error.
If its quick, everyone's there.
If its slow, someone disconnected from the server.
It also would be nice to customize skin in the lobby, as its ~50 sec countdown.