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GeDoSaTo - Downsampling from Infinity and Beyond!


[Asmodean];112390942 said:
Thanks for the update. The HDR bloom looks great, performs well too. Nice one for noticing the AO depth sampler was on aniso/linear instead of point. Point looks much nicer on distant stuff :)

For anyone asking about my post effects etc. It would be nice if people used the options provided(there's like a page of options with descriptions for each one). If they're not satisfied with the default setup lol.

I just took a few minutes to change a few of the settings as a simple example of customizing the shader. In the screenshot example I changed around 4 settings to make it look more like the default sweetfx stuff that was there already.

There are enough options provided, to be able to change any aspect of each effect's output for customization.

asmodean: default settings

durante: default settings

asmodean: example modified options to look similar to above

example options used for above

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with the alternative settings. It might just be what I had been looking for all along. :)
Fuck me, amazing work on the HDR durante, well done man.

Also for people who might not know, you can significantly decrease the HBAO artefacting by using the TF2 Profile i found.


The point at which you have any aa besides fxaa to use, it's time to toss fxaa overboard.

Another thing I disagree with.

With downsampling in the mix, FXAA can help smooth out edges that would otherwise be left behind by other methods. And the downsampling (If by large enough factor), 9 out of 10 times negates any ill side effects you'd get like using MSAA+FXAA at native resolution.
(Such as in CS:GO)

I'll use this as an example.

Which one is using FXAA at some point?



Low Poly Gynecologist
Another thing I disagree with.

With downsampling in the mix, FXAA can help smooth out edges that would otherwise be left behind by other methods. And the downsampling (If by large enough factor), 9 out of 10 times negates any ill side effects you'd get like using MSAA+FXAA at native resolution.
(Such as in CS:GO)

I'll use this as an example.

Which one is using FXAA at some point?


The second one!


Quick--and probably silly--question: with the new HDR Bloom option in the .ini, can you now disable the old HDR/Bloom options in the post.fx file? I would check but don't have a chance. And Durante: thanks for all your continued hard work.


Another thing I disagree with.

With downsampling in the mix, FXAA can help smooth out edges that would otherwise be left behind by other methods. And the downsampling (If by large enough factor), 9 out of 10 times negates any ill side effects you'd get like using MSAA+FXAA at native resolution.
(Such as in CS:GO)[/url]

Ultimately I'd rather have absolutely no AA and have the more proper image rather than fxaa and suffer all the detail loss. The end result is meaningless if the effect is essentially taking a blur tool in photoshop and indiscriminately going around all edges. If a frame is being rendered and an effect is coming in after the fact to 'touch it up', you've already lost me. It's as bizarre as people preferring filtered textures in sprite based games.

Of course there's no aliasing, it's just coated this entire flat surface with vaseline. Goodbye textures

Awesome work Durante and Asmodean! thank you very much. New bloom effect is really
nice and very welcome specially in sunny maps, it adds atmosphere to the game.

I really appreciate your work, Durante. I've been using GeDoSaTo with Dark Souls 2 since you made it available.

Now, it might just be me, but I get blotchy and pixelated SSAO in Alpha5 compared to Alpha4 with identical SSAO settings in both .ini files: SSAO strength 2, SSAO scaling 1. No downsampling used in either version.

SSAO in alpha4: http://abload.de/img/alpha4_ssaoktynz.png
SSAO in alpha5: http://abload.de/img/alpha5_ssaowsist.png

It's especially noticeable on her arm and chest.

Apologies if this is an issue you're already aware of.

Yep, I noticed the exactly the same.

Loving the new bloom settings, however combined with DoF it makes the trees at huntsman copse look quite funny. Other than changing aa quality to 4, all default settings with GeDoSaTo.

Try to lower dofBaseRadius.


Anyone else getting some stuttering when downsampling with the latest GeDoSaTo (Dark Souls 2).

FRAPS reports a constant 60 fps, but i see some pretty major stuttering at points.
And yes it stutter also when FRAPS is off, obviously.

I only downsample from 1600p to 1200p so i think that, even with Bokeh DoF, my 780 should be able to handle it (?).
I'll try and disable the DoF later and see if it still stutters, but i was wondering if i was the only one with this problem.


