Ask and you shall receive.where da pics at?
Packaging and contents; typical Figma protocol.

Figure and accessories

The sculpting, paint and decals are crisp and good. Link has just as good articulation as Samus. I have very few Figmas and I didn't like how the Persona 4 Figmas didn't have good torso articulation because they were covered in the rubber outfit. So they were really just able to move their legs a bit.

The shield's handles and straps comes off to change between going on the back and holding in hand.

There WERE promo pictures of Link holding the sword with one of the hands on the right of this pic but I found it rather difficult to fit the handle in. The left hand is easier and probably what's only allowed.
I do not understand how to put it in because the hand is very hard and I would not risk trying to fit into the right hand cuz I may get too aggressive by accident and snapping it. Be warned if you try to attempt this, gentlemen.

Awesome figure!