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GeDoSaTo - Downsampling from Infinity and Beyond!


The dithering is not placebo, but as with all dithering it only works when you dither from a higher bit depth to a lower.

Thus it's currently only useful to prevent the color grading shaders and the vignette shader from creating additional banding - this however it's very effective for.

My new filmgrain shader can also be used to dither, and if you use strong enough settings it can also help hide the banding in the original game image but it cannot remove it.

To do that you would have to either smoothen the image with maybe a good bilateral filter or an anisotropic smoothing filter, and only smoothen the weak details so you don't touch the stronger details because those aren't banding.
Then you can dither the result to do debanding.

For reshade we are also hoping that it will be possible to force the games to render in R10G10B10A2 or R11G11B10, from which we can then dither to 8 , 7 or 6 bit depending on what kind of monitor the user has.

Technically we can still with the current shader dither from the games 8 bit to 7 or 6 bit, because TN monitors display in 6bit, but those monitors also have their own dithering so dithering to 6bit is usually only best for crappy 6bit monitors .. more decent TN panel monitors will look best with a dither for 7 or 8 bit.
Also 1 additional bit in my experience is not enough to make banding go away, it only lessens it - you need a least 2 bit extra to get a nice dither.

Dithering in SweetFX is now also done in the Ascii shader where it helps a lot , though I've found that I need to retune it for the ascii effect. The current dithering I'm using there works fairly well but I think I can do better. Right now though I'm busy with other stuff though.

Hey, c'mon now. I really need to be more careful with the whole perceiving text stuff as literal. What I meant was - adding conventional, external PP dithering isn't going to magically resolve banding of the game itself (prime example is skybox compression).
It's only going to help with banding introduced with other post effects preceding the dither. As I also mentioned.

What you're describing above sounds interesting, though. I can see it working. Saying that - there's a difference between "resolving" the various banding types, and simply masking them, with the effect.

I like the idea of shifting RT bits from alpha to rgb. I've had some stuff along the same lines as this, that I've been experimenting with previously, to overcome/work around other 'issues'. I get bored quickly though, with little motivation working alone on stuff. When it takes too long with little results. I typically move on. (until I get the itch to check it out again) =)


Mouse settings could possibly help. just turn them on and see if anything causes a change.

It's only six settings so it shouldn't take too long to find one that fixes it, if one will

Setting them all to true took care of the turning issue for me, though the game still goes weird if I go above 3840x2160


Neo Member
Your mention of the new filmgrain shader reminded me of an artefact issue I've been seeing while using this in SweetFX: v2.0 Preview 7. I've been trying to knock down the banding in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor with the use of film grain and for the most part it works extremely well, especially when coupled with large downsampling.

I have noticed this strange diagonal line artefact that crops up in some shots but not all. Any idea what might be causing this? I am switching between different resolutions and aspect ratios regularly though, would this be the cause?

Example crops from 3600x4800 images. With, and without, grain applied.

I think I have an idea why it might be happening.

The random number generator is tweaked for a certain range .. and I've never gone beyond the 1680 x 1050 range that my monitor has .. so maybe in these ultra high resolutions there might be a problem.

What exact settings and resolutions do you see this with?
And what GPU do you have? This is important because the random number generator I use does not produce the exact same output on both AMD and Nvidia hardware.


I have an NVidia GTX 970 and was seeing it with a number of ~18MP image sizes (3600x4800 and 6400x2700). Actually, looking back through my folder I find that these are the only shots that seem to have the problem, all of the 5648x3177 images show the grain correctly. This is the same aspect ratio (16:9) as my native desktop.

I'll try some smaller resolutions in all three AR's and see what the results are as well.
	color.xyz = GetLinearDepth(tex2D(SamplerDepth, IN.txcoord.xy).x));

I have an upside down depthbuffer, this is the code in the ReShade.fx file... not gedosato, but I figured maybe one of you know how to do this. Can I add something to that code to make it display correctly? I can make it rotate once by 90 degree by changing xy at the end, but not more than that.


This has probably something to do with it.


Low Poly Gynecologist
	color.xyz = GetLinearDepth(tex2D(SamplerDepth, IN.txcoord.xy).x));

I have an upside down depthbuffer, this is the code in the ReShade.fx file... not gedosato, but I figured maybe one of you know how to do this. Can I add something to that code to make it display correctly? I can make it rotate once by 90 degree by changing xy at the end, but not more than that.


This has probably something to do with it.

I imagine you'd just get the opposite of the y value, the one on the other side. So something like *screen height* - y.

so with a 1920 tall screen, the top line at y=0 would map to the bottom line at 1920, line at 5 to 1915, etc etc


Neo Member
We are working on finding the best workaround for flipping the depth buffer back.

I think for the next beta of SweetFX I will implement a simple workaround - create a prepass that flips the depthbuffer.

