Dat mousepad.
It's quite comfy! Also, I like to think that it helps me stay productive at work.
Dat mousepad.
I used to buy a bunch of figures all the time, but I've slowed down a bit to the point where I only buy one or two every year. I currently don't have any updated images of my collection at home (since we recently remodeled so half my figures are in storage atm), so here's an image of my workstation.
multiple Kuronekos? Nice! I have two as well, but I want the one with the white dress that you have here.
Yah, I decided to make my workstation dedicated to Kuroneko for the lol factor. Well that, and she's awesome. I love the Kamineko figure though. It's awesome.
I've seen posters and artwork for that anime everywhere. Is it good?
I've seen posters and artwork for that anime everywhere. Is it good?
Also, I got a notification that Ultimate Madoka has shipped!
I've seen posters and artwork for that anime everywhere. Is it good?
Preordered Mai a while ago. :x
YEAH I should stop.
By the way, yes you added me on MFC. That is my account.
Thanks guys, I feel more confident getting pp now.
My mFC:
I meant the Oreimu show? or w/e?
I've seen SAO anime. It's pretty crappy IMO cuz the story goes like fifty different directions and it annoyed me. But supposedly I should just go read the manga instead. lol
My mFC:
I meant the Oreimu show? or w/e?
I've seen SAO anime. It's pretty crappy IMO cuz the story goes like fifty different directions and it annoyed me. But supposedly I should just go read the manga instead. lol
i have a ton of scantily clad figures in bins right now too. kinda not into them anymore and they're not that great to display with what i'm doing for my current displays. i think any sexy figure will be reserved for video game gals.
i'll probably round up a bunch i don't want and also do what kiryogi is doing. i doubt it's worth selling them on eBay loose anyway.
i have a ton of scantily clad figures in bins right now too. kinda not into them anymore and they're not that great to display with what i'm doing for my current displays. i think any sexy figure will be reserved for video game gals.
i'll probably round up a bunch i don't want and also do what kiryogi is doing. i doubt it's worth selling them on eBay loose anyway.
I feel you on that. I have tons of bikini clad anime girls in storage. I tried selling some on eBay before but didn't get any ROI since they were loose. I might just bring them to a swap meet at Fanime or something and try to unload them then...idk.
I pretty much collect characters in their original show outfits. More diversity that way and more interesting to look at. Of course I made an exception for Charlotte Dunois and got the bunnygirl version because its unbelievably cute. IMO if you have one bikini clad figurine you have them all. So plain.
I pretty much collect characters in their original show outfits. More diversity that way and more interesting to look at. Of course I made an exception for Charlotte Dunois and got the bunnygirl version because its unbelievably cute. IMO if you have one bikini clad figurine you have them all. So plain.
This is my MFC by the way.
looks like i have an account but i never used it, lol...add me if you want
You gonna add all your stuff to it?
i have a ton of scantily clad figures in bins right now too. kinda not into them anymore and they're not that great to display with what i'm doing for my current displays. i think any sexy figure will be reserved for video game gals.
holy shit, adding figures is easy. well, guess my collection will be available for all to see soon, lol
I'm just adding the ones that I can remember from the top of my head and are in my display case. I have tons that are in storage that I honestly don't know what to do with.....
holy shit, adding figures is easy. well, guess my collection will be available for all to see soon, lol
I just hate how small the window is to preorder anything, and how a lot of stuff goes under the radar. Then I find out about figurineS I absolutely have to have and theyve been sold out for years.
This was the case for the Saber Lily figure and I ended up spending $250 on Ebay for it. Yeah I know that was a huge risk but I got an authentic one so it worked out.
I've been okay with ebay, but I either do a LOT of investigation or just deal with people I already know. And speaking of that Saber Lily...I'd still love to get it, but it's a bit too rich for me. Nendos and figmas tend to eat up most of my figure "budget" (I use that term loosely).
Yeah I think Nendos are super cute, but I just dont want to own any of them.
I prefer normal scaled figures of characters. Also not fond of Figmas, but I have a small jointed Saber I picked up at a convention years ago (not a Figma brand) and Im buying my very first one when Kuroyukihime comes out. Although even that got delayed. they delayed the shit out of everything I ordered
But Ultimate Madoka just shipped so she should be here next week and I will indeed take pictures of that beauty.
I'll admit that one of the reasons I get a lot of figmas and nendos is because I'm cheap. Though there's a few I've spent upwards of $100 on, and that Miku 2.0 is going to cost me around $90 shipped. Might do more PVC's around con season or later in the year.
I'll have to live vicariously through your Ultimate Madoka purchase since I'd probably need a new addition on my house just to display it.
I'll admit that one of the reasons I get a lot of figmas and nendos is because I'm cheap. Though there's a few I've spent upwards of $100 on, and that Miku 2.0 is going to cost me around $90 shipped. Might do more PVC's around con season or later in the year.
I'll have to live vicariously through your Ultimate Madoka purchase since I'd probably need a new addition on my house just to display it.
My brother is pissed too.Even though it was announced at least a year after the 3A one it shipped before it '-_-
I still kind of want a Shinobu figure.
the one with the donuts.
Even though it was announced at least a year after the 3A one it shipped before it '-_-