The SSAO thing is a bit of a tradeoff between sharpness (and thus, how well defined small features are) and noise. I'll try to experiment a bit to improve that without reducing the detail. I guess I could also run FXAA on the AO buffer :p
The SSAO thing is a bit of a tradeoff between sharpness (and thus, how well defined small features are) and noise. I'll try to experiment a bit to improve that without reducing the detail. I guess I could also run FXAA on the AO buffer :p

FXAA proves its worth. Finally.

Quick--and probably silly--question: with the new HDR Bloom option in the .ini, can you now disable the old HDR/Bloom options in the post.fx file? I would check but don't have a chance. And Durante: thanks for all your continued hard work.

Good question!


Durante, since you enabled srgb for the frameSampler in the vssao. Do you think SRGBWrite should be enabled for the combine pass?. I'm just updating my version with some of your latest changes.


I highly disagree. The in game FXAA + Downsampling = extremely smooth edges.
PLUS< you *can* use MSAA and TrSSAA in Syndicate. That + Downsampling+built in FXAA results in some amazing IQ

Also: The game is designed around having that input lag in the first place due to DART implant kind. It doesn't really get to normal levels unless you have like 90+FPS.

There's input lag, but the downsampling through drivers introduces MORE input lag, making it unplayable unless I turn vsync off, which isn't ever happening.


Just updated the VSSAO to 0.5. You can get it here.

I also uploaded the HDR bloom with some modified settings, when used with my postfx suite. I just tweaked the settings. For people who don't feel comfortable doing it themselves. You can get that here.

As a bonus, for any who may want them. I also added my transparent textures. To remove some of the (imo) more annoying ring aura effects. There were some textures up on nexus that were supposed to do this, but I found that those only removed half the effect - the lines, but it left the particles. These ring auras annoy me so much, I refused to wear the Cloranthy ring until I removed them >.<

You can get that here. Just pop it into your 'Dark Souls II\Game\textures' folder. I already have the additional folders required, in the archive, and ensure you've got 'enableTextureOverride' to true in your GeDoSaTo.ini.

examples of the ring effect removals below;
without transparent textures

with ds nexus textures

with full transparent textures

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
since ive downloaded the new version dark souls 2 crashes on load up just get white screen ):

issue solved its cos borderless fullscreen was forced in new ini since setting to false game loads


Has anyone tried any other games that use GFWL?

With Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City, the overlay only shows up with the GFWL home menu, but the resolution option does show up in the game. Selecting it and using it however just leads to a black screen.

There's input lag, but the downsampling through drivers introduces MORE input lag, making it unplayable unless I turn vsync off, which isn't ever happening.

I've played through the game with 2x2 downsampling at 30FPS and the input lag was the same as 30FPS at native. So /shrug


The second one!

I'd like to make this clear to everyone that the more "Blurry" picture. Sample "B"
Is actually 8xSGSSAA by itself.

Sample A is 2x2 +4xMSAA + FXAA

Oh but FXAA is so turrible and blurry and doesn't work! Says everyone.

Please, actually listen to and understand what I am saying. (Not directing this to anyone specific. But in general)

This is not about using FXAA at *NATIVE* resolution. Which results in exactly what everyone is talking about and the pictures from this http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=112424608&postcount=1273

These are NOT the same things.

At a high resolution the amount of blur is basically non existent, and any blurring that does remain pretty much doesn't exist post-resolve after downsampling.

I'll try spelling it out clear again with examples that prove my point.

Viking Battle for Asgard http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/75333

2x2 downsampling by itself vs 2x2 downsampling + FXAA , 2nd set of pictures are blown up 200% by Bisharp to make the differences clearer.

Bionic Commando Rearmed http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/75337

Same setup.


Taking every opportunity to educate everyone on the super duper superiority of downsampling+FXAA, no matter the thread, no matter the forums.


When SSAO is enabled in v5 i get black everywhere on a mobile chipset. I have a gt 750m.

Is there a way to bring the ssao from older version into the new version?
[Asmodean];112491334 said:
Hmm, is the one you tried from the nexus "no regen buff effect"? That's the one I put up back when the game first released, and I definitely made both the lines and particles fully transparent. Unless something with the game/GeDoSaTo changed it should have completely gotten rid of the effect. I only did the stamina/regen effect though, no other rings as I've barely played the PC version.

