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GeDoSaTo - Downsampling from Infinity and Beyond!


A simple LoD adjustment fixes the issue.

http://i1.minus.com/ijg0AgUa3hyQx.png (No LOD Adjustment as before)
http://i2.minus.com/i3UsxIgwEx751.png (With an LoD adjustment)

So you can make it sharper if you like. (As I mentioned prior)

Even if you couldn't. It's not excessive, and looks amazing in motion even without the adjustment.

I still find it too blurry if you compare first and last screenshots :



Neo Member
While playing, the game has just gone black. The game is still running, and all the icons and menu options are still present, but the actual game rendering is just black. After experiencing this numerous times in boss fights, multiplayer, etc., I started troubleshooting.

The only solution I had found, was to terminate Dark Souls 2 and restart it. Quitting and loading the my profile didn't have any effect. After a while I tried disabling each feature with the numbad when the game went black. And to my surprise, when disabling HDR Bloom, the game went from black to actual rendering immediately.

So in short, the HDR Bloom needs some polishing...

Otherwise, excellent work! :)


I still find it too blurry if you compare first and last screenshots :


You can't have 100% sharpness with HQ AA that looks good in stills, in motion and is playable. They are mutually exclusive . (You can get a balance between smoothness and some sharpness) There is some minor trade off in one way or another.

And besides, more object detail is actually being resolved especially in the distance. And they aren't just blobs of ugly pixels any more they actually look like the objects they were designed to look like. Not *Blurred*. It looks blurred because the Film grain is processed as well, which gives the impression of being blurred. Just because that super sharp high frequency content has been tamed.

You really have no other options with this game since it's locked to 1280x720.(Except for Driver OGSSAA/HSSAA) You *can* still sharpen it and add even more lod adjustments. These are all going to be creating more aliasing in one way or another still just like the first adjustment.

So, 4x4 OGSSAA or 32xS would probably fit the bill better for you. (Mind you the grain is always going to be smoothed in one way or another. Even if you could downsample it would be.)

Here's a screenshot of each
4x4 http://i3.minus.com/inzhpgjnzjdli.png
32xS http://i2.minus.com/inKInAF7jkxFb.png

With 4x4 AA quality isn't as good, but it's a lot sharper. (So essentially game is running at 5120x3600)

I also think it's important to show the difference between no AA and 8xSGSSAA in motion

There's a video of each, from FRAPs, no re-compression. I think if you can see a significant impact in blurring in motion compared to no AA. Then 4x4 or 32xS is definitely the best option for you.
Anybody have their own customized bloom effect? Durante's default is okay, but I'm looking for more of a "localized to light source, a little more color saturation, not much darker than the vanilla game" effect, one that kinda doesn't smear the whole screen with the washed out colored hue of light sources. The wickfutENB v0257-16-V0257-1 custom does this nicely (except for the darkness part), but I need GeDoSaTo's borderless window hack or else my game will go on a crashing spree again. Much appreciated.


Not sure what's happening now...

GeDoSaTo was running DS2 perfectly at 4K and 60 FPS a few days ago. NOW it runs it at like 25FPS. It's strange. If I turn GeDoSaTo off, and just continue with my normal 1800p, it runs flawless. Any idea what I did wrong?

EDIT: Nevermind. Changing "Force Borderless Windowed Fullscreen" to FALSE fixed it.
Anybody have their own customized bloom effect? Durante's default is okay, but I'm looking for more of a "localized to light source, a little more color saturation, not much darker than the vanilla game" effect, one that kinda doesn't smear the whole screen with the washed out colored hue of light sources. The wickfutENB v0257-16-V0257-1 custom does this nicely (except for the darkness part), but I need GeDoSaTo's borderless window hack or else my game will go on a crashing spree again. Much appreciated.

bloom is a post process effect that is screen based. You really cannot have it just apply to light sources without a much deeper edit of how the game's rendering works. At least, from what I understand how bloom is usually added into a game.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member

Does this work with 16:10 resolutions ? Like 2560x1600 -> 1920x1200 ?