The faster solution would be to flip the y-coordinates in the shaders that use the depth buffer .. the problem comes when a shader uses both AND requires them to be passed from the vertex shader in order to allow dynamic branching.

SMAA does this. Which means I need to either double the amount of vertices it calculates and passes and thus have two sets of coordinates passes - or find a creative solution.

I have a creative solution in mind but it requires a lot of testing and double checking to make sure I don't break anything.

Basically my idea is to turn the coordinates negative and sample from the game texture using MIRROR and sample from the depth texture using REPEAT

There is also a risk that it might cause problems, in which case I probably will have to find another way.
I didn't know in detail what problems this can cause, thanks CeeJay.dk. I hope you find a solution and share it with Crosire and Marty.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I'm having a weird problem right now, where Gedosato won't start. When I "update" it, it starts fine but after closing it I can't start it again. I just starts as a background process and I can't do anything with it.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
[Asmodean];157182973 said:
If it's in the program files folder, move it out of there. I keep mine in the public/games folder.

No, I have it in my games folder as well.
Sometimes when I start it I get a "Old registry entries for somethingsomething found and cleared. Please make sure to close Gedosato properly"
and sometimes it works when I run a compability test.


Junior Member
I am having the exact same issue, can only start once. After closing down a restart will lead to the program being 100% stuck. Can't even end it using the task manager.
Cold hard reboot is the only way.


Seriously cannot get a ps hash working for Pillars of Eternity. I could get effects outputting before menu elements, etc. But, it resets randomly when entering/exiting some buildings and areas. Then shows no effects. I've tried a pethora of different ones to try find a work around. (at one stage I had effects only outputting on the fog of war, or only one 2d, or 3d, etc lol)

Sigh, I give up trying with this game lol. Prob gonna roll without any. Heavy text based game like this, you wouldn't want it affecting the menus. Too bad, because the post processing looked nice for blending the 2d/3d components together better.


[Asmodean];157909240 said:
Seriously cannot get a ps hash working for Pillars of Eternity. I could get effects outputting before menu elements, etc. But, it resets randomly when entering/exiting some buildings and areas. Then shows no effects. I've tried a pethora of different ones to try find a work around.

Sigh, I give up trying with this game lol. Prob gonna roll without any. Heavy text based game like this, you wouldn't want it affecting the menus.

Just press ctrl+h :eek:

Sometimes people actually use those hashes for more than just hiding the hud. You know, the original point of that hash was to apply post processing without affecting the HUD, which is exactly what Asmo is trying to do :p


[Asmodean];157911160 said:
I don't get it. What does hiding the hud have anything to do with what I said? ;p

Sometimes people actually use those hashes for more than just hiding the hud. You know, the original point of that hash was to apply post processing without affecting the HUD, which is exactly what Asmo is trying to do :p

You know what? I'm a completely idiot with this kind of thing so I tend to erase the features that i'm unable to use, in my world the hash is only another hide hud features and nothing else. Clearly the art of rereading a post isn't in me cuz is clear that he was referring to post process.
Sorry guys :(


For whatever reason I can't get gedosato to actually down-sample Pillars of Eternity.

In the end it always reverts back to 1920x1080, regardless of being set to 3840x2160. There is also no message from gedosato referencing it doing any down-sampling.

I'm running an AMD 7970.

Anyone have a solution?
For whatever reason I can't get gedosato to actually down-sample Pillars of Eternity.

In the end it always reverts back to 1920x1080, regardless of being set to 3840x2160. There is also no message from gedosato referencing it doing any down-sampling.

I'm running an AMD 7970.

Anyone have a solution?

I have the same problem.
I'm on 7870 Ghz edition.


For whatever reason I can't get gedosato to actually down-sample Pillars of Eternity.

In the end it always reverts back to 1920x1080, regardless of being set to 3840x2160. There is also no message from gedosato referencing it doing any down-sampling.

I'm running an AMD 7970.

Anyone have a solution?

Try with this config:

# Lines starting with "#" are ignored by GeDoSaTo and used to provide documentation
# read them before changing anything!

# Pillars of Eternity

renderResolution 3840x2160@60
scalingType lanczos
forceAlwaysDownsamplingRes true
modifyGetCursorPos true


Try with this config:

Thank you, it worked.

Durante also mentioned a console command to increase zoom.

setZoomRange 0.5 100

It seems to accept the command, as there is no error, but the level of zoom remains the same.

Edit: Ah, tried 0.25 and it worked fine. Disregard. Thanks again.


@Durante, just wondering if you'd know the reasoning behind this; (because I'm a stubborn fool, I said I'd give getting a ps hash for this to work, another bash.)

Two RT screenshots of the game below, with the ps hash. Ignore the blurring. I had a gaussian filter running for testing the hash.

The first one is when you initially load up the game. It outputs correctly, at the correct framebuffer dimensions/orientation, and the effects are shown in-game, before the hud etc.