Word of caution though, I got reports that doing this ALSO removes the
fireflies that appear over enemies in shrine of amana


I'd also like to report that Resident Evil Revelations isn't working either.

The game by default only supports up to 1440p. Using the resolution replacer causes that resolution to disappear and not be selectable. Even if you replace the resolution you last started the game with (ie :1920x1080). It will just move to the next available resolution instead.


Taking every opportunity to educate everyone on the super duper superiority of downsampling+FXAA, no matter the thread, no matter the forums.

If you want to remain willfully blind to the objective facts of the matter.


Also, being a sarcastic asshole. It really makes you look cool man. As well, insults in a thread about a tool that at it's basic level is about improving AA and IQ for games? Say it ain't so doc!


Hmm, is the one you tried from the nexus "no regen buff effect"? That's the one I put up back when the game first released, and I definitely made both the lines and particles fully transparent. Unless something with the game/GeDoSaTo changed it should have completely gotten rid of the effect. I only did the stamina/regen effect though, no other rings as I've barely played the PC version.

Word of caution though, I got reports that doing this ALSO removes the
fireflies that appear over enemies in shrine of amana

I've a speculation as to why this may have happened. When I got the game, I opened 'sfx/sfx9999res.ffxbnd' & 'sfx_hq/sfx9999hqres.ffxbnd' in a hex editor, and noticed that their filebase addresses were the same - so I figured that the 'hq' one was simply a higher quality version of the same effects. So I made a backup of them both, and replaced the regular one with the hq one. (copied the hq version - changed the copy's name to match the Lq one and pasted it into sfx)

Lending to the reason I found the particles-part of the ring effect so much of a pain in the arse to find, was because it was a different size to the other part of the ring effects (512x512, instead of 256x256) - and also the particles one is a shared texture for multiple things.

So it might not have worked because I was using a higher res texture version of the effect.

#Edit: I just tested it. I put back in the original lq sfx file as a test, and the nexus textures remove both parts of the effect, without the addition transparent texture. So it was in fact because I'm using a higher quality one, lol who'd of though.


The SSAO thing is a bit of a tradeoff between sharpness (and thus, how well defined small features are) and noise. I'll try to experiment a bit to improve that without reducing the detail. I guess I could also run FXAA on the AO buffer :p

Is there any way to make the game look less grainy in general?


Low Poly Gynecologist
I'd like to make this clear to everyone that the more "Blurry" picture. Sample "B"
Is actually 8xSGSSAA by itself.

Sample A is 2x2 +4xMSAA + FXAA

Oh but FXAA is so turrible and blurry and doesn't work! Says everyone.

Please, actually listen to and understand what I am saying. (Not directing this to anyone specific. But in general)

This is not about using FXAA at *NATIVE* resolution. Which results in exactly what everyone is talking about and the pictures from this http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=112424608&postcount=1273

These are NOT the same things.

At a high resolution the amount of blur is basically non existent, and any blurring that does remain pretty much doesn't exist post-resolve after downsampling.

I'll try spelling it out clear again with examples that prove my point.

Viking Battle for Asgard http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/75333

2x2 downsampling by itself vs 2x2 downsampling + FXAA , 2nd set of pictures are blown up 200% by Bisharp to make the differences clearer.

Bionic Commando Rearmed http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/75337

Same setup.

You tricked me!

But to be fair, they were both blurry!

FXAA with downsampling can be great!
Whoa, the SSAO is doing something funky in this new version:



I haven't gone back to 0.4 to test it but I'm almost certain it didn't look like that.

Also, the DoF defaults to off every time I start the game despite having it set to "true" in the ini file.


Durante i have this problem with gedosato, radeon pro crash when is activated, but it's not in the whitelist! And i must reboot to get it working again, because it tell me that app profile is already started, if i try to re open. And it doesn't work properly if relaunched. Same for flash player plugin in firefox and windows live mail. Only with gedosato activated with whitelist option selected i have this problem :/
Durante i have this problem with gedosato, radeon pro crash when is activated, but it's not in the whitelist! And i must reboot to get it working again, because it tell me that app profile is already started, if i try to re open. And it doesn't work properly if relaunched. Same for flash player plugin in firefox and windows live mail. Only with gedosato activated with whitelist option selected i have this problem :/

Radeon Pro is probably simultaenously conflicting with GeDoSaTo. This happens.