Does this work with 16:10 resolutions ? Like 2560x1600 -> 1920x1200 ?

I am not 100% sure but I think it should work. You can try opening the GeDoSaTo.ini file and see if it will work. The settings you will need to change are the first two under "# Graphics settings" and will look like this(change the bold settings):
# The actual rendering resolution you want to use,
# and how many Hz you want the game to think it works at.
#renderWidth 5120
#renderHeight 2880
renderWidth 3840 change to --> 2560
renderHeight 2160 change to --> 1600
#renderWidth 3200
#renderHeight 1800
#renderWidth 2560
#renderHeight 1440
reportedHz 60

# The resolution you want to downsample *to*.
# Should generally always be your output device pixel size and frequency.
# Writing something not supported by the display here will probably cause a crash.
#presentWidth 2560
#presentHeight 1440
presentWidth 1920
presentHeight 1080 change to --> 1200
presentHz 60

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
I am not 100% sure but I think it should work. You can try opening the GeDoSaTo.ini file and see if it will work. The settings you will need to change are the first two under "# Graphics settings" and will look like this(change the bold settings):

Sure, as long as the game supports 16:10.


It's for Dark Souls II (this time)¨

edit: Should I set the resolution in game to 1920x1200 or 2560x1600 ?

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
ok, I think I got it right now! :)

It looks like this:




I cant open Darksiders II with GeDoSaTo. I added it to the whitelist and ran both as admn but nothing opens up. Sometimes a screen pops up but with nothing in it. It stays there for about a minute and then the "Not respoding" screen pops up. I ask because its on the list so i am just wondering what you guys did to make it worok


Just found out that Alpha5 came out. Seems like it will let me run Dark Souls2 2880x1800 to 1920x1200 with Alpha4, but with Alpha5 is just hangs at a white screen. Anyone else having this trouble? I can boot the game under a lower resolution configured in the ini and then select 2880 in the video section and it will play, but if I put 2880x1800 in the ini, it hangs.

Other than that, it played perfectly yesterday, and I like the bloom, most of the time.

Yep, I'm suddenly getting a white screen hang having used it quite happily since the day it came out. Anything to do with the new Nvidia driver do you think?


Yep, I'm suddenly getting a white screen hang having used it quite happily since the day it came out. Anything to do with the new Nvidia driver do you think?

<--(clueless) Nvidia came out with a new driver? I know stuff works with version 4, mostly. But version 5 takes some trickery. like I have to change the resolution to something lower, start Dark Souls, end the game, then change the resolution in the .ini file back to 2880x and then the game will start and I can select it in the menu and it will downsample with the pretty shiny bloom effect. Otherwise, no dice, and white screen I have to tab out of.

I wanted to see how bloom would affect MWO, and that game won't even start with version 5.

edit: I wanted to show off my girl in the Fashion Souls thread with bloom.


Yep, I'm suddenly getting a white screen hang having used it quite happily since the day it came out. Anything to do with the new Nvidia driver do you think?

ATI user here and I was getting the white screen hang on Dark Souls 2 yesterday morning (complete with "Dark Souls 2 has stopped working" error). Later in the day it worked but only after staying on the same white screen for ~7 or so seconds.



I cant open Darksiders II with GeDoSaTo. I added it to the whitelist and ran both as admn but nothing opens up. Sometimes a screen pops up but with nothing in it. It stays there for about a minute and then the "Not respoding" screen pops up. I ask because its on the list so i am just wondering what you guys did to make it worok

Well, according to the list Darksiders 1 also works (as long as you set the resolution with another application) but it didn't work for me. So I suppose your mileage may vary.


ATI user here and I was getting the white screen hang on Dark Souls 2 yesterday morning (complete with "Dark Souls 2 has stopped working" error). Later in the day it worked but only after staying on the same white screen for ~7 or so seconds.

See, that's interesting. When I first installed Alpha 5 I had the white screen problem but a wipe of all the GeDoSaTo files and a fresh unzip seemed to sort it. Perhaps I'll try again tonight.


