Roughly how long to complete the campaign for the average gamer?
Good to know. Played the old ones with 360 controller, this is my first part on PC. Not sure yet if KB+M or DS4. But I suppose I'll get torn apart with controller online on PC.
Controller in Gears isnt that big of a disadvantage compared to other games.![]()
It's the way you said it, perhaps you didn't realise it but you were implying it's either this or paid.Not really following it. Sorry. Never said the only other option is paid maps. Just saying that i think this rotation stuff isnt that bad. And that the Halo version isnt the best solution also.
But private matches and public matches are two different things. I won't play private matches specifically to play out of rotation maps.But everyone can host private matches wich are in the rotation. The maps that arent in the rotation you can still play in private with the season pass. So killing the rotation makes the season pass worth less.
I saw someone upgrade a turret from tier 1 to tier 2 in Horde but I have no idea how they did it. Can someone fill me in please.
You can have all the maps available in public matches at all times and still require a season pass to be able to have those maps in private matches. It won't change a thing for season pass holders, it won't "screw them over"...infact it might even make it better because for times when they can't get a full lobby rolling for private matches they can still play all the maps.
It's the way you said it, perhaps you didn't realise it but you were implying it's either this or paid.
We were discussing about having all maps be available in rotation and you come in saying you are happy with it and just glad they aren't paid..when no one was talking about paid maps.
Was replaying gears 3 yesterday in anticipation of unlock this evening, and reminded of how annoyingly hard it is to actually die in solo single player. It makes most stuff super easy even on hardcore (haven't tried insane) because you just get rezzed every time you fuck up. What's it like in 4? Are you rez-able in solo?
I found myself playing soldier since randoms are terribad and spend all the resources on crap and not OP manned turrets + 20% AR damage is super sweet.I think I settled on playing the heavy in Horde for now. Having 60% bonus damage on explosives is nuts.
You are, but the enemies are somewhat more aggressive about executing you and there is lots of stuff that can kill you instantly because of high damage.
Hm, I don't suppose there's some option to disable sp rez-ing? Probably too much to hope for. Does it still feel like a good challenge?
Yes, there were multiples segments I had to try a couple of times. At least on Hardcore. On anything below that it's probably a cake walk.
Nvidia key owners can't unlock it early right? Only Singapore buyers?
In my experience so far the only major advantage is for snipers. I'm playing controller on PC and doing just as fine as I do on console. Snipers seem to headshot me much more than on console, but other than that no one seems too advantageous.
The real issue on PC is the player base being like, nonexistent thus far. I can't play anything but TDM because it doesn't find a game. We need cross-play. Seriously, just disable KB/M while in matchmaking and allow controller PC players to pool with console.
The EMBAR is basically a tougher Longshot, only headshots can kill from full health, no actual scope, strict time restriction on shot, a charge delay.
But it's a lot of fun to use still.
Yep, they really need to get cross-play in for public multiplayer, even if it's only for certain game modes.
Otherwise I fear online will be a wasteland for PC gamers in a couple of months, and that's not fair.
The KB+M advantage just isn't there with Gears compared to other games. at least not for the most part.
Yep, they really need to get cross-play in for public multiplayer, even if it's only for certain game modes.
Otherwise I fear online will be a wasteland for PC gamers in a couple of months, and that's not fair.
The KB+M advantage just isn't there with Gears compared to other games. at least not for the most part.
I see why this game has 24 maps incoming, the ones in the retail version aren't bad but they're just boring and most of the environments feel similar. Still enjoying the shit out of it though.
When did Singapore become such a glorious country? Bought The Division in the Brazilian Uplay Store.
so split the pc player base even more?Yeah. Even if they forced controller use on PC to play cross play, that'd be a better alternative to having dead matchmaking.
so split the pc player base even more?
so split the pc player base even more?