Just turn it off.


Low Poly Gynecologist


Seriously, GeDoSaTo 0.5 has completely saved dark souls 2 for me.

Before i found the game bland, lacking in saturation and overall just felt very flat throughout.

But, with all the options on it looks fantastic, and i have been going through a fancy screenshot bender with it. http://imgur.com/a/Pdk66

My only request durante, if it is possible. Is there any way to be able to toggle DOF modes and/or values while in game? i am constantly exiting to adjust the BOKEH settings for screens and jumping back in, and it would put this way over the top if i could swap between 3 intensities while in game.

Just a quality of life thought, honestly.
Seriously, GeDoSaTo 0.5 has completely saved dark souls 2 for me.

Before i found the game bland, lacking in saturation and overall just felt very flat throughout.

But, with all the options on it looks fantastic, and i have been going through a fancy screenshot bender with it. http://imgur.com/a/Pdk66

My only request durante, if it is possible. Is there any way to be able to toggle DOF modes and/or values while in game? i am constantly exiting to adjust the BOKEH settings for screens and jumping back in, and it would put this way over the top if i could swap between 3 intensities while in game.

Just a quality of life thought, honestly.

I mentioned this to Durante once before and he thought the idea would be cool. That does not mean of course that he is deving it,. but he definitely knows about it!


Well, lets be realistic and admit Trenched probably isnt the best to showcase the downsides of fxaa, like blurring highly detailed sections

Trenched? You mean Iron Brigade? Why call it by the old name?

Either way,sure, FXAA probably *would* blur highly detailed sections at native res. (Considering the game's only built in AA is FXAA)

But once the downsampled buffer is resolved, any blur is non existent.

It's no different than using SMAA.

Again, Bionic Commando
1800p with SMAA downsampled http://i3.minus.com/iby4hAFkXFPJKq.png
1800p with FXAA downsampled http://i3.minus.com/ibzOAp2kJ7wKIk.png

There is literally almost 0 difference in IQ/AA in these images other than SMAA handles diagonals better in the form of the power lines in the upper part of the image. (And some difference on the main character)


I mentioned this to Durante once before and he thought the idea would be cool. That does not mean of course that he is deving it,. but he definitely knows about it!

That's awesome, basically it has turned dark souls 2 into a vehicle for screenshots for me. Now if only there was a good free camera function.


I'm aware of the SSAO issues, and those will be fixed in the next version. (That will have 2 options for SSAO smoothing - the 0.4 and earlier one and a more expensive one which keeps the improvements from 0.5 without the artifacts)

As for more configurability during gameplay, I've heard these requests, and I would like to do something about it, but that's more of a long-term plan.
Durante, I remember you responded to the suggestion of adding the option to remove the ambient lighting in the game like the ENBs can in the old DS2 PC thread, but I forget what you said. Is that something that's possible for the future? I greatly prefer your mod's overall look to ENB, but that feature is quite enticing even if it's not great in all areas of the game.


It's not impossible or particularly hard, I just don't think that removing the ambient light without adding a lot of new light sources in almost the entire game makes much sense. The areas were clearly designed for there to be some ambient light - and honestly, with my default settings in GeDoSaTo I almost never felt it was "too bright", throughout the whole game.
It's not impossible or particularly hard, I just don't think that removing the ambient light without adding a lot of new light sources in almost the entire game makes much sense. The areas were clearly designed for there to be some ambient light - and honestly, with my default settings in GeDoSaTo I almost never felt it was "too bright", throughout the whole game.

Gotcha. Would being able to reduce it by a user-defined % not be beneficial in any way either? Not getting rid of it altogether but reducing it by 50% or something. Is that even possible?


Radeon Pro is probably simultaenously conflicting with GeDoSaTo. This happens.

Just turn it off.

i can't, radeon pro manage automatically the high power mode for my gpu, without it i can't overlclock and is tedious to enable everytime in ccc this feature just to play dd2 :/
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