Has anyone tried running the game at 30fps? Was going to try to run the game at 30 because I've read conflicting reports about the fucked up 60fps problems:

1. Increased weapon durability degradation (confirmed)
2. Some enemies' attack patterns faster (confirmed)

But the other ones I'm more interested in want to test and play around with myself

3. Shorter parry window
4. Shorter roll invulnerability window
5. Shorter special command window (harder to pull off guard break / leaping attacks)

So my question is what settings should I change in the config file in Gedosato to get it to work (I'm running an R9 280x):

GedoSato settings file said:
# The actual rendering resolution you want to use,
# and how many Hz you want the game to think it works at.
#renderWidth 5120
#renderHeight 2880
renderWidth 3840
renderHeight 2160
#renderWidth 3200
#renderHeight 1800
reportedHz 60

# The resolution you want to downsample *to*.
# Should generally always be your output device pixel size and frequency.
# Writing something not supported by the display here will probably cause a crash.
#presentWidth 2560
#presentHeight 1440
presentWidth 1920
presentHeight 1080
presentHz 60

# How many vertical traces to wait when presenting
# -1 = unchanged
# 0 = no vsync
# 1 = standard vsync
# 2 = half refresh rate (e.g. 30 on 60 Hz)
# 3 = 1/3rd refresh rate, etc.
presentInterval -1

Do I have to change both of those top two settings to 30? And should I change the vsync settings at all.

And finally, do I have to make any other changes in AMD Catalyst Control Center or MSI Afterburning to get everything working right


Has anyone tried running the game at 30fps? Was going to try to run the game at 30 because I've read conflicting reports about the fucked up 60fps problems:

1. Increased weapon durability degradation (confirmed)
2. Some enemies' attack patterns faster (confirmed)

But the other ones I'm more interested in want to test and play around with myself

3. Shorter parry window
4. Shorter roll invulnerability window
5. Shorter special command window (harder to pull off guard break / leaping attacks)

So my question is what settings should I change in the config file in Gedosato to get it to work (I'm running an R9 280x):

Do I have to change both of those top two settings to 30? And should I change the vsync settings at all.

And finally, do I have to make any other changes in AMD Catalyst Control Center or MSI Afterburning to get everything working right
If you run the game at 60fps normally then you should be ok with just changing presentInterval to 2


Is there a problem with the new nvidia driver? The settings I used so far were perfectly stable 60FPS. With the new driver I get huge framerate drops and stuttering with SSAO enabled. Without it it's fine.
Is there a problem with the new nvidia driver? The settings I used so far were perfectly stable 60FPS. With the new driver I get huge framerate drops and stuttering with SSAO enabled. Without it it's fine.

Do you have an SLI setup? If so, the new SLI profile has massive frame drops at certain locations, similar to some of the other compatibility bits people were trying out before there was an official profile. If not, no idea. I updated and it's fine.


Neo Member
Has anyone tested downsampling dota2 with gedosato?

I tried yesterday and apparently it doesn't work, at least for me..
when i got in game my mouse cursor disappears and it cannot give any command.
I dont like to downsample by nvidia with this game cause it reduces the whole interface and makes the mouse so tiny
Is there a problem with the new nvidia driver? The settings I used so far were perfectly stable 60FPS. With the new driver I get huge framerate drops and stuttering with SSAO enabled. Without it it's fine.

That is caused by using the the downsampling option. Not because of SSAO.

To enable SLI, you cannot downsample with GeDoSaTo. You have to downsample with your monitor settings, and then use the other featuers of GeDoSaTo.

That is what I am forcfed to do for example.
That is caused by using the the downsampling option. Not because of SSAO.

To enable SLI, you cannot downsample with GeDoSaTo. You have to downsample with your monitor settings, and then use the other featuers of GeDoSaTo.

That is what I am forcfed to do for example.
Not true. The new SLi profile in recent drivers allows you to use GeDoSaTo just fine. I do it all the time.


Low Poly Gynecologist
Alright I've got a wicked weird bug, and if anyone can help me out I'd appreciate it.

It seems like my presentHz option does nothing, and it seems like Dark Souls doesn't much care for my reportedHz option.