For me there is a clear advantage. I routinely rack up about as much score in Horde as the rest of my team of console counterparts. Headshotting everything all the time (and I do mean all the time. Basically with the EMBAR you can just shoot as fast at it charges with every hit being a headshot quite easily with a mouse) in horde is crazy strong (as there is no PvP between console/pc can't really compare that). I think if mouse players were let into PvP with console players they would have to make Longshot headshots not oneshot or make the Longshot much more rare in the maps. Basically the mouse advantage comes in when very fast high precision movements are is what gets you the win (sniping without using the zoom/scope)
Pick it up with Y and then there is a prompt that you can upgrade by pressing X.
you need to spend enough money with fabricator to level it up first, there is a progress bar when you are in the build menu of itWhen I pick one up I only ever see the deploy prompt - whatever the upgrade cost is (exact difference between L1 and L2?), can it be split between what you're holding and the Fabricator, or do you need it all on your person?
Anyone know why the install box on PC is grey under the "You own this product"? Won't even let me attempt to install it. I have the anniversary update
They already sent them out. You should get a message from Xbox with your codes.I'm gonna guess this has probably been answered..but have they said anything about when the xbox 360 gears codes should go out for digital purchases? Didn't see anything.
Checked under your account and then downloads and updates?
Anyone want to play some Horde tonight? (European Time)
I know this is the early access launch period, but based on my experience over the weekend it's not going to have enough of a player base to sustain itself anyways. If you're spending $60 on this game to play it on PC, and have to deal with massive matchmaking times or a community so small that the less popular playlists become impossible to even find a game, then having a compromise like "disable keyboard/mouse and you can join the Xbox pool of players" would be a pretty damn welcome addition.
Games always drop in player count significantly after launch, so it's totally possible that the game (especially stuck on a platform like Win10 Store where games tend to perform poorly) has an incredibly small user base on PC. Release the game on Steam, and we likely won't have as much of a problem, but that's another story.
"Skill based matchmaking"
Me (Gold 3), my teammates: All bronze.
Enemy team? All Gold, 1 Onyx.
Guy on my team went three rounds of KOTH, only got 1 FUCKING KILL. 1!!!
With a mouse EMBAR is crazy powerful too. The increased rate of fire makes you much more deadly and hitting heads isn't really a problem with a mouse (heads are big in GoW and everything moves slowly). I never really use the scope on the Longshot on PC anyway. I quite often win against gnasher guys who get close just by headshotting them from close up with EMBAR (if I have enough time to charge it up)
For me there is a clear advantage. I routinely rack up about as much score in Horde as the rest of my team of console counterparts. Headshotting everything all the time (and I do mean all the time. Basically with the EMBAR you can just shoot as fast at it charges with every hit being a headshot quite easily with a mouse) in horde is crazy strong (as there is no PvP between console/pc can't really compare that). I think if mouse players were let into PvP with console players they would have to make Longshot headshots not oneshot or make the Longshot much more rare in the maps. Basically the mouse advantage comes in when very fast high precision movements are is what gets you the win (sniping without using the zoom/scope)
"Skill based matchmaking"
Me (Gold 3), my teammates: All bronze.
Enemy team? All Gold, 1 Onyx.
Guy on my team went three rounds of KOTH, only got 1 FUCKING KILL. 1!!!
On Insane? No. When you die, that's it. None of your teammates will save you, it gives you the "You Died" screen immediately.What's it like in 4? Are you rez-able in solo?
"Skill based matchmaking"
Me (Gold 3), my teammates: All bronze.
Enemy team? All Gold, 1 Onyx.
Guy on my team went three rounds of KOTH, only got 1 FUCKING KILL. 1!!!
I dunno how you can say that it has a dead community already when the only people playing it are folk that paid £80 for it, where the only real perk of that edition is playing early.
If matchmaking is still as dire as you say it is this time next week then fair enough.
Cross Play with Xbone players in VS would be nice for me, I'm happy to use a controller even if its just the social playlist which is all I have been playing anyway as I have no desire to be ranked since im terribad at the game so far.