The second is after enter and exiting (in this case) a building, and it stops outputting the effects in-game. But, the same happens after entering/exiting an area a few times also. The FB has gone from 2560x1440, to 1280x720, and it has been flipped.

Above is just an example. Sometimes it will have the 2d backgrounds, but no 3d elements shown. The frame dump also shows some funky shit happening during the frame.

Is is just Unity in general, or this particular game?


[Asmodean];158617039 said:
Is is just Unity in general, or this particular game?

I'm not Durante, but when I tried to grab a phash for Republique Remastered, the framedumps showed that its framebuffer was upside down until the hud was added, among some other strange looking things. It's a Unity game as well, Unity 5 I think.


Thanks for the input, man. I guess it's the engine then. It's not exclusive to being upside down, though. Sometimes when it messes up, it shows only the 2d backgrounds, or the shadow buffer, or such lol. It's mental.


Hey guys, I'm getting a white screen using Gedosato now that I've updated it. I tried closing and restarting and redoing the settings in my ini file, but I still get a white screen with the message that Gedosato is downsampling.

Does anyone know a solution for this? I wonder if this has to do with my using Lanczos filtering?


Yeah, I remember getting that with Lanczos. I forget the conditions specifically that caused it, but it went away when I switched to bicubic.


Now for whatever reason, depth of field is no longer working. I don't see any depth of field effect even though it's set to true in Gedosato. It's been so long since I played DS2 lol. I haven't actually played through the DLCs yet.


Having this weird issue with Pillars of Eternity. I'm not sure if it was the game update or the gedo update that did it, but now only one of my custom resolutions shows up in-game, it tells me it's downsampling twice (up the top left when I start the game) and it's all letter boxed and I can't zoom in, in-game.

My monitor is 16:10 btw. I've tried a whole lot of different stuff (including the solution from the post above me) with no luck.

Also, anyone know a list of 16:10 resolutions to downsample from?


Since it's not on the list and I don't have it installed, could someone try if GeDoSaTo works for the original Guild Wars? I'm looking to get back there get some nice shots of all the awesome environment designs, but it'd be shame to download it and get my account pw back just to find out it doesn't work.


Since it's not on the list and I don't have it installed, could someone try if GeDoSaTo works for the original Guild Wars? I'm looking to get back there get some nice shots of all the awesome environment designs, but it'd be shame to download it and get my account pw back just to find out it doesn't work.

It works on guild wars 2, which means it should work on the original BUT it's going to scale the UI (probably) which means in many cases it's not going to be super useful.

Edit: Oh, for screenshots I guess that wouldn't matter.


It works on guild wars 2, which means it should work on the original BUT it's going to scale the UI (probably) which means in many cases it's not going to be super useful.

Edit: Oh, for screenshots I guess that wouldn't matter.
Well the engine is quite different, but I started downloading it, I'll try to test it out soon (GTA V will take most time, though) and report whether it works.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I got excited because I thought forcing AF might work with The Witcher 2, given the weirdness of RedEngine 2 makes it nigh impossible to enable. Alas, broken textures :(
I got excited because I thought forcing AF might work with The Witcher 2, given the weirdness of RedEngine 2 makes it nigh impossible to enable. Alas, broken textures :(

I could have sworn that the last time I played Witcher 2 I just forced AF through Nvidia Inspector and it worked fine.


Na, it doesn't work with The Witcher 2. The driver can tell it won't work, and doesn't even attempt to force it. GeDo ofc doesn't have this check, and so it'll try use it.

Iirc, it seemed like, the unusual texture addressing on certain textures in the game prevents it from working properly. They get incorrectly clamped.

Some people think that AF gets used when you enable Ubersampling, but it's actually not AF, it's just the rendering samples, and downsampling increasing the quality, still not AF.

I'm hoping they've sorting this with RE 3. With all the tech going into The Witcher 3. I'm actually gonna facepalm if it's missing a simple thing like AF lol.


Neo Member
I see mention of some people having problems with Divinity 2 (Ego Draconis or Dragon Knight Saga or Developer's Cut, seems to make no difference). Specifically, the mouse being relegated to the top left 1920x1080 of the screen when downsampling from any resolution above native. I've tried all combinations of the mouse compatibility options myself and no luck, and on both of the versions I own: Steam and GOG Developer's Cut.

Durante says Divinity 2 worked when he tried it. Was this using an older version of GeDoSaTo? I've been trying since January with no luck. I'd prefer playing the game with GeDoSaTo rather than DSR...

Could someone who currently has Divinity 2 installed give it a shot?


I know there's a plugin thingy for Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae, but is there something I need to do to get it to work? The game is on whitelist, but it crashes with GeDoSato on my end.


I'm trying to use this to simply force Pillars of Eternity to run in true fullscreen mode so my G-sync monitor actually does something. I managed that part just fine... is there any way to turn off the downsampling and AA completely?
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