Shin Kojima
Whoops! Thank you though.This is a funny post, because I just posted that I have the very same figure
I've seen it sell for about $1000.
Whoops! Thank you though.This is a funny post, because I just posted that I have the very same figure
I've seen it sell for about $1000.
As of this post for the entire set of Iron suits and hall displays...
Mark I 2.0 - $220 (limited retail)
Mark II 2.0/Unleashed - $180-220 (limited retail)
Mark III - $350+
Mark IV - $400+ for solo figure or $500+ for Gantry set (limited retail)
Mark V - $250-290
Mark VI - $400+
Mark VII - $250 (limited retail preorder)
I am almost certain they will charge $60-$80 per display diorama... Suppose you want seven of them for the whole set...$420-$560
You're looking at about $2,500 minimum.
Oh, if you want Iron Monger that's another $450-$500. Whiplash? Throwdown another $300. War Machine? Another $350. Tony Stark body and outfit, probably another $100 since some of the above set comes with his head as extras. There is a custom Pepper Potts made by Iminime, a small Korean figure company that looks pretty good. Their work is fantastic they have very small limited releases so getting one of those is another $300+
YEAH!..... you gotta have a lot of expendible capital to really complete an Iron Man set right now unless you got to purchase these things for $150 each when they first released about 4-6 years ago.
I'd love to make you a great deal on account of your awesome avatar but if I wasn't in dire need of money I wouldn't be selling it in the first placeI've only got the Varia one. Had no idea it sold for 600. Thought it was about half that, but I haven't checked in quite a while, so.
I'd love that Gravity Suit one, but I can't justify buying it off you while giving us both a fair price this soon after Christmas.
I jelly as fuck.
I'd love to make you a great deal on account of your awesome avatar but if I wasn't in dire need of money I wouldn't be selling it in the first place
However, I tend to be lazy with these kinds of things so if you suddenly feel like you can splurge again you could shoot me a PM to see if I still have it.
Looks weird... like Ryo's second cousin or something. Shame they couldn't just get the 3d source files to work from.Just saw on kotaku about First 4 Figures, they have a Shenmue teaser:
I'd love to make you a great deal on account of your awesome avatar but if I wasn't in dire need of money I wouldn't be selling it in the first place
However, I tend to be lazy with these kinds of things so if you suddenly feel like you can splurge again you could shoot me a PM to see if I still have it.
Debating whether to preorder Rise and Chie or wait for a massive price drop like all other High Priestess figures.
Have some free time at work, so I just finished setting up a Gaf club on MyFigureCollection:
I believe that I sent out invitations to anyone's that added me on MFC or recently posted a link to their MFC account. Sorry if I missed anyone, PM me on Gaf for an invite.
I see the invite but I don't see the accept button lol
Resent. Hopefully it works now -.-
it's not your fault. the system is dumb. i had to click on the club name and click Join Club. kinda weird it doesn't work the same way as a friend request.
Throw us an invite![]()
Alter only made Yukiko and swimsuit Rise. At the moment Megahouse's High Priestess Chie is the only upcoming full sized scaled figure of her. There's also a couple of prize figures, a smaller figuarts zero, some chibi trading figures, half aged figures, and the figma.Reposting this question for a new page.
Was there ever an ALTER Chie? Or are these High Priestess figs the best quality PVCs we can expect for her?
Alter only made Yukiko and swimsuit Rise. At the moment Megahouse's High Priestess Chie is the only upcoming full sized scaled figure of her. There's also a couple of prized figures, a smaller figuarts zero, some chibi trading figures, half aged figures, and the figma.
Not yet.Can't check while at work, does amiami have preorders up on the Megahouse one yet?
Thanks for this. I've seen the figuarts, and the chibi/other crap sort of didn't interest me. The figma was pretty good though.
Can't check while at work, does amiami have preorders up on the Megahouse one yet?
As far the whole Posed vs unposed thing.
I collect both, and I do love posable figs. I have Hot Toys and Medicom figures, as well as Figma and Revoltech figs.
