ur a savage for making it that far. Great job!
There is a sound played for spawn swaps, but if you're firing your gun good luck hearing it. There should be a message that pops up imo.
characters literally scream "take care they changed sides!" or something like that
Really liking the campaign! It sure does pick up quickonce you meet up with Marcus
I have a few questions though, up to Act III
Am I supposed to know why Marcus and JD aren't on good terms? I didn't play the last gears game.
Am I also not supposed to know how Anya died up to this point? Or did that happen in a previous game?
Why are the kids calling the Locust the Swarm? Aren't they one in the same? I know time has passed but seems like maybe 25 years tops?
those aren't locusts, no you shouldnt know what happened between marcus and jd, and neither what happened to anya
Really liking the campaign! It sure does pick up quickonce you meet up with Marcus
I have a few questions though, up to Act III
Am I supposed to know why Marcus and JD aren't on good terms? I didn't play the last gears game.
Am I also not supposed to know how Anya died up to this point? Or did that happen in a previous game?
Why are the kids calling the Locust the Swarm? Aren't they one in the same? I know time has passed but seems like maybe 25 years tops?
Will it unlock at 12am?Ok, I've taken tomorrow off, ready to go all in at 12 am UK time![]()
I killed someone trying to spawncamp yesterday. I moved 20 feet and he respawned and gunned me down lol
Beat the campaign (only on Hardcore, though) yesterday. Thought it was pretty good Act V minor spoilers?:but I thought Act V was pretty weak after being all "this is awesome" for a couple minutes. It felt like it ended abruptly, too. Left me kinda disappointed. I guess there's hope for story DLC, since they usually do those, right?
All in all, I thought the campaign was really great. I played Horde a little bit solo just to get a feel for it, but I bet it's a lot more fun with friends. I used to have a blast with Gears 3's Horde Mode with a buddy.
Finally got my codes for Gears 1-Judgement.
So, as someone totally new to this series, how important is it that I play through the campaigns of the previous games including Judgement? I'm thinking about just hopping on to the GOW4 multiplayer tonight, while leaving the campaign alone until I work through at least 1-3.
I just replayed act V in co-op and it also struck me howsudden the ending is. Even in the mech section I thought there'd be more afterwards, but then it's suddenly over. The shift from mech section to final cutscene was very sudden, and the ending itself also came very abruptly. Don't get me wrong, I thought the campaign had a pretty perfect length (10 ish hours is more than enough), but the final stretch had some weird direction.
Just finished the game and came on here to say that. The final boss was awesome fun but then that's it, they reach her in the smallest cave and it suddenly ends. I had to look up the reference that the ending alluded to to even understand it - played all the other gears games but couldn't remember what that was.
Are the enemy factions pretty fleshed out in this game? One thing that I loved about Gears 2 was the pure variety in enemies. You had all the bipedal Locusts with various weapons, the Brood riders, Tickers, Brumaks, Corpsers, the flying squid dudes, and much more.
With the "reset" in Gears 4, I'm concerned that we're back at square one and the only enemy variety comes from weapon swaps. Is this the case?
Rifles in general need a nerf, because right now they're making it really unattractive to want to actually go for the hill.
Just finished the game and came on here to say that. The final boss was awesome fun but then that's it, they reach her in the smallest cave and it suddenly ends. I had to look up the reference that the ending alluded to to even understand it - played all the other gears games but couldn't remember what that was.
The Locust Queen's emblem, she is her granddaughter.
you played all the gears and didnt recognize the locust emblem?
You got it via xbox live message?
I still have not received myne and Im not sure if Im really going to get it or to call customer service to see whats up.
Yeah I found out online. I don't really get the implications of that though. It's not like they ended with any kind of setup for more. It's a big reveal sure but... She's dead. I'm guessing her mum isn't dead as you never actually saw her die so she probably ends up being some Swarm queen or something.
Based on the fact that skins are listed as "launch series" does anyone else believe well see halo 5-esque updates added that add themed skins and characters?
Similar to halos memories of reach addition.
Yeah I hopes so. The current available character selection is a bit disappointing.
MeGot a code for an operations pack. Who wants it? First to reply gets it.
Yours. Enjoy.
I've found achievements work when you have the Xbox App open while playing a Win10 game. Achievements will pop-up like the Win10 default system notifications.
That's the only I don't like about...that Xbox/PC aren't as streamlined as it should be.
Still want an Xbox Big Picture Mode on PC !!
I've found achievements work when you have the Xbox App open while playing a Win10 game. Achievements will pop-up like the Win10 default system notifications.
That's the only I don't like about...that Xbox/PC aren't as streamlined as it should be.
Still want an Xbox Big Picture Mode on PC !!