3 or 4 hours into the campaign...
Only robot enemies :-(
Couple of questions about Horde;
Do the waves scale depending on how many people are on?
Can the bounty cards be done in multiple runs or do they have to be done in 1 run?
It takes forever to find MP matches on PC which is a total buzzkill. I hope the PC version isn't dead![]()
Got up a little early to see what the fuss is about and does my game start NO. Honestly fuck digital downloads, give me a fuckin disk anyday
From what I've heard the game does not scale to player count. The difficulties are what they are.Anyone?
In a world where PC constantly gets shitty ports that everyone complains about, The Coalition puts in all this effort to make a great PC game but it's not a Steam so it'll have 50 people playing it
Just got home (Australia) to get stuck in. Nope needs an update! Ok not sure why xbox is set to instant on all the time. Update is 54.65gb! WTF? from the day I preordered this is the 3rd time it has downloaded the whole game. Has this happened to anyone else?
why are there 2 different Australian servers?
Just bought it now on the Xbone store - pleasantly surprised the standard edition only cost £42, you don't normally see anything the than £49.99 for AAA. Man, work is gonna drag today...
Maybe they should have let them put it on Steam, then?
Let's not blame the gamers for not wanting the fucking shit experience that has been the Windows store, which comes with the legacy of GFWL. Let's also not forget that Quantum Break runs better on Steam than it is on the Windows store and will likely see more regular sales to boot.
So honestly? Fuck Microsoft. If they wanted sales, they'd put the shit on Steam, GoG, etc.
Euroland son!You're DAT %0.01
R u on the east coast? Your gm should be popin right NOW
Can't enter a match. I'm waiting forever on the post-game menu and doesn't go further than that. :/
I don't play on PC so I wouldn't know, but why is it that people won't play games that aren't on steam?
Can someone explain how the game modes work? I was just in one where I was the leader, and I have no idea what that means lol
Yeah. I'm about 2 hours in and bored as fuck. When's it pick up? Not digging these robot enemies at all.
I'm with you. These enemies are zero fun to shoot. The banter back and forth between the characters is about as cliche as writing can get. Not feeling it much at all yet. Hopefully it picks up.
The game does feel pretty clunky. It's Gears for sure, but I really wish TC would have at least updated a bit of the move set. It looks like the exact same animations from Gears 3.
if I play horde mode before the campaign am I likely to run into any big spoilers?
Team deathmatch, well is team deathmatch and king of the hill is king of the hill.
guardian, is where there is a leader, as long as the leader lives, the rest of the team will respawn, once the leader is killed, there are no more respawns,
Dodgeball, everytime you kill someone, someone on your team respawns, much like dodgeball.
Arms race is gun game but in team, every 3 kills the team changes weapons.
aaaand i dont know if there is another game mode?
Bout halfway thru Act 2, calling it for the night. I'm having more fun than I remember with Gears 3. Writing is solid, combat encounters are varied and challenging. Not sure about these robot dudes, though. Hit feedback just doesn't feel right. Don't think I've ever played a game where shooting robots felt good.