It's a personal preference, but I tend to avoid posable figures, such as the Play arts stuff, mainly because I hate the exposed joints. I know a few of the MGS ones avoid this issue, in the same was Samus does with Figma.
I am however a huge fan of Hot Toys, due to how life like and high quality they are, although they have been getting more expensive lately, but thankfully, i believe that you see the increase in the quality as well.
I'll agree on the mechanical part. But in general mechanical, non organic type statues are generally the easiest to get right.
Yeah if you want to drop the money though. I think it's way over priced. For the price of seven cases proposed I'd rather dip into more 1/6 or some 1/4 stuff.Actually, i own all of them except for the Gantry, Whiplash and Iron Monger.So I could just get that display base and I'm set?
As far the whole Posed vs unposed thing.
I collect both, and I do love posable figs. I have Hot Toys and Medicom figures, as well as Figma and Revoltech figs.
Not yet.
Nope, just checked AmiAmi and I don't see it.
I prefer poseables and figmas particularly. Visible joints do suck and how obvious they are can be a deciding factor for me. That said, I'm nervous/afraid of statue figures. They often have more fragile pieces and I'd be uncomfortable dusting them off when needed. The poseables, and figmas especially, are more like toys. I don't mind roughing them up and wouldn't even care if they got scuffed or scratched. OK I would care, but not as much as I would a statue. Plus I like changing the poses, hands, accessories around every few months; it's like a whole new figure when you do.
Yeah if you want to drop the money though. I think it's way over priced. For the price of seven cases proposed I'd rather dip into more 1/6 or some 1/4 stuff.
I never realized until doing my list on MFC, I own way too many Chris Redfields.
I never realized until doing my list on MFC, I own way too many Chris Redfields.
qfsCleaned off my "collection" and decided to take some pics (albeit shitty Iphone pics but pic nonetheless).
First off is Play-Arts Cloud from Advent Children. It was the first figure I bought...looks cool but data sword is too heavy for him lol.
Figma Saber Alter. I had no clue who she was at the tie. Thought she looked cool. Sword is broken tho.
Overman King Gainer? Also though he looked cool plus he was cheap..still don't know where he's from.
Figma Ed Elric. I love FMA and he was on sale at the time. Not too fun to pose due to that coat.
No Clue. Thought she looked cool. Also a pain to pose due to the coat (so basically don't buy figmas/revoltechs with coats)
Noel Vermillion Nendo. I think I got it with a special edition of BlazBlue. I do know that they are crazy expensive tho.
Black Rock Shooter Strength. I saw the OVA (wtf even happened?) but this figure looked cool. Like Cloud's sword her hands to too heavy to hold up and the other stand stick for her other hand broke...soooooo.
Karen Argaragi(sp). Got this recently. Fun to pose and stuff. Some nice details here.
Aegis Chokogin. Awesome figure probably my favorite. Quality stuff. Too bad Chokogins stuff also come with a price tag that says "yeah we quality over here".
Figma Drossel. Just got it. Probably the best Figma I have. It doesn't feel like it would get lose joints, like some of my others (Strength mainly).
I've begun to run out of space but outside of Figma Labrys, I might be done for a while lol. ....maybe....ok...probably not.
Cleaned off my "collection" and decided to take some pics (albeit shitty Iphone pics but pic nonetheless).
First off is Play-Arts Cloud from Advent Children. It was the first figure I bought...looks cool but data sword is too heavy for him lol.
Figma Saber Alter. I had no clue who she was at the tie. Thought she looked cool. Sword is broken tho.
Overman King Gainer? Also though he looked cool plus he was cheap..still don't know where he's from.
Figma Ed Elric. I love FMA and he was on sale at the time. Not too fun to pose due to that coat.
No Clue. Thought she looked cool. Also a pain to pose due to the coat (so basically don't buy figmas/revoltechs with coats)
Noel Vermillion Nendo. I think I got it with a special edition of BlazBlue. I do know that they are crazy expensive tho.