I have a 120hz monitor.

When I set reported hz to 60, everything launches full screen fine.

When I set reported hz to 120, or basically anything except 60, the game just launches windowed at whatever resolution it was last set at, but in game, the resolution says whatever the GeDoSaTo one I've set is, and in game it also says that it's in full screen.

I have no idea what's going on with it, but I've had this issue since launch and it's super messed.

Changing Present Hz doesn't seem to have any effect on the issue. Setting the resolution to something like 1920x1080, or any of my other listed options does not fix it either.

Any help?



Well, this makes perfect sense. DS2 doesn't like 120Hz, so if you don't set reportedHz to 60 the resolution will not exist for DS2. Then the game's fallback engages and launches the game in 1280x720 windowed.

presentHz absolutely should do something though, it will set the Hz of the actual resolution GeDoSaTo selects as a target.


Low Poly Gynecologist
Well, this makes perfect sense. DS2 doesn't like 120Hz, so if you don't set reportedHz to 60 the resolution will not exist for DS2. Then the game's fallback engages and launches the game in 1280x720 windowed.

presentHz absolutely should do something though, it will set the Hz of the actual resolution GeDoSaTo selects as a target.

It's not rendering in a 1280x720 window though, it's rendering in a 1600x900 window (which was the last windowed setting I used), and the game does still say it's rendering in full screen at the selected resolution. Even selecting a non-GeDoSaTo resolution, it stays in this windowed mode while saying it's in Full screen.

That doesn't seem to be the case in practice.

Here is a test I did with Lego Marvel.

# Graphics settings

# The actual rendering resolution you want to use,
# and how many Hz you want the game to think it works at.
#renderWidth 5120
#renderHeight 2880
#renderWidth 3840
#renderHeight 2160
#renderWidth 2400
#renderHeight 1350
renderWidth 3200
renderHeight 1800
#renderWidth 2560
#renderHeight 1440
#renderWidth 1616
#renderHeight 909
reportedHz 60

# The resolution you want to downsample *to*.
# Should generally always be your output device pixel size and frequency.
# Writing something not supported by the display here will probably cause a crash.
#presentWidth 2560
#presentHeight 1440
presentWidth 1920
presentHeight 1080
presentHz 60

# How many vertical traces to wait when presenting
# -1 = unchanged
# 0 = no vsync
# 1 = standard vsync
# 2 = half refresh rate (e.g. 30 on 60 Hz)
# 3 = 1/3rd refresh rate, etc.
presentInterval 1

Also, when looking at it, it is definitely, absolutely rendering at 120fps when fraps is saying 120fps.


It's not rendering in a 1280x720 window though, it's rendering in a 1600x900 window (which was the last windowed setting I used), and the game does still say it's rendering in full screen at the selected resolution. Even selecting a non-GeDoSaTo resolution, it stays in this windowed mode while saying it's in Full screen.

That doesn't seem to be the case in practice.

Here is a test I did with Lego Marvel.

# Graphics settings

# The actual rendering resolution you want to use,
# and how many Hz you want the game to think it works at.
#renderWidth 5120
#renderHeight 2880
#renderWidth 3840
#renderHeight 2160
#renderWidth 2400
#renderHeight 1350
renderWidth 3200
renderHeight 1800
#renderWidth 2560
#renderHeight 1440
#renderWidth 1616
#renderHeight 909
reportedHz 60

# The resolution you want to downsample *to*.
# Should generally always be your output device pixel size and frequency.
# Writing something not supported by the display here will probably cause a crash.
#presentWidth 2560
#presentHeight 1440
presentWidth 1920
presentHeight 1080
presentHz 60

# How many vertical traces to wait when presenting
# -1 = unchanged
# 0 = no vsync
# 1 = standard vsync
# 2 = half refresh rate (e.g. 30 on 60 Hz)
# 3 = 1/3rd refresh rate, etc.
presentInterval 1

Also, when looking at it, it is definitely, absolutely rendering at 120fps when fraps is saying 120fps.
Are you sure you are not using some driver-level "enforce highest refresh" switch or something like that?
Ehmmm, are you sure?

