Just got the items I mentioned yesterday, one of them being one of the things I have wanted most. It wasn't something that is too expensive; apparently there was a reissue (? not sure what term like 'reprint' is used with figure models) this year that brought prices back down under $100, but I missed out since I had just gotten to Greenland and didn't have internet at that time.
Anyway, it is a Sengoku Basara Masamune Date Revoltech. The other item I grabbed is a Yukimura Sanada Revoltech. So now I own two Revoltechs, my first two, and they are the two that I think look the most absolute cool in their entire line. Looks like if the guy won't make an effort to combine shipping, then it will be $50 for each of them. I was actually looking at another Date that ends in 9 days that would have been $65 or so shipped, so I got him cheaper and a Yukimura to go with him.
I enjoyed what I have played of the Sengoku Basara series but I haven't played much of it or seen the anime. One of the reasons I wanted these is that it is as close as I will ever probably get to having awesome Musou figures. I don't know why Koei doesn't license out Dynasty and Samurai Warriors, but it seems like it would be a hit to me. Lots of RotTK and Sengoku Musou fans and they have a huge library of characters. Man...my kingdom for a sweet Hanzo, Honda, Lu Bu, and Diaochan figure.
And with my three purchases yesterday and these two today, I am done for a little while. At least until I go home to the states in February and get that Morrigan at that comic shop anyway. If anyone cares, I might take some pictures of all the stuff I have picked up since getting to Thule when these things arrive (who knows when that will be though. APO shipping around Xmas time? Ugh...).
EDIT: Just got an invoice and he combined shipping. A Date and Sanada for $70 shipped. I am ecstatic right now! I've been wanting them (mainly Date) since the first time I saw them and they were going for $90 each on eBay at the time. Then I start looking at them recently to discover that the price on Sanada went up and that Date got rereleased for like $35 and had sold out of all of the shops.
I just wish I had woken up in time to see what the same seller's Dante DMC Revoltech went for. I got off work this morning and accidentally fell asleep and woke up right before the auctions I bid on ended, but right after the Dante ended. People were actually going at it for that one though; some people really wanted him. There was also a Black Lagoon figure that looked cool, but it had ended too.