Black Rock Shooter Strength. I saw the OVA (wtf even happened?) but this figure looked cool. Like Cloud's sword her hands to too heavy to hold up and the other stand stick for her other hand broke...soooooo.
Karen Argaragi(sp). Got this recently. Fun to pose and stuff. Some nice details here.
Aegis Chokogin. Awesome figure probably my favorite. Quality stuff. Too bad Chokogins stuff also come with a price tag that says "yeah we quality over here".
Figma Drossel. Just got it. Probably the best Figma I have. It doesn't feel like it would get lose joints, like some of my others (Strength mainly).
I've begun to run out of space but outside of Figma Labrys, I might be done for a while lol. ....maybe....ok...probably not.
variesDo any of them come packed with boulder smashing action?
and these shrimps on another
Toy Biz, still have mine as well.I think I have 1-2 myself, just the OG one from when RE2 came out (I'm forgetting the brand off the top of my head) and the NECA one from REMake.
But yah, I have a crapload of Roy Mustang figures myself.
Toy Biz, still have mine as well.
Does not compute.As far the whole Posed vs unposed thing.
I collect both, and I do love posable figs. I have Hot Toys and Medicom figures, as well as Figma and Revoltech figs.
It's a personal preference, but I tend to avoid posable figures, such as the Play arts stuff, mainly because I hate the exposed joints. I know a few of the MGS ones avoid this issue, in the same was Samus does with Figma.
Does not compute.
I avoid figmas and other poseables for that reason. Do not like the joint look. Even if it is well done. I make occasional exceptions, such as a small Saber figure I picked up years ago as well as a Kuroyukihime figma that is coming out next month. because, well, ITS REALLY CUTE.
Oh, and I joined the club Red_Taiyaki
And I've preordered the Naked Jehuty at amiami:
Oh and I was lucky as hell to find this new at Hong Kong for $290 HKD, around $38 USD; was so happy =D, I mean looking at eBay prices sheesh =/
Just pre-ordered GSC Tenshi.
I got the Blue Monster Hunter Revoltech, revoltech seems the better of posable figures, when I was at Hong Kong, early November =D, not my pic but you get the idea:
And I've preordered the Naked Jehuty at amiami:
Oh and I was lucky as hell to find this new at Hong Kong for $290 HKD, around $38 USD; was so happy =D, I mean looking at eBay prices sheesh =/
Question to those who also buy from eBay should I avoid buying figures from sellers located at China, i.e. had any bad experiences?
I'm hoping to complete my One Piece New World Figuarts Zero crew and untill I get a reply on whether their figures are in boxes from a Hong kong seller.
I'm bracing myself as a back up I wanna know if the sellers that write Chinese version should be avoided as it seems super fishy to me.
I'm strongly considering that one, because Kanade is so cute/pretty like that.
Yep! I love Kanade. Even though the animu was balls.
Word of advice. If its really cheap and from hong Kong or China, stay the hell away from it. On Ebay if its legit, you're probably not going to get a good deal. that's why I knew my Saber Lily was authentic right away. It was outrageously expensive. Even the Chinese knockoffs go for over a hundred so it bumped the real thing to over $250
I liked the show a bit.
Now the one in your avatar....
Not fond of her character at all either. would much rather see figures of Lisbeth and Silica. Maybe the imouto too.
Hmmm thank you, I expected so was hoping to not spend crazy money to get the other 7 I needed XD, damn my lack of luggage space when I was at Hong Kong lol.
I have ordered authentic stuff from Hong Kong sellers before, like a Millhiore F biscotti figure, but I try not to if I have other options.
Same, I've ordered from Hong Kong and Japanese sellers before, not China ones XD, but yeah the price seemed too cheap and the negative feedback calling some items as knockoffs/bootlegs just made me vary wary.
I think I'm gonna abandon the collection for now lol and stick with amiami preorders, lol I've preorder things yet to buy so no experience with them lol XD