It does not do that for me at all, in fact, the game chuggs completely with those bits around the majula sink hole as well as else where.

SLI still working great with GeDoSaTo downsampling for me! Not with the official compatibility bit however, it has massive frame drops as you said. I'm still able to use 0x02506405 with no issues though.
SLI still working great with GeDoSaTo downsampling for me! Not with the official compatibility bit however, it has massive frame drops as you said. I'm still able to use 0x02506405 with no issues though.

This breaks the lighting:
0x02506405 (your bits from Crysis)


0x02400405 (Payday: The Heist, Grand Ages: Rome, Aion, Grand Ages: Rome(Demo), Warframe)

Notice how the aobve image has broken white balance/HDR and everything is washed out. Particularly notice how the ground unifies to a flat white where the sun hits it (basically looks like LDR lighting) and how the ambient occlusion is so washed out that it barely shows up.


That is caused by using the the downsampling option. Not because of SSAO.

To enable SLI, you cannot downsample with GeDoSaTo. You have to downsample with your monitor settings, and then use the other featuers of GeDoSaTo.

That is what I am forcfed to do for example.

I'm not having a SLI setup, 660TI here. The latest Nividia driver is just fucked. It costs me up to 20 frames in the SAME scene.


Probably more than 20FPS, since I get rock stable 60FPS with 337.50 in DS2. With the latest WHQL I'm down to 37FPS in the same scene. I don't think it's a DS2 issue. I always had issues in f.e. Sonic Generations. I'm now back to 337.50 and I will stay there. Weird. What's going on with Nividia?
This breaks the lighting:
0x02506405 (your bits from Crysis)


0x02400405 (Payday: The Heist, Grand Ages: Rome, Aion, Grand Ages: Rome(Demo), Warframe)

Notice how the aobve image has broken white balance/HDR and everything is washed out. Particularly notice how the ground unifies to a flat white where the sun hits it (basically looks like LDR lighting) and how the ambient occlusion is so washed out that it barely shows up.

I already addressed this a few pages ago. I do not have that problem.

As promised,

SLI on:

SLI off:

nVidia Inspector settings:

As you can see, the only thing I changed is the SLI bit.


This is an odd question, but would it be possible to use this, or something like this, to fix the map problem in The Saboteur? I love that game, and hate that it never had a chance to be patched because EA shut down its developer.

The issue is that the game renders just fine at any resolution, but its map gets "off" at anything higher than 1280xanything... So, basically, the map opens, but all of the icons and whatnot are no longer in the right place, making it useless. I was just wondering if it's something that could possibly be fixed.


This is an odd question, but would it be possible to use this, or something like this, to fix the map problem in The Saboteur? I love that game, and hate that it never had a chance to be patched because EA shut down its developer.

The issue is that the game renders just fine at any resolution, but its map gets "off" at anything higher than 1280xanything... So, basically, the map opens, but all of the icons and whatnot are no longer in the right place, making it useless. I was just wondering if it's something that could possibly be fixed.

I'm no expert, but I imagine something like that could be possible in the long run with the plugin system, since it would need game specific code.


First Beta release!

Generic AA & postprocessing Plugin!
Tool GUI overhaul!
Performance monitoring!



This is an odd question, but would it be possible to use this, or something like this, to fix the map problem in The Saboteur? I love that game, and hate that it never had a chance to be patched because EA shut down its developer.

The issue is that the game renders just fine at any resolution, but its map gets "off" at anything higher than 1280xanything... So, basically, the map opens, but all of the icons and whatnot are no longer in the right place, making it useless. I was just wondering if it's something that could possibly be fixed.
Anyone with the game, sufficient motivation and some time could probably write a game plugin to fix that. As soon as I release the source, which should be no more than a week from now.


Anyone with the game, sufficient motivation and some time could probably write a game plugin to fix that. As soon as I release the source, which should be no more than a week from now.

That would be amazing. All of this is amazing, really. Awesome stuff, Durante.
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